

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-09-23 19:40 VZ, revision 77791

if call SetSelection by wxNOT_FOUND in listbox of wxUniv, just deselect all

2014-09-23 19:40 VZ, revision 77790

When call EnsureVisible in wxUniv, make sure reset visible lines range correctly.

2014-09-23 19:40 VZ, revision 77789

Adjust code, to consistent with the coding style

2014-09-23 19:40 VZ, revision 77788

wxCheckListBox must clear the object that created in parent class

2014-09-23 19:40 VZ, revision 77787

Add GetBitmap support to wxButton in wxUniv

2014-09-23 19:40 VZ, revision 77786

If string are empty, DoGetTextExtent should not return descent by a random value

2014-09-23 19:40 VZ, revision 77785

These test will cause test_gui segmentation fault, disable for now.

2014-09-23 19:40 VZ, revision 77784

Enable these wxRegion constructor for x11 port

2014-09-23 19:40 VZ, revision 77783

The unit test will use WX_ASSERT_FAILS_WITH_ASSERT to check DoSetRegion(test/geometry/region.cpp:101) eventually, and the macro could handle exception, not true or false. Change it consistent with other port

2014-09-23 19:40 VZ, revision 77782

Adjust the bitmapButton size according the bitmap size when set bitmap to BitmapButton in wxUniv port

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77781

wxColurRefData in x11 did not overwrite CreateRef function, so it should not use AllocExclusive(), use UnRef() instead, just like InitRGBA() function in wxGTK port did

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77780

wxUniv not support unicode yet

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77779

Add more evidential comments, adjust code to follow coding style

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77778

Fix the prepocessor directive, from __WXOSX_COCOA__ to __WXOSX__

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77777

Make wxSlider behaviours in wxUniv same as other ports, and generate proper wxScrollEvent

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77776

Add wxEVT_SET_FOCUS and wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS event to wxX11

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77775

wxX11 use XColor directly, so wxX11 does not support alpha at all currently

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77774

GetLabel should return the original label that with mnemonics, the original label stored in wxControlBase m_labelOrig, get it by wxControlBase::GetLabel()

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77773

Fix `Error: Failed to initialize GUI: no built-in themes found` when run gui and load theme, by add WX_USE_THEME in the place that create them object

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77772

Adjust comments

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77771

Fix code input mistakes and type convertion

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77770

Remove the conditional preprocessor directive around wx/stockitem.h, the head file not cause any problem, revert the mistake that I made in 2e2b1313d97ea1c79a396333f40872157fd629d4

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77769

Solve textctrl handle char type event twice error, correct the insertion point calculation

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77768

as convention, if a text range is (x, -1), it means from x to the end, so if `to` was -1, set it to the last position

2014-09-23 19:39 VZ, revision 77767

in wxUniv, non-editable textctrl must be set focus, so that could get input value