

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-02-08 03:09 VZ, revision 70541

Document wxAUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE. Also mention that it's part of wxAUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE. Closes #13382.

2012-02-08 01:22 RD, revision 70538

Interface fixes changing fiction into truth.

2012-02-08 01:20 RD, revision 70537

Following the theory that something lame is better than nothing at all, provide a very generic implementation of the ctor wxRegion::wxRegion(size_t n, const wxPoint *points, wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle) by drawing the polygon into a bitmap and using that to create the region.

2012-02-08 01:16 RD, revision 70536

Add an empty implementation of the OSXGenerateEvent() pure virtual so the generic date picker ctrl can be used in the cocoa build.

2012-02-08 00:57 RD, revision 70535

Don't assume that XCode is in /Developer. Use "xcode-select -print-path" instead.

2012-02-08 00:55 RD, revision 70534

use buf.length() instead of strlen()

2012-02-08 00:55 RD, revision 70533

Add length parameter to AddTextRaw and AppendTextRaw. Closes #1358

2012-02-07 22:38 VZ, revision 70532

Avoid CRT deprecation warnings for MSVC build using makefiles too. Define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE, _CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS and _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS when using makefiles to build the library too for consistency with the project files. These defines are only needed for VC8 and later but should do no harm for the previous versions. See #11009.

2012-02-07 22:38 VZ, revision 70531

Rebake all project files to reflect MSVC deprecation warnings defines. Rebake all the projects after the changes of r70182, even if they're only really needed for the library itself, the other project files should correspond to the bakefiles contents too.

2012-02-07 17:40 SC, revision 70530

forwarding mouse moved events to the view under the mouse, not the firstResponder

2012-02-07 14:48 VZ, revision 70529

Fix wxAboutDialogInfo::GetName() return type in the documentation. wxString is returned by value, not const reference. Closes #13941.

2012-02-07 14:02 VZ, revision 70528

Fix infinite loop in wxHtmlEasyPrinting page break code. The code didn't handle cells higher than the page height correctly and entered an infinite loop when trying to adjust page breaks in their presence, e.g. when trying to print a very tall image. Closes #13935.

2012-02-07 14:02 VZ, revision 70527

No real changes, just pass const wxArrayInt to wxHtmlCell::AdjustPagebreak(). AdjustPagebreak() never modifies the array passed to it, so pass it as const reference. See #13935.

2012-02-07 11:33 JJ, revision 70526

Update setup for OpenVMS to make wxX11 work again

2012-02-06 14:28 VZ, revision 70525

Return NULL from wxAuiNotebook::GetCurrentPage() if there is no selection. Make it behave as wxBookCtrlBase::GetCurrentPage() and just silently return NULL instead of asserting if there is no selection. Closes #13932.

2012-02-06 14:28 VZ, revision 70524

Fix typo in an event type constant in wxTreeListCtrl documentation. s/CHeCKED/CHECKED/g Closes #13931.

2012-02-06 14:28 VZ, revision 70523

Fix handling of positional parameters in wxPrintf() and related. Handle positional parameter specifications in wxFormatConverter to ensure that e.g. "%N$s" are correctly transformed to "%N$S" if needed. This fixes the use of positional parameters under OS X. Closes #10965.

2012-02-05 23:54 SN, revision 70521

Reverted bogus fix for bogus bug report #13402.

2012-02-05 23:53 SN, revision 70520

Reverted bogus fix for bogus bug report #13402.

2012-02-05 23:20 SN, revision 70519

Mark unused parameter as such, fixes #13402.

2012-02-05 23:20 SN, revision 70518

Mark unused parameter as such, fixes #13402.

2012-02-05 18:43 PC, revision 70517

remove code ifdef-ed on __X__, it is never defined for wxGTK

2012-02-05 16:45 VZ, revision 70516

Don't set PAGESETUPDLG::hDevNames and hDevMode when using PSD_RETURNDEFAULT. If the page setup dialog is used to retrieve the default information, hDevMode and hDevNames fields must not be set, otherwise PageSetupDlg() function simply fails because of incorrect parameters passed to it. Closes #13928.

2012-02-05 15:18 VZ, revision 70515

Fix huge performance problem in wxStdInputStream when using MSVC8/9. Our overridden xsgetn() method was never called when using these compilers because they used their own, non-standard, _Xsgetn_s() instead. Because of this the stream was always read character by character which was very inefficient. Fix the problem by overriding _Xsgetn_s() for these compilers and explicitly forwarding it to xsgetn(). Closes #13926.

2012-02-05 15:18 VZ, revision 70514

Take void** client data in wxSingleChoiceDialog ctor and not char**. The client data is supposed to be untyped, there is really no reason (other than compatibility with C conventions of 40 years ago) to use char** here. So don't do it and provide the versions taking "void**" keeping "char**" ones for backwards compatibility only. Also deprecate GetSelectionClientData() that returned char* and add a new GetSelectionData() returning void* instead. Closes #13876.

2012-02-05 15:18 VZ, revision 70513

Preserve focus when window is minimized and restored in wxMSW. Add specific code to save and restore the focus when the window is minimized and restored in wxMSW as the existing code in WM_ACTIVATE handler wasn't enough because this event was generated too late when minimizing the window (when it was already minimized and so the focus had been already lost) and too early when restoring it (so the window was still minimized and restoring focus failed). This is still not perfect as we do in our code something Windows would be expected to do automatically but for whatever reason, it doesn't do it for wxWidgets programs, and this manual workaround at least prevents the annoying total focus loss. Closes #1599.

2012-02-05 15:18 VZ, revision 70512

Ensure that the progress dialog parent is activated at the end under MSW. The progress dialog parent was supposed to become the new foreground window when the progress dialog was closed, but this didn't happen because m_parentTop was never set when the native progress dialog implementation was used under MSW. Fix this by explicitly calling the new SetTopParent() from its ctor.

2012-02-05 15:18 VZ, revision 70511

No changes, just implement Raise() in wxTopLevelWindow in wxMSW. Get rid of two identical implementations in wxFrame and wxDialog and only override this function once in wxTopLevelWindow.

2012-02-05 02:20 VZ, revision 70510

Fix initial state of radio toolbar tools in wxGTK. The last radio group item was initially checked under wxGTK instead of the first one, as under the other platforms. Fix this by correcting the check for the first radio group item which was inversed in wxToolBar::DoInsertTool().

2012-02-05 02:20 VZ, revision 70509

Never refresh controls from EVT_PAINT handler in wxPropertyGrid. Refreshing the controls after finishing repainting the grid results in an infinite stream of paint events, so don't do this, especially as this doesn't seem to have any bad consequences under wxGTK which was the only major platform where this behaviour was enabled. Also rename wxPG_REFRESH_CONTROLS_AFTER_REPAINT to just wxPG_REFRESH_CONTROLS and keep the control refreshing code for wxGTK only in a couple of places outside of EVT_PAINT handler to be on the safe side.

2012-02-04 13:22 VZ, revision 70508

Fix the URL generated by Doxygen @sampledir macro. "samples/" part of the URL was missing, add it. Closes #13925.

2012-02-04 12:45 VZ, revision 70507

Document wxNO_3D as being obsolete. This style doesn't do anything any more, so replace it documentation with a deprecation notice.

2012-02-03 18:57 VZ, revision 70506

Fix typo in EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT documentation. Wrong event type was used, correct it. Closes #13922.

2012-02-03 18:27 VZ, revision 70505

Check string length correctly in wxFileSystem::URLToFileName(). Check that the string is long enough before accessing its first and second characters to fix a crash when an empty or one-character string was passed to wxFileSystem::URLToFileName(). Closes #13920.

2012-02-03 18:27 VZ, revision 70504

Enable callbacks for wxFileSystemWatcher FD under OS X. We need to enable callbacks to get them initially, otherwise no events are ever detected. Closes #13919.

2012-02-03 18:27 VZ, revision 70503

Fix speed regression in wxFileHistory::AddFileToHistory(). Avoid full normalization including wxPATH_NORM_LONG when adding files to wxFileHistory as this can take a very long time when using network paths under Windows. Closes #13915.

2012-02-03 15:15 VZ, revision 70502

Turkish translations update from Kaya Zeren.

2012-02-03 01:24 VZ, revision 70501

Fix the type of global font constants in the documentation. wxNORMAL_FONT, wxSMALL_FONT &c were documented as wxFont objects but they are really wxFont pointers. Closes #13917.

2012-02-03 01:21 VZ, revision 70500

Fix bug with mouse wheel scrolling wxStyledTextCtrl in long running programs. In long running programs the wxEvent time stamp could wrap around resulting in all mouse wheel events being ignored in wxStyledTextCtrl as the comparison of the (positive) time until which all the subsequent events were supposed to be blocked and the (now negative) current event time stamp would be always false. Fix this by using wxStopWatch::TimeInMicro() to avoid wraparound instead of wxEvent::GetTimestamp(). Also rename the variable to have a more clear name as the original code wasn't easy to understand. Closes #9057.

2012-02-02 21:32 SJL, revision 70499

Disable navigation sounds in wxWebViewIE. This brings the backend into line with the other backends. Also add a general method for changing INTERNETFEATURELIST settings. See #13694

2012-02-02 15:26 VZ, revision 70498

Fix initial wxRadioBox buttons positions in wxMSW. We only updated the button positions when the radio box was moved or resized after being created but didn't do it initially, so a radio box created with fixed position and size didn't lay out its buttons correctly. Do lay them out immediately after creating the radio box to fix this. Closes #13912.

2012-02-02 15:19 VZ, revision 70497

Add wxFontDialog ctor not taking wxFontData to wxOSX. wxFontDialog should have ctor and Create() overload taking just wxWindow parent in addition to the one taking parent and wxFontData used to initialize the dialog but it didn't have them in wxOSX, do add them now. Closes #13908.

2012-02-02 15:19 VZ, revision 70496

Fix wxDataViewCtrl::GetItemRect() signature in wxOSX and document it better. The second parameter of this method should be optional, so make it so in wxOSX. Also document what this method does exactly and the platforms under which it's implemented. Closes #13914.

2012-02-01 14:25 SC, revision 70494

should not bring to front upon focussing

2012-01-31 20:39 VZ, revision 70493

Remove duplicate wxPoint2DInt operator declarations. No real changes, just remove the redundant declarations. Closes #13900.

2012-01-31 20:38 VZ, revision 70492

Set the file name for temporary wxFFile objects. Pass the name of the temporary file to wxFFile::Attach(). This allows to give more useful error messages if any operation on this file fails later. Closes #13903.

2012-01-31 20:38 VZ, revision 70491

Document wxFFile::GetName(). Somehow this method was not documented. See #13903.

2012-01-31 18:44 PC, revision 70490

remove virtual override that just calls base

2012-01-31 18:41 PC, revision 70489

implement wxGetMousePosition without using X-specific code

2012-01-31 18:39 SC, revision 70488

guarding Update() on OSX not to be issued faster than 1/30 later than the last redraw

2012-01-31 18:37 SC, revision 70487

revert to using Update()

2012-01-31 16:00 SC, revision 70486

reenabling an Update where necessary

2012-01-31 14:09 VZ, revision 70485

Fix wxHTTP::SetPostBuffer() compilation in ANSI build. wxString::mb_str() returns a raw pointer and not wxScopedCharBuffer when wxUSE_UNICODE==0 so fix the code to do it differently in this case.

2012-01-31 14:09 VZ, revision 70484

Don't document wxVector<>::reverse_iterator. Documenting just this class but not iterator (and const_iterator) is inconsistent but documenting all of them is too much mostly useless work as all iterators (of the same category) have the same interface anyhow. So just remove the documentation of reverse_iterator for now. See #2585.

2012-01-31 14:09 VZ, revision 70483

Remove dummy Lithuanian translations. All non-translated strings were "translated" as their English originals in lt.po. This was just a artefact of the software used for translation and wrong, so remove all these dummy translations.

2012-01-31 08:30 PC, revision 70482

handle theme change which changes window border width

2012-01-30 17:30 SC, revision 70481

attempt to isolate which Update() calls are necessary at all, as they cause performance issues under OSX

2012-01-30 17:25 SC, revision 70480

always setting the event object to the menu, see #1595

2012-01-30 17:05 SC, revision 70479

fixing the routing of UpdateUI to the window by just passing NULL as source

2012-01-29 09:49 PC, revision 70478

move SetPangoAttrsForFont to wxFont, should have been part of r70475

2012-01-29 09:35 PC, revision 70477

use GTKSetPangoAttrs in wxCairoContext

2012-01-29 09:14 PC, revision 70476

move Pango underline workaround into wxFont::GTKSetPangoAttrs

2012-01-29 09:00 PC, revision 70475

move SetPangoAttrsForFont to wxFont

2012-01-28 14:37 SC, revision 70474

use translatable strings as format template for menu lines

2012-01-28 14:31 SC, revision 70473

adding OSX to the platforms which do the ui update upon menu open

2012-01-25 16:10 JS, revision 70465

Added further API for intercepting deletion and content insertion Added simple implementation of locked objects to sample

2012-01-25 11:33 SC, revision 70464

structure code to Cocoa's possibilities, allows tool windows with just a caption and no buttons

2012-01-25 07:39 BP, revision 70463

Added more conveniently placed 'List of All Members' link on all class doc pages in the header summary (using JS).

2012-01-25 01:10 VZ, revision 70462

Fix return value of wxMBConvUTF8::FromWChar(). Apply the same fix as was done in r68694 for ToWChar() to FromWChar(): it also returned an off by 1 value when not using MAP_INVALID_UTF8_NOT. Closes #13400.

2012-01-25 01:05 VZ, revision 70461

Update wxCommandProcessor after saving wxDocument. Surprisingly, wxCommandProcessor::MarkAsSaved() method was never called by wxDocument so saving the document didn't update wxCommandProcessor dirty status. Do add a call to MarkAsSaved() now, this allows wxCommandProcessor to track its status correctly (and actually more correctly than the dirty status of the document which becomes "dirty" after doing and undoing an operation after saving it, unlike wxCommandProcessor::IsDirty() which correctly returns false in this case).

2012-01-25 01:05 VZ, revision 70460

Fix wxCommandProcessor::IsDirty() result after undoing everything after save. IsDirty() returned false when all commands were undone after saving even though it clearly should have returned true in this case. Fix this and add comments explaining what happens in this method. Closes #2862.

2012-01-25 01:05 VZ, revision 70459

Don't compare invalid iterators in wxCommandProcessor::IsDirty(). Check that m_lastSavedCommand is valid before comparing it with m_currentCommand as comparing invalid iterators results in an assert in STL build (and probably should also result in an assert in non-STL build too for consistency). Also move IsDirty() implementation out of line to make it easier to modify it further in the future and because there is no real reason to keep it inline. Closes #13465.

2012-01-25 01:05 VZ, revision 70458

Forward declare wxFont in wx/gtk/private.h. This fixes compilation in STL build (for some strange reason it doesn't affect the default build however).

2012-01-25 01:05 VZ, revision 70457

Minor fixes to wxDataViewCtrl::HitTest() in wxGTK. Initialize the return parameters with invalid values and use const_cast<>. See #12582.

2012-01-25 01:04 VZ, revision 70456

Set the initial size of the expanded ribbon panel correctly. We need to set the client size of the frame showing the panel to the panel size and not the full frame size. Closes #13850.

2012-01-24 23:17 VZ, revision 70455

Fix setting frame icon when using non-standard icon sizes in wxMSW. Set the closest (and larger, if possible) icon if the icon of exactly the system icon size is not available. This fixes setting the icons when using custom DPI settings under MSW as the standard icon size may be different from the standard 32*32 in this case. This also improves wxIconBundle::GetIcon() to make its behaviour when the icon with exactly the given size is not found more flexible as a side effect. Closes #13891.

2012-01-24 22:50 VZ, revision 70454

Append all items at once during wxChoice creation in wxMSW. Appending all items at once is more efficient than doing it one by one in the loop 9probably because of CB_INITSTORAGE that we send in this case). Closes #13899.

2012-01-24 19:07 PC, revision 70453

add strike-through font support to wxGraphicsContext on GTK

2012-01-23 22:06 SC, revision 70452

adding missing stubs

2012-01-23 15:42 VZ, revision 70451

Add unit test verifying compilation of various wxFont ctors. Check that various invocations of wxFont ctor at least compile to avoid problems like the ones fixed by r70450.

2012-01-23 15:42 VZ, revision 70450

Fix wxButtonToolBar compilation after adding new wxFont ctor overload. The new wxFont ctor added in r70445 resulted in ambiguity when using wxFont(int, wxFontFamily, wxFontStyle, int) ctor mixing the type-safe values for the 2nd and 3rd arguments with "untyped" int for the 4th one. Fix this by avoiding the use of this ctor as it seems impossible to do it in any other way.

2012-01-23 14:59 VZ, revision 70449

Add a property to configure file property dialog kind. Add wxPG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE allowing to pass wxFileDialog style that should be used by the given wxFileProperty. This notably allows to have file properties accepting not yet existing files, as is needed when using them for the file names to be saved, not opened. Closes #13894.

2012-01-23 13:33 VZ, revision 70448

Fix wxTextAttr::m_fontStrikethrough initialization. The code added in r70447 didn't initialize m_fontStrikethrough correctly. This fixes unit test failures for wxRichTextCtrl that appeared since this change. See #9907.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70447

Implement support for stricken-through fonts in markup parser. Now that we have strike-through support in wxFont, implement support for <s> tag in the markup parser. See #9907.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70446

Add support for stricken-through fonts. Support stricken-through fonts in wxMSW and wxGTK (including special support in wxStaticText and wxTextCtrl). Closes #9907.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70445

Add wxFont ctor taking a single flags argument instead of style/weight/... Currently this ctor just does the same thing as the existing ctors in a different way but it will be extended to support wxFONTFLAG_STRIKETHROUGH in the next commits. See #9907.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70444

Fix wxAffineMatrix2D::Translate() to multiply on the left. The affine transform was previously multiplied by the translation matrix on the right but this was incompatible with both the MSW version of the same method and all the other methods of the generic version. So multiply the transform by the translation on the left, as everywhere else. Closes #13875.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70443

Fix incorrect scroll positions used in SetScrollbars(). SetScrollbars() passed its input positions expressed in scroll units to CalcUnscrolledPosition() which takes positions in pixels. This was definitely wrong so don't do this and perform the conversion from scroll units to pixels in SetScrollbars() itself for clarity instead. It's not clear what concrete bugs, if any, does this fix as the calculated positions are almost never used anyhow but the old code was obviously incorrect and the new version has a chance of not being wrong so it's already an improvement. Closes #9988.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70442

Add check for wxFileCtrl dependency on wxDateTime to wx/chkconf.h. Enable wxDateTime if it's disabled but wxFileCtrl is enabled as the latter needs the former, at least in the generic version. Closes #12821.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70441

Fix incorrect cast resulting in a warning in wxMSW wxMenu code. Menu id is a 32 bit UINT value, even in 64 bit builds, so don't cast it to UINT_PTR. Closes #13815.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70440

Avoid warnings about mismatched format string in wxMSW wxClipboard code. Cast the string offsets to "unsigned" explicitly, even though they can be 64 bit (whereas unsigned is 32 bits) under Win64, the strings we operate with here shouldn't be more than 4GiB long. See #13815.

2012-01-23 12:27 VZ, revision 70439

Update OS X toolkit names list in wxwin.m4. There is no more "mac" toolkit in 2.9, we have "osx_carbon" and "osx_cocoa" instead (and also "osx_iphone" but it's not used with configure so far). Closes #13817.

2012-01-23 12:15 SC, revision 70438

using existing member

2012-01-22 18:31 SN, revision 70437

Fixed typo in variable name, fixing #13872.

2012-01-22 18:27 SN, revision 70436

Fixed typo in variable name, fixing #13872.

2012-01-22 01:58 VZ, revision 70434

Added a simple benchmark of wxLogDebug() and wxLogTrace(). Measure time taken by these calls when the debug/trace messages are not enabled. See #11829.

2012-01-22 01:58 VZ, revision 70433

Create wxStaticText with correct label directly in wxTextSizerWrapper. This is shorter and arguably more clear than doing it in two steps as we did before and also works in wxUniv, unlike creating wxStaticText with empty label and setting it later. Closes #13858.

2012-01-21 18:03 VZ, revision 70432

Fix reparenting generic wxSpinCtrl. The existing Reparent() implementation was wrong as it reparented spin control subwindows under the new parent but left the main window itself under the old one. Fix this by just not overriding Reparent() at all, the inherited version works just fine for this control. Closes #13849.

2012-01-21 01:53 DS, revision 70430
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/forty/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/dnd/dndM7.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/docview/docviewM7.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/erase/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/grid/griddemoM7.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/html/about/aboutmac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/html/help/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/html/test/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/html/virtual/virtualmac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/image/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/internat/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/helpview/src/HelpviewM7.mcp

deleted CodeWarrior project files

2012-01-21 01:01 DS, revision 70429

Fixed mismatch in amount of format specifiers in Japanese translation for i18n sample. The translation was missing a %s, copied the translation from the same string at samples/internat/ja/internat.po.

2012-01-21 00:18 VZ, revision 70419

Update the message catalog charset expected by the unit test. The charset of the message catalog files changed to UTF-8 in r70411 but the unit test still expected ISO-8859-1. Update the unit test too to make it pass again.

2012-01-20 23:11 VZ, revision 70418

Fix time zone in wxDateTime::UNow(). The internal wxDateTime representation is in the UTC, so use wxGetUTCTimeMillis() in UNow(), using wxGetLocalTimeMillis() made it inconsistent with Now() and wrong. Really closes #13862.

2012-01-20 23:11 VZ, revision 70417

Ensure wxCharTypeBuffer data is NUL-terminated after extend() call. As wxCharTypeBuffer ctor taking the length NUL-terminates the buffer, it may be expected that extend() does the same but it did not. Do add the NUL at the end for consistency, even though it's not really needed for the existing code using extend() in wxWidgets itself. Closes #13885.

2012-01-20 23:11 VZ, revision 70416

Fix documentation of wxConfig::Read(float*) overload. Grouping methods using "//@{" and "//@}" apparently doesn't work and completely wrong documentation is used in this case, so document the two overloads separately, as it's done for the other methods. Closes #13884.

2012-01-20 23:11 VZ, revision 70415

Add error checking when retrieving client data from wxMSW wxListBox. Verify if retrieving client data failed which might happen if the index is invalid for example. This makes code more robust and also consistent with wxChoice. Closes #13883.

2012-01-20 23:11 VZ, revision 70414

Check that an error really occurred when getting wxChoice data in wxMSW. We could wrongly return NULL client data if -1 was stored as client data in wxChoice because it's the same value as CB_ERR and we always interpreted it as an error, while it may not be one if GetLastError() doesn't indicate it. See #13883.

2012-01-20 23:11 VZ, revision 70413

Destroy modeless wxGenericAboutDialog when it is closed. Don't leave the wxGenericAboutDialog object alive when non-modal about dialog (as can be used under GTK and OS X) is closed. This is wasteful and, worse, resulted in the program not exiting after such a dialog was shown because it counted as a remaining open top level window. This also fixes the same bug in wxGTK when using GTK+ 2.4.

2012-01-20 17:51 DS, revision 70412

Removed ellipsis from "About..." occurrences. MS and Apple guidelines mention ellipses should generally be used when a command needs additional information from the user before the operation can execute. This is not the case for showing an about dialog so the ellipses have been removed.

2012-01-20 17:33 DS, revision 70411

Changed .po files to use UTF-8 charset. Changing the localisation files to be in UTF-8 allows them to be committed by the pre-commit hook script. Also regenerated relevant .mo files.

2012-01-20 13:35 VZ, revision 70410

Reset next wxMenu event handler in wxUniv when detaching it from wxMenuBar. A detached menu must not send its events to the menu bar that it isn't part of any longer. Closes #2620.

2012-01-20 13:30 VZ, revision 70409

Try to avoid truncation of the message in wxMSW wxMessageDialog. Use (documented but undefined) TDF_SIZE_TO_CONTENT flag under Windows Vista/7 to reduce the chance that Windows truncates or ellipsizes the message text if it can't wrap it. Truncation can still happen for very long words but there doesn't seem to be any drawbacks to using TDF_SIZE_TO_CONTENT and it does avoid truncation in at least some cases. This also improves the situation for wxRichMessageDialog and wxProgressDialog. Closes #13843.

2012-01-20 13:22 VZ, revision 70408

Add SetPostBuffer(wxMemoryBuffer) and SetPostText() to wxHTTP. This allows to post binary data or text data in e.g. UTF-8 encoding (which is by far the most common case) easily. Deprecate the existing SetPostBuffer(wxString) as it didn't explicitly specify the encoding to use for the data to be posted. Closes #13870.

2012-01-20 13:22 VZ, revision 70407

Added wxMemoryBuffer::Clear() and IsEmpty() methods. Add two convenient methods which may be used instead of testing or setting the buffer length.

2012-01-19 23:17 VZ, revision 70406

Respect image mask in the docview sample. Draw images with transparency, if any. See #13881.

2012-01-19 16:09 SC, revision 70405

adapting to new raw_control

2012-01-19 16:06 SC, revision 70404

fixing m_axe access indices

2012-01-19 16:01 SC, revision 70403

guard against invalid color ref

2012-01-19 16:01 SC, revision 70402

solving include order problems for stl and xti

2012-01-19 15:59 SC, revision 70401

use better backward compatibility for menu_open, don't autoenable

2012-01-19 15:06 SC, revision 70400

guard against invalid color ref

2012-01-19 15:04 SC, revision 70399

solving include order problems for stl and xti

2012-01-19 10:50 SC, revision 70398

attempt for workaround for stl forward declaration problems

2012-01-19 10:45 SC, revision 70397

gcc 4.3 issues warning if type attributes are given again - even if they are identical - therefore comment them out

2012-01-19 10:00 SC, revision 70396

gcc 4.3 issues warning if type attributes are given again - even if they are identical - therefore comment them out

2012-01-19 09:55 SC, revision 70395

adding unix defaults

2012-01-19 00:12 VZ, revision 70394

Skip EVT_RIGHT_UP event in wxHtmlWindow if it wasn't handled. This fixes generation of EVT_CONTEXT_MENU for mouse clicks in wxHtmlWindow under MSW: it wasn't generated before because we always ate the right mouse clicks. Closes #2465.

2012-01-19 00:10 DS, revision 70393

replaced _T() usage with wxT()

2012-01-18 20:42 VZ, revision 70392

Avoid needless second string conversion when adding files to memory FS. Create the buffer holding the result of conversion instead of converting twice, once to only get the length of the result and the second time to get the data. Closes #13877.

2012-01-18 20:14 BP, revision 70391

Gave proper spacing to header include sections.

2012-01-18 19:00 DS, revision 70390

Synchronised svn:eol-style and svn:executable properties of some file types. Changed the properties of the following file types: .am .m4: LF .plist native .guess .sh .sub: LF, executable

2012-01-18 18:55 DS, revision 70389

merged libpng 1.5.7 to trunk

2012-01-18 18:39 DS, revision 70388

tagged libpng 1.5.7

2012-01-18 18:37 DS, revision 70387

Upgraded to libpng 1.5.7 (without contrib subdirectory). Also re-added some files that went missing while updating to 1.5.6 (that update was based on the .zip release which contains different files compared to the .tar.gz release).

2012-01-18 18:26 VZ, revision 70386

Don't auto-link with 3rd party libraries in DLL build using MSVC. It's unnecessary to link with these libraries as they're already embedded inside our DLLs and the functions from them can't be used anyhow as they're not declared as DLL-exported in the libraries headers.

2012-01-18 15:19 SC, revision 70385

fixing RTTI

2012-01-18 15:05 SC, revision 70384

adding conversion for stl

2012-01-18 11:05 VZ, revision 70383

No changes, just minor wxMSW code cleanup: use WinStruct<>. Use WinStruct instead of the usual ZeroMemory() + cbSize setting fragment to initialize Win32 structs that need to be initialized in this way. No real changes.

2012-01-18 10:51 VZ, revision 70382

Fix header formatting problem in wxMessageBox() documentation. @header macro must be preceded by a new line.

2012-01-18 01:25 JTN, revision 70381
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/JTN.xml

Removed wxQt build slave

2012-01-18 00:48 VZ, revision 70380

Consistently use "checked" in wxRadioButton documentation. We used "depressed" or "selected"; replace both of them with hopefully more clear "checked".

2012-01-17 22:54 SC, revision 70379

missing commit, see #10269

2012-01-17 21:03 JS, revision 70378

Added drawing context to allow 'virtual' (dynamic) attributes, for e.g. showing bookmarks without affecting the content

2012-01-17 15:05 VS, revision 70377

Replace wxDataViewCtrl::StartEditor() with EditItem(). This is more consistent with other wxDVC methods (taking column pointer as its argument) and other DVC-like classes where the name EditLabel() is used for similar purposes.

2012-01-17 15:05 VS, revision 70376

Removed unused, wrong wxDataViewCtrl code.

2012-01-17 15:05 VS, revision 70375

Add wxDataViewCtrl::GetCurrentColumn().

2012-01-17 13:56 JS, revision 70374

Support for undoable application of custom properties, and customisation of properties menu label

2012-01-17 07:18 DS, revision 70373
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/osx/SetTypeFromExtension.sea.hqx

Deleted SetTypeFromExtension.sea.hqx. The script or application in this file was used to set the file type for CodeWarrior projects on the Mac. Since that IDE is not supported anymore and OS X is moving away from file and creator types the file can be deleted.

2012-01-17 07:12 DS, revision 70372
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/dialogs/makefile.mgl

Deleted makefile.mgl. The makefile referred to a file in src/mgl/, wxMGL has been removed since r70353 so this makefile can be deleted.

2012-01-17 07:06 DS, revision 70371

Fixed keyboard navigation in generic tree control. Under MSW any cursor key presses would not be handled by the generic tree control (and it would lose focus). Added the style wxWANTS_CHARS to the creation of wxGenericTreeCtrl to fix keyboard navigation.

2012-01-16 20:02 JS, revision 70369

Fixed duplicate comment #13871

2012-01-16 14:37 VZ, revision 70368

Only return the requested data from generic wxListCtrl::GetItem(). For compatibility with MSW, only return the data that was requested by the item mask from wxListCtrl::GetItem(). This harmonizes the behaviour between all ports. Closes #1621.

2012-01-16 14:37 VZ, revision 70367

Set all event fields correctly for drag events in generic wxListCtrl. Call SendNotify() instead of (ponly partially) duplicating it in the code generating wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_[R]DRAG. Closes #1582.

2012-01-16 13:56 VZ, revision 70366

Remove more non-standard keywords from wxWebView MSW header. Complete the changes of r70365 by removing the rest of __out, __in and __nullterminated occurrences.

2012-01-16 09:21 SJL, revision 70365

Remove MSVC specific specifiers from wxWebView code.

2012-01-16 00:39 VZ, revision 70364

Fix another typo in section names in the XRC overview. Replace triple "t" with just a double one in "button". See #13868.

2012-01-16 00:28 VZ, revision 70363

Fix wxBitmapToggleButton section name in XRC format overview. It mistakenly had the same name as wxToggleButton section.

2012-01-15 20:19 SJL, revision 70362

Implement IDocHostUIHandler in wxWebViewIE to improve the default behaviour. Disable built-in keyboard handlers, remove the 3D border and enable themes.

2012-01-15 20:05 SJL, revision 70361

Add wxActiveXContainer::QueryClientSiteInterface to allow customisation of ActiveX controls. Closes #13784.

2012-01-15 19:54 VZ, revision 70360

Fix minor errors in XRC format overview. Correct the tag in an example and a section name.

2012-01-15 19:50 VZ, revision 70359

Remove __WXMGL__ tests from the samples too. __WXMGL__ is not used any longer, remove it from the samples too.

2012-01-15 19:26 JS, revision 70358

Added min and max size to box attributes; made property editing more customisable

2012-01-15 18:45 VS, revision 70357

Don't crash if XRC file contains '_' at the end of a string. Parsing code for translating between '_' and '&' didn't properly handle the case when the input was malformed and '_' wasn't followed by either another '_' or another character. Added a check to guard against this.

2012-01-15 16:55 SC, revision 70356

native maxlength support, fixes #10269 (for osx_cocoa)

2012-01-15 16:54 SC, revision 70355

removing duplicated method, wiring native maxlength support, see #10269

2012-01-15 16:53 SC, revision 70354

allow native max length support, see #10269

2012-01-15 15:46 VZ, revision 70353

Remove wxMGL port. The company behind MGL toolkit (SciTech) doesn't exist since several years and this port is not used by anybody, so remove it to ease maintenance burden.

2012-01-15 14:46 VZ, revision 70352
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/palmos
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/wince/missing/PalmOS.h
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/palmos
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/include/wx/palmos
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/palmos

Remove empty PalmOS-related directories. And one file (in build/wince/missing).

2012-01-15 14:43 VZ, revision 70351
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/palmos/.cdtproject
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/palmos/.project
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/palmos/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/palmos/makefile
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/palmos/
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/widgets/widgets.cpp

Remove more Palm OS left overs. Remove the build files and the mentions of Palm OS in the widgets sample.

2012-01-15 14:41 VZ, revision 70350

Implement wxMenuBar::EnableTop() for wxMSW and wxGTK. This method was only available in wxUniv before and just always returned true in the other ports. Implement it for wxMSW and wxGTK too now and document it. Also add a unit test. Closes #795.

2012-01-15 13:28 VZ, revision 70349

Fix unit test build with wxUSE_ZIPSTREAM or wxUSE_TARSTREAM == 0. Disable the tests using wxZipEntry when it's unavailable. Also do the same for wxTarEntry.

2012-01-15 13:28 VZ, revision 70348

Fix variable name in wxFTP example in the documentation. The variable should be called "in", not "i".

2012-01-15 13:28 VZ, revision 70347

Document wxFileCtrl as being in the core library, not in the base one. Closes #13866.

2012-01-15 12:18 SC, revision 70346

patch applied with thanks, fixes #13865

2012-01-15 02:05 VZ, revision 70345

Remove Palm OS port. The platform targeted by this port doesn't exist any more and the port never achieved really working state so remove the code to avoid having to maintain it.

2012-01-15 02:05 VZ, revision 70344

Remove the documentation of non-existent wxNO_T macro. Don't document wxNO_T as it doesn't exist.

2012-01-15 02:01 VZ, revision 70343

Correct wrong checks for wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN. Fix the checks added in r70316, wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN should have been used instead of inexistent and undefined wxUSE_OWNER_DRAW. See #13851.

2012-01-14 20:54 PC, revision 70342

in addition to key events, also prevent unhandled mouse events from propagating up parent chain

2012-01-14 18:57 VZ, revision 70341

Fix the size of the font returned from wxTextCtrl::GetStyle() in wxMSW. Due to a typo the size was expressed in 1/10th of a point and not in points. Fix this and add a unit test checking that GetStyle() returns the same font as was set by SetStyle(). Closes #2120.

2012-01-14 18:57 VZ, revision 70340

Update wxNotebook selection when user changes the page in wxOSX. wxNotebook::m_selection was only updated if the selected page was changed programmatically but not if it was done by the user. Do update it in this case as well, it fixes generation of the events which was broken before because of comparison of the new selection with the incorrect current selection value in m_selection.

2012-01-14 17:52 VS, revision 70339

Fix wxDataViewCtrl::GetMainWindow() signature on OS X. Return wxWindow* as other ports do, not wxControl*.

2012-01-14 17:51 VS, revision 70338

Make column width calculations in wxDataViewCtrl and wxHeaderCtrl consistent.

2012-01-13 20:03 RD, revision 70334

add post-commit to svn too

2012-01-13 19:57 RD, revision 70333

Also exclude generated wxPython html files from pre-commit checks

2012-01-13 12:36 VZ, revision 70332

Call tzset() for all compilers before using time zone variable. Changes of r66245 shouldn't have been specific to MSVC, we must call tzset() when using any other compiler as well, otherwise time zone information can be initially incorrect. Closes #13862.

2012-01-13 12:32 VZ, revision 70331

Correct handle passed to DocumentProperties() in MSW printing code. We were passing a pointer to our wrapper struct instead of the pointer stored inside it (as a HANDLE). Closes #13861.

2012-01-13 12:29 VZ, revision 70330

Update broken link to manifest documentation on MSDN. Closes #13860.

2012-01-13 09:00 JJ, revision 70329

Update makefiles for OpenVMS

2012-01-12 19:15 VZ, revision 70326

Correct wxDropSource constructors documentation. The types of the arguments (wxCursor vs wxIcon) were inversed. Even though the description correctly said that wxCursor version was used by MSW and wxIcon -- by wxGTK the converse was actually documented. Fix this and also mention OS X. Finally remove the unnecessary and useless destructor documentation. Closes #13856.

2012-01-12 19:06 PC, revision 70325

revert r70315, key event propagation should be fixed by r70324

2012-01-12 19:06 PC, revision 70324

prevent unhandled key events from propagating up parent chain

2012-01-12 15:19 VZ, revision 70322

Added Lithuanian translations. Initial translations into Lithuanian from

2012-01-12 11:26 SJL, revision 70321

Add missing aui dependencies to the notebook sample.

2012-01-11 14:42 VS, revision 70318

Don't react to Enter/Space/F2 with modifiers in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Doing so was in conflict with system shortcuts; Alt+Space in particular is used by Windows.

2012-01-11 14:42 VZ, revision 70317

Only declare wxDialog::SetWindowStyleFlag() when wxUSE_DIALOG_SIZEGRIP. This method was only defined when wxUSE_DIALOG_SIZEGRIP==1 so avoid declaring it when wxUSE_DIALOG_SIZEGRIP==0 to fix compilation in this case (i.e. under Windows CE). Closes #13852.

2012-01-11 14:42 VZ, revision 70316

Add wxUSE_OWNER_DRAW checks to wxMSW wxMenu code. Allow compiling with wxUSE_OWNER_DRAW==0. This fixes another problem in Windows CE build where owner drawn menus are not supported. Closes #13851.

2012-01-11 00:11 VZ, revision 70315

Fix UI in generic wxListCtrl when pressing cursor arrows while editing. Pressing Up/Down keys while editing an item changed the selection but left the in-place editing control on the previously selected item which was just wrong. Ignore these keys to avoid it. Notice that there is an underlying bug somewhere in wxGTK because we shouldn't be getting these events in the first place while the in-place editing text control has focus but it doesn't seem easy to fix so work around it here.

2012-01-10 18:09 DS, revision 70314

Fixed clicking on MSW slider not changing value with small ranges. If the range was 9 or less the SetPageSize call would pass a page size of 0, resulting in the value not being changed when clicking on the slider area (outside the thumb). Fix this by at least passing a page size of 1 to SetPageSize. Closes #1608.

2012-01-10 18:01 VZ, revision 70313

Fix wxFrame::AttachMenuBar() compilation under Windows CE. There was a typo in GetHwnd() call. Closes #13848.

2012-01-10 18:01 VZ, revision 70312

Use wxAbort() instead of abort() to fix Windows CE build. abort() is not defined under CE. Closes #13847.

2012-01-10 18:01 VZ, revision 70311

Added wxAbort() which can also be used under Windows CE. Windows CE doesn't have abort() so provide a wrapper which can be used even there (see #13847).

2012-01-10 18:01 VZ, revision 70310

Add missing wxUSE_TOOLTIPS and wxUSE_UXTHEME checks to wxMSW. Allow compiling wxStatusBar without tooltips and theme support. Closes #13846.

2012-01-09 19:59 VS, revision 70308

Don't crash in generic wxDataViewCtrl if selected column is removed.

2012-01-09 19:48 VZ, revision 70307

Add check for _T() to svn pre-commit hook. _T() shouldn't be used in any new code so don't allow committing it. We could have used "svnlook diff" instead of "svnlook cat" and check only for _T() not being added but in practice there shouldn't be any difference and using "cat" is simpler.

2012-01-09 19:48 VZ, revision 70306

Use wxT() instead of _T() in XTI code. _T() is deprecated and doesn't work with Solaris compiler, use wxT() instead. Also change one occurrence of _T() inside a comment in wx/debug.h.

2012-01-09 19:48 VZ, revision 70305

Use wxT(), not _T(), in wxRichText code. _T() doesn't compile with Sun CC and is deprecated, please don't use it.

2012-01-09 19:48 VZ, revision 70304

Resolve ambiguity between two wxAuiNotebook overloads. wxAuiNotebook-specific InsertPage() and the version inherited from wxBookCtrlBase were ambiguous if used with default values for their 2 last arguments. Resolve this by removing defaults from the inherited version.

2012-01-09 15:19 JS, revision 70303

Improved layout, in particular passed a container size in order to allow relative size calculation

2012-01-09 15:04 DS, revision 70302

no code changes, fixed some typos

2012-01-09 08:18 JJ, revision 70301

Correction for the #define wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP 0 case

2012-01-09 07:31 PC, revision 70300

move render params out of wxDataViewCustomRenderer they only need to exist for the duration of the render() call

2012-01-08 19:27 JS, revision 70299

Fixed default style setting to take into account text boxes; fixed AddBoxStyle

2012-01-08 15:52 VZ, revision 70298

Fix menu creation in wxOSX/Carbon when using wx in a plugin. In this case the host application may have its own menu so we need to avoid conflicting with its menu elements. Closes #13832.

2012-01-08 15:52 VZ, revision 70297

Enhance wxRibbonToolBar functionality to wxRibbonButtonBar level. Allow inserting and deleting tools and not only appending them. Add possibility to enable/disable and toggle tools. Send wxUpdateUIEvent for the tools. Add various properties accessors. Closes #13835.

2012-01-08 15:52 VZ, revision 70296

Don't generate drag events without valid item in wxGenericListCtrl. Dragging the mouse from the empty area of the control must not generate any drag events as there is nothing to drag there. Also, MSW version doesn't do it. So fix the generic version to avoid generating such invalid drag events too by checking that we have a valid item before checking that we're dragging. Closes #1619.

2012-01-08 15:52 VZ, revision 70295

Add wxTopLevelWindow::SetRepresentedFilename(). This currently is only implemented under OS X and sets the proxy icon there but could be implemented to do something useful under the other platforms too in the future. Closes #13797.

2012-01-08 11:54 VZ, revision 70294

Another wxOSX/Carbon compilation fix after wxListCtrlBase changes. Fix DoInsertColumn() parameter const-ness too.

2012-01-08 08:12 PC, revision 70293

use correct signature for init functions

2012-01-08 07:40 PC, revision 70292

remove unnecessary class definitions and variables

2012-01-08 07:30 PC, revision 70291

remove unnecessary finalize overrides

2012-01-08 01:55 VZ, revision 70290

Fix wxOSX/Carbon compilation after wxListCtrlBase introduction. Make wxListCtrl::SetColumn() item parameter const reference.

2012-01-07 17:35 VZ, revision 70287

Compilation fixes to joystick sample after r70279.

2012-01-07 17:11 VZ, revision 70286

Compilation fix for PCH-less build after wxListCtrlBase changes. Include the base class declaration from wx/listbase.h.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70285

Improve column auto-sizing code in generic wxListCtrl. Take the width of the header itself into account when setting width to wxLIST_AUTOSIZE. Also refactor the code to reuse the code used in wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER case in SetColumnWidth() when inserting or updating the column width to this value.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70284

Add support for wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER to InsertColumn(). Use the fixed default width in InsertColumn() by default for compatibility but allow more useful behaviour in it by supporting wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER as well.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70283

Add convenient wxListCtrl::AppendColumn() wrapper. In the vast majority of cases, columns are just appended to the end and not inserted at arbitrary positions in wxListCtrl so provide a convenient wrapper to do this, especially as it's really trivial to do it now when it can be done only once at wxListCtrlBase level.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70282

Implement best size calculation for report mode wxListCtrl. Use the column labels to determine the minimal width required by the control to show them all in full. Also declare all image list and column-related wxListCtrl methods in wxListCtrlBase now as we need some of them in DoGetBestClientSize() implementation.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70281

Replace 3 copies of wxListCtrl mode tests with a single one in wxListCtrlBase. Move InReportView() and IsVirtual() into the base class as they were the same in all the implementations.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70280

Add wxListCtrlBase common base class for port-specific wxListCtrl. This base class is currently trivial, more methods will be moved to it from the derived classes later.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70279

Set Z-position correctly for wxEVT_JOY_ZMOVE events. Z-move events don't have (x, y) position, but they do have Z-position which needs to be set. Also don't use (x, y) position for these events in the sample. See #748.

2012-01-07 16:09 VZ, revision 70278

Joystick messages coordinates are unsigned, treat them as such. Apparently the joystick messages (x, y) coordinates are unsigned, so use LOWORD/HIWORD to extract them from LPARAM. See #748.

2012-01-05 16:48 JS, revision 70275

Removed compilation ambiguity between different forms of ...WithUndo functions.

2012-01-05 15:10 JS, revision 70274

Fixed box style application.

2012-01-05 15:08 JS, revision 70273

Fixed #13833: wxRichTextCtrl: 'Copy' can grab an extra character

2012-01-05 13:51 VZ, revision 70272

Ensure that wxListEvent::m_itemIndex and m_item.m_itemId are in sync. Unfortunately we have two ways to get the item affected by wxListEvent: via its m_itemIndex (or GetIndex()) and m_item.m_itemId (or GetItem()). This can't be changed for the usual backwards compatibility reasons but at least make sure that both contain the same values in the events sent by the generic version (MSW one already did it).

2012-01-05 13:51 VZ, revision 70271

Don't fill wxListEvent::m_item when using virtual list control in wxMSW. When using virtual list control the main program already has the items data so it's completely useless to call GetItem() when preparing an event for it. It is also inefficient to call GetItem() for potentially many items. For both of these reasons the generic version already didn't fill the item contents for virtual list controls events. Now modify wxMSW to not do it neither.

2012-01-05 13:51 VZ, revision 70270

Initialize wxListItem::m_itemId to -1, not 0. Currently we have two redundant pieces of data in wxListEvent: m_itemIndex and m_item.m_itemId. The former is initialized to -1 by default which makes sense as it means "no item". But the latter was 0 by default which not only didn't make sense but also made it inconsistent with m_itemIndex for the events which really didn't have any associated item. Fix this by initializing m_itemId to -1 as well.

2012-01-05 11:21 VZ, revision 70269

Fix wxDateTime unit test compilation without PCH. Include wx/time.h to get wxGetTimeZone() declaration.

2012-01-05 01:47 VZ, revision 70268

Implement support for "%z" in wxDateTime::Format() and Parse(). "%z" specifier can now be used when printing the dates out to specify the time zone and is also recognized when parsing dates. Closes #1215.

2012-01-04 20:38 JS, revision 70267

Added box style functionality to style manager dialog

2012-01-04 17:32 JS, revision 70266

Implement missing wxTextBoxAttr::IsDefault function

2012-01-04 16:53 VZ, revision 70265

More pt_BR translations from Felipe. All the messages are now translated.

2012-01-04 15:41 JS, revision 70264

Possible fix for #13821: wxRichTextCtrl using 100% CPU

2012-01-04 15:00 JS, revision 70263

Background now drawn within the border instead of beyond the margin

2012-01-04 14:39 VZ, revision 70262

Fix wxRibbon compilation when wxUSE_TOOLTIPS==0. Add wxUSE_TOOLTIPS tests after the changes of r70175. Closes #13827.

2012-01-04 13:50 JS, revision 70261

Fixed border drawing bug when width is more than 1

2012-01-04 11:42 JJ, revision 70260

Update makefile for OpenVMS

2012-01-04 08:54 SC, revision 70259

fixes #13826

2012-01-04 00:27 VZ, revision 70256

Fix wxEncodingConverter::Convert(wchar_t) documentation. This method mistakenly "inherited" the same documentation as 2 argument Convert() overloads. Closes #13825.

2012-01-03 16:24 JS, revision 70254

Disable drag and drop if the control is not editable

2012-01-03 15:09 JS, revision 70253

Applied #13819: wxRTC drag and drop, by dghart, with tweaks