

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-12-10 20:07 VZ, revision 57238

deprecate wxStringEq

2008-12-10 16:24 VZ, revision 57237

undo accidental change of r57233

2008-12-10 16:24 VZ, revision 57236

properly implement Do[GS]etColumnsOrder() in the generic wxHeaderCtrl

2008-12-10 16:20 FM, revision 57235

use wxAboutBox() to make it evident a wxGrid refreshing bug under wxMSW (probably correlated to the window disabler used by the generic about box)

2008-12-10 16:09 VZ, revision 57234

provide Do[GS]etColumnsOrder() stubs for the generic wxHeaderCtrl

2008-12-10 16:05 VZ, revision 57233

added EVT_HEADER_DRAGGING_CANCELLED event sent when either resizing or reordering operation is cancelled instead of having a special cancelled flag in normal END_RESIZE/REORDER events

2008-12-10 15:56 VZ, revision 57232

implement column reordering support in wxMSW wxHeaderCtrl; use it in wxDataViewCtrl (and make difference between column indices and positions more clear in it)

2008-12-09 23:31 VZ, revision 57223

make first column non-draggable to test support for this flag

2008-12-09 19:53 FM, revision 57221

if we keep autobrief comments = YES, let's repeat the brief comment in the detailed documentation block as to avoid lots of empty blocks

2008-12-09 18:35 VS, revision 57220

fix for r56618: toolbar event handlers can toggle or disable tools again (patch #10241)

2008-12-09 18:34 VS, revision 57219

fix for r56618: toolbar event handlers can toggle or disable tools again (patch #10241)

2008-12-09 14:45 VZ, revision 57218

define I_IMAGENONE now that we use it, at least VC6 doesn't have it (thanks buildbot)

2008-12-09 14:05 VZ, revision 57217

document UpdateColumn()

2008-12-09 13:36 VZ, revision 57216

use a slightly less ugly way to conditionally suppress unused parameter warnings

2008-12-09 13:35 VZ, revision 57215

call wxMDIClientWindow::CreateClient()

2008-12-09 11:42 VZ, revision 57214

recreate the column instead of trying to update it in place, it's much simpler like this

2008-12-09 09:15 FM, revision 57213

fix wxOS2 build where OpenGL headers are available but there's no wxGlCanvas implementation available

2008-12-09 00:14 VZ, revision 57212

recreate the column instead of trying to update it in place, it's much simpler like this

2008-12-08 23:22 FM, revision 57211

add an event table; even if wxMenuItem is not a widget, it emits events

2008-12-08 23:21 FM, revision 57210

formatting change; added @c in front of wxEVT_ constants

2008-12-08 23:19 FM, revision 57209

implement 'auto' mode for both wxMediaCtrl and OpenGL

2008-12-08 21:22 VZ, revision 57208

always update the column icon field when updating the item as it could be reset to nothing

2008-12-08 21:14 VZ, revision 57207

skip the header click event to allow sorting (done in the default handler) to take place

2008-12-08 21:13 VZ, revision 57206

restore sorting functionality of the generic wxDataViewCtrl but implement it on top of wxHeaderCtrl support for it now; don't have const and non-const overloads of GetSortingColumn() in wxDVC returning different things (could this have really been intentional?); added GetSortingColumnIndex()

2008-12-08 19:33 FM, revision 57205

don't give an error when OpenGL libraries aren't available; give a warning, put wxUSE_OPENGL=no and proceed

2008-12-08 19:25 FM, revision 57204

added a overview_string_binary section describing what is wxString support with regard to binary data; removed traces of UCS2 wording; it was not completely correct (see wx-dev thread 'string changes doubts and docs')

2008-12-08 19:07 FM, revision 57203

enable OpenGL and MediaCtrl components by default as discussed on wx-dev; remove some old checks against wxUSE_CONSTRAINTS - they're not needed anymore (part of r57199)

2008-12-08 17:36 VZ, revision 57202

don't allow resizing non-resizeable columns in wxHeaderCtrl itself, no need to do it in wxDataViewCtrl

2008-12-08 17:33 VZ, revision 57201

honour column min width when resizing in wxHeaderCtrl, no need to do it in wxDataViewCtrl

2008-12-08 17:20 JMS, revision 57200

Better EVT_MOTION handling in wxPGSpinButton

2008-12-08 16:51 FM, revision 57199

enable OpenGL and MediaCtrl components by default as discussed on wx-dev; remove some old checks against wxUSE_CONSTRAINTS - they're not needed anymore

2008-12-08 16:50 VZ, revision 57198

test non-resizeable and resizeable but with min size set columns

2008-12-08 16:38 VZ, revision 57197

rename wxHeaderCtrl DRAG events into RESIZE ones as we're also going to have column drag-reodering

2008-12-08 16:31 VZ, revision 57196

don't take EVT_HEADER_END_DRAG into account if it indicates the the drag was cancelled

2008-12-08 16:30 VZ, revision 57195

add the possibility to cancel drag-resizing by pressing Esc

2008-12-08 16:24 VZ, revision 57194

buildbot VC6 apparently can't compile variable declaration inside a switch statement even though my own VC6 SP5 can

2008-12-08 16:20 FM, revision 57193

add some missing semicolons

2008-12-08 15:20 VZ, revision 57192

forgot to capture mouse during drag-resizing

2008-12-08 15:11 VZ, revision 57191

fix another logical/physical coords confusion and update the comment to help with this in the future

2008-12-08 14:40 VZ, revision 57190

implement column resizing events in wxHeaderCtrl

2008-12-08 13:25 VZ, revision 57189

don't access inexistent column in wxDataViewTreeCtrl::OnSize() (this bug also probably explains why this code doesn't actually work: size event is generated before we have any columns)

2008-12-08 13:22 FM, revision 57188

enable wheel-scrolling under wxGTK by allowing GTK+ default processing to happen (see wx-dev thread 'possible fix for wxGrid mouse wheel handling'); closes #1847

2008-12-08 12:28 VZ, revision 57187

added wxHeaderCtrlSimple::GetBestFittingWidth() for even more automatic column resizing

2008-12-08 12:15 VZ, revision 57186

add wxEVT_COMMAND_HEADER_SEPARATOR_DCLICK and semi-automatic header resizing support

2008-12-08 11:37 VZ, revision 57185

account for scroll offset correctly in the mouse event handler

2008-12-08 11:26 VZ, revision 57184

update column highlight when mouse hovers over the control

2008-12-08 11:20 VZ, revision 57183

correct WXDLLIMPEXP symbols for the event constants

2008-12-08 10:36 RR, revision 57182

Ticket #10245, UTF-8 font face name of GTK 2 font dialog box

2008-12-08 08:58 PC, revision 57181

restore clearing of clipped mask, turns out it is needed

2008-12-08 08:39 VZ, revision 57180

correct the check added in r57175 to use dynamically computed numbers of rows/columns