

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-02-17 20:26 VZ, revision 1711

wxExecute() fix (running console programs doesn't cause X errors any more)

1999-02-17 19:26 JS, revision 1710

Added missing const to wxGTK's wxMDIChildFrame::GetToolbar; added bc_ide.txt instructions.

1999-02-17 17:56 VZ, revision 1709

wxProcess fixes (Detach() added), cleared/corrected wxExecute() documentation

1999-02-17 17:18 JS, revision 1708

Changed .vc makefiles to allow different configurations to co-exist (so library names have changed a bit). Split ipvaddr.tex from sckaddr.tex.

1999-02-17 16:42 RR, revision 1707

Let's face it, GTK's resizing is broken and I cannot repair it.

1999-02-17 13:36 VZ, revision 1706

wxListCtrl will receive EVT_CHAR() events now

1999-02-17 10:13 RR, revision 1705

resize fun

1999-02-16 20:17 JS, revision 1704

Some doc corrections; removed wxDocument arg from wxView constructor; wxTextCtrl::OnChar correction; added SetString and default constructor to wxStringTokenizer; added missing MSW wxFrame::SetSize functions

1999-02-16 15:36 RR, revision 1703

MDI fixes

1999-02-16 09:31 RR, revision 1702

Applied Russel's changes to wxToolBarBase fixed stippled brush for bitmaps (as opposed to pixmaps)

1999-02-15 23:09 VZ, revision 1701

A couple of identifiers at global level moved to the .cpp file from .h where they had nothing to do from the very beginning

1999-02-15 23:07 VZ, revision 1700

1. Parser improvements a) const and virtual methods are parsed correctly (not static yet) b) "const" which is part of the return type is not swallowed 2. HelpGen improvements: -o outputdir parameter added to the cmd line, "//---------" kind comments discarded now.

1999-02-15 23:04 VZ, revision 1699

started wxIntl documentation

1999-02-15 20:41 JS, revision 1698

Added 'Include files' section to class references

1999-02-15 19:26 VZ, revision 1697

enable verbose messages by default in debug builds

1999-02-15 15:06 VZ, revision 1696

compilation warnings about missing braces fixed

1999-02-15 13:05 JS, revision 1695

GnuWin32 corrections (::ZeroMemory doesn't exist)

1999-02-14 23:23 JS, revision 1694

Added png, zlib targets to 16-bit makefiles

1999-02-14 21:59 VZ, revision 1693

made wxToolTip::Enable() and SetDelay() static (as in wxGTK) and added some code in the controls sample to test them

1999-02-14 17:46 GL, revision 1692

* Stream: update in doc, fix in code. * wxMMedia: various fixes, WAV and AIFF should work on Linux, preparing it for Windows.

1999-02-14 13:04 RR, revision 1691

Fixed refresh bug in wxGLCanvas

1999-02-12 22:00 JS, revision 1690

Small Tex2RTF fixes; wxMotif compile fixes (, wxCheckListBox); wxMSW wxWindow::IsShown fix

1999-02-12 19:03 GL, revision 1689

* Stream doc.

1999-02-12 18:31 GL, revision 1688

* Added some warning in socket doc.

1999-02-12 15:05 VZ, revision 1687

wxToolTip entry changed (it's implemented after all)