

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-07-21 15:50 VZ, revision 68322

Send wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_COLUMN_SORTED for generic version too. Send this event when the column used for sorting changed in the generic implementation of wxDataViewCtrl too. Closes #13005.

2011-07-21 15:50 VZ, revision 68321

Fix drawing of expander columns not at 0 position in generic wxDVC. The drawing code in the generic version of wxDataViewCtrl incorrectly supposed that the expander column was always at position 0. This resulted in the expander column not being drawn at all if it was not really the first one. Fix the test to use wxDataViewCtrl::GetExpanderColumn() to correct this. Closes #12870.

2011-07-21 15:50 VZ, revision 68320

Correct test for maximal row index in generic wxDataViewCtrl. The comparison in EVT_CHAR handler was incorrect for an empty control without any rows as it subtracting 1 from 0 resulted in UINT_MAX and not -1 as all the values were unsigned. Fix this by checking that the new row is valid instead, this is correct for both signed and unsigned values. Closes #13356.

2011-07-21 15:50 VZ, revision 68319

Never restore focus to hidden child. Don't set focus to a hidden window in our focus management code, this never makes sense and results in apparent focus loss. It also fixes, as a side effect, a crash in wxGrid under wxMSW as the focus is not restored to the hidden grid editor any longer and so the code in its wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS handler that resulted in the crash is not executed any longer, see #13349.

2011-07-21 15:50 VZ, revision 68318

Allow marking wxTreeBook nodes to expand initially in XRC. Add new "expanded" attribute for XRC nodes of treebookpage class. Also update the sample and the XRC format documentation. Closes #13355.

2011-07-21 15:49 VZ, revision 68317

Make wxEnhMetaFileDC ctor from wxDC explicit. This avoids implicit conversion of any kind of wxDC to wxEnhMetaFileDC which is totally unexpected. See #13326.

2011-07-21 15:49 VZ, revision 68316

Fix parsing of negated long options in wxCmdLineParser. Negated long options were not recognized in wxCmdLineParser::Parse(), do check for them now. Also extend the unit test to check for negated options. Closes #13335.

2011-07-21 15:49 VZ, revision 68315

Reset negatable switches correctly in wxCmdLineParser::Reset(). The "negated" flag of wxCmdLineOption struct was not reset by Reset() so parsing a command line with a negatable option once influenced the result of parsing it the next time because the old value was kept. Do clear it now to allow calling Parse() several times without side effects.

2011-07-20 18:23 JS, revision 68314

No longer ignores first-line indent if no left indent specified

2011-07-20 18:23 JS, revision 68313

No longer ignores first-line indent if no left indent specified

2011-07-20 18:21 JS, revision 68312

Forgotten commit

2011-07-20 13:41 VZ, revision 68311

Don't use template member function in drawing sample to placate VC6. VC6 can't instantiate member template functions so get rid of it and use ugly dynamic casts in the non-template function to construct wxGCDC correctly. See #13327.

2011-07-20 08:36 SC, revision 68310

fixes redraw problems under OSX, see #13345

2011-07-20 00:36 VZ, revision 68309

Fix harmless gcc warning about uninitialized mask in PNG saving code. The mask was actually only used when it was initialized (or, conversely, the mask was always initialized when it was used) but gcc doesn't seem to notice this and still warns that mask components "may be used uninitialized in this function". Suppress the warnings by always initializing the mask, even if we don't use it. Closes #13333.

2011-07-20 00:35 VZ, revision 68308

Refresh the old current row when right clicking in wxDataViewCtrl. the generic implementation of wxDataViewCtrl left the old current still focused after selecting another row as current when it was right clicked. Fix this by refreshing the previously current row after unfocusing it. Closes #13330.

2011-07-20 00:35 VZ, revision 68307

Add wxDataViewEvent::IsEditCancelled() and support for vetoing edit events. Currently this is only implemented in the generic wxDataViewCtrl, the native GTK/OSX ports should be modified to support this later. Closes #13323.

2011-07-20 00:35 VZ, revision 68306

Fix deleting columns in wxGridStringTable with custom column labels. We erroneously removed too many elements from m_colLabels array (basically we always removed all the elements remaining after this column, irrespectively of the actual number of columns to delete), fix this by removing at most the specified number of columns -- or possibly less if the array isn't entirely filled. See #13329.

2011-07-20 00:35 VZ, revision 68305

Allow saving the drawing sample canvas to a file or clipboard. This allows to test wxMemoryDC and, under MSW, wxMetafileDC and also can be used to compare the output of different versions of the sample (possibly from different ports, too). Closes #13327.

2011-07-20 00:35 VZ, revision 68304

Added wxGCDC(wxEnhMetaFileDC) ctor too. Make it possible to create wxGCDC associated with a metafile DC in wxMSW too. Closes #13326.

2011-07-20 00:35 VZ, revision 68303

Fix keyboard navigation in wxGrid with hidden columns. The hidden columns (i.e. those whose size was set to 0) should be skipped when find the previous/next column to select when the user presses Left/Right cursor arrow keys in wxGrid, otherwise the focus could completely disappear as it was invisible when it was set to a hidden column. Closes #13281.

2011-07-19 19:56 SC, revision 68302

doing WakeUp in osx_carbon differently for the main event as well

2011-07-19 18:17 SC, revision 68301

make sure we can issue a WakeUp call that really triggers at the NSRunLoop level not only only CFRunLoop

2011-07-19 12:56 SC, revision 68300

fixing width/height (were negative) thanks to Werner Smekal

2011-07-18 21:36 VZ, revision 68299

Fix memory leak in wxPanel::SetBackgroundBirmap() in wxMSW. The brush allocated for the bitmap was never freed, do free it in dtor.

2011-07-18 11:46 SJL, revision 68298

Make callback names consistent