

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1998-07-09 12:26 VZ, revision 211

wxWindow::FindFocus() doesn't exist in wxGTK - #ifdef'd out

1998-07-09 12:24 VZ, revision 210

added virtual bool wxWindow::AcceptsFocus()

1998-07-09 06:25 RR, revision 209

ThreadnoGui compiles now. A few more compilefixes.

1998-07-08 23:13 VZ, revision 208

wxCHECK/CHECK_RET adjustments

1998-07-08 22:44 VZ, revision 207

added virtual functions AcceptsFocus() and MSWGetDlgCode()

1998-07-08 22:41 VZ, revision 206

added Acceptsfocus() { return FALSE; }

1998-07-08 22:41 VZ, revision 205

added AcceptsFocus() { return FALSE; }

1998-07-08 22:39 VZ, revision 204

improved keyboard handling, bug fixes

1998-07-08 22:37 VZ, revision 203

Last() function added (the same as Item(Count() - 1))

1998-07-08 22:33 VZ, revision 202

1) keyboard handling: now generates NavigationKey events instead of using IsDialogMessage (which is still called if the event is not processed) which gets very confused in complex dialogs 2) added tracing of Windows messages

1998-07-08 22:29 VZ, revision 201

bug with multi-part status bars with default widths corrected

1998-07-08 22:27 VZ, revision 200

wxDC::GetTextExtent() checks that passed in x and y pointers are !NULL

1998-07-08 22:21 VZ, revision 199

Matches() and UngetWriteBuf() added, several asserts added

1998-07-08 22:21 VZ, revision 198

1) some size_t replaced with uint - does it now compile under Alpha?? 2) added Matches(const char *mask) function which checks if the string matches the mask possibly containing '?' and '*' wildchars 3) GetWriteBuf complemented with UngetWriteBuf

1998-07-08 22:17 VZ, revision 197

trace messages are now turned off by default

1998-07-08 22:16 VZ, revision 196

wxNavigationKeyEvent class and corresponding macro added

1998-07-08 22:15 VZ, revision 195

IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxNavigationKeyEvent, wxCommandEvent) added

1998-07-08 22:12 VZ, revision 194

1) keyboard handling added (OnNavigationKey) 2) removed default values from the old-style ctor to make it possible to use the new one with default args

1998-07-08 22:12 VZ, revision 193

keyboard handling added (OnNavigationKey)

1998-07-08 22:09 VZ, revision 192

a couple of "const" mistakenly removed restored

1998-07-08 19:06 GL, revision 191

Small updates in the documentation about threads. Documentation about wxDataStream added.

1998-07-08 17:56 VZ, revision 190

HasGroup/Entry added

1998-07-08 15:52 JS, revision 189

Removed redundant auto-setting code in wxDC; corrected utilscmn.cpp pragma; added inlines using wxPoint/wxSize/wxRect in dc.h.

1998-07-08 13:21 JS, revision 188

Cured a bad assert in wxStatusBar; #ifdefed oleutils.cpp for VC++ 5.

1998-07-08 10:40 KB, revision 187

Corrected convert path to /usr/X11/bin, the default installation path.