

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-12-14 20:38 VZ, revision 70008

Tagging 2.9.3 for the third and final time.

2011-12-14 19:42 VZ, revision 70007

No changes, just harmonized the EOLs in the ISS file. Use consistent DOS EOLs for all the lines in this file.

2011-12-14 19:26 VZ, revision 70006
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_9_3

Deleting 2.9.3 tag in preparation for moving it for the second time.

2011-12-14 18:38 VS, revision 70005

Remove unnecessary m_editorCtrl assignment. m_editorCtrl is WeakRef<>, so doing it is pointless, and it breaks VC6 compilation.

2011-12-14 17:04 VZ, revision 70004

Re-tagging 2.9.3.

2011-12-14 17:03 VZ, revision 70003
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_9_3

Delete the original 2.9.3 tag, it will be recreated in a moment.

2011-12-14 17:00 VS, revision 70002

Close wxDataViewCtrl inline editor when destroying the control. If the wxDataViewCtrl control was destroyed while an inline editor control was still active, it wouldn't get destroyed in the right order and the ~wxWindow assert about unpopped event handlers would be triggered. Fix this by popping the handler as one of the first things in wxDataViewRendererBase destructor.

2011-12-14 16:53 VS, revision 70001

Don't change horizontal scroll position needlessly in wxDataViewCtrl. When ScrollTo() or EnsureVisible() was called in the generic wxDataViewCtrl implementation with unspecified column, horizontal scroll position was reset to left-most position, which doesn't make much sense. Instead, leave horizontal position unchanged in this case and only change it when explicitly requested.

2011-12-14 16:53 VS, revision 70000

Ensure that current column is visible in generic wxDataViewCtrl. When navigating between columns using keyboard, ensure visibility of the newly selected column.

2011-12-14 09:52 CE, revision 69999

2.9.3 version

2011-12-14 01:48 VZ, revision 69998

Tag 2.9.3 release.

2011-12-14 01:46 VZ, revision 69997

Add the release date of 2.9.3 to the change log.

2011-12-13 22:08 VZ, revision 69996

Use string column identifiers with NSTableColumns in wxDataViewCtrl. Starting with OS X 10.7 the column identifiers used in NSOutlineView must be of type NSString, so convert the code to use string identifiers instead of wxPointerObject. Closes #13661.

2011-12-13 20:06 JS, revision 69995

Applied #13738: Make a wxRichTextImage's box display around the image (dghart)

2011-12-12 21:38 DS, revision 69994

Regenerated Xcode projects. Updated the Xcode projects to use timectrlg.cpp (renamed from timectrl.cpp).

2011-12-12 16:54 SC, revision 69993

adding defaults for Xcode builds

2011-12-12 16:43 SC, revision 69992

reverting r69387 and r69389, fixes #13737

2011-12-12 15:01 VZ, revision 69991

Rename src/generic/timectrl.cpp to timectrlg.cpp. We can't use the same names for these files with VC6, it doesn't support this and the project can't be built because of the output object file names conflict.

2011-12-12 14:08 VZ, revision 69990

Remove the item before notifying about it in wxDataViewIndexListModel. Remove the item from the internal representation of the model before calling ItemDeleted() callback so that the callback sees the model in a consistent state. This is more consistent with the other callbacks (e.g. ItemAdded()) and other models (e.g. wxDataViewVirtualListModel) and should fix crashes in wxOSX version of the control. Closes #13753.

2011-12-12 14:08 VZ, revision 69989

Always give error message when file-related functions fail. Some failures in the file functions that usually did give error messages were not reported, do log these errors too now. Closes #13576.

2011-12-12 00:59 VZ, revision 69988

Fix harmless warning in wxOSX with 10.7 SDK. Use NSInteger instead of int in a declaration to avoid warnings about declaration mismatch from g++ 4.2 under OS X 10.7.

2011-12-12 00:51 VZ, revision 69987

Minor corrections to event handling overview documentation. Use "wx" prefix with the macros and correct the event methods used in the example. Closes #13752.

2011-12-12 00:51 VZ, revision 69986

Document that setting colours for native controls might not work. Changing colours of the native controls can't be relied on. See #13745.

2011-12-11 20:05 PC, revision 69985

fix GetTextExtent with non-null font argument, fixes #13750

2011-12-11 18:03 VZ, revision 69984

Ensure that Enter key presses are never stolen from wxButton in wxMSW. This commit fixes the following bug: when an in-place editor control containing an embedded button was used in wxDataViewCtrl, pressing Enter on the button would close the editor, accepting changes, instead as (generic) wxDataViewCtrl intercepts WXK_RETURN in its EVT_CHAR_HOOK handler. To prevent this from happening, wxButton now handles EVT_CHAR_HOOK itself and never lets the parent window intercept it if it's for WXK_RETURN. To ensure that normal wxEVT_KEY_DOWN and wxEVT_CHAR are still generated in this case, wxButton handler calls the new wxKeyEvent::DoAllowNextEvent() method that was added to allow suppressing EVT_CHAR_HOOK only, without affecting the subsequent events. DoAllowNextEvent() is currently only used in wxMSW but support for it was also added to wxGTK and (both) wxOSX ports. See #9102.