

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-02-08 03:09 VZ, revision 70541

Document wxAUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE. Also mention that it's part of wxAUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE. Closes #13382.

2012-02-08 01:22 RD, revision 70538

Interface fixes changing fiction into truth.

2012-02-08 01:20 RD, revision 70537

Following the theory that something lame is better than nothing at all, provide a very generic implementation of the ctor wxRegion::wxRegion(size_t n, const wxPoint *points, wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle) by drawing the polygon into a bitmap and using that to create the region.

2012-02-08 01:16 RD, revision 70536

Add an empty implementation of the OSXGenerateEvent() pure virtual so the generic date picker ctrl can be used in the cocoa build.

2012-02-08 00:57 RD, revision 70535

Don't assume that XCode is in /Developer. Use "xcode-select -print-path" instead.

2012-02-08 00:55 RD, revision 70534

use buf.length() instead of strlen()

2012-02-08 00:55 RD, revision 70533

Add length parameter to AddTextRaw and AppendTextRaw. Closes #1358

2012-02-07 22:38 VZ, revision 70532

Avoid CRT deprecation warnings for MSVC build using makefiles too. Define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE, _CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS and _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS when using makefiles to build the library too for consistency with the project files. These defines are only needed for VC8 and later but should do no harm for the previous versions. See #11009.

2012-02-07 22:38 VZ, revision 70531

Rebake all project files to reflect MSVC deprecation warnings defines. Rebake all the projects after the changes of r70182, even if they're only really needed for the library itself, the other project files should correspond to the bakefiles contents too.

2012-02-07 17:40 SC, revision 70530

forwarding mouse moved events to the view under the mouse, not the firstResponder

2012-02-07 14:48 VZ, revision 70529

Fix wxAboutDialogInfo::GetName() return type in the documentation. wxString is returned by value, not const reference. Closes #13941.

2012-02-07 14:02 VZ, revision 70528

Fix infinite loop in wxHtmlEasyPrinting page break code. The code didn't handle cells higher than the page height correctly and entered an infinite loop when trying to adjust page breaks in their presence, e.g. when trying to print a very tall image. Closes #13935.

2012-02-07 14:02 VZ, revision 70527

No real changes, just pass const wxArrayInt to wxHtmlCell::AdjustPagebreak(). AdjustPagebreak() never modifies the array passed to it, so pass it as const reference. See #13935.

2012-02-07 11:33 JJ, revision 70526

Update setup for OpenVMS to make wxX11 work again

2012-02-06 14:28 VZ, revision 70525

Return NULL from wxAuiNotebook::GetCurrentPage() if there is no selection. Make it behave as wxBookCtrlBase::GetCurrentPage() and just silently return NULL instead of asserting if there is no selection. Closes #13932.

2012-02-06 14:28 VZ, revision 70524

Fix typo in an event type constant in wxTreeListCtrl documentation. s/CHeCKED/CHECKED/g Closes #13931.

2012-02-06 14:28 VZ, revision 70523

Fix handling of positional parameters in wxPrintf() and related. Handle positional parameter specifications in wxFormatConverter to ensure that e.g. "%N$s" are correctly transformed to "%N$S" if needed. This fixes the use of positional parameters under OS X. Closes #10965.

2012-02-05 23:54 SN, revision 70521

Reverted bogus fix for bogus bug report #13402.

2012-02-05 23:53 SN, revision 70520

Reverted bogus fix for bogus bug report #13402.

2012-02-05 23:20 SN, revision 70519

Mark unused parameter as such, fixes #13402.

2012-02-05 23:20 SN, revision 70518

Mark unused parameter as such, fixes #13402.

2012-02-05 18:43 PC, revision 70517

remove code ifdef-ed on __X__, it is never defined for wxGTK

2012-02-05 16:45 VZ, revision 70516

Don't set PAGESETUPDLG::hDevNames and hDevMode when using PSD_RETURNDEFAULT. If the page setup dialog is used to retrieve the default information, hDevMode and hDevNames fields must not be set, otherwise PageSetupDlg() function simply fails because of incorrect parameters passed to it. Closes #13928.

2012-02-05 15:18 VZ, revision 70515

Fix huge performance problem in wxStdInputStream when using MSVC8/9. Our overridden xsgetn() method was never called when using these compilers because they used their own, non-standard, _Xsgetn_s() instead. Because of this the stream was always read character by character which was very inefficient. Fix the problem by overriding _Xsgetn_s() for these compilers and explicitly forwarding it to xsgetn(). Closes #13926.

2012-02-05 15:18 VZ, revision 70514

Take void** client data in wxSingleChoiceDialog ctor and not char**. The client data is supposed to be untyped, there is really no reason (other than compatibility with C conventions of 40 years ago) to use char** here. So don't do it and provide the versions taking "void**" keeping "char**" ones for backwards compatibility only. Also deprecate GetSelectionClientData() that returned char* and add a new GetSelectionData() returning void* instead. Closes #13876.