

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-11-08 12:02 VZ, revision 69699

Don't include wx/msw/wrapgdip.h if !wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT. Fix compilation when GDI+ headers are not available by not including the header that includes <gdiplus.h> in this case. Closes #13640.

2011-11-08 12:02 VZ, revision 69698

Move GDK_META_MASK definition in the header in which it is also used. The code using GDK_META_MASK was moved to wx/gtk/private/event.h from gtk/window.cpp but the fallback definition of GDK_META_MASK for GTK+ < 2.10 remained in window.cpp. Move it to the header as well now so that it can be compiled with GTK+ < 2.10 again.

2011-11-08 12:02 VZ, revision 69697

Compilation fixes for GTK+ 2.4. Add missing GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,6,0) checks.

2011-11-08 12:01 VZ, revision 69696

Add missing stdio.h include to wxGTK assert dialog code. As we use FILE for saving the assert message to a file, we must include <stdio.h> (which is not included from any other header, at least not under Solaris).

2011-11-08 11:53 VS, revision 69695

Use Enter and Space for cell editing in generic wxDVC too. If the normal Enter or Space processing (sending activate event or doing activatable editing respectively) isn't handled by the control, use these keys to trigger inline editing too, as F2 does. This makes the Windows control more similar to OS X and GTK+ ones and makes discovering editability easier.

2011-11-07 10:42 JJ, revision 69693

Updates to compile WX on OpenVMS

2011-11-07 10:34 JJ, revision 69692

wxGTK1 should not include .h files for wxGTK

2011-11-06 13:07 VZ, revision 69691

Updated all message catalogs to correspond to the current sources.

2011-11-06 13:06 VZ, revision 69690

Chinese translations update from Jiawei Huang.

2011-11-06 13:06 VZ, revision 69689

Use current time, not the Epoch for time zone determination. When deducing the time zone from struct tm tm_gmtoff field, query tm for the current time and not the Epoch as the DST rules -- and hence the time zone offset -- could have changed since 1970. This is notably the case for Ireland which used a different time zone from 1968 to 1971. Notice that GetTimeZone() still must return the time zone without taking DST into account, so we explicitly compensate for DST if it's in effect.

2011-11-05 16:20 VS, revision 69688

Fix wxArray::Index() with bFromEnd=true in STL build. This function incorrectly returned index from the end of the array when searching from the end. Fixed to work as the non-STL version. Fixes #13626.

2011-11-05 16:20 VS, revision 69687

Test correctness of wxArray::Index() with bFromEnd=true.

2011-11-05 13:25 FM, revision 69686

no real change: just move Docset/CHM/QCH declarations in their own sections

2011-11-05 12:55 FM, revision 69685

Move detailed documentation to the top, leaving styles and event tables at the bottom, like for any other wxWidgets control

2011-11-05 12:55 FM, revision 69684

fix some simple Doxygen warning

2011-11-05 12:54 FM, revision 69683

better links to the stock item ID list

2011-11-05 12:24 VZ, revision 69682

Allow reusing the same wxWindowID more than 254 times. Extend the id reference count storage to use an overflow hash map for the ids used more than 254 times. This allows to use the same id an arbitrarily large number of times. Closes #13618.

2011-11-05 12:24 VZ, revision 69681

Use wxWindowUpdateLocker to speed up updates of the static widgets sample page. See #13619.

2011-11-05 12:23 VZ, revision 69680

Fix adding a control to two different sizers in the widgets sample. A checkbox on the static page was added to two sizers at once, resulting in heap corruption later. Fix this by adding it to the right sizer only. Closes #13619.

2011-11-05 12:23 VZ, revision 69679

Translate the log message in wxLog destructor. The message about losing the last message was not translated for some reason, do translate it now.

2011-11-05 12:23 VZ, revision 69678

Fix format string in wxLog::LogLastRepeatIfNeeded(). We used a format string without any format specifiers in it in a call to wxString::Printf() which always had a parameter resulting in an assert failure about a mismatch between the string and parameter count. Fix this by using a separate Printf() call for this case. Closes #13613.

2011-11-05 12:23 VZ, revision 69677

Use correct direction in wxDataObject::IsSupported() in wxOSX dnd code. Before calling wxDataObject::SetData() we must check whether the object supports this format using IsSupported(Set) instead of just IsSupported() which does the test in the "Get" direction. Closes #13615.

2011-11-05 12:23 VZ, revision 69676

Don't read beyond the end of input buffer when decoding UTF-16. wxMBConvStrictUTF8::FromWChar() didn't update the input length correctly when encountering a surrogate while decoding UTF-16 and could read beyond the end of the input buffer in this case. Fix this by simply adjusting the input length when a surrogate is read. Closes #13614.

2011-11-05 12:23 VZ, revision 69675

Add wxConvAuto::GetBOMChars() helper. Closes #13620.

2011-11-05 11:44 FM, revision 69674

document wxLogGeneric() function