

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-10-01 23:00 VZ, revision 3787

fix for Append() bug for sorted comboboxes

1999-10-01 23:00 VZ, revision 3786

Borland makefiles fixes for .c files

1999-10-01 22:50 VZ, revision 3785

minor correction

1999-10-01 22:42 VZ, revision 3784

wxDialUpManager class (first draft, works only under Windows NT for now)

1999-10-01 18:31 VZ, revision 3783

virtual functionsignature corrected

1999-10-01 18:27 VZ, revision 3782

wxCALLBACK added, wxCOMPFUNC_CONV moved to defs.h

1999-10-01 18:01 VZ, revision 3781

wxFontEnumerator class for Motif/X

1999-10-01 15:41 RR, revision 3780

Improved wxFileDialog behaviour wrt to remembering filenames Ported new scrolling code from wxWindow to wxScrollBar and wxSlider

1999-10-01 14:59 VZ, revision 3779

wxMotif::wxFont supports encodings too (and shares 99% of font code with wxGTK)

1999-10-01 13:53 VZ, revision 3778

renamed gsockmot.cpp to *.c

1999-10-01 13:21 VZ, revision 3777

fix from Ron for one-shot timers

1999-10-01 11:41 JS, revision 3776

Updates to VC++ project files

1999-10-01 00:50 VZ, revision 3775

small font demo

1999-10-01 00:49 VZ, revision 3774

basic support for encodings for wxMSW::wxFont

1999-09-30 23:56 GRG, revision 3773

new sample

1999-09-30 23:53 GRG, revision 3772


1999-09-30 23:44 GRG, revision 3771

All events now internally watched

1999-09-30 23:42 GRG, revision 3770

Uses wxSocketBase::Unread instead of CreatePushback

1999-09-30 23:41 GRG, revision 3769

Several changes and updates

1999-09-30 23:25 VZ, revision 3768

fixed compilation and added support for all 4 images (as a side effect) to the generic tree control

1999-09-30 22:28 RD, revision 3767

gernerated source code updates

1999-09-30 22:27 RD, revision 3766

version string is now quoted properly

1999-09-30 22:26 RD, revision 3765

fixed an error in the sample

1999-09-30 22:17 VZ, revision 3764

wxListCtrl::InsertItem returns the index of the inserted item

1999-09-30 22:13 RR, revision 3763

Corrected filelist.txt a little - one gsocket.c is enough, Corrected cursors - not yet perfect, Added some tests to scroll sample Made wxScrolledWindow::Scroll() call Refresh(), Change wxListCtrl to reflect the latter change (wxTreeCtrl will follow), Added activate event for wxMDIChildFrame Implemented wxSIMPLE_BORDER for wxWindow (no controls), Tried to correct positioning upon start-up - no way, Rewrote catching of scroll events - page-up, page-down, up and down work now. Don't know what TOP and BOTTOM are used for.