

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-05-05 19:37 VZ, revision 39053

mention that timestamp is in ms

2006-05-05 19:09 RD, revision 39052

fix a typo causing the wrong method to be called.

2006-05-05 17:38 ABX, revision 39051

CSS colour compatibility after #1473731.

2006-05-05 17:28 ABX, revision 39050

Helper for clipping to range.

2006-05-05 17:24 ABX, revision 39049

[ 1482626 ] Fix widgets sample build on unicode

2006-05-05 17:04 PC, revision 39048

correct access for virtuals

2006-05-05 12:23 ABX, revision 39047

Tinderbox build fix for wxUnivGTK build.

2006-05-05 09:42 ABX, revision 39046

!wxUSE_TOOLTIPS build fix.

2006-05-05 08:10 ABX, revision 39045

Include wx/frame.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-05 07:10 ABX, revision 39044

Misplaced #ifdef ... #endif fix.

2006-05-04 23:50 RD, revision 39043

Acquire the GIL in __EnumerationHelper

2006-05-04 23:40 VZ, revision 39042

implemented SetItemToolTip()

2006-05-04 23:34 VZ, revision 39041

added static Apply(GtkWidget, tip) method

2006-05-04 23:31 VZ, revision 39040

mention that SetItemToolTip() is for wxMSW and wxGTK2 only

2006-05-04 23:05 VZ, revision 39039

renamed ss_tooltips to gs_tooltips to follow the standard naming convention (and it could have been a typo in the first place)

2006-05-04 23:00 VZ, revision 39038

renamed m_boxes to m_buttons because, well, it contains the radio buttons and not boxes

2006-05-04 22:55 VZ, revision 39037

renamed local variable named m_radio as the m_ prefix was very confusing

2006-05-04 22:54 VZ, revision 39036

added support for radiobox items tooltips in XRC

2006-05-04 19:42 RD, revision 39035

Added Get/SetItemToolTip

2006-05-04 18:10 ABX, revision 39034

Include wx/panel.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-04 16:19 VZ, revision 39033

made GetRowCount() return size_t to avoid signed/unsigned warnings

2006-05-04 16:17 VZ, revision 39032

added brief wxRadioBox description

2006-05-04 16:12 VZ, revision 39031

only take into account visible children in DoLayout()

2006-05-04 16:08 VZ, revision 39030

added Get/SetItemToolTip() (and implemented them for MSW) to allow setting tooltips for the individual radiobox items

2006-05-04 16:07 VZ, revision 39029

relay mouse move events to the tooltips even when the window itself doesn't have a tooltip -- but its subwindow does

2006-05-04 15:58 VZ, revision 39028

made RelayEvent() static

2006-05-04 15:51 VZ, revision 39027

added Remove(HWND); removed unused wParam parameter from SendTooltipMessage

2006-05-04 15:50 VZ, revision 39026

allow entering multiline tooltips directly; allow removing tooltip by entering empty string

2006-05-04 15:01 VZ, revision 39025

implemented declared but never defined resize() method

2006-05-04 12:12 VZ, revision 39024

fixed python-related files names after they had been apparently renamed in the cvs 4 months ago; fixed broken sed command syntax

2006-05-04 12:02 JJ, revision 39023

Committing in . improvement of the previous commit fixes OpenVMS support for wxGTK1 Modified Files: wxWidgets/include/wx/dirdlg.h wxWidgets/src/gtk1/descrip.mms Removed Files: wxWidgets/src/gtk1/dirdlg.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2006-05-04 09:20 JJ, revision 39022

Committing in . Update of OpenVMS compile support. -I had to add dirdlg.cpp to src/gtk1 to get the dialog sample linking Note that it is just a copy of the verion in the src/gtk directory. Modified Files: wxWidgets/src/common/descrip.mms wxWidgets/src/gtk1/descrip.mms Added Files: wxWidgets/src/gtk1/dirdlg.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2006-05-04 07:57 ABX, revision 39021

Include wx/window.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-04 04:47 KO, revision 39020

docopydocs is not needed for this script.

2006-05-04 02:18 RD, revision 39019

Ensure the button still exists after the Notify before doing anything with it.

2006-05-04 02:16 RD, revision 39018

Handle object ownership of wxTreeListColumnInfo and wxPyTreeItemData properly

2006-05-04 02:15 RD, revision 39017

wx.ProgressDialog.Update now returns two values.

2006-05-04 02:09 RD, revision 39016

Font size adjustment

2006-05-04 02:08 RD, revision 39015

Use SetBackgroundStyle for wxGTK

2006-05-04 02:08 RD, revision 39014

Add test for a stock button

2006-05-04 02:07 RD, revision 39013

Add GetAsString

2006-05-04 02:07 RD, revision 39012

Amazingly GetInt returns an integer

2006-05-04 02:06 RD, revision 39011


2006-05-04 02:05 RD, revision 39010

Expose UpdateScrollbar and RemoveScrollbar

2006-05-04 02:04 RD, revision 39009

Docstring updates

2006-05-04 02:03 RD, revision 39008

Redo (again) how the stock objects are initialized in wxPython. Factor out the wxPyTwoIntItem_helper template function so it can be used in other extension modules.

2006-05-04 02:02 RD, revision 39007

Ignore Destroy calls on wx.BusyInfo

2006-05-04 02:01 RD, revision 39006

3 parameter wx.ImageList.Replace is now available everywhere

2006-05-04 02:00 RD, revision 39005

Main now takes a list of args

2006-05-04 02:00 RD, revision 39004

DrawCheckButton -- > DrawCheckBox

2006-05-03 22:22 VZ, revision 39003

moved wx/msw/helpbest.h to HTML_HDR from MSW_DESKTOP_HDR

2006-05-03 22:19 VZ, revision 39002

compilation fix when not using PCH

2006-05-03 21:50 ABX, revision 39001

Include wx/stream.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-03 17:10 VZ, revision 39000

remove non existing AM_OPTIONS_WXRC: it results in an error with aclocal 1.4, even though it's inside a comment

2006-05-03 16:18 VZ, revision 38999

fixed printf format warning on 64 bit platforms

2006-05-03 13:12 VZ, revision 38998

documented GetPathWithSep()

2006-05-03 13:11 VZ, revision 38997

include volume in path returned by GetPathWithSep()

2006-05-03 04:36 KO, revision 38996

Initial implementation of wxWidgets build scripts for Mac and Unix. To run tests, just run dobuilds in mac and unix dirs.

2006-05-03 04:30 KO, revision 38995

Include and use the shared docopydocs function.

2006-05-03 04:28 KO, revision 38994

Make sure to include the current values for INCLUDE, LIB, PATH.

2006-05-03 04:25 KO, revision 38993

Move the copying of docs that are included in several tarballs into its own function.

2006-05-03 04:12 PC, revision 38992

wxASSERT(false) --> wxFAIL

2006-05-03 03:20 RD, revision 38991

CHANGES updates

2006-05-03 03:19 RD, revision 38990

Ignore Destroy calls on wx.BusyInfo

2006-05-03 03:19 RD, revision 38989

Docstring fix

2006-05-03 03:18 RD, revision 38988

Fix bug that prevents the generation of an XRS file. Workaround for core dump when multiple resources are loaded into the memory FS.

2006-05-03 03:17 RD, revision 38987

Count children correctly, avoiding an exception for non-window children

2006-05-03 03:15 RD, revision 38986

Apparent typo fix

2006-05-03 03:15 RD, revision 38985

Ensure the button still exists after the Notify before doing anything with it.

2006-05-03 02:44 vell, revision 38984

minor cleanup - reformatting

2006-05-03 02:29 RD, revision 38983

Bump subrelease number

2006-05-03 01:47 RD, revision 38982

Patch from Eli Golovinsky. Adds generation of _() code for gettext and other tweaks.

2006-05-03 00:43 VZ, revision 38981

update the sizes of all pages when the control size changes

2006-05-03 00:42 VZ, revision 38980

don't invalidate the tree size when pages are added/removed, we don't want the tree size to jump on its own ad the programmer should call FitTree() explicitely if this is desired

2006-05-03 00:36 VZ, revision 38979

fixed setting selection when there are NULL pages in the tree

2006-05-03 00:17 VZ, revision 38978

many fixes for wxLaunchDefaultBrowser() (backport of 1.147 and 1.155)

2006-05-02 23:55 VZ, revision 38977

moved WinStruct outside of #if wxUSE_GUI (backport of 1.148 from HEAD)

2006-05-02 23:43 VZ, revision 38976

mention that FindToolForPosition() is not implemented under wxGTK; general cleanup (\arg instead of \it, \NULL instead of NULL)

2006-05-02 17:23 PC, revision 38975

correct access specifier for virtuals

2006-05-02 17:21 PC, revision 38974

remove definitions which are already in wx/app.h

2006-05-02 16:28 ABX, revision 38973

DMC warning fix.

2006-05-02 10:39 ABX, revision 38972

Include wx/utils.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-01 17:39 PC, revision 38971

& operator should be && virtual OnDismiss() access should match base extraneous semicolon

2006-05-01 14:40 SC, revision 38970

use cleaner OSX version (10.3 upwards)

2006-04-30 23:54 ABX, revision 38969

Renamed DrawCheckButton due to conflict with existing and public api of wxUniversal port.

2006-04-30 21:20 ABX, revision 38968

eVC3 (older WinCE) build fix.

2006-04-30 21:16 ABX, revision 38967

Be nice to eVC++ build process and don't include not existing files.

2006-04-30 12:32 ABX, revision 38966

Warning fixes.

2006-04-30 11:58 RR, revision 38965

Applied patch to add n bitmaps at once to an image list of the bitmap is n times as wide as the image width of the image list. This was the case in the MSW image list before.

2006-04-30 11:44 RR, revision 38964

Patch 1476076 about negative wxImage size when copying (or something).

2006-04-30 11:40 RR, revision 38963

wxListBox default cstr doc patch.

2006-04-30 11:37 RR, revision 38962

Commit XML doc patch.

2006-04-30 10:38 RR, revision 38961

Blindly added wxImageList::replace( int, bitmap, mask )

2006-04-30 10:10 RR, revision 38960

Added gtk dirdlg

2006-04-30 09:59 RR, revision 38959

int -> unsigned int in wxListBox docs.

2006-04-30 09:52 RR, revision 38958

Committed bakefile correction.

2006-04-30 09:50 RR, revision 38957

Fix mem leak.

2006-04-30 09:44 RR, revision 38956

Trying to commit wxDirDialog patch.

2006-04-30 05:18 RD, revision 38955

some tweaks

2006-04-30 00:20 ABX, revision 38954

No more avoiding wxSizer::Fit in wxWinCE builds.