

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-02-28 00:50 RD, revision 70718

Change the background style in the template file too.

2012-02-27 19:54 VZ, revision 70717

Return an invalid item from wxDataViewCtrl::GetItemByRow() for invalid rows. This function is called in many places in the code with possibly invalid (i.e. out of range) row, so handle it gracefully inside it in virtual list control case. This is consistent with the behaviour in non-virtual case and with that of GetRowByItem().

2012-02-27 19:53 VZ, revision 70716

No changes, just make wxDataViewMainWindow::GetRowCount() const. This is clearly an accessor function, so make it const, even if it requires a const_cast<> inside it.

2012-02-27 19:07 PC, revision 70715

remove redundant GTK check

2012-02-27 18:49 PC, revision 70714

use 0 (== GTK_STATE_NORMAL) for state parameter default

2012-02-27 17:40 PC, revision 70713

avoid making copy of font description

2012-02-27 16:41 SC, revision 70712

no 10.4 support anymore

2012-02-27 16:38 SC, revision 70711

no 10.4 support anymore

2012-02-27 16:37 SC, revision 70710

no 10.4 support anymore

2012-02-27 16:35 SC, revision 70709

no 10.4 support anymore

2012-02-27 16:26 VZ, revision 70708

Document more events in wxAuiNotebookEvent documentation. This is the second part of r70691. Closes #14040.

2012-02-27 16:20 SC, revision 70707

no 10.4 support anymore

2012-02-27 15:27 VS, revision 70706

Improve default wxDVC line height on Windows >= Vista. Explorer in Vista/Win7 uses slightly larger rows, so mimic it.

2012-02-27 02:47 VZ, revision 70705

Allow passing the list of architectures to --enable-universal_binary. Interpret --enable-universal_binary argument as a comma-separated list of architectures to use. By default still use all the supported ones.

2012-02-27 01:40 VZ, revision 70704

Only include <unistd.h> under Unix in wxGTK code. Also remove the inclusions of some Unix-specific headers that were not needed at all. Closes #14048.

2012-02-26 21:24 VZ, revision 70703

Add minimal support for building non-GUI parts of wxWidgets for Android. Recognize __ANDROID__ in wx/platform.h and include the appropriate headers from wx/android. Also fix a couple of compilation errors (in filename.cpp) and warnings (in event.h) which only appear when building for Android.

2012-02-26 19:36 SJL, revision 70702

Update to use pkg_config to find the webkit hearers and libraries. Regenerate Fixes #14015

2012-02-26 18:18 VZ, revision 70701

Fix wxGTK compilation when using non X11-based GDK. Only use X11-specific GDK functions inside "#ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11" checks. Closes #14044.

2012-02-26 18:18 VZ, revision 70700

Retrieve paper size from page setup dialog in wxOSX/Cocoa. Call PMGetPageFormatPaper() when retrieving data from the native dialog. Closes #14047.

2012-02-26 16:44 JS, revision 70698

Fixed enabling/disabling for wxSpinCtrl

2012-02-26 14:30 SC, revision 70695

also a dialog needs the current events set up correctly

2012-02-26 11:21 SC, revision 70694

setting up current event also when mouse is captured ...

2012-02-26 00:49 VZ, revision 70693

Ensure that combobox editor used by wxGrid is tall enough. Set the rectangle of wxGridCellChoiceEditor to be at least as tall as the best (i.e. minimal) wxComboBox size because otherwise the control can be unusable. Closes #13818.

2012-02-26 00:49 VZ, revision 70692

Suppress harmless MSVC warnings about int to bool conversions. Convert int to bool explicitly to avoid MSVC warning C4800.

2012-02-26 00:49 VZ, revision 70691

Document more wxAuiNotebook events. Add descriptions of several previously undocumented wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_XXX events and the corresponding event table entries. Closes #14040.