

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-07-04 23:13 VZ, revision 68159

Remove the note about wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS. We finally didn't switch to using the standard containers by default so don't leave misleading information in the change log (this should have been part of r67735).

2011-07-04 23:10 VZ, revision 68158

Create tag WX_2_9_2

2011-07-04 23:09 VZ, revision 68157

Fix crash when getting or setting wxComboBox value in wxUniv. Forward DoGetValue() and SetValue() to the associated wxTextCtrl. Closes #13298.

2011-07-04 20:46 SJL, revision 68156

Factor logic that returns an IHTMLDocument2 into a separate function to reduce repetition.

2011-07-04 20:27 SJL, revision 68155

Filter out subframes from the ie backend history and the sample. Also document that many wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_LOADED events may be sent, one for each frame.

2011-07-04 19:22 VZ, revision 68154

Fix event types in wxMouseEvent::Aux1DClick() and Aux1DClick(). wxEVT_AUX[12]_UP were wrongly used instead of the correct wxEVT_AUX[12]_DCLICK. Closes #13308.

2011-07-04 18:43 VZ, revision 68153

Fix warnings about implicit double to int conversions in propgrid. Use wxRound() instead of implicit casts to convert double to int. This not only avoids warnings (e.g. when using g++ with -Wconversion) but also should be (marginally) more precise.

2011-07-04 18:43 VZ, revision 68152

Fix harmless warning about double to long long conversion. Work around g++ -Wconversion warning by writing out the casts explicitly. A better solution would be to have wxLongLong::FromDouble() static function but it would have to be done after 2.9.2.

2011-07-04 17:04 LV, revision 68151

wxMoWebCtrl (wxWebKitCtrl iPhone) implementation

2011-07-04 17:04 LV, revision 68150

Minimal wxMoListBox (wxListBox iPhone) implementation

2011-07-04 17:04 LV, revision 68149

Minimal wxMoSegmentedCtrl implementation

2011-07-04 16:05 VZ, revision 68148

Suppress some harmless warnings about unused parameters in wxOSX.

2011-07-04 16:05 VZ, revision 68147

Also accept VT_R4 (float) VARIANTs in wxMSW OLE code. We don't support creating VT_R4 VARIANTs as wxVariant can only contain double, not float, but we can still at least accept them on input.

2011-07-04 13:34 SJL, revision 68146

Add a note to the documentation about the emulation modes of the ie backend.

2011-07-04 11:03 VZ, revision 68145

Fix crash in wxDataViewProgressRenderer in non-Unicode build. We can't use the column pointer in wxDataViewProgressRenderer ctor as it's not set yet, so postpone setting the renderer label until later in non-Unicode build which needs the font used by this column to do the conversion to UTF-8.

2011-07-04 11:02 VZ, revision 68144

Add wxUSE_UNICODE guard around wxDF_UNICODETEXT in the sample. Unicode text is not supported in non-Unicode builds.

2011-07-03 21:20 LV, revision 68143

Absolute control positioning in demoframe as a temp. solution

2011-07-02 22:44 LV, revision 68142

Minimal wxMoPageCtrl implementation

2011-07-02 22:44 LV, revision 68141

Fixed view positioning

2011-07-02 22:44 LV, revision 68140

Use out-of-the-box UIView hierarchy printing method

2011-07-02 19:11 SJL, revision 68138

Add web documentation category.

2011-07-02 18:41 SJL, revision 68137

Get the page title from the IHtmlDocument rather than the bowser as it actually returns the title rather than the url.

2011-07-02 18:24 SJL, revision 68136

Overhaul the wxWebView documentation. Split the documentation into sections and add documentation for clipboard and history functions. Add documentation for wxWebHistoryItem. Fix many spelling mistakes. Alphabetise the function names. Add missing svn properties.

2011-07-02 17:07 SJL, revision 68135

Implement undo and redo for the ie and gtk webkit backends. Extend the sample to show their use.

2011-07-02 16:33 LV, revision 68134

wxMoTableCtrl OnSelectRow event implementation