

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-07-25 08:13 JC, revision 68388
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/bdiag.xbm
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/cdiag.xbm
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/cross.xbm
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/fdiag.xbm
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/horiz.xbm
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/verti.xbm

Removed duplicated image files

2011-07-25 08:07 JC, revision 68387

Merged win_gtk.cpp from src/gtk3 to src/gtk

2011-07-25 08:06 JC, revision 68386
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/win_gtk.cpp.old

Merged win_gtk.cpp from src/gtk3 to src/gtk

2011-07-25 08:06 JC, revision 68385

Merged win_gtk.cpp from src/gtk3 to src/gtk

2011-07-25 07:59 JC, revision 68384
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/menu.cpp

menu.cpp has been merged to src/gtk

2011-07-25 07:49 JC, revision 68383
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/renderer.cpp.old

renderer.cpp is not needed in src/gtk3

2011-07-25 07:48 JC, revision 68382

renderer.cpp is not needed in src/gtk3

2011-07-25 07:00 JC, revision 68381
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/minifram.cpp.old

minifram.cpp is not needed in src/gtk3

2011-07-25 07:00 JC, revision 68380

minifram.cpp is not needed in src/gtk3

2011-07-25 06:26 JC, revision 68379
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/glcanvas.cpp

glcanvas.cpp is not needed in src/gtk3

2011-07-25 06:19 JC, revision 68378
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/private.cpp.old

Removed unnecessary src/gtk3/private.cpp

2011-07-25 06:18 JC, revision 68377

Merged src/gtk3/private.cpp to src/gtk/private.cpp

2011-07-25 05:51 JC, revision 68376
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/descrip.mms
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/eggtrayicon.c
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/eggtrayicon.h
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/taskbar.cpp

Removed unnecessary files in src/gtk3

2011-07-25 03:10 JC, revision 68375

Merged settings.cpp from src/gtk3 to src/gtk

2011-07-25 03:10 JC, revision 68374
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/settings.cpp.old

Removed unnecessary file settings.cpp.old

2011-07-25 03:09 JC, revision 68373

Merged settings.cpp from src/gtk3 to src/gtk

2011-07-25 02:56 JC, revision 68372
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/clipbrd.cpp.old

Removed unnecessary file clipbrd.cpp.old

2011-07-25 02:55 JC, revision 68371

Merged clipbrd.cpp from src/gtk3 to src/gtk

2011-07-25 02:40 JC, revision 68370
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/SOC2011_GTK3/src/gtk3/cursor.cpp.old

Removed unnecessary file cursor.cpp.old

2011-07-25 02:40 JC, revision 68369

Merged cursor.cpp from src/gtk3 to src/gtk

2011-07-25 00:19 VZ, revision 68368

No changes, just remove unnecessary wxPickerBase::OnSize(). This method did the same thing as the base wxWindow class event handler. Also remove wxPickerBase event table which became empty after removing this method.

2011-07-25 00:19 VZ, revision 68367

Exclude windows not accepting keyboard focus from GTK focus chain. For some reason the test for AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard() wasn't done in the correct place when constructing the GTK focus chain and even windows returning false from it were still added to it. Do not do this any more, this prevents the windows which are really not meant to be focusable from keyboard (such as the pseudo-buttons in the generic implementation of wxSearchCtrl) from gaining focus unexpectedly. See #12808.

2011-07-25 00:19 VZ, revision 68366

Replace wxControlContainer-related macros with wxNavigationEnabled<>. Simply inherit classes which need to provide TAB navigation among their children from wxNavigationEnabled<> and remove the now unnecessary WX_DECLARE_CONTROL_CONTAINER() macros. Also remove WX_INIT_CONTROL_CONTAINER(), WX_DELEGATE_TO_CONTROL_CONTAINER() and WX_EVENT_TABLE_CONTROL_CONTAINER() which are not needed neither any more. And remove the event tables which became empty after removing the last macro.

2011-07-25 00:19 VZ, revision 68365

Don't give focus to wxSearchButton when using keyboard navigation. The search control buttons don't show that they have focus and are not meant to have it anyhow as they are more control decorations than real buttons and their functionality can be activated by pressing "Enter" or "Escape" already from the keyboard. But giving it to them made TAB behave unexpectedly and wrongly when wxSearchCtrl had focus. Override AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard() to return false to correct this. See #12808.

2011-07-25 00:19 VZ, revision 68364

Use wxNavigationEnabled<> for keyboard navigation in generic wxSearchCtrl. Derive generic wxSearchCtrl implementation from wxNavigationEnabled<> to ensure that TAB navigation works correctly in it. While it did work before for search controls without wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER style (because this wasn't handled by this control itself at all in fact), it stopped working as soon as this style was used in wxMSW because then the navigation was implemented by manually calling wxWindow::Navigate() and this requires wxControlContainer support. Use wxNavigationEnabled<> to easily add it to wxSearchCtrl. See #12808.