

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-05-20 23:39 ABX, revision 39253

Rebaked wxOS2 makefile.

2006-05-20 23:35 ABX, revision 39252

[ 1492040 ] Prevent wxComboCtrl::GetPopupControl from failing.

2006-05-20 23:27 ABX, revision 39251

[ 1492036 ] Fix incorrect wxComboCtrl minimum size.

2006-05-20 22:55 ABX, revision 39250

Rebaked wxMGL makefile.

2006-05-20 22:53 ABX, revision 39249

Non-PCH build fix.

2006-05-20 21:32 ABX, revision 39248

Workaround to broken WinCE directory scanning for all includes (#ifdefed for other ports).

2006-05-20 19:43 ABX, revision 39247

Include wx/palette.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-20 07:32 SC, revision 39246

hacking around a missed-scroll bug in multi-line text fields in Tiger, in case there is no CR in the text.

2006-05-20 06:47 PC, revision 39245

parenthesize macro replacement containing operator

2006-05-20 05:47 PC, revision 39244

remove unneeded includes from mac/carbon/private.h

2006-05-20 05:44 PC, revision 39243

correct wxString forward declaration

2006-05-20 05:43 PC, revision 39242

remove unneeded include of mac/private.h

2006-05-20 05:41 PC, revision 39241

non-pch build fix

2006-05-20 02:41 PC, revision 39240

remove unneeded declarations missed in previous commit

2006-05-20 02:39 PC, revision 39239

avoid float to double conversion

2006-05-20 00:05 MR, revision 39238

[GTK2] Support underlined fonts in wxTextCtrl. Backport of patch #1448089 (rev 1.228 in HEAD) from Ryan Norton.

2006-05-20 00:02 MR, revision 39237

Create 2.6.4 changes title. Move change documentation done after the WX_2_6_3 tag under 2.6.4

2006-05-19 22:58 RD, revision 39236

Demo the page setup dialog instead of the print setup dialog

2006-05-19 19:47 ABX, revision 39235

Include wx/brush.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-19 18:44 ABX, revision 39234

wxUniv setup up to date (sync. before joining family of setups updated by script).

2006-05-19 16:57 PC, revision 39233

gtk slider code simplification and better event determination

2006-05-19 16:57 PC, revision 39232

using defined in a macro has undefined behavior

2006-05-19 15:12 PC, revision 39231

build fix

2006-05-19 10:17 ABX, revision 39230

Tinderbox build fix: preprocessing directive not recognized within macro arg.

2006-05-19 10:13 ABX, revision 39229

Build fix for link error in new combo code.

2006-05-19 09:37 ABX, revision 39228

Include wx/pen.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-19 06:57 SC, revision 39227

fixing style and underline information transfer back

2006-05-19 05:21 PC, revision 39226

non-pch universal build fix: combo.h should not include combobox.h

2006-05-19 05:17 PC, revision 39225

universal build fix

2006-05-19 02:39 MR, revision 39224

Backport r1.74 - Fix for bug 1484020 - wxFileDialog does not handle wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT correctly

2006-05-19 02:38 MR, revision 39223

Check if wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT style flag exists in the gtk2.8 native overwrite prompt case as well. Fixes the case where with 2.8+ compile and runtime version of gtk overwrite prompt always happens if the file already exists - even if the style flag is not present. Fixes my introduced oversight and bug #1484020.

2006-05-19 02:02 RD, revision 39222


2006-05-19 01:57 RD, revision 39221

memory dc must have bitmap selected into it before it can be used for measuring

2006-05-19 01:25 RD, revision 39220

DeprecationWarning for the old wxPython package.

2006-05-19 01:10 RD, revision 39219

generated rename directives are no longer needed

2006-05-18 23:14 RD, revision 39218

wxMessageBox --> wx.MessageBox

2006-05-18 17:04 PC, revision 39217

gtk spinctrl code simplification

2006-05-18 16:15 RD, revision 39216

Don't set a module attribute for the *_swigregister functions, just call the one in the extension module directly.

2006-05-18 15:57 RD, revision 39215

Added SetQuickBestSize and GetQuickBestSize

2006-05-18 15:36 ABX, revision 39214

wxUniv port mentioned instead of native, wxButton ports listed, minor placement fixes.

2006-05-18 15:07 SC, revision 39213

switching to ATS font names instead of ATSUI ones (japanese font names had problems afterwards)

2006-05-18 14:45 RD, revision 39212

Undo part of lst change

2006-05-18 14:43 SC, revision 39211

adding an assert for invalid fonts

2006-05-18 09:53 JS, revision 39210

Selection should be set to -1 if all pages are deleted, or the next insertion will try to set the selection to 1. Fixed lack of initial controller resize when first page is added, though I think the listctrl should probably always have a decent initial height even when empty.

2006-05-18 09:38 JS, revision 39209

Don't use wxSIMPLE_BORDER on Windows since it gives a black border instead of blue on XP

2006-05-18 09:35 JS, revision 39208

Added Set/GetQuickBestSize

2006-05-18 09:33 JS, revision 39207

Fixed tree book controller sizing by invalidating size after first insertion, and also allowing full size calculation.

2006-05-18 08:06 SC, revision 39206

using ATSUI also in textctrl

2006-05-18 07:13 ABX, revision 39205

Include wx/menu.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-18 06:45 ABX, revision 39204

Missing #includes to allow wx/mac/carbon/tooltip.h be included first by user.

2006-05-18 03:27 PC, revision 39203

avoid wxColour::Set(long) confusion

2006-05-18 03:08 PC, revision 39202

spinbutton code simplification

2006-05-18 02:42 PC, revision 39201

allow size event for windows without scrollbars

2006-05-18 02:39 PC, revision 39200

avoid GTK "assertion `min < max' failed"

2006-05-18 01:52 RD, revision 39199

Reverted mistaken check-in

2006-05-18 01:22 RD, revision 39198

Use correct DLL import/export specifier for multi-lib builds

2006-05-18 01:05 VZ, revision 39197

buttonbar.cpp/.h must be in GUI_CMN_SRC/HDR as toolbkg.cpp which is in common depends on them under Mac

2006-05-18 00:52 VZ, revision 39196

added virtual dtor to wxMacListControl to silence gcc warnings

2006-05-18 00:51 VZ, revision 39195

fixed typo in last commit

2006-05-18 00:42 VZ, revision 39194

suppress gcc printf format warning

2006-05-18 00:40 VZ, revision 39193

added virtual dtor to wxMacListControl to silence gcc warnings

2006-05-17 23:37 RD, revision 39192

Forgot about dropping the 'wx' for some Python objects

2006-05-17 22:21 ABX, revision 39191

Opening first subpage initially.

2006-05-17 19:49 ABX, revision 39190

Rearranged widgets sample to show more and categorized widgets.

2006-05-17 16:32 JS, revision 39189

Documentation states scrollbars (plural) are switched off by wxHW_SCROLLBAR_NEVER, so make sure this is true, even if the layout erroneously wants to create a horizontal scrollbar.

2006-05-17 10:55 ABX, revision 39188

#include order with correct PCH support.

2006-05-17 10:42 JS, revision 39187

Fixes for compile breakage with no PCH

2006-05-17 09:13 VZ, revision 39186

reset fd after closing it

2006-05-17 09:07 ABX, revision 39185

Include wx/button.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-17 08:59 JS, revision 39184

Combobox may not be fully created at this point

2006-05-17 08:52 VS, revision 39183

commented OpenContainer usage

2006-05-17 08:48 ABX, revision 39182

Missing 'int' interface for wxPlatform.

2006-05-17 05:20 RD, revision 39181

I haven't taught SWIG about wxChar, so pretend it's a wxString

2006-05-17 05:15 RD, revision 39180

Clipboard events

2006-05-17 05:13 RD, revision 39179

Use Bind for OnCloseWindow

2006-05-17 04:54 PC, revision 39178

scrollbar handling simplification

2006-05-17 04:20 RD, revision 39177

Use %rename("%(wxpy)s")

2006-05-17 04:15 RD, revision 39176

Set BUILD_RENAMERS default to zero.

2006-05-17 04:14 RD, revision 39175

Added SWIG patch that enables the wx-dropping renames to be done internally instead of needing to be generated in a second pass after processing the XML output.

2006-05-17 03:57 RD, revision 39174

Ported XRCed to the wx namespace, and also enabled the selected, focus, and disabled bitmaps of wxBitmapButton to actually be treated like bitmaps.

2006-05-17 03:51 RD, revision 39173

Allow art provider IDs for the extra bitmaps in a wxBitmapButton. (The param value is empty in this case, but there is still a valid bimap node.)

2006-05-17 00:20 VZ, revision 39172

make sure that IsModified() returns false when it's called from EVT_TEXT handler invoked because of SetValue() call

2006-05-16 23:58 VZ, revision 39171

removed GTK-specific SetModified() as we already have a public MarkDirty() which does the same thing

2006-05-16 23:53 VZ, revision 39170

reset the dirty flag before generating the event from SetValue() in case the text didn't really change

2006-05-16 23:39 VZ, revision 39169

test IsModified() inside OnText()

2006-05-16 23:16 VZ, revision 39168

implemented clipboard events support for wxGTK

2006-05-16 22:57 VZ, revision 39167

renamed wxComboControl to wxComboCtrl and related wxUSE_XXX and configure switches for consistency with the other ones

2006-05-16 21:39 VZ, revision 39166

allow adjusting the combo button size (patch 1489452)

2006-05-16 17:19 SC, revision 39165

m_dialogStyle removed

2006-05-16 14:52 VZ, revision 39164

use wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER for the text control part

2006-05-16 13:05 VZ, revision 39163

added documentation of common attributes

2006-05-16 11:53 MR, revision 39162

Fix doc bug #1455621 - wxURI documentation has wrong include files

2006-05-16 06:54 JJ, revision 39161

Update OpenVMS build configuration

2006-05-15 16:00 MR, revision 39160

No cast necessary for g_object_set first arg (it takes a gpointer).

2006-05-15 15:32 RD, revision 39159

wxMSW doesn't have the default ctor or Create method for wxDirDialog yet.

2006-05-15 14:58 RD, revision 39158

Added SetSashPosition

2006-05-15 14:22 MR, revision 39157

Rename *_filedialog_* to *_dirdialog_* to ensure there is no clashing with filedlg.cpp implementation

2006-05-15 14:17 MR, revision 39156

Don't cast with G_OBJECT when passing a GObject to g_object_ref, g_object_unref and g_signal_connect. They take a gpointer, not GObject*, and unnecessary casting not all that speedy with GObject types.

2006-05-15 13:43 MR, revision 39155

Fix compilation

2006-05-14 22:29 ABX, revision 39154

wxTabCtrl off build fix.