

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1998-07-23 16:05 VZ, revision 336

GetLabel() added

1998-07-23 16:03 VZ, revision 335

common functions moved into ../common/framecmn.cpp

1998-07-23 16:02 VZ, revision 334

made the code more wxMSW compatible

1998-07-23 16:02 VZ, revision 333

made the constraintsin notebook pages work (once again)

1998-07-23 16:01 VZ, revision 332

added wxUpdateUI generation

1998-07-23 16:01 VZ, revision 331

common part of wxWindow class

1998-07-23 15:59 VZ, revision 330

removes "&" from wxControl's label (also for buttons and stattext)

1998-07-23 15:57 VZ, revision 329

choosing "Cancel" in the message box which appears when an wxASSERT fails also suppresses wxLogDebug() messages

1998-07-23 15:56 VZ, revision 328

common code of wxFrame class

1998-07-23 15:56 VZ, revision 327

a warning in the release build suppressed

1998-07-23 14:39 JS, revision 326

Created new, simplified toolbar sample; removed other toolbar samples.

1998-07-23 14:25 JS, revision 325

Moved Get/SetToolBar down into frame.h/cpp

1998-07-23 12:33 VZ, revision 324

added #define wxToolBar wxToolBarGTK for wxGTK

1998-07-22 22:13 RR, revision 323

mdi private menus Chris's check menu additions frame fixes

1998-07-22 13:54 JS, revision 322

Added wxString version of wxStripExtension; changed OnClose to return TRUE; fixed some bad casts in resource.cpp

1998-07-22 13:53 JS, revision 321

Added wxString version of wxStripExtension; changed OnClose to return TRUE

1998-07-22 11:33 VZ, revision 320

warning under gcc removed

1998-07-21 13:41 KB, revision 319

fixed duplicate definition

1998-07-20 22:26 VZ, revision 318

bug in wxFileConfig::DeleteEntry/Group corrected

1998-07-20 22:23 VZ, revision 317

corrected bug in wxArrayString::operator= and it's copy ctor

1998-07-20 18:05 RR, revision 316

many fixes to wxTextCrtl, wxTreeCrtl, wxListBox, wxDialog, wxFrame two more samples work now, docview and treectrl

1998-07-20 14:59 MO, revision 315

Added use of default file/dir and confirm on overwrite to file selection dialog

1998-07-20 12:20 KB, revision 314

fixed config incosistency

1998-07-20 11:25 KB, revision 313

added -O0 to debug flags to disable optimisation - might break things for non-gcc

1998-07-20 08:43 KB, revision 312

printing added