

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-01-19 00:12 VZ, revision 70394

Skip EVT_RIGHT_UP event in wxHtmlWindow if it wasn't handled. This fixes generation of EVT_CONTEXT_MENU for mouse clicks in wxHtmlWindow under MSW: it wasn't generated before because we always ate the right mouse clicks. Closes #2465.

2012-01-19 00:10 DS, revision 70393

replaced _T() usage with wxT()

2012-01-18 20:42 VZ, revision 70392

Avoid needless second string conversion when adding files to memory FS. Create the buffer holding the result of conversion instead of converting twice, once to only get the length of the result and the second time to get the data. Closes #13877.

2012-01-18 20:14 BP, revision 70391

Gave proper spacing to header include sections.

2012-01-18 19:00 DS, revision 70390

Synchronised svn:eol-style and svn:executable properties of some file types. Changed the properties of the following file types: .am .m4: LF .plist native .guess .sh .sub: LF, executable

2012-01-18 18:55 DS, revision 70389

merged libpng 1.5.7 to trunk

2012-01-18 18:39 DS, revision 70388

tagged libpng 1.5.7

2012-01-18 18:37 DS, revision 70387

Upgraded to libpng 1.5.7 (without contrib subdirectory). Also re-added some files that went missing while updating to 1.5.6 (that update was based on the .zip release which contains different files compared to the .tar.gz release).

2012-01-18 18:26 VZ, revision 70386

Don't auto-link with 3rd party libraries in DLL build using MSVC. It's unnecessary to link with these libraries as they're already embedded inside our DLLs and the functions from them can't be used anyhow as they're not declared as DLL-exported in the libraries headers.

2012-01-18 15:19 SC, revision 70385

fixing RTTI

2012-01-18 15:05 SC, revision 70384

adding conversion for stl

2012-01-18 11:05 VZ, revision 70383

No changes, just minor wxMSW code cleanup: use WinStruct<>. Use WinStruct instead of the usual ZeroMemory() + cbSize setting fragment to initialize Win32 structs that need to be initialized in this way. No real changes.

2012-01-18 10:51 VZ, revision 70382

Fix header formatting problem in wxMessageBox() documentation. @header macro must be preceded by a new line.

2012-01-18 01:25 JTN, revision 70381
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/build/buildbot/config/JTN.xml

Removed wxQt build slave

2012-01-18 00:48 VZ, revision 70380

Consistently use "checked" in wxRadioButton documentation. We used "depressed" or "selected"; replace both of them with hopefully more clear "checked".

2012-01-17 22:54 SC, revision 70379

missing commit, see #10269

2012-01-17 21:03 JS, revision 70378

Added drawing context to allow 'virtual' (dynamic) attributes, for e.g. showing bookmarks without affecting the content

2012-01-17 15:05 VS, revision 70377

Replace wxDataViewCtrl::StartEditor() with EditItem(). This is more consistent with other wxDVC methods (taking column pointer as its argument) and other DVC-like classes where the name EditLabel() is used for similar purposes.

2012-01-17 15:05 VS, revision 70376

Removed unused, wrong wxDataViewCtrl code.

2012-01-17 15:05 VS, revision 70375

Add wxDataViewCtrl::GetCurrentColumn().

2012-01-17 13:56 JS, revision 70374

Support for undoable application of custom properties, and customisation of properties menu label

2012-01-17 07:18 DS, revision 70373
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/osx/SetTypeFromExtension.sea.hqx

Deleted SetTypeFromExtension.sea.hqx. The script or application in this file was used to set the file type for CodeWarrior projects on the Mac. Since that IDE is not supported anymore and OS X is moving away from file and creator types the file can be deleted.

2012-01-17 07:12 DS, revision 70372
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/dialogs/makefile.mgl

Deleted makefile.mgl. The makefile referred to a file in src/mgl/, wxMGL has been removed since r70353 so this makefile can be deleted.

2012-01-17 07:06 DS, revision 70371

Fixed keyboard navigation in generic tree control. Under MSW any cursor key presses would not be handled by the generic tree control (and it would lose focus). Added the style wxWANTS_CHARS to the creation of wxGenericTreeCtrl to fix keyboard navigation.

2012-01-16 20:02 JS, revision 70369

Fixed duplicate comment #13871