

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2024-07-27 02:20:01

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for FileZilla 3 (8028 changes):

2004-03-20 00:14 botg, revision 28

limit port length in quickconnect bar to five chars.

2004-03-20 00:13 botg, revision 27

added some tooltips, adjusted size of port text ctrl and added wxBU_EXACTFIT style to the dropdown button (requires the following wxWidgets patch:

2004-03-17 21:32 botg, revision 26

remove unused message

2004-03-17 21:28 botg, revision 25

cygwin/mingw fixes

2004-03-17 17:16 botg, revision 24

check even more directories for the resources

2004-03-17 16:56 botg, revision 23

include wx/image.h

2004-03-17 16:38 botg, revision 22

Check for expat lib and link with it. Essential if building under MinGW/CygWin

2004-03-16 13:45 botg, revision 21

check more paths for the data files

2004-03-16 00:14 botg, revision 20

*** empty log message ***

2004-03-16 00:02 botg, revision 19

Resources now get installed, FileZilla warns if it can't locate them

2004-03-15 01:10 botg, revision 18

rename wxWindows into wxWidgets, require at least version 2.5.1

2004-03-15 00:47 botg, revision 17

Fixed all compiler warnings

2004-03-14 23:19 botg, revision 16

fixed compilation error under linux

2004-03-14 23:04 botg, revision 15

required files

2004-03-14 23:02 botg, revision 14

*** empty log message ***

2004-03-14 18:13 botg, revision 13

added build scripts, fixed linux compatibility

2004-03-14 18:07 botg, revision 12

fixed typo, updated translation

2004-03-14 13:38 botg, revision 11

change filename to lowercase

2004-03-14 13:38 botg, revision 10
  • D /FileZilla3/trunk/src/include/FileZilla.h

change filename to lowercase

2004-03-13 19:40 botg, revision 9

translated new strings

2004-03-13 18:16 botg, revision 8

added messagetype strings

2004-03-13 17:55 botg, revision 7

added quickconnect bar

2004-03-12 19:57 botg, revision 6

added language file support

2004-03-12 15:12 botg, revision 5

loads menu from ressource file, can already quit using menu

2004-03-11 16:35 botg, revision 4

*** empty log message ***