

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-10-22 20:48 FM, revision 56491

fixed doxygen warnings; also restyled (partially) the interface headers to conform to wx doc style

2008-10-22 20:03 FM, revision 56490

interface revisions

2008-10-22 20:02 FM, revision 56489

add a new beginEventTable{2} overload for those classes which fires events using more than 1 event class; remove the <br> from beginEventTable{} macros to make the event blocks more compact

2008-10-22 17:01 RR, revision 56488

Ticket #10108 (bitmap from wxImage depth regression)

2008-10-22 16:58 RR, revision 56487

Ticket #10108 (bitmap from wxImage depth regression)

2008-10-22 15:23 JMS, revision 56486

Merged wxBaseEnumPropertyClass (intermediate property class with obsolete purpose) to wxEnumPropertyClass

2008-10-21 19:10 RR, revision 56482

Correct TAB handling for generic wxDataViewCtrl

2008-10-21 18:33 RR, revision 56481

Remove wxLog hack and put all controls in a panel to test TAB traversal

2008-10-21 15:17 JMS, revision 56480

Removed deprecated functions wxPGChoices::HasValue(), HasValues()

2008-10-21 14:35 JMS, revision 56479

Added workaround for wxGTK tab traversal problem

2008-10-20 17:01 JMS, revision 56475

User should no longer be able to modify disabled or read only child properties by editing their parent (wxPG sf bug #2181860)

2008-10-20 16:50 PC, revision 56474

fix for assert failure when first paint event occurs before first idle event, #10085

2008-10-20 14:12 JJ, revision 56473

gtk1.x has less native functions than gtk2.x

2008-10-20 12:04 RR, revision 56470

Better size for screenshot of wxListCtrl

2008-10-20 12:04 RR, revision 56469

Corrcted wxListCtrl image

2008-10-20 11:33 RR, revision 56468

Fix wxListCtrl::Insert() bug reported by Riccardo Cohen

2008-10-20 11:08 VZ, revision 56467

use wxRegKey::QueryDefaultValue() explicitly to fix DMC compilation

2008-10-20 10:52 VZ, revision 56466

a couple of more left over Borland unused variable/code warnings fixes

2008-10-20 10:43 VZ, revision 56465

slightly better error reporting (could still be improved)

2008-10-20 10:31 VZ, revision 56464

2006 version of Borland compiler still doesn't grok operator?: involving wxStrings

2008-10-20 10:30 VZ, revision 56463

fix more Borland release build warnings about unused variable/code without effect

2008-10-20 09:57 VZ, revision 56462

avoid an unnecessary and unused (resulting in release build warning) variable in GetMimeTypeFromExt()

2008-10-20 09:00 VZ, revision 56461

work around Borland compilation errors

2008-10-20 08:59 VZ, revision 56460

fix virtual function hiding warnings introduced to changing wxSockAddress argument of Connect() to be passed by const reference

2008-10-20 08:58 VZ, revision 56459

use renderer for drawing the item background on ports other than GTK2 and Mac too (why not?)

2008-10-20 08:51 VZ, revision 56458

remove unused abits variable from DoLoadDib()

2008-10-20 06:55 SN, revision 56457

Compilation fix for gcc-4 and newer.

2008-10-20 06:55 SN, revision 56456

Compilation fix for gcc-4 and newer.

2008-10-19 20:18 RR, revision 56449

Add more bakefile files to make dist

2008-10-19 19:23 RR, revision 56448

Added src/msw/version.rc to make win-dist

2008-10-19 16:07 FM, revision 56446

doxygen warnings and formatting fixes

2008-10-19 15:30 FM, revision 56445

fixed the anchor names for @section used in interface headers; documented the general rules used for its naming

2008-10-19 15:14 FM, revision 56444

interface revisions

2008-10-19 14:00 VZ, revision 56443

correct some wording of recent changes

2008-10-19 13:13 FM, revision 56442

mentioned the new doc format

2008-10-19 12:57 SN, revision 56441

Compilation fix for gcc-4 and newer.

2008-10-19 12:49 FM, revision 56440

interface revisions

2008-10-19 12:34 SN, revision 56439

Compilation fix for gcc-4 and newer.

2008-10-19 11:48 JMS, revision 56438

Changed argument of wxPropertyGrid::OnCustomEditorEvent() from wxCommandEvent to wxEvent

2008-10-19 11:29 JMS, revision 56437

In wxPropertyGridManager, alphabetic mode is now sorted even if wxPG_AUTO_SORT flag is absent (fixes wxPG sf bug #2162053)

2008-10-19 11:16 JMS, revision 56436

Fixed wxSystemColourProperty::ValueToString(). It now once again properly formats custom colour selection as (R, G, B) when displayed.

2008-10-19 10:42 SC, revision 56435

fixing link and installname

2008-10-19 10:16 VZ, revision 56434

remove extraneous returns

2008-10-18 20:43 SC, revision 56433

fixing typo

2008-10-18 18:06 KO, revision 56430

Another fix, run install_name_tool on the libraries to fix their location id.

2008-10-18 17:19 KO, revision 56429

Adding symlink to the wx library at the root.

2008-10-18 17:14 KO, revision 56428

Fixing symlinks and other minor issues.

2008-10-18 16:32 JMS, revision 56427

Connect wxEVT_KEY_DOWN for both editor controls

2008-10-18 16:09 JMS, revision 56426

Do not skip key events so eagerly

2008-10-18 16:09 SC, revision 56425

adapting to API change from GetContentAreaInset to GetContentArea, fixes #10071