

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-02-02 21:18 VS, revision 5813

fixed memory leaks

2000-02-02 21:17 VS, revision 5812

fixed DeleteContents inconsistency: didn't free memory if DeleteContents called before inserting data (and creating wxList)

2000-02-02 21:17 VS, revision 5811

fixing memory leaks & mem tracing false alerts

2000-02-02 20:36 RR, revision 5810

Clearified ROP code in wxDC (MSW and GTK). Removed CaptureMouse() non-sense again.

2000-02-02 19:48 GRG, revision 5809

Fixed bug in DoDrawRotatedText: it wasn't deleting the font when done

2000-02-02 19:30 VZ, revision 5808

docs can be built again (thanks lacheck!)

2000-02-02 18:48 VZ, revision 5807

added CentreOnScreen(), updated the docs to clear this mess a bit

2000-02-02 18:00 VZ, revision 5806

1. don't compile IODBC sources for MSW 2. check for gettimeofday/ftime in configure (even though we have localtime)

2000-02-02 17:59 RR, revision 5805

Tried to fix corrupted display of wxTextCtrl, Corrected wxFileDialog's multiple file option. Corrected event mask for CaptureMouse(), Small change to "best visual" code.

2000-02-02 17:50 VZ, revision 5804

don't show the same message twice when wxLog called from another thread

2000-02-02 17:11 VZ, revision 5803

oops, typo in recently committed files

2000-02-02 17:06 VZ, revision 5802

another assert added to check incorrect use of ctor

2000-02-02 16:56 VZ, revision 5801

made error message when test for GTK+ fails more detailed

2000-02-02 16:37 SB, revision 5800

Add warning if wxStopWatch is up to second resolution

2000-02-02 16:09 KB, revision 5799

FreeBSD fixes

2000-02-02 15:10 VS, revision 5798

added Linux-only /proc/net/route check, IsOnline proceeds check always, not only if timer is not running, changed order of tests (/proc/net, ifconfig, connect to well-known host, ping)

2000-02-02 06:37 RD, revision 5797

minor fixes

2000-02-02 04:46 RD, revision 5796

wxPython doc updates

2000-02-02 00:52 VZ, revision 5795

1. wxStaticBitmap now uses mask even for bitmaps (and not only icons) 2. we now catch WM_SYSKEYDOWN/UP events as well as normal ones

2000-02-02 00:08 SN, revision 5794

Added rules using motif.t gtk.t os2.t

2000-02-01 23:47 SN, revision 5793

Added auto-generated files.lst

2000-02-01 23:43 SN, revision 5792

added os2.t

2000-02-01 21:36 RD, revision 5791

some fixes and code regeneration

2000-02-01 20:29 RD, revision 5790

workaround font data bug

2000-02-01 19:35 RD, revision 5789

set version number