

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-12-19 13:16 DS, revision 70047

Removed useless if statement in slider code. The y position of the slider is already taken care of by the variable ySlider, changing labelOffset has no use.

2011-12-19 13:12 DS, revision 70046

Don't move the slider's value label if it's not being used. An if statement was missing brackets and still moving the value label.

2011-12-18 15:38 VZ, revision 70045

Add a reminder to update version.bkl to inc_release script. While docs/tech/tn0011.txt does document this, it's still too simple to forget to update version.bkl, as my experience shows, so add a reminder to the script itself too.

2011-12-18 15:35 VZ, revision 70044

Update version to 2.9.4 in version.bkl too and rebake everything. Change the version for Unix shared libraries too.

2011-12-18 13:34 VZ, revision 70043

Added wxFilePickerCtrl::SetInitialDirectory(). This method allows to configure the initial directory to be shown when browsing for files in an initially empty wxFileDirPickerCtrl. It is also available for wxDirPickerCtrl but is less useful there.

2011-12-18 13:27 VZ, revision 70042

No changes, just use wxScopedPtr instead of explicit "delete". Use wxScopedPtr in wxGenericFileDirButton to ensure that the dialog created by it is always destroyed, even if an exception is thrown while showing the dialog or while processing the event we generate after showing it.

2011-12-18 12:51 SJL, revision 70041

Ensure wxWebViewIE::SetPage clears the existing content before writing the new output. Also add a basic unit test to verify correctness in the future. Fixes #13770

2011-12-18 00:52 VZ, revision 70040

Make wxPalette ctor and Create() const-correct in wxMSW. The input data is never modified so should be const (it is also documented as being const and actually is const in the other ports). Closes #13776.

2011-12-18 00:52 VZ, revision 70039

Define wxBitmapComboBox::Insert(void* clientData) overload in wxMSW. This overload was declared in the header but not implemented, do add its definition too. Closes #13774.

2011-12-18 00:52 VZ, revision 70038

Corrected the name of EVT_WEB_VIEW_ERROR event table macro. It was mistakenly spelt EVT_WEB_VIEW_ERRROR. Closes #13772.

2011-12-18 00:52 VZ, revision 70037

No changes, just fix typo in an example in webview docs. See #13772.

2011-12-18 00:04 VZ, revision 70036

Don't activate MSW dialogs when setting their initial size. As the dialog is not shown yet at this moment, activating it didn't work correctly and the dialog didn't get the focus when it was shown later. Fix this by preventing ::SetWindowPos() from activating it, which it does by default. Closes #13765.

2011-12-17 02:16 DS, revision 70023

Fixed DLL linking of core library with wxUSE_XPM set to 0. imagxpm.h was missing wxUSE_XPM guards which resulted in unresolved externals when compiling with wxUSE_XPM set to 0. Fixes #4085.

2011-12-17 02:13 DS, revision 70022

Fixed unreferenced parameter warning. Parameter xmpData was unused in wxImage::Create when compiling with wxUSE_XPM set to 0.

2011-12-16 23:12 VZ, revision 70021

Incremented the version number to 2.9.4 everywhere. The misc/scripts/inc_release script was used to update the versions.

2011-12-16 22:11 VZ, revision 70020

Try to get more information about wxFileSystemWatcher unit test failures. Log the original and new paths of the rename event to help debugging the extra modification events detected during the buildbot builds.

2011-12-16 20:57 VZ, revision 70019

Don't use wxTE_DONTWRAP style in Lines() wxTextCtrl unit case. The last check in this test couldn't pass under MSW as it relied on the (long) line of text being wrapped but the style used for the control prevented this from happening. Not sure how could it have ever worked before but in any case removing wxTE_DONTWRAP does make the test pass.

2011-12-16 20:47 VZ, revision 70018

Keep the item being updated selected in wxMSW wxChoice::SetString(). Changing the text of the selected wxChoice (or wxComboBox, as it derives from it in wxMSW) item made it unselected. Fix this by explicitly restoring the selection to the item if needed. Closes #13769.

2011-12-16 20:47 VZ, revision 70017

Corrected test for region validity in wxMSW wxRegion::DoOffset(). Checking M_REGION is not enough as the region can be invalid (meaning m_refData dereferenced inside M_REGION is NULL itself) and not just not initialized, so it resulted in crashes and not just the expected assert failure when wxRegion::Offset() was called for an invalid region.

2011-12-16 20:33 VZ, revision 70016

Use IsThisEnabled() to test if AUI child is enabled, not IsEnabled(). IsEnabled() returns false if the parent window is disabled and calling Enable() does not help with this, so we could keep trying and trying to enable the window unsuccessfully if it was reenabled while its parent was disabled, resulting in a never-ending stream of EVT_IDLE events. Closes #13767.

2011-12-16 12:03 VZ, revision 70015

Make multiline checkboxes wider in wxMSW to avoid word wrap. At least for some versions of Windows (Server 2003 with classic look and feel) the native checkboxes auto wrapped the label as it wrongly considered that the width we specified for it was not big enough. Compensate for this by making the checkbox wider -- this is just a hack but still better than corrupting the checkbox display.

2011-12-16 10:36 VZ, revision 70014

Output the value of --enable-debug option in configure. As we use AC_ARG_ENABLE() instead of WX_ARG_ENABLE() for it, we need to call AC_MSG_RESULT() explicitly or its value is never reported and configure output is corrupted.

2011-12-15 22:13 VZ, revision 70012

Compilation fix for wxStopWatch with wxUSE_THREADS==0. Use wxCRIT_SECT_DECLARE_MEMBER/wxCRIT_SECT_LOCKER macros which expand to nothing in wxUSE_THREADS==0 case instead of using wxCriticalSection[Locker] classes which are not defined then. Also explicitly include wx/thread.h.

2011-12-15 12:32 JS, revision 70011

Applied #13763 from dghart, to use primary selections if available

2011-12-15 01:22 VZ, revision 70009

Ensure that wxPropertyGrid::m_tlp is initialized early enough. This member variable could be used before it was initialized as OnTLPChanging() was called from Create() before Init2(), where m_tlp was assigned NULL, was called. Closes #13552.