

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-09-18 18:15 VZ, revision 61960

Define NDEBUG when building 3rd party libraries. We are not interested in asserts in 3rd party libraries so make them disappear by defining NDEBUG when building them. Closes #11155.

2009-09-18 16:04 VZ, revision 61959

Use wxASSERT() instead of assert() in wx code. This is more consistent and ensures that all asserts in wxWidgets are controlled by a single wxDEBUG_LEVEL setting instead of also relying on NDEBUG as standard assert() macro does. See #11155.

2009-09-18 16:03 VZ, revision 61958

Correct wxStreamBuffer::Seek() return value. It returned the offset instead of the new position when seeking forward from current position in a "flushable" buffer. Closes #11205.

2009-09-18 16:03 VZ, revision 61957

Another compilation fix for wxRibbon under OS X. Include Carbon/Carbon.h to get kThemeBrushToolbarBackground declaration. Closes #11203.

2009-09-18 11:01 JS, revision 61956

Fixes for Mac (use wxClientDC not wxMemoryDC for temporary DC)

2009-09-18 08:24 JJ, revision 61955

add wxUSE_RIBOON to setup for OpenVMS

2009-09-17 15:02 VZ, revision 61953

Compilation fix for ANSI build after r61898. wxWX2MBbuf is just char* if wxUSE_UNICODE==0 and so doesn't have a length() method, use wxString::length() in wxFile::Write() instead.

2009-09-17 10:18 JS, revision 61952

Added missing includes

2009-09-17 08:53 JJ, revision 61951

Inclusion of inline function has been changed

2009-09-17 02:17 VZ, revision 61950

More ribbon compilation fixes for OS X. Add more headers for wxColour and wxFont.

2009-09-17 01:19 VZ, revision 61949

Ribbon compilation fixes for OS X. Forward declare wxWindow and wxDC classes in wx/ribbon/art.h to avoid errors in (PCH-less?) buildbot builds. Also include header containing declarations of private Mac functions in implementation file (closes #11203).

2009-09-17 01:18 VZ, revision 61948

Add ribbon sample to the list of samples to build. Add the file to samples/samples.bkl and regenerate the makefiles and also add it manually to samples.dsw.

2009-09-17 01:18 VZ, revision 61947

Provide implementation for wxArrayString::resize(). This method was declared but not implemented in wxUSE_STL==0 build. Also add unit test for this function.

2009-09-16 15:07 VZ, revision 61946

Rebaked everything with bakefile 0.2.6 after wxRibbon merge. 0.2.5 versions of some makefiles were checked in, regenerate them using 0.2.6. Also regenerate configure after autoconf_inc.m4 was updated.

2009-09-16 14:38 VZ, revision 61945

Allow creating wxSingleInstanceChecker with default name. This makes it easier to use in common cases: there is no need to come up with a unique name for the checker any more as sufficiently unique combination of wxApp::GetAppName() and wxGetUserId() is used if no name was explicitly given. This is done by calling the new CreateDefault() on demand from IsAnotherRunning() instead of simply creating the checker with the default name in the default ctor for compatibility (you had to call Create() after using the default ctor before and it can only be called once) and because wxTheApp might not exist yet when wxSingleInstanceChecker is created. Closes #11166.

2009-09-16 14:06 PJC, revision 61944

Merged GSOC Ribbon work from SOC2009_RIBBON branch into trunk.

2009-09-16 13:37 VZ, revision 61943

Check for self-assignment in wxFileName::operator=(). This is a backport of r56794 from trunk but adds the check for self-assignment to the Assign() implementation which is in a .cpp file and so is compiled into the library and not operator=() itself which is inlined to avoid any problems with mixing different version of this inline function when updating to next 2.8 version without recompiling.

2009-09-15 19:05 VZ, revision 61939

Change wxBoxSizer::AddSpacer() to only add space in sizer direction. It used to add a spacer with the given size in both directions but this was counter-intuitive and wasn't expected even by the original author of this code so change it to behave more reasonably. Closes #11197.

2009-09-15 19:05 VZ, revision 61938

Correct wxPendingDelete declaration. This variable was moved to wxBase from wxCore recently and hence must be declared using WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_BASE and not WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_CORE now. Closes #11202.

2009-09-15 19:05 VZ, revision 61937

Really fix VC6 compilation after r61919. The change in r61922 which was supposed to do it somehow forgot the fix itself and added only a comment explaining why it was needed. Really do name the struct now.

2009-09-15 01:22 VZ, revision 61934

Add wxXmlResource::LoadObjectRecursively(). These methods can be used to load objects from anywhere in the XRC resource tree and not just from the top level.

2009-09-15 01:21 VZ, revision 61933

Add virtual dtor to header renderer classes to avoid g++ warnings. g++ warns about class with virtual functions having non-virtual dtor so make the dtor of wxGridCornerHeaderRenderer virtual even if it's not really needed.

2009-09-14 17:52 JS, revision 61931

wxRTC's own caret is more reliable than the generic one, so use it.

2009-09-14 17:52 JS, revision 61930

wxRTC's own caret is more reliable than the generic one, so use it.

2009-09-14 17:17 JMS, revision 61929

Added dummy wxPG_THEME_BORDER style for backwards compatibility

2009-09-14 16:53 JMS, revision 61928

Fixed use of map::erase() in ClearActionTriggers() (this bug was revealed by static code analysis - see ticket #11195)

2009-09-14 15:23 SC, revision 61927

added missing destructor

2009-09-14 15:07 SC, revision 61926

fixing and completing iPhone sound

2009-09-14 13:52 SC, revision 61925

enable backface culling which is not enabled by default on ES

2009-09-14 10:50 SC, revision 61924

remove debug logging

2009-09-14 10:38 SC, revision 61923

Launch Services are not available on iPhone

2009-09-14 10:37 VZ, revision 61922

Fix VC6 compilation after r61919. Work around VC6 bug which resulted in error C2639 when compiling the declaration of an unnamed struct inside wxGridCellAttrProvider.

2009-09-14 10:37 SC, revision 61921

adding glFrustum to compat API, supporting SetColour on OpenGL ES

2009-09-14 02:45 VZ, revision 61919

Added support for corner, row and column headers renderers to wxGrid. Make it possible to customize the appearance of wxGrid corner window and its row and column headers by defining custom renderers for them. Add demonstration of this new feature to the grid sample and update the documentation.

2009-09-14 02:45 VZ, revision 61918

Document wxGridCellAttrProvider. Added basic documentation for wxGridCellAttrProvider and wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind enum used by it.

2009-09-14 02:44 VZ, revision 61917

Remove unneeded pointer check. This was flagged as an error by static code analyse tools. Closes #11195.

2009-09-13 20:28 SC, revision 61916

adapting to new sound file organization for osx

2009-09-13 19:52 JMS, revision 61915

Minor code cleanup

2009-09-13 19:45 SC, revision 61914

adding types for OpenGL on iPhone

2009-09-13 19:41 SC, revision 61913

adapting to new sound files organization on osx

2009-09-13 19:34 SC, revision 61912

avoiding potential infinite recursion

2009-09-13 19:33 SC, revision 61911

supporting rotated display correctly for display size

2009-09-13 19:23 SC, revision 61910

enabling correct audio framework on OSX

2009-09-13 19:23 SC, revision 61909

sound implementation for AudioToolbox on 10.5 and iPhone

2009-09-13 19:22 SC, revision 61908

OpenGL for iPhone

2009-09-13 19:19 SC, revision 61907

OpenGL changes for carbon and cocoa

2009-09-13 19:17 SC, revision 61906

adding emulation API for OpenGL ES platforms

2009-09-13 17:48 SN, revision 61905

Be more paranoid about parent window possibly being NULL (partly fixes #11115).

2009-09-13 17:47 SN, revision 61904

Be more paranoid about parent window possibly being NULL (partly fixes #11195).

2009-09-13 14:26 VZ, revision 61903

Fix test compilation under OS X. wxFileOffset and ssize_t are not the same type under this platform so using CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL() with the arguments of these types fails. Use ssize_t instead of wxFileOffset to fix this.