

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-01-20 18:59 VZ, revision 1436

fixes for Sun CC 5.0 (unlike 4.2 it understands bool)

1999-01-20 15:04 VZ, revision 1435

wxUSE_STREAM corrected to wxUSE_STREAMS

1999-01-20 14:47 VZ, revision 1434

wxString::Right() changed to AfterLast() (config works again)

1999-01-20 12:23 JS, revision 1433

Fixed wxConfig (I hope) and disabled wxRegConfig::DeleteAll.

1999-01-19 22:14 JS, revision 1432

FAQ mods

1999-01-19 19:36 VZ, revision 1431

1. wxMotif fixes for compilation in "no compatible" mode 2. Common fixes to be able to link minimal sample without stream classes, tree ctrl, list ctrl &c

1999-01-19 18:42 JS, revision 1430
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/motif/imaglist.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/motif/listctrl.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/motif/statusbr.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/motif/treectrl.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/motif/imaglist.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/motif/listctrl.cpp
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/src/motif/makefile.unx
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/motif/statusbr.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/motif/treectrl.cpp

Removing redundant files.

1999-01-19 18:28 JS, revision 1429

Include dynarray.h

1999-01-19 18:23 JS, revision 1428

TWIN32 compatibility added; wxMotif uses wxGTK's wxPostScriptDC; wxByte replaces byte (can conflict with windows.h)

1999-01-19 16:33 RR, revision 1427

New DnD and Clipboard code Rearranged wxApp to do the same in the same order upon program start-up on wxGTK and wxMSW ODBC tweaks exchanged wxDataFormat for wxIPCFormat

1999-01-19 13:18 VZ, revision 1426

compilation fixes for "nocompatibility" mode

1999-01-19 11:00 JS, revision 1425

Some changes in a vain attempt to make Salford C++ work; added FAQ files; started wxTime documentation.

1999-01-17 23:55 JS, revision 1424

Some Motif corrections; Dialog Editor compilation under Motif

1999-01-17 22:49 VZ, revision 1423

thread docs updated

1999-01-17 22:44 VZ, revision 1422

OnExit() is called for modules which were initialized even if the init of the subsequent modules fails

1999-01-17 22:42 VZ, revision 1421

more thread fixes

1999-01-17 22:39 VZ, revision 1420

wxThread fixes - compilation under Unix temporarily broken, sorry.

1999-01-17 22:35 VZ, revision 1419

warning suppressed for MSVC++

1999-01-17 19:25 JS, revision 1418

VC++ compilation correction; doc file corrections

1999-01-17 16:10 GL, revision 1417

* First draft on wxStreamBuffer, wxStream* will follow.

1999-01-16 22:17 JS, revision 1416

For wxMSW, split XPM handler into separate file (please add handler explicitly in app); doc changes espec. wxBitmap overview

1999-01-16 12:52 UG, revision 1415

no message

1999-01-16 00:13 JS, revision 1414

Various changes for Salford C++, and commited fileconf.h/fileconf.cpp changes to take out nested classes

1999-01-15 13:24 JS, revision 1413

Added wxPrivateDropTarget class skeleton.

1999-01-15 11:18 VZ, revision 1412

even less spelling errors...

1999-01-15 10:54 JS, revision 1411


1999-01-15 01:12 RR, revision 1410

DnD feedback keyx down and key up. listbox bug added bitmap to wxBitmapDataObject constructor corrected spelling of "Suiss bank account"

1999-01-14 15:18 JS, revision 1409

Added wxMotif data object classes

1999-01-14 15:15 JS, revision 1408

Added some tentative wxMotif clipboard code; did some file formatting

1999-01-14 14:50 VZ, revision 1407

compilation fix

1999-01-14 14:33 VZ, revision 1406

1. NOT_FOUND -> wxNOT_FOUND 2. wxString::Left(), Right(), Before(), After() clean up 3. wxLocale updates

1999-01-14 13:11 KB, revision 1405

Split part of wxExtHelpController into wxHTMLHelpControllerBase to share the filename lookup and URL handling mechanisms with the soon to be created gtk-xmhtml based alternative. Added wxLocale support to allow different translated help files to be used. Tested (no changes to application required) under Solaris.

1999-01-14 11:23 JS, revision 1404

Added OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp.

1999-01-14 08:20 JS, revision 1403

Corrected stupid error.

1999-01-14 00:24 RR, revision 1402

Added wxPrivateDropTarget

1999-01-13 22:31 AN, revision 1401

For MSW, scan line boundary aligned, and >2MB case enabled

1999-01-13 21:26 VZ, revision 1400

compilation problem fixed

1999-01-13 19:01 VZ, revision 1399

updated i18n sample, french translations are now in the "fr" subdirectory. Added some documentation in readme.txt.

1999-01-13 18:21 JS, revision 1398

*** empty log message ***

1999-01-13 18:19 RR, revision 1397

Better disabling of toolbars and menubars

1999-01-13 18:01 JS, revision 1396

wxMSW wxClipboard implementation

1999-01-13 14:23 JS, revision 1395

Added dnd classes, data object classes, changed clipboard class doc, cured filefn.cpp wxFileNameFromPath bug, some tweaks to HelpGen

1999-01-13 12:03 RR, revision 1394

more wxImage on Motif

1999-01-13 11:50 KB, revision 1393

Fixes for compilation problems on Solaris(!). Added detection of glibc2 to fix Linux compilation problems.

1999-01-13 10:51 RR, revision 1392

wxMotif now works with wx-config and make install

1999-01-13 00:44 RR, revision 1391

Forgot one.

1999-01-13 00:42 RR, revision 1390

The usual amount of trash over my telephone fixed Horses everywhere

1999-01-12 23:51 VZ, revision 1389

minor samples fixes

1999-01-12 23:49 VZ, revision 1388

images in the notebook work under MSW too (with or without XPM)

1999-01-12 23:48 VZ, revision 1387

memory leak plugged

1999-01-12 23:47 VZ, revision 1386

added an error message if a bitmap can't be addedto the image list

1999-01-12 23:46 VZ, revision 1385

catches program exceptions in release build (VC++ only)

1999-01-12 23:44 VZ, revision 1384

some really minor changes (the most important one: small memory hole in wxList plugged)

1999-01-12 23:39 VZ, revision 1383

changed "inline"s to "extern"

1999-01-12 23:37 VZ, revision 1382

WX_CLEAR_ARRAY() now calls Empty() too

1999-01-12 23:10 VZ, revision 1381

more files I forgot to commit (wxFile/wxTempFile/wxTextFile docs)

1999-01-12 20:49 JS, revision 1380

Fixed silly error (what was Bool = int is now bool = 1/0)

1999-01-12 18:28 JS, revision 1379

Some .tex tweaks; pngdemo fix.

1999-01-12 17:53 RR, revision 1378

image update listbox fix iODBC fixes

1999-01-12 17:02 UG, revision 1377

no message

1999-01-12 08:31 VZ, revision 1376

changed #ifdef wxUSE_XXX into #if wxUSE_XXX

1999-01-11 22:15 JS, revision 1375

Fixed stupid crash-on-exit bug.

1999-01-11 16:13 VZ, revision 1374

TestDestroy() bug corrected

1999-01-11 16:05 JS, revision 1373

Corrected thread.h inline problem. Set WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY to 0 by default in wxMSW.

1999-01-11 15:51 VZ, revision 1372

wxCriticalSection implemented using mutexes for !MSW (sample compiles again)

1999-01-11 13:36 VZ, revision 1371

added the missing sentence end...

1999-01-10 23:39 JS, revision 1370

Corrected some typos.

1999-01-10 23:28 JS, revision 1369

Added some makefiles, cured some wxMotif bugs

1999-01-10 23:15 VZ, revision 1368

1. wxFile docs updated, wxTextFile and wxTempFile docs written (thanks HelpGen :-) Added file classes section to the "classes by category" and tfile.tex - file classes/functions overview, feel free to add stuff there. 2. wxArray docs finally written.

1999-01-10 20:29 JS, revision 1367

Cured Dialog Editor position/size setting problem

1999-01-10 20:23 GL, revision 1366

* Fixes.

1999-01-10 20:16 GL, revision 1365

* Deleted debug messages.

1999-01-10 20:14 GL, revision 1364

* Socket doc update.

1999-01-10 18:45 JS, revision 1363

Makefile correction

1999-01-10 12:04 JS, revision 1362

Got Penguin sample running under Windows.

1999-01-10 11:02 RR, revision 1361

Cleaning abit

1999-01-10 10:49 RR, revision 1360

OpenGl works now under GTK

1999-01-10 00:18 VZ, revision 1359

changes for wxMSW compilation

1999-01-10 00:04 VZ, revision 1358

assignment operators/copy ctors are private for classes which can't be copied

1999-01-09 20:18 JS, revision 1357

More SC++ fixes; HelpGen starting to compile with VC++; image sample now compiles/runs with VC++

1999-01-09 18:00 KB, revision 1356

wxComboBox included (removed dependency on wxUSE_COMBOBOX which was never defined). intl.h only defines _() macro if WXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO is not defined.

1999-01-09 15:53 RR, revision 1355

ODBC updates Documentation updates

1999-01-09 10:42 RR, revision 1354

ODBC updates (it almost works now)

1999-01-09 00:37 VZ, revision 1353

wxObjArray fix (part 2)

1999-01-09 00:29 VZ, revision 1352

wxObjArrays code compiles again

1999-01-09 00:28 VZ, revision 1351

thread fixes for MSW (samples doesn't compile currently under !MSW, will be fixed a.s.a.p.)

1999-01-08 21:09 JS, revision 1350

Changes to allow Cygwin to compile in non-PCH mode

1999-01-08 20:33 RR, revision 1349

minor Configure / makefiles updates Removed mor (egcs) warnings Updated version to 2.0.1 in version.h Several corrections for strict compilers OpenGL updates new wxApp::InitVisual() for overriding in order to set non-default visual (unportable, of course) Added makefiles for DialogEd and Tex2Rtf made wxGTK compile with Tex2Rtf Added BEGIN_DRAG event to tree ctrl Added missing #include to lexel.l (unistd.h) (MSW?) new wxGTK.spec turned one or two more #ifdef into #if

1999-01-08 19:46 VZ, revision 1348

supports typedefs, generates "See also:" and adds "virtual " for virtual functions

1999-01-08 17:46 VZ, revision 1347

HelpGen is a prototype of the tool for automatic generation of the .tex files for wxWindows documentation from C++ headers

1999-01-08 17:17 UG, revision 1346

WXDLLEXPORT added to wxPendingList

1999-01-08 17:02 UG, revision 1345

no message

1999-01-08 16:46 UG, revision 1344

no message

1999-01-08 16:31 UG, revision 1343

no message

1999-01-08 16:12 UG, revision 1342

no message

1999-01-08 15:21 UG, revision 1341

no message

1999-01-08 14:49 UG, revision 1340

no message

1999-01-08 14:30 JS, revision 1339

Corrected grey scrolling windows; added C++Builder 3.0 fixes

1999-01-08 14:19 UG, revision 1338

no message

1999-01-08 13:15 UG, revision 1337

no message

1999-01-08 12:45 UG, revision 1336

no message

1999-01-08 11:54 UG, revision 1335

no message

1999-01-08 11:09 UG, revision 1334

no message

1999-01-08 10:54 UG, revision 1333

no message

1999-01-08 10:24 UG, revision 1332

no message

1999-01-08 10:23 RR, revision 1331

Compile improvemnts for strict compilers and the like Down to two warning messages for egcs compile

1999-01-07 17:20 RR, revision 1330

Compile improvemnts for strict compilers and the like Down to two warning messages for egcs compile

1999-01-07 16:50 UG, revision 1329

fix for wxuse_iostreamh

1999-01-07 16:25 VZ, revision 1328

storable objects use _() and wxLogXXX instead of message boxes

1999-01-07 16:24 VZ, revision 1327

added version number to the about box

1999-01-07 15:22 JS, revision 1326

Watcom C++ mods

1999-01-07 08:43 JS, revision 1325

Doc & Symantec C++ fixes

1999-01-06 21:09 RR, revision 1324

Compilation fixes Found out how to do wxUSE_XX 0 and 1

1999-01-05 22:53 VZ, revision 1323

bug in wxString::Printf() corrected (the length of the string wasn't updated correctly)

1999-01-05 22:52 VZ, revision 1322

added wx<TemplateListName>::Node typedef for the node corresponding to this list

1999-01-05 22:40 VZ, revision 1321

MIME classes with docs (not yet added to the makefiles)

1999-01-05 22:15 JS, revision 1320

Added thread makefile

1999-01-05 18:46 RR, revision 1319

simple spec for RPMs

1999-01-05 03:04 VZ, revision 1318

file I forgot to commit last time (wxCritSection)

1999-01-04 21:51 JS, revision 1317

Simplified BC++ makefiles; C++Builder 1.0 compilation seems to work; changed #ifdef -> #if for wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM; #ifdefed thread usage in app.cpp.

1999-01-04 18:34 JS, revision 1316

Some small corrections and setup.h additions

1999-01-04 13:52 RR, revision 1315

configure and #ifdef wxUSE_XXX updates

1999-01-04 10:53 JS, revision 1314

Corrected memory.cpp compilation error; Cygwin makefile uses generic wxDirDlg

1999-01-03 16:54 RR, revision 1313

Proofed that iostreams break threads

1999-01-03 11:03 RR, revision 1312

new cursors bug in menuitem->check minor things here and there

1999-01-02 23:02 VZ, revision 1311

1. New classes documented: wxCriticalSection, wxMutexLocker, wxCriticalSectionLocker 2. New overviews: Threads overview, Container classes overview 3. A modest update of wxList/wxNode docs to bring them up to date with the new classes (array.tex is simply empty for the moment)

1999-01-02 22:58 VZ, revision 1310

restoring wxUSE_GLOBAL_MEMORY_OPERATORS I accidentally removed a moment ago

1999-01-02 22:55 VZ, revision 1309

Thread fixes (but they still don't work at all...)

1999-01-02 22:24 RR, revision 1308

Triued in vain to fix threads segvs with gcc Removed wxDebugStream

1999-01-02 19:13 RR, revision 1307

Header changes (gtk.h etc no longer included in defs.h but in *.cpp to speed up compilation (?) )

1999-01-02 00:45 JS, revision 1306

Corrected memory.cpp checkpoint bug; added Tex2RTF

1999-01-01 22:49 VZ, revision 1305

wxString(const wxString& str, size_t position, size_t len) ctor now doesn't have default value for the third param to avoid conflicts with wxString(const wxString& str, size_t len) ctor. Sorry if this breaks code which relied on it...

1999-01-01 19:13 JS, revision 1304

Lots of wxMotif fixes

1999-01-01 16:22 SC, revision 1303

mac support as stubs added

1999-01-01 16:15 SC, revision 1302

cw makefile for minimal - to be used as template

1999-01-01 16:14 SC, revision 1301

common definitions for cw

1999-01-01 16:12 SC, revision 1300

mac socket port (preliminary - based on M. Neerachers GUSI + additions)

1999-01-01 16:09 SC, revision 1299

added win32 release and ppc targets

1999-01-01 16:05 SC, revision 1298

started once again from stubs

1999-01-01 15:58 SC, revision 1297

source files for precompiled headers for cw

1999-01-01 15:56 SC, revision 1296

started once again from stubs

1998-12-31 21:58 RR, revision 1295

Compile and build fixes Version update etc.

1998-12-31 18:18 JS, revision 1294

Rationalised a few more docs

1998-12-31 17:32 JS, revision 1293

Fixed Dialog Editor compilation

1998-12-31 16:15 JS, revision 1292

Added Property List classes to main library; added proplist sample; merged changes.txt files

1998-12-31 15:59 JS, revision 1291
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/docs
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/lib
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/Makefile

Rmoved more wxprop files

1998-12-31 15:56 JS, revision 1290
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/cross.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/Makefile
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/makefile.b32
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/makefile.dos
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/makefile.g95
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/makefile.nt
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/prop.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/prop.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/propform.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/propform.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/proplist.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/proplist.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/test.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/test.def
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/test.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxprop/src/tick.bmp

Removed wxProp source files

1998-12-31 10:54 JS, revision 1289

Added fractal, bombs samples; removed global app variable from dbtest.cpp

1998-12-30 23:30 RR, revision 1288

Guess what: ODBC updates and build fixes.

1998-12-30 20:44 RR, revision 1287

sockets work now an all platforms

1998-12-30 17:55 JS, revision 1286

Introduced wxSOCKET_INT to socket.cpp. The previous code wouldn't compile on Windows. Someone please determine what wxSOCKET_INT should be on your platform (I'm pretty sure just 'int' was OK on Linux when I tested it)

1998-12-30 17:55 VZ, revision 1285

added directories for Motif headers and libs under Solaris to the search path

1998-12-30 17:42 JS, revision 1284

Added makefile.b32 to db sample

1998-12-30 17:40 JS, revision 1283

Updated the Remstar ODBC files, got the db sample compiling; added Freq and SubString to wxString

1998-12-30 16:24 RR, revision 1282

Motif corrections in wxDC (match wxWin 2.0 drawing stuff) on idle handling -> speed-up threads work now modules work now (also in release mode...) wxMotif compiles with configure again

1998-12-30 16:04 VZ, revision 1281

stupid bug corrected (the code was never compiled)

1998-12-29 17:18 RR, revision 1280

Tried to fix some socket things. Wasn't enough.

1998-12-29 16:54 VZ, revision 1279

added WX_CLEAR_ARRAY() macro to delete all the elements of an array

1998-12-29 15:25 VZ, revision 1278

small optimization in ProcessEvent() (IsKindOf(wxWindow) only called once)

1998-12-29 11:02 JS, revision 1277

BC++/16-bit support now working, but without resource system

1998-12-29 08:42 RR, revision 1276

Added wxNotebook::SetText and SetImage (thanks Harm)

1998-12-28 21:32 JS, revision 1275

Fixes to wxMotif scrolling and colours (wxTreeCtrl/wxListCtrl now seem to work well, ta-ra!); fixes to thread.cpp since constants were changed

1998-12-28 18:53 RR, revision 1274

Compile fix for filefn.cpp doc update SGI threads use new constant names

1998-12-28 16:03 RR, revision 1273

Added facenames support to wxFont

1998-12-28 15:36 VZ, revision 1272

wxGTK compiles (and links) when configured without threads

1998-12-28 12:35 JS, revision 1271

Changes for 16-bit BC++ (not there yet), GnuWin32; typetest sample fixed; some documentation fixes

1998-12-28 12:33 JS, revision 1270

Added CodeWarrior files to distribution scripts

1998-12-28 11:39 RR, revision 1269

Now even Julian can use wxGTK :-)

1998-12-27 14:44 RR, revision 1268

Compilation fixes for OGL

1998-12-27 00:54 VZ, revision 1267

1. Pause()/Resume() implemented for wxMSW 2. crash on startup in the sample corrected

1998-12-26 20:09 RR, revision 1266

Makefile tweaks Threads work now under wxGTK and glibc 2

1998-12-26 15:36 GL, revision 1265

* Fixes (AIF works on Linux)

1998-12-26 03:41 UG, revision 1264

no message

1998-12-25 11:02 GL, revision 1263

* Fixes (WAV works on Linux, AIFF following)

1998-12-25 00:34 VZ, revision 1262

wxStringList::Sort() bug corrected

1998-12-25 00:06 VZ, revision 1261

attempt to fix a report about compile problems in generic treectrl

1998-12-24 23:26 VZ, revision 1260

wxGetUserName() returns the user name (wxGetUserId()) if all else fails

1998-12-23 21:35 JS, revision 1259

Some more wxMotif improvements: DrawIcon fixed; generic notebook implementation used. wxGTK's DrawIcon has 2 args added for wxMSW compatibility.

1998-12-23 18:16 GL, revision 1258

* Fixes

1998-12-23 17:51 RD, revision 1257

Moved the main funtion into its own source file.

1998-12-23 12:33 JS, revision 1256

Compilation fixes for SUN CC.

1998-12-23 09:58 JS, revision 1255

Got generic wxListCtrl, wxTreeCtrl working under Windows, wxNotebook almost; some doc corrections; Win16 dialog crash cured

1998-12-22 11:55 VZ, revision 1254

wxTextFile::Type changed to ::wxTextFileType (portability)

1998-12-21 19:59 RD, revision 1253

Now compiles with /GX- on MSW.

1998-12-21 19:49 RD, revision 1252

Added $(OVERRIDEFLAGS) to the end of the flags so default flags can be overridden.

1998-12-21 09:59 JS, revision 1251

Added convenience form of wxEvtHandler::Connect, only one id; changed type to wxEventType; fixed my regconf.h mistake in config.cpp (oops)

1998-12-21 09:10 SC, revision 1250

CW Win32 support

1998-12-21 08:44 SC, revision 1249

CW Win32 support

1998-12-21 08:36 SC, revision 1248

CW Win32 support

1998-12-20 23:49 JS, revision 1247

wxPaintDC -> wxDC in wxListCtrl; fixed compile problems in wxTreeCtrl (return types in wxCHECK_MSG); compiles again for 16-bit Windows, though dialogs don't work; added generic notebook implementation (copied from wxMotif); fixed event handler arg in wxDirDialog; added preliminary wxImage reference; removed some constructors from documentation; fixed wxIniConfig compilation

1998-12-20 00:34 VZ, revision 1246

missing functions implemented in wxMSW tree ctrl (custom sorting, GetChildrenCount(), DeleteChildren()).

1998-12-19 12:38 RR, revision 1245

wxPython updates (SWIG really works, cannot believe it) wxRadioBox now has multi column layout (the wxPython sample still doesn't do that correctly)

1998-12-19 08:19 RR, revision 1244

Added missing filed to sample

1998-12-19 08:16 RR, revision 1243

Added more keyboard handling to wxTreeCtrl Fixed HitText wrt to items with an image changed size calculation in wxStatText

1998-12-18 23:18 JS, revision 1242

Partial Watcom C++ 10.6 support added (doesn't link for some reason)

1998-12-18 18:22 JS, revision 1241

Solved a bug in generic wxTreeCtrl whereby CalculatePositions was not completing due to a missing '!', so scrollbars were not set properly. Tidied up wxMotif scrollbar setting.

1998-12-18 17:05 RR, revision 1240

wxDirDialog now sorts its entries

1998-12-18 15:49 RR, revision 1239

wxClipboard now serves the primary selection as well wxPython fixes warning mesages

1998-12-18 15:47 VZ, revision 1238

added stubs for wxTreeCtrl functions not yet implemented under MSW

1998-12-18 15:37 VZ, revision 1237

wxTreeCtrl::Sort() changed, adapted the sample to show it.

1998-12-18 14:53 JS, revision 1236

Added dummy DeleteChildren so the sample will at least link.

1998-12-18 14:40 JS, revision 1235

In DialogEd, changed Close to Destroy to make it shut down properly. Various Motif fixes incl. fixing window colours, menu fonts/colours, dialog box

1998-12-18 13:35 RR, revision 1234

Fixed nasty bug wxFont Removed wxDirDialog from /src/gtk

1998-12-18 10:19 RR, revision 1233

Tried to add sorting to wxTreeCtrl minor fixes to radiobutton

1998-12-17 22:39 JS, revision 1232

Added an index for the HTML files

1998-12-17 22:13 JS, revision 1231

Added some gettext HTML files

1998-12-17 21:06 JS, revision 1230

*** empty log message ***

1998-12-17 21:05 JS, revision 1229


1998-12-17 20:56 JS, revision 1228

Added wxDirDialog to generic directories

1998-12-17 20:24 VZ, revision 1227

The checkbox doesn't eat the first "toggled" event if SetValue(FALSE) was called any more. Added 2 lines to the controls sample to demonstrate it.

1998-12-17 20:23 VZ, revision 1226

wxString::Truncates() now doesn't change the sharied copies of the string

1998-12-17 19:26 VZ, revision 1225

all delete functions now send delete notification event

1998-12-17 18:41 VZ, revision 1224

1. added wxTreeCtrl::DeleteChildren() 2. wxTreeCtrl::CollapseAndReset() doesn't destroy the item itself any more 3. wxTreeCtrl::Delete() sends wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_CHILDREN event (but DeleteChildren() and DeleteAll() do not!) 4. Sample modified to show the new function too 5. Micro redraw bug fixed (small vertical line was sometimes drawn when it shouldn't have been)

1998-12-17 18:19 JS, revision 1223

Bother, had to revert it since it caused more ambiguities.

1998-12-17 18:12 JS, revision 1222

Removed sometimes-ambiguous wxString operator

1998-12-17 18:07 RD, revision 1221

wxPython 0.5.2 Minor fixes and SWIG code generation for RR's changes. MSW and GTK versions are much closer now!

1998-12-17 17:59 JS, revision 1220

Just a teeny change -- addition of wxFrame::IsMaximized. For wxMDIChildFrame in wxGTK, is probably always TRUE (always size of client area).

1998-12-17 17:53 RD, revision 1219

wxPython 0.5.2 Minor fixes and SWIG code generation for RR's changes. MSW and GTK versions are much closer now!

1998-12-17 15:46 RR, revision 1218

GTK is standard in configure again removed warning from postscript dc compile fix for wxDirDialog

1998-12-17 14:45 VZ, revision 1217

status bar is created before it's used for the first time (better this way)

1998-12-17 14:07 RR, revision 1216

Removed minor differences between wxMSW and wxGTK

1998-12-17 10:10 JS, revision 1215

Changed m_children to GetChildren() -- not all ports are the same!

1998-12-17 09:57 RR, revision 1214

Added wxDirDialog

1998-12-17 09:44 JS, revision 1213

Re-added corrupt binary files; small change to filefn.cpp for Cygwin.

1998-12-17 08:40 RR, revision 1212

I've put live into Vadim's wxNavigationKeyEvent idea

1998-12-16 22:12 RD, revision 1211

Tweaks needed to be able to build wxPython with wxGTK.

1998-12-16 16:23 JS, revision 1210
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/joytest/joytest.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/abacus.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/brush.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/chart.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/colour.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/files.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/magnify.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/mike.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/page.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/screw.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/shapes.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/speaker.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/telephon.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/therm.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/torch.bmp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mdi/bitmaps/wrench.bmp
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/sashtest/sashtest.cpp
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/src/msw/listctrl.cpp

Removed some unnecessary bitmaps; other minor changes

1998-12-16 12:17 RR, revision 1209

Added wxTolBar::etMargins Checklistbox update

1998-12-16 08:11 VZ, revision 1208

listbox kbd handling buglet corrected (event.Skip() called even when no selection)

1998-12-16 08:06 RR, revision 1207

Added layout constraints call to wxNotebook Renamed key_down events to match MSW equivalents Invened activated events to tree and list ctrl Added patches to text ctrl from georg

1998-12-15 22:59 VZ, revision 1206

1. is there any reason to comment out SetColor() in controls? I restored it... 2. Removed unused files from checklst sample

1998-12-15 20:44 RD, revision 1205

Changed the import semantics from "from wxPython import *" to "from wxPython.wx import *" This is for people who are worried about namespace pollution, they can use "from wxPython import wx" and then prefix all the wxPython identifiers with "wx." Added wxTaskbarIcon for wxMSW. Made the events work for wxGrid. Added wxConfig. Added wxMiniFrame for wxGTK, (untested.) Changed many of the args and return values that were pointers to gdi objects to references to reflect changes in the wxWindows API. Other assorted fixes and additions.

1998-12-15 18:59 VZ, revision 1204

1. log::save works with wxGTK 2. wxFile::Create() doesn't create files open for reading any more...

1998-12-15 18:01 JS, revision 1203

Updated frame style

1998-12-15 17:58 JS, revision 1202

Trying to add binary wxwin.bmp

1998-12-15 17:47 JS, revision 1201

Cured radiobutton non-setting by using BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON; cured gridg.cpp compilation error; add wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW style

1998-12-15 14:14 RR, revision 1200

Added wxCheckLitBox (oh well) Minor optical fixes to gridg

1998-12-15 13:19 VZ, revision 1199

somehow this file contained several NUL characters - removed

1998-12-15 09:19 MR, revision 1198

wxIsNumeric for values < 0

1998-12-15 08:03 RR, revision 1197

A bit more DnD and clipbrd updates wxTextCtrl now hides the vertical until required

1998-12-14 20:03 RR, revision 1196

Now even wxRadioButton works

1998-12-14 18:50 JS, revision 1195

Various; wxRadioButton::GetValue corrected

1998-12-14 16:13 RR, revision 1194

New wxDataObject, DnD and Clipboard code A few more minor fixes

1998-12-14 12:26 MR, revision 1193

wxFileSelector set the filterIndex

1998-12-14 12:24 MR, revision 1192

wxFILTER_NUMERIC input vales < 0

1998-12-13 22:01 VZ, revision 1191

only one of SetSize()s, SetClientSize()s, GetPosition()s &c is virtual now

1998-12-13 12:23 VZ, revision 1190

IS_KIND_OF -> wxIS_KIND_OF compilation fix

1998-12-13 11:28 RR, revision 1189

More clean-up

1998-12-13 11:27 RR, revision 1188

Bit of CVS clean-up

1998-12-13 10:57 JS, revision 1187

Changed use_system_defaults to 1.