

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-11-23 15:38 KB, revision 4662

Fixed linkage problem.

1999-11-23 14:53 DW, revision 4661

Adding OS/2 default images and resource file to repository

1999-11-23 12:52 KB, revision 4660

Created wxSamples

1999-11-23 12:29 KB, revision 4659

Compilation fix for Solaris.

1999-11-23 10:53 JS, revision 4658

WM_MOUSEMOVE correction

1999-11-23 01:06 DW, revision 4657

CriticalSection update for OS/2

1999-11-23 00:01 RD, revision 4656

Now sets the font for newly appended ownerdraw items.

1999-11-22 19:46 RR, revision 4655

Include changes again. Something is wrong with CVS...

1999-11-22 19:44 RR, revision 4654

Headers moved a bit. Minor docs updates.

1999-11-22 14:59 JJ, revision 4653

Committing in . Compiling support for samples/controls on VMS Modified Files: wxWindows/descrip.mms Added Files: wxWindows/samples/controls/controls.opt wxWindows/samples/controls/descrip.mms ----------------------------------------------------------------------

1999-11-22 14:31 JJ, revision 4652

Committing in . samples/config/contest.cpp compilation on VMS Bug fix for "double home directory in fileconf.cpp Modified Files: wxWindows/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/common/fileconf.cpp Added Files: wxWindows/samples/config/conftest.opt wxWindows/samples/config/descrip.mms ----------------------------------------------------------------------

1999-11-22 12:13 RR, revision 4651

Doc updates.

1999-11-22 10:34 JJ, revision 4650

Committing in . Compliations of samples/checklst on VMS Modified Files: wxWindows/descrip.mms Added Files: wxWindows/samples/checklst/checklst.opt wxWindows/samples/checklst/descrip.mms ----------------------------------------------------------------------

1999-11-22 05:27 DW, revision 4649

OS/2 thread updates

1999-11-22 05:27 DW, revision 4648

thread updates

1999-11-22 01:25 GRG, revision 4647

explicitly set addr.LocalHost before creting the wxSocketServer object

1999-11-21 19:29 RR, revision 4646

Forgot one.

1999-11-21 19:28 RR, revision 4645

makefile updates, minor doc updates

1999-11-21 18:31 RR, revision 4644

Updates to event docs. (removed evthandler::default).

1999-11-21 18:16 GL, revision 4643

Fixed an incorrect behaviour in ResetBuffer()

1999-11-21 11:32 RR, revision 4642

Added speed-up for font-loading (a bit simplistic), Moving between items in a radiobox works again, Tried to remove remaining gap in a wxStaticBox that has no text-label.

1999-11-21 10:25 RR, revision 4641

Called autoconf to update configure.

1999-11-21 03:37 RD, revision 4640

Fixed bug in DnD. wxDragSource will now delete itself when done.

1999-11-21 01:03 DW, revision 4639

updates for DoGetBestSize

1999-11-20 21:17 RD, revision 4638

here it is again