

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2001-02-13 11:42 georgetasker, revision 9363

Beginnings of BLOB support - Do not use BLOBs yet though, as they do not work, but these changes will not affect behavor of anything unless you try to create a BLOB column 0 which will fail right now. Formatting of source code cleaned up.

2001-02-13 11:41 georgetasker, revision 9362

Beginnings of BLOB support - Do not use BLOBs yet though, as they do not work, but these changes will not affect behavor of anything unless you try to create a BLOB column 0 which will fail right now.

2001-02-13 11:38 georgetasker, revision 9361

A temporary hDIB was not being unlocked before exiting the function where the lock was obtained

2001-02-13 11:35 georgetasker, revision 9360

Fixes display of bitmaps in owner drawn controls (like menus) so that they are not clipped or dropped completely. Menu items resize appropriately with this code submitted by Ray Gilbert.

2001-02-12 21:41 depeyrot, revision 9359

added CodeWarrior projects for Classic Mac OS

2001-02-12 21:37 depeyrot, revision 9358
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/docview/makemac.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/docvwmdi/makemac.mcp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/internat/makemac.mcp

removed CodeWarrior projects added as ascii instead of binary

2001-02-12 20:30 robind, revision 9357

Now uses CC_FULLOPEN if m_colourData.GetChooseFull()

2001-02-12 19:23 georgetasker, revision 9356

Changed source files to not include Mark's old defunct e-mail address. It now only shows in the ABOUT dialog

2001-02-12 18:12 juliansmart, revision 9355

Small mod

2001-02-12 17:21 vadz, revision 9354

fixed KDE link file reading code

2001-02-12 16:38 vadz, revision 9353

fixed setting focus to the controls not accepting it (backported from the main branch)

2001-02-12 16:37 vadz, revision 9352

fix for mingw32 2.95.2

2001-02-12 15:59 juliansmart, revision 9351

Changes to distribution scripts

2001-02-12 13:47 juliansmart, revision 9350

Check for this == g_focusWindow in window destructor now, else get dangling pointer.

2001-02-12 13:45 juliansmart, revision 9349

Fix for unsafe use of a global pointer for focus window: now checks at destruct time to see if we should NULL the pointer.

2001-02-12 00:56 vadz, revision 9348

wxSlider kbd handling works fine as well as drawing in GTK theme

2001-02-12 00:54 vadz, revision 9347

backported fix for the last-'\'-in-the mailcap-file crash

2001-02-12 00:51 vadz, revision 9346

fixed crash with '\' on the end of the last line

2001-02-11 20:12 vadz, revision 9345

even better slider drawing (fine now)

2001-02-11 18:34 vadz, revision 9344

slider draws itslef almost correctly in MSW mode

2001-02-11 10:36 juliansmart, revision 9343

Distrib script changes and list.h reordering of wxListBase constructor for VC++ 1.5 to compile it

2001-02-10 14:15 vadz, revision 9342

bug in wxDocMDIParentFrame::OnMRUFile() fixed

2001-02-10 00:33 vadz, revision 9341

more meat on wxSlider bones

2001-02-09 21:01 depeyrot, revision 9340

updated CodeWarrior projects for latest wxMac commits

2001-02-09 20:40 depeyrot, revision 9339

updated CodeWarrior projects for latest wxMac commit