

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-05-17 15:13 VZ, revision 2486

SelectColour() works

1999-05-17 14:51 VZ, revision 2485

added Next/PrevControlId

1999-05-17 14:35 VZ, revision 2484

DrawCircle() added

1999-05-17 14:10 VZ, revision 2483

more tests added

1999-05-17 12:41 VZ, revision 2482

find_first/last_[not]_of() functions added

1999-05-17 12:27 RR, revision 2481

New virtual key defines (NUMPAD_XXX).

1999-05-17 06:29 RS, revision 2480

Added code to make wxMDIChildFrame::Activate() work

1999-05-16 23:42 KB, revision 2479

minor bug fix

1999-05-16 23:13 KB, revision 2478

Added a wxDataFormat::SetAtom() inline function.

1999-05-16 23:12 KB, revision 2477

Minor fix for wxDF_PRIVATE, but doesn't work yet.

1999-05-16 23:10 KB, revision 2476

Many, many updates. Almost perfect.

1999-05-16 19:04 RR, revision 2475

Minor DC correction.

1999-05-16 15:33 KB, revision 2474

More translations (All that I am interested in, if someone else wants to finish them, go ahead.)

1999-05-16 13:40 GL, revision 2473

* Fixed a dead-lock when the thread finishes.

1999-05-16 13:31 KB, revision 2472

About 30% done.

1999-05-15 23:40 RR, revision 2471

DC change header change for wxMemoryDC and wxPostscriptDC.

1999-05-15 13:56 RR, revision 2470

A little more testing.

1999-05-15 13:33 RR, revision 2469

Started drawing sample.

1999-05-15 12:47 VZ, revision 2468

typo in dcclient.cpp corrected (wxUSE_SPLINE => wxUSE_SPLINES)

1999-05-15 12:01 GL, revision 2467

* Added thread cleanup safeness: thread can be explicitely killed safely now on Unix.

1999-05-15 07:48 RR, revision 2466

wxGLCanvas compile fixes

1999-05-15 00:56 RD, revision 2465

fixes for GetReturnCode/SetReturnCode

1999-05-14 21:04 RR, revision 2464

wxGTK now works a little again. Added new OpenGl code.

1999-05-14 20:27 RR, revision 2463

wxGTK compiles and links again.

1999-05-14 14:44 VZ, revision 2462

minor changes