

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-10-21 20:34 RD, revision 69503

Add the getters

2011-10-21 20:33 RD, revision 69502

It's not an array of pointers to dashes, but rather an array of dash values

2011-10-21 18:51 VS, revision 69500

Document wxDataViewModelNotifier callbacks return values. It doesn't make sense to return anything other than true here, as failure from one of several notifiers cannot be handled sanely, so just document that.

2011-10-21 18:34 VS, revision 69499

Use the new wxDataViewRenderer activation API in wxTreeListCtrl.

2011-10-21 18:34 VS, revision 69498

Move wxDataViewCustomRendererBase::ActivateCell() to datavcmn.cpp. It triggered deprecation warnings in user code when it was inline.

2011-10-21 09:56 RD, revision 69491

Interface fixes for Phoenix

2011-10-20 18:45 VZ, revision 69489

Dirty hack to allow generic wxDatePickerCtrl to compile under MSW. Don't make wxDateTimePickerCtrl methods pure virtual in its MSW-specific version as the generic wx{Date,Time}PickerCtrl implementations not using these methods also inherit from it currently. This is wrong and would need to be fixed properly later but for now this hack at least allows the generic classes to compile and, apparently, work under MSW again. Remove the equally dirty hack used in the generic wxTimePickerCtrl to allow it to compile which is not needed any more because this one replaces it.

2011-10-20 18:20 VZ, revision 69488

Fix wxRichToolTip compilation under MSW without PCH and recent SDK headers. Include the headers normally included from wx/wxprec.h. Also define the stuff missing from the headers of some compilers (notably MinGW but probably also VC6) ourselves.

2011-10-20 18:10 VZ, revision 69487

Add "checked" property for toolbar tool elements in XRC. Allow toolbar tools to be created in checked (or toggled) state in XRC, just as the menu items can already be created checked.

2011-10-20 06:58 RD, revision 69486

The new wxImage related gaphics context code uses some new Cairo APIs, add the code needed when loading them dynamically.

2011-10-20 06:49 RD, revision 69485

Delegate wxGraphicsBitmap::ConvertToImage to the renderer so we do not end up with more than one definition of the method when building with both the GDI+ GC and the Cairo GC enabled at the same time.

2011-10-19 23:53 VZ, revision 69480

Fix PCH-less compilation of wx/richtooltip.h too. We need to include the full wxColour declaration instead of just forward declaring it as we use its ctor for a default value of a parameter. Also include wx/defs.h to ensure that wxUSE_RICHTOOLTIP is defined before testing it.

2011-10-19 18:20 VS, revision 69473

Cleanup of wxDataViewCtrl cell activation code. Fix confusion of what cell activation is and inconsistence with native handling in GTK+. Document the distinction between activating (~ editing) a cell and activating (double-clicking) the whole item. Deprecate wxDataViewCustomRenderer::LeftClick() and Activate() methods, replace them with single ActivateCell() that is called for both kinds of activation. Fix implementations so that ActivateCell() is not called on double-click, when it shouldn't, and vice versa: don't send wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_ACTIVATED for cell activation. Partially reverts r67099 -- restores old 2.9 signatures of compatibility LeftClick() and Activate() methods.

2011-10-19 18:20 VS, revision 69472

Move InitMouseEvent<T>() to wx/gtk/private/event.h. It is needed in wxDataViewCtrl now too, in addition to wxWindow.

2011-10-19 18:20 VS, revision 69471

Use wxDatePickerCtrl in wxDataViewDateRenderer. Inline editor is more in line with the behavior of other editors, requiring double click to edit values was unexpected. Also merge the two almost-but-not-quite identical implementations in generic and GTK+ versions.

2011-10-19 18:20 VS, revision 69470

Allow using wxCompositeWindow<T> as wxDataViewCtrl inline editor. wxDVC inline editing code attaches some event handlers to the editor control; most importantly, it watches for Enter key and for focus changes. If the editor control is a composite window, these events occur in a sub control and never reach wxDVC code. Fix this by forwarding events to the main window of the composite control. Only events required by wxDVC are implemented for now.

2011-10-19 18:19 VS, revision 69469

Fix NULL window argument to wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS when creating a TLW. wxTopLevelWindowMSW::CreateDialog first moved and resized the newly created window and only then called SubclassWin(). Because native focus change occurred when moving the window, HWND->wxWindow association wasn't yet filled in and wxFindWinFromHandle() would return NULL.

2011-10-19 18:19 VS, revision 69468

Send wxEVT_CREATE and do other post-realization initialization even if the widget was realized early.

2011-10-19 18:19 VS, revision 69467

Set wxFocusEvent's window value for wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS in wxGTK. Note that it is still not set for wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, because it's not immediately obvious how to obtain the previously focused window from there. It's still better than always having the window NULL.

2011-10-19 12:58 VZ, revision 69466

More fixes for PCH-less compilation. Include declarations for or forward declare more classes.

2011-10-19 00:59 VZ, revision 69465

Fix for PCH-less compilation after wxNonOwnedWindow changes. Need to include declarations of wx{Memory,Paint}DC classes.

2011-10-19 00:32 JC, revision 69464

Merge to the trunk head

2011-10-18 23:57 VZ, revision 69463

Added wxRichToolTip class. It can be used to show more customizable tooltips than the native wxToolTip but at the price of using generic implementation in some cases (actually almost always now, with the exceptions of text control tooltips under MSW). Extra features include: - The balloon-like tooltip form. - Possibility to show an icon. - Title display in a different form. More customization could be added later. It should be also possible to fully implement this class natively under MSW. Update the dialogs sample to show the rich tooltips in action.

2011-10-18 23:56 VZ, revision 69462

Added wxNonOwnedWindow::SetShape(wxGraphicsPath). TODO: Document.

2011-10-18 23:56 VZ, revision 69461

Document and test behaviour of wxRegion methods when it is invalid. Document which wxRegion methods can and can't be used when the region itself is invalid. Apply the minor changes to wxGTK (Xor() didn't do the right thing, Offset() didn't assert) and wxOSX (Offset() crashed) to make their behaviour consistent with wxMSW. Add a (trivial, so far, but to be extended later) wxRegion unit test checking that the methods do indeed behave as documented.