

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-12-08 00:55 VZ, revision 69951

Set the tooltip for generic wxToolBar tools under wxOSX/Cocoa. When using non-native toolbar, set the tooltip for tools m_controlHandle. Closes #12362.

2011-12-08 00:41 VZ, revision 69950

Work around impossibility to use wxCombobox in wxGrid in wxOSX. Open the combobox when the editor is initially shown, this somehow ensures that the combobox selection is taken into account when it is closed while without this the selection is simply completely ignored. This is just a hack but at least it allows to use wxGridCellChoiceEditor under wxOSX which was previously impossible at all. Closes #12644.

2011-12-08 00:41 VZ, revision 69949

Use NSApp abortModal instead of stopModal to end modal dialogs. Using abortModal is apparently the right thing to do if the dialog is not being closed as the result of user action (but e.g. because a timer expired) and shouldn't change anything if it done because of something the user did (e.g. clicked on a button). Closes #12467.

2011-12-08 00:41 VZ, revision 69948

Implement wxComboBox::Popup() and Dismiss() for wxOSX/Cocoa. Unlike in the other ports, these methods currently don't generate any events under OS X because these events are never generated at all there. Closes #12642.

2011-12-08 00:21 VZ, revision 69947

Don't use gtk_menu_item_set_submenu() with NULL menu with GTK+ < 2.12. In GTK+ 2.10 and earlier gtk_menu_item_remove_submenu() had to be used to remove the items submenu as gtk_menu_item_set_submenu() gave errors when passed NULL submenu, so call the old function when using old GTK+ version.

2011-12-07 20:34 PC, revision 69945

In Refresh(), allow for possibility that child is mapped and parent is not. It turns out this can actually happen, and is apparently allowed by GTK.

2011-12-07 17:13 VZ, revision 69944

Order the libraries correctly in wx-config for static linking. The order of libraries matters when linking statically under UNIX. Ensure that it is always correct in wx-config itself.

2011-12-07 15:35 VZ, revision 69943

Fix the size of the buffer when using wxIPC::Execute() with DDE. Don't multiply the "realSize" variable by sizeof(wxChar) when passing it to DdeClientTransaction(), as its name indicates it is already supposed to be the size of the data and not the length of the string so just ensure that it is always correctly set to the size and not length when initializing it. Closes #13734.

2011-12-07 15:05 VZ, revision 69942

Remove vertical wxTextCtrl adjustment hacks for wxMSW in wxComboCtrl code. Because wxTextCtrl used to wrongly report its best size in wxNO_BORDER case under MSW, wxComboCtrl manually adjusted its position to work around this. However since r69066 wxTextCtrl::GetBestSize() was fixed and now these adjustments resulted in wrong vertical position for the control. Just remove all manual adjustments completely now to fix this. Closes #13722.

2011-12-07 13:48 CE, revision 69941

add dot to path

2011-12-07 13:46 VZ, revision 69940

Add documentation of emitted events to wxScrolled documentation. Make it clear that wxScrolled<> emits wxScrollWinEvent and not wxScrollEvent. Closes #13730.

2011-12-07 08:47 JJ, revision 69939

Update Make-files for OpenVMS

2011-12-07 01:59 VZ, revision 69938

Pretend that the window showing popup menu has focus in wxGTK. This is necessary for compatibility with wxMSW as the focus remains on the window which had it before the popup menu was shown there and existing code relies on it, while in wxGTK the popup steals the focus when it's shown.

2011-12-07 01:59 VZ, revision 69937

Enable wxEvtHandler::Bind() for Sun CC. At least 5.10+ are good enough to compile it.

2011-12-07 01:59 VZ, revision 69936

Fix build with Sun CC under Linux. We need to explicitly define _GNU_SOURCE when building our code as we use it configure when running the tests and it's not predefined by Sun CC, unlike g++ so we need to add it to CXXFLAGS ourselves. An alternative solution would be to run the tests without _GNU_SOURCE but this would lose too much functionality so it doesn't seem like a good idea.

2011-12-07 01:59 VZ, revision 69935

Remove wxHAVE_GLIBC2 from configure, always predefine _GNU_SOURCE. We used to test for glibc version first and predefined _GNU_SOURCE only if it was greater than 2.1 but there doesn't seem to be any harm to just always predefine _GNU_SOURCE under Linux (not that there are any systems with glibc < 2.1 left anyhow). Also do it much earlier to ensure that all tests are affected by it. And as we don't use wxHAVE_GLIBC2 anywhere else just remove it.

2011-12-06 19:35 SC, revision 69934

avoiding NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier under Lion, where it is not supported anymore, fixes #13363

2011-12-05 10:59 JS, revision 69933

Applied patch #13698 to fix wrong border test

2011-12-05 10:00 CE, revision 69932

add docs to name

2011-12-05 01:00 VZ, revision 69931

No changes, just remove unnecessary assignment in wxOSX code. Local size variable was unnecessarily assigned itself. Closes #13723.

2011-12-05 00:57 VZ, revision 69930

Add virtual dtor to wxCustomBackgroundWindowBase. Suppress g++ warnings about a class with virtual methods but non-virtual dtor by making the dtor virtual even if we don't need it to be virtual in this class.

2011-12-05 00:57 VZ, revision 69929

Compilation fix for wxCarbon after the last commit. Apply corrected version of the patch for Carbon. See #13661.

2011-12-04 20:23 VZ, revision 69928

Fix wxDataViewCtrl compilation with 10.7 SDK under OS X. Add the required casts to wxPointerObject. Closes #13661.

2011-12-04 13:26 VZ, revision 69927

Do not declare "environ" variable ourselves under MSW. The changes of r69564 making "environ" declaration unconditional broke MinGW 4.6 build, presumably because "environ" is declared differently (as DLL exported?) there, so avoid declaring it under MSW, we don't need to do it there anyhow as it's always defined in system headers.

2011-12-04 00:52 VZ, revision 69926

Allow 2-step creation of wxGenericProgressDialog. Add default ctor and Create() with the same parameters as the non-default ctor. Closes #13555.