

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-01-24 23:17 VZ, revision 70455

Fix setting frame icon when using non-standard icon sizes in wxMSW. Set the closest (and larger, if possible) icon if the icon of exactly the system icon size is not available. This fixes setting the icons when using custom DPI settings under MSW as the standard icon size may be different from the standard 32*32 in this case. This also improves wxIconBundle::GetIcon() to make its behaviour when the icon with exactly the given size is not found more flexible as a side effect. Closes #13891.

2012-01-24 22:50 VZ, revision 70454

Append all items at once during wxChoice creation in wxMSW. Appending all items at once is more efficient than doing it one by one in the loop 9probably because of CB_INITSTORAGE that we send in this case). Closes #13899.

2012-01-24 19:07 PC, revision 70453

add strike-through font support to wxGraphicsContext on GTK

2012-01-23 22:06 SC, revision 70452

adding missing stubs

2012-01-23 15:42 VZ, revision 70451

Add unit test verifying compilation of various wxFont ctors. Check that various invocations of wxFont ctor at least compile to avoid problems like the ones fixed by r70450.

2012-01-23 15:42 VZ, revision 70450

Fix wxButtonToolBar compilation after adding new wxFont ctor overload. The new wxFont ctor added in r70445 resulted in ambiguity when using wxFont(int, wxFontFamily, wxFontStyle, int) ctor mixing the type-safe values for the 2nd and 3rd arguments with "untyped" int for the 4th one. Fix this by avoiding the use of this ctor as it seems impossible to do it in any other way.

2012-01-23 14:59 VZ, revision 70449

Add a property to configure file property dialog kind. Add wxPG_FILE_DIALOG_STYLE allowing to pass wxFileDialog style that should be used by the given wxFileProperty. This notably allows to have file properties accepting not yet existing files, as is needed when using them for the file names to be saved, not opened. Closes #13894.

2012-01-23 13:33 VZ, revision 70448

Fix wxTextAttr::m_fontStrikethrough initialization. The code added in r70447 didn't initialize m_fontStrikethrough correctly. This fixes unit test failures for wxRichTextCtrl that appeared since this change. See #9907.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70447

Implement support for stricken-through fonts in markup parser. Now that we have strike-through support in wxFont, implement support for <s> tag in the markup parser. See #9907.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70446

Add support for stricken-through fonts. Support stricken-through fonts in wxMSW and wxGTK (including special support in wxStaticText and wxTextCtrl). Closes #9907.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70445

Add wxFont ctor taking a single flags argument instead of style/weight/... Currently this ctor just does the same thing as the existing ctors in a different way but it will be extended to support wxFONTFLAG_STRIKETHROUGH in the next commits. See #9907.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70444

Fix wxAffineMatrix2D::Translate() to multiply on the left. The affine transform was previously multiplied by the translation matrix on the right but this was incompatible with both the MSW version of the same method and all the other methods of the generic version. So multiply the transform by the translation on the left, as everywhere else. Closes #13875.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70443

Fix incorrect scroll positions used in SetScrollbars(). SetScrollbars() passed its input positions expressed in scroll units to CalcUnscrolledPosition() which takes positions in pixels. This was definitely wrong so don't do this and perform the conversion from scroll units to pixels in SetScrollbars() itself for clarity instead. It's not clear what concrete bugs, if any, does this fix as the calculated positions are almost never used anyhow but the old code was obviously incorrect and the new version has a chance of not being wrong so it's already an improvement. Closes #9988.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70442

Add check for wxFileCtrl dependency on wxDateTime to wx/chkconf.h. Enable wxDateTime if it's disabled but wxFileCtrl is enabled as the latter needs the former, at least in the generic version. Closes #12821.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70441

Fix incorrect cast resulting in a warning in wxMSW wxMenu code. Menu id is a 32 bit UINT value, even in 64 bit builds, so don't cast it to UINT_PTR. Closes #13815.

2012-01-23 12:28 VZ, revision 70440

Avoid warnings about mismatched format string in wxMSW wxClipboard code. Cast the string offsets to "unsigned" explicitly, even though they can be 64 bit (whereas unsigned is 32 bits) under Win64, the strings we operate with here shouldn't be more than 4GiB long. See #13815.

2012-01-23 12:27 VZ, revision 70439

Update OS X toolkit names list in wxwin.m4. There is no more "mac" toolkit in 2.9, we have "osx_carbon" and "osx_cocoa" instead (and also "osx_iphone" but it's not used with configure so far). Closes #13817.

2012-01-23 12:15 SC, revision 70438

using existing member

2012-01-22 18:31 SN, revision 70437

Fixed typo in variable name, fixing #13872.

2012-01-22 18:27 SN, revision 70436

Fixed typo in variable name, fixing #13872.

2012-01-22 01:58 VZ, revision 70434

Added a simple benchmark of wxLogDebug() and wxLogTrace(). Measure time taken by these calls when the debug/trace messages are not enabled. See #11829.

2012-01-22 01:58 VZ, revision 70433

Create wxStaticText with correct label directly in wxTextSizerWrapper. This is shorter and arguably more clear than doing it in two steps as we did before and also works in wxUniv, unlike creating wxStaticText with empty label and setting it later. Closes #13858.

2012-01-21 18:03 VZ, revision 70432

Fix reparenting generic wxSpinCtrl. The existing Reparent() implementation was wrong as it reparented spin control subwindows under the new parent but left the main window itself under the old one. Fix this by just not overriding Reparent() at all, the inherited version works just fine for this control. Closes #13849.

2012-01-21 01:53 DS, revision 70430
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/forty/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/dnd/dndM7.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/docview/docviewM7.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/erase/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/grid/griddemoM7.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/html/about/aboutmac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/html/help/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/html/test/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/html/virtual/virtualmac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/image/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/internat/makemac6.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/helpview/src/HelpviewM7.mcp

deleted CodeWarrior project files

2012-01-21 01:01 DS, revision 70429

Fixed mismatch in amount of format specifiers in Japanese translation for i18n sample. The translation was missing a %s, copied the translation from the same string at samples/internat/ja/internat.po.