

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-04-21 14:58 VZ, revision 45556

oops, restored wrongly removed semicolon

2007-04-21 10:52 VZ, revision 45555

removed extraneous semicolons

2007-04-20 22:27 DE, revision 45554

Remove Objective-C class posing for everything except for NSApplication.

2007-04-20 20:21 DE, revision 45553

Move Objective-C interfaces into separate header files in preparation for being able to use them from other source files. No new or changed code. Work on behalf of Software 2000 Ltd.

2007-04-20 11:03 CE, revision 45552

add const to avoid hiding warning

2007-04-20 09:03 BIW, revision 45551

fixed bug when a fixed pane is resized inside a fixed dock

2007-04-20 08:54 BIW, revision 45550

fixed bug when a fixed pane is resized inside a fixed dock

2007-04-20 08:29 JJ, revision 45549

Committing in . Update OpenVMS compile support Modified Files: wxWidgets/src/common/descrip.mms

2007-04-20 08:16 JJ, revision 45548

Committing in . Modified Files: wxWidgets/descrip.mms wxWidgets/setup.h_vms OpenVMS build update wxWidgets/include/wx/unix/glx11.h Removed superfluous semi-colon wxWidgets/samples/db/dbtest.cpp wxWidgets/samples/db/listdb.cpp fixed wxString cast problems ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2007-04-20 08:09 CE, revision 45547

add const to avoid hiding warning

2007-04-20 01:40 VZ, revision 45546

fix unused parameters warnings

2007-04-20 01:39 VZ, revision 45545

corrected DLL export declaration of wxTimerEvent to fix VC++ DLL build

2007-04-20 01:29 VZ, revision 45544

preparation for allowing to use wxTimer in wxBase (heavily modified patch 1113088): 1. Changed wxTimer to use wxTimerImpl 2. Added Unix-specific generic timer implementation 3. Added wxAppTraits::CreateTimerImpl()

2007-04-20 01:21 VZ, revision 45543

removed extra membersections (patch 1702329)

2007-04-20 01:18 VZ, revision 45542

create the spin control with the correct range instead of setting it later which results in unwanted events and a crash (patch 1702847) [backport from HEAD]

2007-04-20 01:16 VZ, revision 45541

create the spin control with the correct range instead of setting it later which results in unwanted events and a crash (patch 1702847)

2007-04-19 22:13 VZ, revision 45540

compilation fix (misplaced comma in OnIdle)

2007-04-19 18:33 VS, revision 45539

fixed wxCStrData::operator[] to use wxString::operator[] instead of at()

2007-04-19 18:28 VS, revision 45538

added tests for wxCStrData::operator* and operator[]

2007-04-19 16:58 PC, revision 45537

Reorganize idle system code. Installing idle handler from GTK callbacks is no longer necessary.

2007-04-19 12:47 RR, revision 45536

Fix inplace editing of custom controls for GTK+ variant of wxDataViewCtrl.

2007-04-19 11:25 VS, revision 45535

added missing forward declaration for wxCStrData

2007-04-19 10:57 VS, revision 45534

fixed compilation of STL non-UTF8 builds

2007-04-19 10:05 VS, revision 45533

moved primitive string and string iterators operations to stringops.h/cpp files to make wxString code easier to read

2007-04-19 08:04 VS, revision 45532

moved vararg CRT functions wrappers to a new wxcrtvararg.h header

2007-04-19 07:44 VS, revision 45531

moved vararg CRT functions wrappers to a new wxcrtvararg.h header

2007-04-19 01:05 VZ, revision 45530

removed obsolete wxUSE_WX_RESOURCES check

2007-04-18 17:24 PC, revision 45529

backport rev 1.60: don't clamp scroll position before updating GtkRange

2007-04-18 17:15 PC, revision 45528

non-pch build fix

2007-04-18 12:31 RR, revision 45527

Corrected/implemented sorting (by way of clicking on on the header button) for the generic code.

2007-04-18 09:34 VS, revision 45526

fixed DLL linking of wxMessageOutput class

2007-04-18 08:44 RR, revision 45525

Escape slashes.

2007-04-18 08:37 RR, revision 45524

Doc correction.

2007-04-18 08:32 VS, revision 45523

compilation fix

2007-04-17 20:36 RR, revision 45522

Updated wxDataViewCtrl docs.

2007-04-17 16:40 RD, revision 45521

wx.lib.flatnotebook: Patch from Andrea that implements the following: * A new style FNB_FF2: my intentions were to make it like Firefox 2, however it turned out to be an hybrid between wxAUI notebook glose style & FF2 ...I still think it looks OK. The main purpose for making it more like wxAUI is to allow applications that uses both to have same look and feel (or as close as it can get...); * Changed the behavior of the left/right rotation arrows to rotate single tab at a time and not bulk of tabs; * Updated the demo module.

2007-04-17 16:26 RD, revision 45520

Patch from Andrea that fixes the following problems/issues: a) ZeroDivisionError when using the Vista selection style and calling SelectItem; for some strange reason, sometimes the item rect is not initialized and that generates the ZeroDivisionError when painting the selection rectangle; b) Added a DeleteWindow method to GenericTreeItem class, for items that hold a widget next to them; c) Renamed CustomTreeCtrl method IsEnabled to IsItemEnabled, otherwise it conflicts with wx.Window.IsEnabled; d) Now CustomTreeCtrl behaves correctly when the widget attached to an item is narrower (in height) than the item text;

2007-04-17 15:32 VS, revision 45519

added conversion to and from std::string and std::wstring (if wxUSE_STD_STRING)

2007-04-17 12:08 RR, revision 45518

Implemented the same simple API for creating customized in-place editing controls for GTK+ and the generic version and demonstrate its use in the sample using a wxSpinCtrl.

2007-04-17 05:48 PC, revision 45517

add wxUSE_STC wrappers

2007-04-17 01:22 VZ, revision 45516

compilation fix for PCH-less compilation

2007-04-17 01:19 VZ, revision 45515

compilation fix for PCH-less compilation after last commit

2007-04-16 23:28 RD, revision 45514

More fixes needed for allowing classes to be derived from PyAuiDockArt and PyAuiTabArt.

2007-04-16 21:46 VZ, revision 45513

reverted last change as using pango_version_check() (unavailable in the old Pango versions) makes wx applications impossible to run on older systems

2007-04-16 20:51 RD, revision 45512

Don't use m_popupInterface pointer if it is still NULL (backport from HEAD)

2007-04-16 19:43 RD, revision 45511


2007-04-16 19:27 RD, revision 45510

wxMac has wxGLContext.SetCurrent now

2007-04-16 19:26 RD, revision 45509


2007-04-16 19:25 RD, revision 45508


2007-04-16 19:23 RD, revision 45507

Add wxSVGFileDC

2007-04-16 19:16 RD, revision 45506

User lower case property names in wx.DateSpan and wx.TimeSpan in order to not conflict with static methods with same names.

2007-04-16 19:05 RD, revision 45505

Don't use m_popupInterface pointer if it is still NULL

2007-04-16 19:04 RD, revision 45504

Fix DLL compilation

2007-04-16 18:59 RD, revision 45503

Patch from FN that fixes bug in RefreshItem on an item that has no corresponding node in the tree yet (because its parent isn't expanded yet) triggered an exception.

2007-04-16 18:24 VZ, revision 45502

call gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder even if the default file name is empty (but default directory isn't) (bug 1701682) [backport from HEAD]

2007-04-16 18:21 VZ, revision 45501

call gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder even if the default file name is empty (but default directory isn't) (bug 1701682)

2007-04-16 14:56 VZ, revision 45500

corrected the direction of comparisons between wxString and char/wxChar strings

2007-04-16 14:20 VZ, revision 45499

removed superfluos semicolon

2007-04-16 13:03 VZ, revision 45498

removed extra semicolons to fix compilation with gcc -Wpedantic (patch 1701236)

2007-04-16 12:45 RR, revision 45497

Rewritten in-place editing for generic wxDataViewCtrl moving the code (partly) to the renderer and away from the wxDataViewCtrl class. Adding new in-plae editors (wxChoice) should be much simpler now. Also implemented using Validate() before committing a change to the data model.

2007-04-16 11:04 VS, revision 45496

added wxMBConv argument to char_str()

2007-04-16 06:59 VS, revision 45495

added wxCStrData::As[W]CharBuf() that doesn't keep converted string in memory for longer than needed

2007-04-16 01:26 VZ, revision 45494

more native look for wxCheckListBox (especially under XP) (modified patch 1690068)

2007-04-16 01:22 VZ, revision 45493

added new wxCONTROL_FLAT bit (see discussion of patch 1691478)

2007-04-16 00:53 VZ, revision 45492

use wxRenderer::DrawCheckBox() instead of doing it manually

2007-04-16 00:51 VZ, revision 45491

implement DrawCheckBox() in class Win32 renderer (modified patch 1691478)

2007-04-15 23:29 VZ, revision 45490

don't erase background in GL canvases to reduce flicker

2007-04-15 23:21 VZ, revision 45489

added #ifdef __X__ forgotten in last commit

2007-04-15 23:09 VZ, revision 45488

use IsShownOnScreen() in OnSize() to ensure that the window is realized (important for X11-based ports) before trying to create an associated context

2007-04-15 23:08 VZ, revision 45487

fix handling of stock menu items (creating a stock item without label left its label empty)

2007-04-15 23:06 VZ, revision 45486

Refactor all code common to X11 OpenGL implementations into glx11.h/.cpp

2007-04-15 22:54 VZ, revision 45485

added wxGetX11Display() returning the pointer of the correct type, unlike the old wxGetDisplay()

2007-04-15 19:02 VS, revision 45484

removed implicit conversion from wxString::iterator to wxStringImpl::iterator (fixes VC6 compilation)

2007-04-15 18:47 VS, revision 45483

compilation fix for VC6 with wxUSE_STL=1

2007-04-15 16:43 VZ, revision 45482

removed unnecessary return in a void function

2007-04-15 15:23 VZ, revision 45481

added back SetCurrent() call accidentally removed in one of recent commits

2007-04-15 15:21 VZ, revision 45480

use slightly more light

2007-04-15 15:13 VZ, revision 45479

use textures in the shared context to test how this works when using multiple windows with the same context

2007-04-15 11:43 MBN, revision 45478

Make wxClassInfo attributes private. Replace direct access to sm_classTable with a (const) iterator interface.

2007-04-15 10:07 VS, revision 45477

implement wxString:IsXXX() methods using iterators

2007-04-15 00:54 VZ, revision 45476

reorganized the code to put the logic in wxGLContext-derived class but keep the state in the window

2007-04-15 00:32 VZ, revision 45475

adjust the window coordinates for parent client area origin when in Create() too and not only in DoSetSize() [backport from HEAD]

2007-04-15 00:28 VZ, revision 45474

adjust the window coordinates for parent client area origin when in Create() too and not only in DoSetSize()

2007-04-14 23:35 VZ, revision 45473

added wxRTTI macros to stream classes (patch 1687073)

2007-04-14 23:15 VZ, revision 45472

added overloads of ctor/insert/assign/append taking a pair of wxCStrData objects to allow compilation of expression like wxString(s.c_str()+1, s.c_str()+2) (fixes wxUniv compilation)

2007-04-14 19:05 VS, revision 45471

don't compile Scintilla sources with -Wall

2007-04-14 18:27 VS, revision 45470

fixed the order of aboutdlg.h file

2007-04-14 17:59 RR, revision 45469

Add test for Validate()

2007-04-14 17:58 RR, revision 45468

Text alignment is for GTK 2.10 and above only.

2007-04-14 17:39 PC, revision 45467

fix assert on gtk

2007-04-14 16:58 VS, revision 45466

added ability to create 'non-owned' buffers that aren't freed by wxCharBuffer dtor

2007-04-14 16:06 VS, revision 45465

VC6 compilation fix

2007-04-14 15:52 CE, revision 45464

add svg in new location

2007-04-14 14:31 CE, revision 45463

remove outdated makefiles and .cvsignore

2007-04-14 14:26 CE, revision 45462

add back stc

2007-04-14 14:24 CE, revision 45461

stc src and includes added back

2007-04-14 14:20 CE, revision 45460

stc sample added back

2007-04-14 14:13 SC, revision 45459

fixing the assert

2007-04-14 13:22 VZ, revision 45458

added wxAPPLY and wxCLOSE flags to CreateStdDialogButtonSizer() (Marcin Wojdyr)

2007-04-14 13:17 VZ, revision 45457

added wxAPPLY and wxCLOSE flags to CreateStdDialogButtonSizer() (Marcin Wojdyr)