

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-04-23 13:17 VZ, revision 67583

Set event object correctly for the generated wxSizeEvents. wxSizeEvent event object was not set correctly in at least a couple of places. Do set it now. Closes #13156.

2011-04-23 13:17 VZ, revision 67582

Remove duplicate negated option indicator in wxCmdLineParser help. The indicator of a negatable option (one with wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH_NEGATABLE flag) appeared twice in the usage message, don't add it the second time. Closes #13157.

2011-04-23 13:17 VZ, revision 67581

Fix file paths in wxFileSystemWatcherEvent under OS X. The separator between the watched directory and the name of the file in the generated event was missing, add it now. Closes #13161.

2011-04-23 12:49 VZ, revision 67580

Set page range in the print preview correctly. The valid pages range was set too early before, we need to postpone it until after the OnPreparePrinting() call of the user-defined wxPrintout object as only it can determine the number of pages (after running the pagination algorithm) in general. Set the pages range during the first call to RenderPageIntoDC() to fix this. Also add wxPrintPageMaxCtrl class for symmetry with the existing wxPrintPageTextCtrl and use a shared constant MAX_PAGE_NUMBER instead of hard coded 99999. Slightly improve the layout of wxPrintPageMaxCtrl too. Closes #12965.

2011-04-23 12:41 VZ, revision 67579

Make the source files non-executable again. Revert the (probably accidental) mode change of r67576.

2011-04-22 21:20 RD, revision 67578

Use a relative link for wx-config so it will also work even when not located at the install prefix. Ported from the wxPy- tag/branch.

2011-04-22 21:18 RD, revision 67577

Explicitly specify the Mac SDK for wxPython builds

2011-04-22 20:25 VS, revision 67576

Return wxWindow* from wxDataViewCustomRenderer::CreateEditorCtrl(). There's no reason to limit custom editor controls to wxControl, which would rule out e.g. composite controls or any custom widgets. Make appropriate changes to related functions and code too.

2011-04-22 17:48 SC, revision 67575

osx 64 bit multilib build needs an explicit export as in this architecture our visibility flags get respected for obj-c classes as well

2011-04-22 17:20 SC, revision 67574

implementation of HotKey, see #12354

2011-04-22 16:50 VS, revision 67573

Compilation fix for DEFINE_GUID uses. DEFINE_GUID doesn't define the value, only declares an external variable, unless initguid.h was included. This leads to linker errors.

2011-04-22 12:43 DS, revision 67572

Fixed wxUSE_STD_STRING==0 compilation. With at least MSVC9 numformatter.cpp wouldn't compile because of unknown identifiers related to locales. Include <locale.h> in case wxUSE_STD_STRING is set to 0.

2011-04-22 01:43 VZ, revision 67570

Define ACO_AUTOAPPEND for MinGW/Cygwin. Apparently this symbol is not defined in MinGW headers neither, so do it ourselves as well.

2011-04-22 01:43 VZ, revision 67569

Use "wx" prefix for the GUIDs we (re)define in wxMSW code. CLSID_AutoComplete became ambiguous with MinGW because it does define it in its shlguid.h header (although MSVC/Platform SDK does not define this one) so use a "wx" prefix for it to avoid ambiguity. Also use the same prefix for the IID_IAutoCompleteDropDown value we define for consistency.

2011-04-21 17:47 VZ, revision 67567

Redefine IAutoCompleteDropDown in our code as it's not always available. MinGW doesn't have shobjidl.h header file which is normally part of the Platform SDK and doesn't have IAutoCompleteDropDown interface definition in any of its headers at all, so define this interface and its IID ourselves to make the code compile with it. Notice that MinGW-64 does have the interface declaration but still doesn't define IID_IAutoCompleteDropDown. So to be on the safe side just always define everything ourselves, as long as we need to do it for one of the compilers, it's not more difficult to do it for all of them.

2011-04-21 14:44 JS, revision 67566

Added ForceDelayedLayout

2011-04-21 14:44 JS, revision 67565

Added ForceDelayedLayout

2011-04-20 16:54 DS, revision 67551

Make use of SetFilterIndex in wxOSX-Cocoa's file dialog. Previously the file type would solely be based on the extension of the passed filename. This is still done, but any valid filter index as set by the user will now take precedence. See also #12429.

2011-04-20 09:53 DS, revision 67550

Fixed saving dialog's filter index always being -1 with wxOSX-Cocoa. This problem was reproducable using the Save file dialog in the dialogs sample. The member m_filterIndex was only initialised to -1 and never set at another point. Set it to the filter's selection during ModalFinishedCallback. Closes #13158.

2011-04-19 07:17 PC, revision 67546

fix conversion of gdk_input_add() to g_io_add_watch() from r67326

2011-04-19 01:50 VZ, revision 67541

Do send wxEVT_UPDATE_UI events to hidden windows. Failing to send wxEVT_UPDATE_UI to hidden windows made it impossible to show them from their update UI handler which was totally unexpected as the documented wxUpdateUIEvent::Show() method could never be used. Do send these events to the hidden windows themselves but avoid sending the update UI events to the children of hidden windows as this is really useless because any change of their state wouldn't be seen by the user anyhow (even if the child is shown, it would still remain hidden until its parent is) and would just waste time processing a lot of needless events.

2011-04-19 01:36 VZ, revision 67540

Don't send wxWindowDestroyEvent if we hadn't sent wxWindowCreateEvent. Don't generate wxWindowDestroyEvent when destroying the windows that had been never created for symmetry with wxWindowCreateEvent which wasn't sent for this window neither.

2011-04-19 01:36 VZ, revision 67539

Don't assert when destroying a never created window in wxGTK. The other ports don't assert if a default-constructed wxWindow object for which Create() had never been called is Destroy()d and wxGTK shouldn't do this neither. The new behaviour is more logical but also fixes a problem with an assert in wxOwnerDrawnComboBox that can currently be seen in wxGTK unit tests.

2011-04-18 15:47 VZ, revision 67532

Correct a typo in DoAutoCompleteCustom() stub in wxMSW. Fix a compilation error introduced by r67518.

2011-04-18 12:06 JMS, revision 67531

Use Connect() to bind embedded wxTextCtrl events instead of event table. This seems to be more reliable approach here, and fixes a bug with wxPropertyGrid's wxEditEnumProperty.