

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-08-04 13:01 RR, revision 3262

Compile fixes for samples and dialoged, small optical improvements, distrib changes, link fix for treectrl

1999-08-04 12:30 VS, revision 3261

fixed somebody's poorly done StreamSize-->GetSize transition

1999-08-04 05:26 RD, revision 3260

New Makefile/Setup files supporting multiple dynamic extension modules for unix systems. Fixes for the wxGLCanvas demo to work around a strange bug in gtk. SWIG support routines now compiled separately instead of being bundled in wx.cpp.

1999-08-04 04:20 DW, revision 3259

*** empty log message ***

1999-08-04 00:42 RS, revision 3258

Made changes to allow build with new mingw32/gcc-2.95 added wxUSE_NORLANDER_HEADERS for mingw32/gcc-2.95

1999-08-04 00:00 VS, revision 3257

bool scrollable replaced by wxHW_* flags

1999-08-03 23:59 VS, revision 3256

malloc() --> new[]

1999-08-03 23:58 VS, revision 3255

wxHW_* flags, fixed client area problem

1999-08-03 23:56 VS, revision 3254

added DLL exports

1999-08-03 23:55 VS, revision 3253

initial commit

1999-08-03 15:20 KB, revision 3252

Changed wxChoice->wxComboBox as list of all paper sizes is too large to fit on screen. Works fine for wxGTK.

1999-08-03 13:05 OK, revision 3251

Hmm, apparently had to add FNSTRINGCAST elsewhere in the file too

1999-08-03 13:03 OK, revision 3250

Changed my mind and used FNSTRINGCAST instead

1999-08-03 13:02 OK, revision 3249

Replaced (char*)wxFNCONV with (const char*)wxFNCONV

1999-08-03 11:31 VZ, revision 3248

LINKAGEMODE moved to defs.h - string.cpp actually compiles now...

1999-08-03 11:26 VZ, revision 3247

__UNIX__ redefition corrected

1999-08-03 11:12 VZ, revision 3246

cliet data crash fixed

1999-08-03 06:48 RD, revision 3245

fixed a typo or two...

1999-08-03 06:44 RD, revision 3244

Fixed wxImage GetData and SetData to properly use String objects for data transfer. Added access methods to wxGridEvent.

1999-08-03 04:36 DW, revision 3243

*** empty log message ***

1999-08-02 21:31 VZ, revision 3242

1. minor headers rearrangement: wxprec.h doesn't include setup.h directly any more, btu defs.h does - and not in the very beginning, but a bit later 2. some unused and uncompileable OS2 thing removed from string.cpp

1999-08-02 19:06 RR, revision 3241

Minor changes

1999-08-02 19:00 GL, revision 3240

Changed a var name

1999-08-02 17:46 GL, revision 3239

Better memory errors handler (added GSOCK_MEMERR) Fixed 'NULL' warning in socket.cpp

1999-08-02 16:39 DW, revision 3238

Changes to make common and generic compilable under VisualAge C++ V3.0 ofr OS/2