

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-01-31 18:37 SC, revision 70487

revert to using Update()

2012-01-31 16:00 SC, revision 70486

reenabling an Update where necessary

2012-01-31 14:09 VZ, revision 70485

Fix wxHTTP::SetPostBuffer() compilation in ANSI build. wxString::mb_str() returns a raw pointer and not wxScopedCharBuffer when wxUSE_UNICODE==0 so fix the code to do it differently in this case.

2012-01-31 14:09 VZ, revision 70484

Don't document wxVector<>::reverse_iterator. Documenting just this class but not iterator (and const_iterator) is inconsistent but documenting all of them is too much mostly useless work as all iterators (of the same category) have the same interface anyhow. So just remove the documentation of reverse_iterator for now. See #2585.

2012-01-31 14:09 VZ, revision 70483

Remove dummy Lithuanian translations. All non-translated strings were "translated" as their English originals in lt.po. This was just a artefact of the software used for translation and wrong, so remove all these dummy translations.

2012-01-31 08:30 PC, revision 70482

handle theme change which changes window border width

2012-01-30 17:30 SC, revision 70481

attempt to isolate which Update() calls are necessary at all, as they cause performance issues under OSX

2012-01-30 17:25 SC, revision 70480

always setting the event object to the menu, see #1595

2012-01-30 17:05 SC, revision 70479

fixing the routing of UpdateUI to the window by just passing NULL as source

2012-01-29 09:49 PC, revision 70478

move SetPangoAttrsForFont to wxFont, should have been part of r70475

2012-01-29 09:35 PC, revision 70477

use GTKSetPangoAttrs in wxCairoContext

2012-01-29 09:14 PC, revision 70476

move Pango underline workaround into wxFont::GTKSetPangoAttrs

2012-01-29 09:00 PC, revision 70475

move SetPangoAttrsForFont to wxFont

2012-01-28 14:37 SC, revision 70474

use translatable strings as format template for menu lines

2012-01-28 14:31 SC, revision 70473

adding OSX to the platforms which do the ui update upon menu open

2012-01-25 16:10 JS, revision 70465

Added further API for intercepting deletion and content insertion Added simple implementation of locked objects to sample

2012-01-25 11:33 SC, revision 70464

structure code to Cocoa's possibilities, allows tool windows with just a caption and no buttons

2012-01-25 07:39 BP, revision 70463

Added more conveniently placed 'List of All Members' link on all class doc pages in the header summary (using JS).

2012-01-25 01:10 VZ, revision 70462

Fix return value of wxMBConvUTF8::FromWChar(). Apply the same fix as was done in r68694 for ToWChar() to FromWChar(): it also returned an off by 1 value when not using MAP_INVALID_UTF8_NOT. Closes #13400.

2012-01-25 01:05 VZ, revision 70461

Update wxCommandProcessor after saving wxDocument. Surprisingly, wxCommandProcessor::MarkAsSaved() method was never called by wxDocument so saving the document didn't update wxCommandProcessor dirty status. Do add a call to MarkAsSaved() now, this allows wxCommandProcessor to track its status correctly (and actually more correctly than the dirty status of the document which becomes "dirty" after doing and undoing an operation after saving it, unlike wxCommandProcessor::IsDirty() which correctly returns false in this case).

2012-01-25 01:05 VZ, revision 70460

Fix wxCommandProcessor::IsDirty() result after undoing everything after save. IsDirty() returned false when all commands were undone after saving even though it clearly should have returned true in this case. Fix this and add comments explaining what happens in this method. Closes #2862.

2012-01-25 01:05 VZ, revision 70459

Don't compare invalid iterators in wxCommandProcessor::IsDirty(). Check that m_lastSavedCommand is valid before comparing it with m_currentCommand as comparing invalid iterators results in an assert in STL build (and probably should also result in an assert in non-STL build too for consistency). Also move IsDirty() implementation out of line to make it easier to modify it further in the future and because there is no real reason to keep it inline. Closes #13465.

2012-01-25 01:05 VZ, revision 70458

Forward declare wxFont in wx/gtk/private.h. This fixes compilation in STL build (for some strange reason it doesn't affect the default build however).

2012-01-25 01:05 VZ, revision 70457

Minor fixes to wxDataViewCtrl::HitTest() in wxGTK. Initialize the return parameters with invalid values and use const_cast<>. See #12582.

2012-01-25 01:04 VZ, revision 70456

Set the initial size of the expanded ribbon panel correctly. We need to set the client size of the frame showing the panel to the panel size and not the full frame size. Closes #13850.