

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-03-01 23:07 VZ, revision 6388

used in the sample

2000-03-01 20:27 RR, revision 6387

Various changes due to OGL and glcanvas having changed position. Had to butcher Vadims system header patch.

2000-03-01 20:13 RR, revision 6386

OGL: misc.cpp clashes with misc.c frim iODBC, therefore added oglmsc.cpp instead. misc.cpp should be removed.

2000-03-01 20:11 RR, revision 6385

typo in plot.cpp

2000-03-01 20:11 RR, revision 6384

get opengl samples going again

2000-03-01 19:24 VZ, revision 6383

added a note about where to find makegen

2000-03-01 19:22 VZ, revision 6382

created 'how to add a sample' technote

2000-03-01 19:22 VZ, revision 6381

created tech note directory

2000-03-01 18:55 VZ, revision 6380

1. warning in gtk/menu.cpp fixed 2. Unicode fix in msw/textctrl.cpp 3. more parameters support in grid editors/handlers

2000-03-01 18:09 JS, revision 6379

Full-screen dragging fix (GC setting)

2000-03-01 17:21 VZ, revision 6378

asserts in wxGridStringTable corrected

2000-03-01 17:08 VZ, revision 6377

patch for using system libz

2000-03-01 17:02 VZ, revision 6376

IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() for wxMenuBar correction

2000-03-01 16:39 GRG, revision 6375

DrawButtonFrame was a bit wrong because it was ignoring COLOR_3DLIGHT; fixed now.

2000-03-01 15:01 JS, revision 6374

Fixing commit problem

2000-03-01 14:57 GRG, revision 6373

wxBitmapButton transparency fixed by using wxDC API at all times

2000-03-01 11:05 JS, revision 6372

Added wxDragImage generic implementation and sample; added mask handling to Motif's wxImage::ConvertToBitmap

2000-03-01 10:35 BJ, revision 6371

remove 'extern' from IsKeyDown,... for bcc

2000-03-01 08:44 BJ, revision 6370

Restore previous ogl sources. Waiting for fix in configure system

2000-03-01 04:10 MB, revision 6369

Minor compilation fix for Borland

2000-03-01 01:01 GT, revision 6368

Fixed the QUERY dialog so it would not crash on exit, and the COUNT button now works

2000-02-29 23:58 GT, revision 6367

Added a #include of wx/module.h

2000-02-29 23:18 DW, revision 6366

no message

2000-02-29 21:12 GRG, revision 6365

Beginning the thread with _beginthreadex but ending with ExitThread is not a good thing.

2000-02-29 21:05 GRG, revision 6364

Tell is now compatible with the wback buffer