

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-09-17 01:45 GRG, revision 3687

typedef unsigned int bool (instead of int) for consistency with defs.h

1999-09-16 19:24 AN, revision 3686

call HasMask() before writing PNG files, as was done in WX_2_0_FIXES

1999-09-16 13:32 VZ, revision 3685

vetoing item collapse works again

1999-09-16 11:37 VZ, revision 3684

use "cd dir && make" instead of "cd dir; make" which results in infinite loop

1999-09-16 10:32 MB, revision 3683

Added GetMainWidget() to fix bug that was causing crashes under wxMOTIF.

1999-09-16 08:56 PA, revision 3682

Correcting minor painting problems

1999-09-16 07:33 MB, revision 3681

Modified wxTranslateMouseEvent so that it can recognize double clicks. This allows double click events to be intercepted by panel items.

1999-09-15 21:56 DW, revision 3680

Updated makefiles for VisualAge C++ V3.0

1999-09-15 21:45 RS, revision 3679

corrected to allow drag and drop for mingw32/gcc295

1999-09-15 16:15 VZ, revision 3678

added test for changing toolbar on the fly

1999-09-15 15:22 VZ, revision 3677

removed some unneeded bit of test code

1999-09-15 15:06 VZ, revision 3676

underscors are handled better in the menu item labels

1999-09-15 14:27 VZ, revision 3675

corrected the bad patch

1999-09-15 14:12 VZ, revision 3674

patch for AIX compilation (Hans-Joachim Baader)

1999-09-15 02:21 GRG, revision 3673

Checking for wxUSE_SOCKETS and __GSOCKET_STANDALONE__ should be right, now

1999-09-15 00:17 GRG, revision 3672

Now uses wxSocketBase::Error() to see if last IO call failed

1999-09-15 00:15 GRG, revision 3671

Various small bugfixes Serious bugfix in ReadMsg (Read was being called with buffer == NULL !) Added m_error Added error handling to all IO functions Discard now correctly updates m_lcount Implemented wxSocketBase::SetTimeout Deleted wxSocketClient::OnRequest (all is handled inside wxSocketBase's)

1999-09-15 00:09 GRG, revision 3670

You CAN'T check for wxUSE_SOCKET *before* #including <wx/setup.h>!!! Who has done this?

1999-09-15 00:04 GRG, revision 3669

wxSocketBase::OnRequest is non.virtual now (and there is no wxSocketClient::OnRequest

1999-09-15 00:02 GRG, revision 3668


1999-09-14 21:09 RD, revision 3667

Added GetParser method to wxHtmlWindow

1999-09-14 21:03 RS, revision 3666

Patches for mingw32/gcc-2.95

1999-09-14 20:57 RS, revision 3665

Mingw32/gcc-2.95 change

1999-09-14 20:55 RS, revision 3664

Changes for mingw32/gcc-2.95

1999-09-14 20:54 RS, revision 3663

Makefile for mingw/gcc-2.95

1999-09-14 20:53 RS, revision 3662

Added makeg295.env file for building with gcc-2.95/mingw

1999-09-14 20:52 RS, revision 3661

Added files for mingw32/gcc-2.95/norlander headers build

1999-09-14 20:30 RS, revision 3660

Added makefile and resource script for building under mingw32

1999-09-14 19:32 HH, revision 3659

Changed AppendCommon (called by all Append methods) so it doesn't call ApplyWidgetStyle (which applies the current style to all list_items, which should already have the right style), but instead only applies the style to the new list_item. This results in a *great* speedup for large listboxes.

1999-09-14 03:34 RD, revision 3658

ifdef'ed out GetBoundingRect for wxGTK

1999-09-14 02:17 RD, revision 3657

No need to separate generated code for html because there are no platform differences.

1999-09-13 19:34 RD, revision 3656

wxPython html module updates. The beginings of tag handler support.

1999-09-13 19:32 RD, revision 3655

Added ogl to the module list

1999-09-13 19:31 RD, revision 3654

The beginings of wxHtmlWindow support in the wxPython demo

1999-09-13 19:29 RD, revision 3653

More tweaks

1999-09-13 19:28 RD, revision 3652

Moved wxPy_ConvertList function from oglhelpers to helpers

1999-09-13 19:20 RD, revision 3651

*** empty log message ***

1999-09-13 19:19 RD, revision 3650

Changed HWND --> WXHWND in tooltip.h so it can be included in files that don't include windows headers.

1999-09-13 18:21 RD, revision 3649

Now specifies the corrent EVT_ macro names for wxScrollBar

1999-09-13 18:11 HH, revision 3648

small fixes

1999-09-13 17:53 JS, revision 3647

Added DLL versions of project files.

1999-09-13 17:46 RD, revision 3646

Now setting the right library switches for both platforms...

1999-09-13 17:17 HH, revision 3645

Fixed surplus space in help output.

1999-09-13 17:15 HH, revision 3644

Changed configure option --with-libgif to --enable-gif gif now defines wxUSE_GIF instead of wxUSE_LIBGIF also added --enable-pcx (wxUSE_PCX) and --enable-pnm (wxUSE_PNM).

1999-09-13 14:31 JS, revision 3643

Added VC++ 5 wxWin project files (not generated sample project files)

1999-09-13 14:29 JS, revision 3642

Made HelpGen into a wxWin app (still uses command-line args); moved includes into src for simplicity; added VC++ 5 project file

1999-09-13 13:24 HH, revision 3641

new include file for change to new wxHtmlHelp classes.

1999-09-13 13:16 JS, revision 3640

Took anonymous class out of wxHtmlHelpFrame; corrected some typos

1999-09-13 07:18 RD, revision 3639

Configure support for OGL

1999-09-13 07:17 MT, revision 3638

add detachmenu, insert menu, replace menu

1999-09-13 07:16 MT, revision 3637

use global hwndTT

1999-09-13 07:16 MT, revision 3636

Add detachmenu

1999-09-13 07:15 MT, revision 3635


1999-09-13 07:15 MT, revision 3634

use a global hwndTT

1999-09-13 07:14 MT, revision 3633


1999-09-13 07:13 MT, revision 3632

blit using icon mask

1999-09-13 07:13 MT, revision 3631

Add detachmenu, insert menu, replace menu.

1999-09-13 06:38 MT, revision 3630

Added callback to start in current directory

1999-09-13 05:31 RD, revision 3629

Allowed gsocket to compile when wxUSE_SOCKETS is 0

1999-09-13 05:30 RD, revision 3628

Makefile updates from new filelist.txt

1999-09-13 05:27 RD, revision 3627

Fixed some compile errors (MSVC++ 6) and some very strange link errors when building a DLL.

1999-09-13 05:25 RD, revision 3626

Added implicit rule for building .c files in msw directory (gsocket)

1999-09-13 05:24 RD, revision 3625

Allowed tbarsmpl to be built for win32 as it still has its uses.

1999-09-13 03:49 RD, revision 3624

Added WXDLLEXPORT's to the class definitions

1999-09-13 03:08 RD, revision 3623

Some OGl updates: uses wxINVERT instead of wxXOR a couple minor tweaks VC makefiles now use Debug and Release for object files depending on FINAL

1999-09-13 02:50 RD, revision 3622

Made wxNO_DEFAULT set the "no" button as the default, according to the docs

1999-09-12 18:49 HH, revision 3621

fixed typo (?)

1999-09-12 17:45 HH, revision 3620

New HTML help system. The old controller class has been split in three parts; basic data, a frame and a controller. Docs will appear shortly... All Makefiles should be correctly updated. To be sure, I put an #error pragma in the old files, which will be removed in a few days.

1999-09-12 11:19 GRG, revision 3619

fixed (didn't work at all)

1999-09-12 11:18 GRG, revision 3618

Added _GSocket_Configure()

1999-09-12 11:17 GRG, revision 3617

Fixed a bug when GSocket_SetCallback was used before allocating the internal socket

1999-09-11 20:30 GRG, revision 3616

little changes

1999-09-11 20:29 GRG, revision 3615

Prototypes for some _internal_ functions had to be changed (API remains the same)

1999-09-11 20:29 GRG, revision 3614

Added GSocket_Select() and removed some unused functions

1999-09-11 20:27 GRG, revision 3613

- Completed WaitOnAccept - Rewritten all the WaitXXX functions so that they do not depend on the event notification system. - Rewritten all the internal event system; now all events are internally monitorized, but users are notified only of these events they are interested in. This solves a lot of hard-to-catch little problems and bugs which could arise sometimes. - Rewritten all the automatic event notifier code. - Added callback management code, which had been forgotten (badly needed for wxTCPConnection in IPC classes) - Fixed wxSocketBase::Write(), which didn't honour the WAITALL flag. - Fixed some other bugs. - The code is now much more stable and robust than before (because the architecture is more robust, but it still needs testing).

1999-09-11 20:17 GRG, revision 3612

Added GSocket_Select()

1999-09-11 20:14 GRG, revision 3611

Added GSocket_Select() and fixed some things

1999-09-10 19:14 HH, revision 3610

sensible default...

1999-09-10 17:57 RD, revision 3609

Made wxNO_DEFAULT set the "no" button as the default, according to the docs

1999-09-10 06:25 RD, revision 3608

wxPython module for OGL added.

1999-09-10 06:23 RD, revision 3607

Some tweaks and updates

1999-09-10 06:23 RD, revision 3606

Better dependency checking

1999-09-10 06:11 RD, revision 3605

Put Get/Set/Push/PopEventHandler methods back in.

1999-09-10 06:05 RD, revision 3604

Lots more support for event-less callbacks Exported some symbols for the other modules to use etc.

1999-09-09 22:20 GRG, revision 3603

wxUSE_GIF instead of wxUSE_LIBGIF

1999-09-09 22:19 GRG, revision 3602

Ops. wxUSE_XXX and wxUSE_STREAMS are separated again :-)

1999-09-09 22:16 GRG, revision 3601

small changes here and there

1999-09-09 22:14 GRG, revision 3600

wxUSE_GIF instead of wxUSE_LIBGIF

1999-09-09 22:12 GRG, revision 3599

*** empty log message ***

1999-09-09 22:08 GRG, revision 3598

Accept, AcceptWith -> wait parameter WaitOnAccept m_establishing member for correct WaitOnConnect

1999-09-09 22:03 GRG, revision 3597

Fixed WaitOnConnect(). Added wait parameter to Accept() and AcceptWith() Added WaitOnAccept() (incomplete) Added about a dozen or so small bugfixes here and there.

1999-09-09 22:01 GRG, revision 3596

Replaced wxUSE_LIBGIF with wxUSE_GIF

1999-09-09 21:58 GRG, revision 3595

Added #include "wx/setup.h" (or "wx/defs.h") before checking for wxUSE_*** Merged wxUSE_*** and wxUSE_STREAM (is this right?) Replaced wxUSE_LIBGIF with wxUSE_GIF everywhere

1999-09-09 21:24 DW, revision 3594

VisualAge C++ V4.0 configuration files

1999-09-09 21:22 DW, revision 3593

Latest OS/2 compiler bug fixes for common and generic

1999-09-09 19:16 GRG, revision 3592

Fixed some bus in Connect()

1999-09-09 13:41 KB, revision 3591

cosmetic fix

1999-09-09 12:25 GRG, revision 3590

Nothing serious here :-)

1999-09-09 11:22 JS, revision 3589

Small bug fix

1999-09-09 08:56 KB, revision 3588

no more errors in make clean

1999-09-08 22:13 GRG, revision 3587

Bugfix in GSocket_Cleanup() GSocket_Connect and GSocket_WaitConnection now detect EWOULDBLOCK errors and act accordingly (this is needed for correct wxSocket behaviour)

1999-09-08 12:39 JS, revision 3586

Fixed cursor loading on Win95

1999-09-08 08:29 JS, revision 3585

Added wxTE_NO_VSCROLL style; corrected joystick event class

1999-09-07 16:23 GRG, revision 3584

Little changes

1999-09-07 15:40 GRG, revision 3583

Added -lwsock32 (needed for socket support)

1999-09-07 15:37 GRG, revision 3582

Added gsocket.c for MSW

1999-09-07 15:34 GRG, revision 3581

wxSocketClient::Connect() now honours the 'wait' parameter.

1999-09-07 15:25 GRG, revision 3580

GSocket for MSW

1999-09-07 15:20 GRG, revision 3579

Header file for MSW GSocket

1999-09-07 08:22 JS, revision 3578

Corrected #include in gsockmot.cpp

1999-09-07 05:28 RS, revision 3577

Fixed include gsockunix.h line

1999-09-06 19:06 GL, revision 3576

Moved gsockunx.h from src/unix to include/wx/unix Added include/wx/unix/gsockunx.h to

1999-09-06 12:54 PA, revision 3575

Added documentation for wxMenuBar::Refresh()

1999-09-06 12:53 PA, revision 3574

Changed scope of wxMenuBar::Refresh() from protected to public.

1999-09-06 12:15 JS, revision 3573

Added missing constant

1999-09-06 12:12 JS, revision 3572

Changed value of wxGA_SMOOTH (clashed with wxVERTICAL)

1999-09-06 09:36 JS, revision 3571

Added wxFontEnumerator class for wxMSW, and fixed text validator for French decimal point (",").

1999-09-05 20:45 VZ, revision 3570

some fixes for VC++ 1.5 makefiles

1999-09-05 19:42 JS, revision 3569

Fixed some doc problems

1999-09-05 15:14 JS, revision 3568

Misc. 16-bit compilation fixes

1999-09-05 14:09 JS, revision 3567

Updating corrupt file

1999-09-05 10:23 GL, revision 3566

Updated wxSocket documentation Renamed GSOCK_TIMEOUT to GSOCK_TIMEDOUT Added wxURL::ConvertFromURI Use wxUSE_LIBGIF in imaggif.cpp and samples/html/test/test.cpp Full implementation of "timeout"s in gsocket.c Non-blocking WaitConnection()/Connect() are supported now.

1999-09-05 06:46 GL, revision 3565

Changed some more name in wxSocket (internal)

1999-09-05 06:33 MB, revision 3564
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/configure

What is it doing here anyway ?

1999-09-05 05:51 GL, revision 3563

Added GSocket/wxSocket alias to socket.h to prevent us from using GSocket internal symbols Added G721 filter for Wave Fixed a bug in wxsocket sample

1999-09-05 03:31 MB, revision 3562

Modifed ShowModal() function so that you can have dialogs with yes, no and cancel buttons.

1999-09-03 10:54 HH, revision 3561

fixed crashing generic dir dialog.

1999-09-03 05:19 MB, revision 3560

Added statline, checklst and spinbutt file to wxMotif compilation.

1999-09-03 05:16 MB, revision 3559

Enabled wxStaticLine for wxMotif. Added checklst.cpp and spinbutt.cpp to Motif compilation.

1999-09-03 04:18 MB, revision 3558

Fixes for gcc 2.95 and AIX.

1999-09-02 19:11 GL, revision 3557

Added a test to wxSocket sample (client side socket event test)

1999-09-02 08:23 JS, revision 3556

SetMenuBar potential memory leak fixed; added wxTAB_TRAVERSAL as dummy (0) style for backward compatibility

1999-09-02 06:01 , revision 3555
  • A /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/.cvsignore
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/BuildCVS.txt
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/config.guess
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/config.sub
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/configure
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/distrib
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/docs
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/include
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/install-sh
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/lib
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/locale
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/misc
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/mkinstalldirs
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/modules
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/samples
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/src
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/tests
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/user
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/dialoged
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/framelayout
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/glcanvas
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/HelpGen
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/HelpHTML
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/nplugin
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/ogl
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/serialize
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/tex2rtf
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/wxMMedia2
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/wxOLE
  • R /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/wxPython/modules/html
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/wxPython/modules/html/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/wxPython/modules/html/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/wxPython/modules/html/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/wxPython/src/makefile.nt
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/wxPython/src/wxp.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/wxprop
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/utils/wxtree
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/wxGTK.spec
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/wxMotif.spec
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/wxPython-2_1b3/wxWINE.spec

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'wxPython-2_1b3'.

1999-09-02 06:01 RD, revision 3554

Prep for wxPython 2.1b3 release

1999-09-02 05:39 RD, revision 3553

updated version number for DLL name

1999-09-02 05:38 RD, revision 3552

fixed a clash in values for wxSlider styles

1999-09-02 05:36 RD, revision 3551

wxPython doc updates

1999-09-02 05:31 RD, revision 3550

Prep for wxPython 2.1b3 release

1999-09-01 20:58 RD, revision 3549

removed a test value left in by accident

1999-09-01 20:54 RD, revision 3548

Some build updates

1999-09-01 20:53 RD, revision 3547

Added sh-bang

1999-09-01 18:05 GL, revision 3546

Write 0 to m_lastcount in OnSysRead and OnSysWrite

1999-08-31 23:26 HH, revision 3545

change to make wxHtmlHelp more flexible; don't panic if an empty index or contents filename is given

1999-08-31 23:22 HH, revision 3544

added wxHtmlHelpController and -System wrappers. See README for some remarks

1999-08-31 23:18 HH, revision 3543

some changes to make wxHtmlHelpController easier to subclass

1999-08-31 20:05 VS, revision 3542

ScanParam has only one parameter now

1999-08-31 18:16 GL, revision 3541

Fixed wxZlibOutputStream::Sync

1999-08-31 12:03 JS, revision 3540

Added Set/GetSelection to wxPrintDialogData (the value of the Selection radio button); corrected bug in cursor.cpp (used wxIconRefData).

1999-08-31 05:36 MB, revision 3539

Fixes for scrolling in wxScrolledWindow

1999-08-31 03:45 MB, revision 3538

ifdef'd out call to dc.FloodFill() for WXMOTIF (not implemented).

1999-08-30 22:39 VS, revision 3537

wxHtmlTag::ScanParam now returns value

1999-08-30 22:37 VS, revision 3536

removed html/version.h

1999-08-30 08:35 PA, revision 3535

removing w4 level warning

1999-08-30 07:11 PA, revision 3534

Removing most of level 4 warnings, particulary in 16 bits mode

1999-08-29 20:08 HH, revision 3533

fixed problem in mimetype database and put a temp. fix for font tags like <FONT SIZE=gaga>, i.e. without an proper integer argument

1999-08-29 20:02 GRG, revision 3532

fixed bug for 24bit images

1999-08-29 20:00 GRG, revision 3531

*** empty log message ***

1999-08-29 19:57 GRG, revision 3530


1999-08-29 19:56 GRG, revision 3529
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/image/horse.pcx

*** empty log message ***

1999-08-29 19:55 GL, revision 3528

PNM horse

1999-08-29 19:49 GRG, revision 3527

*** empty log message ***

1999-08-29 19:49 GRG, revision 3526
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/image/horse.pcx

*** empty log message ***

1999-08-29 19:48 GL, revision 3525

Removed LastError() from wxFilterStream Added a better Peek() to wxBufferedInputStream Fixed wxPNMHandler (it is a lot faster on text PNM now) Image sample loads a PNM

1999-08-29 19:40 GRG, revision 3524

Added horse.pcx

1999-08-29 19:38 GRG, revision 3523


1999-08-29 19:36 GRG, revision 3522
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/image/horse.pcx

*** empty log message ***

1999-08-29 14:40 GL, revision 3521

Start xanim only when we are ready to play Renamed StartPlay in Play Added wxVideoBaseDriver::GetSize

1999-08-29 13:32 SB, revision 3520

Fixed wxBufferedInputStream support ...

1999-08-29 11:53 GRG, revision 3519

PCX image for testing

1999-08-29 11:52 GRG, revision 3518

PCX handler now working for reading (8bit and 24bit images). Still no wxPCXHandler::SaveFile, though.

1999-08-29 11:50 GRG, revision 3517

Added error messages when (verbose == TRUE) to know why the load failed.

1999-08-29 07:49 SB, revision 3516

fixed unsolved link

1999-08-29 06:37 MB, revision 3515

Regenerated from tmake to add imagpcx.

1999-08-29 06:30 MB, revision 3514

Script runs tmake for all template files in distrib/msw/tmake. Writes wxMSW makefiles to src/msw. Writes to top wxWindows dir.

1999-08-29 05:49 MB, revision 3513

A shell script to run tmake for all template files similar to Vadim's makeall.bat for DOS.

1999-08-29 05:12 MB, revision 3512

Regenerated with tmake to add imagpcx for all platforms.

1999-08-28 16:50 RR, revision 3511

Added German translation to internat sample. Fixed recursion in wxLogGui::Flush()

1999-08-28 15:31 HH, revision 3510

Added a hack to to enable cross compiling of glcanvas; search for GL_TOOLKIT_DIR to see what I mean. Added to glcanvas/win

1999-08-28 12:28 GL, revision 3509

Fixed compilation/link errors

1999-08-27 17:40 GL, revision 3508

Implemented Read in the PCM converter Changed size_t to wxUint32 Added support for G72X WAV format multi-codec handling

1999-08-27 16:00 GRG, revision 3507

CanRead() now restores the stream to its previous state (potential bug when mixing with other handlers' CanRead() code.)

1999-08-27 15:23 KB, revision 3506

included imagpcx for wxGTK

1999-08-27 13:16 PA, revision 3505

Adding GetPrevSibling() & GetNextSibling() in winundef.h

1999-08-27 11:56 PA, revision 3504

Adding GetFisrtChild in winundef.h

1999-08-27 11:46 PA, revision 3503

Removing some level 3 warning Updating samples\

1999-08-27 11:42 GRG, revision 3502

Added testing code for PCX Handler (which is still not working because PCX Handler is still a do-nothing and besides, there is no horse.pcx file, but hey... it doesn't hurt)

1999-08-27 11:34 GRG, revision 3501

Added imagpcx.cpp

1999-08-27 11:31 GRG, revision 3500


1999-08-27 11:31 GRG, revision 3499

Added PCX Handler

1999-08-27 11:29 GRG, revision 3498

small change (honour 'verbose' parameter in LoadFile)

1999-08-27 11:28 GRG, revision 3497

New PCX Image Handler (still empty)

1999-08-27 08:23 MB, revision 3496

Fix for compilation under AIX.

1999-08-27 08:22 MB, revision 3495

Fixes for compilation under AIX.

1999-08-26 18:04 GL, revision 3494

Better fix for thread sample code

1999-08-26 17:35 GL, revision 3493

Fixed thread sample SEGV on wxGTK

1999-08-26 17:05 PA, revision 3492

Solving link problem with 16 bits versions (wxProcessEvent, wxSpinEvent) Various makefile.dos in Samples/ dir are now up-to-date msvc\Ctl3dv2.lib changed to a valid one

1999-08-26 16:15 RR, revision 3491

Distrib and make install fixes. Docs for wxSizer finished.

1999-08-26 04:41 MB, revision 3490

Changed value setting code in ctor and function SetValue so that widget uses a copy of the source string rather than a pointer to the source string. This fixes problems with wxGrid.

1999-08-26 04:05 RD, revision 3489

Better uninstall handling and some other tweaks

1999-08-25 17:48 GL, revision 3488

Fixed a bug in threadpsx.cpp (wxBaseArray bug).

1999-08-25 17:22 GL, revision 3487

Added wxSound for Windows support (successful WAV playback on VC++ 5) Fixes/Updates for the rest. PNM decoder uses now wxBufferedInputStream to (to be tested). Support for G72X is on the road ...

1999-08-25 16:39 RR, revision 3486

Many distribution things.

1999-08-25 13:47 HH, revision 3485

fixed mingw32 problem. Now correctly deals with egcs / <=gcc-2.8 issue.

1999-08-25 07:52 MB, revision 3484

Fixed bug (hopefully) that caused windows to be only partially repainted. Last update rect was being missed in wxCanvasRepaintProc().

1999-08-25 06:27 MB, revision 3483

Fixed but in wxButton::SetDefault() that was causing core dumps when a generic colour dialog was created.

1999-08-25 04:59 RD, revision 3482
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/glcanvas.i
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/glcanvasc.def
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/gtk/glcanvas.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/gtk/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/gtk/utils.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/gtk/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/msw/glcanvas.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/msw/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/msw/utils.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/msw/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/utils.i
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/utilsc.def

glcanvas and utils have mode to the modules directory

1999-08-25 04:50 RD, revision 3481
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/glcanvas/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/glcanvas/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/glcanvas/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/html/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/html/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/html/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/lseditor/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/lseditor/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/lseditor/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/Makefile
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/stubs/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/stubs/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/stubs/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/src/

Death to all Makefiles and associates!

1999-08-24 23:45 MB, revision 3480

Added test for wxUSE_STATLINE so that wizard will compile under wxMotif

1999-08-24 23:00 RD, revision 3479

More execute bit setting... (again!)

1999-08-24 22:59 RD, revision 3478
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/

More execute bit setting... (again!)

1999-08-24 22:58 RD, revision 3477

More execute bit setting...

1999-08-24 22:57 RD, revision 3476
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/modules/

More execute bit setting...

1999-08-24 22:55 RD, revision 3475

Fixed a typo

1999-08-24 22:13 GRG, revision 3474

Added CanRead()

1999-08-24 22:10 GRG, revision 3473

Fixed CanRead(), which incorrectly forced version 89a, thus preventing valid GIFs with older version numbers (87a) to be loaded correctly. Also, CanRead() is now in gifdecod.cpp

1999-08-24 20:30 RR, revision 3472

Forgot to add the files.

1999-08-24 20:26 RR, revision 3471

Added new wxFontDialog, Added PICFLAGS to parser compilation, Implemented COL_CLICK and wxLC_NO_HEADER

1999-08-24 20:14 RD, revision 3470

Deleting and re-adding to get the execute bit set

1999-08-24 20:13 RD, revision 3469
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/demo/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/demo/

Deleting and re-adding to get the execute bit set

1999-08-24 20:11 RD, revision 3468

Trying to get the execute bit set by default...

1999-08-24 20:10 RD, revision 3467
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/distrib/

Trying to get the execute bit set but default...

1999-08-24 19:53 RD, revision 3466

Build tool updates

1999-08-24 19:08 SB, revision 3465

2c : check menu was inversely set

1999-08-24 17:38 GL, revision 3464

Renamed UnRead to Unread in the doc

1999-08-24 16:17 SB, revision 3463

Fixed ctor declaration : some default were missing

1999-08-24 15:54 PA, revision 3462

Minor corrections to be able to compile with VC++ 1.5C and VC++ 4.1

1999-08-24 13:23 HH, revision 3461

Oops, had forgotten the GL libraries for unix

1999-08-24 13:04 JS, revision 3460

Minor doc & distrib file changes

1999-08-24 12:51 HH, revision 3459

- Updated gtk SWIGged files to SWIG 1.1 cvs level - changed SOURCES treatment in; the path is stripped from the source file when the object name is derived; this means sources can be anywhere (typically might be in GENCODEDIR) but the compiled object will always be in the current dir. (This is how the implicit makefile rule already behaved) - updated glcanvas/build.cfg for unix builds to copy glcanvas.cpp from utils/glcanvas (like did)

1999-08-24 08:24 JS, revision 3458


1999-08-24 08:05 RD, revision 3457

Some cleanup

1999-08-24 07:46 RD, revision 3456

New build system for wxPython. (Still needs some polish but is stable for me. Will be doing more testing tomorrow on other platforms and then will remove the old wxPython build stuff...)

1999-08-24 07:39 RD, revision 3455

Moving utils from core to modules

1999-08-24 07:19 RD, revision 3454

Fixed compile error for gcc 2.95 (was just a warning on other versions...)

1999-08-24 07:15 RD, revision 3453

Adding new SWIGified sources for wxPython modules

1999-08-24 04:37 RD, revision 3452

Added MS VC++ instructions.

1999-08-23 21:13 HH, revision 3451

disabled windows.h check for cross compiling --- might accidently find wine headers and we wouldn't want that...

1999-08-23 18:00 HH, revision 3450

started adding swigged sources

1999-08-23 17:43 HH, revision 3449

gtk and msw build dirs

1999-08-23 17:40 HH, revision 3448


1999-08-23 15:23 RR, revision 3447

Small optical changes for MSW Buttons now get at least 80x23 if given a default size Small compile and distrib changes

1999-08-23 12:43 HH, revision 3446

added a define STRICT to setup.h (for mingw32-gcc2.95), removed liboldnames for wxMSW compilation.

1999-08-23 12:30 RR, revision 3445

Corrected motif makefile (hopefully)

1999-08-23 09:26 HH, revision 3444

Your typical c_str => c_str() fix.

1999-08-22 23:20 HH, revision 3443

small cross-compilation updates

1999-08-22 22:43 HH, revision 3442

Fixes for smoother cross compilation; - added parser.o to msw objects in unx.t - made sure 'lexer.c' is included in parser.y when cross compiling wxMSW - added optional program extention PROGRAM_EXT set by configure, so that makeprog.env can create .exe files - a few additions to (wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN for wxMSW, hack to fix a clash with __WINDOWS__ define in wx/deps.h

1999-08-22 20:16 HH, revision 3441

A few small fixes for cross compilation

1999-08-22 16:12 RR, revision 3440

Added wxFFileStream base on wxFFile (as opposed to wxFile) Implemented the "endl" thing for text streams, Corrected cursor display for text ctrls, Corrected the strange spin button behaviour when dynamically changing its range Corrcected bug in wxListBox when programmatically unselecting an item in multi-select mode (bug reports are getting esoteric)

1999-08-22 14:10 RR, revision 3439

Added wxCountingStream for measuring the size of streamed data Added wxBitmapObject for putting it on the clipboard

1999-08-21 19:14 RR, revision 3438

makefile typo wxFileDialog now defaults to cwd, not home PS can now print in landscape (although upside-down)