

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2001-03-30 01:53 VZ, revision 9613

1. changed wxGrid scrolling line size to 1, apparently anything different confused the size calculation algorithm 2. fixed bug in wxWindow::SetClientSize() which didn't work properly if scrollbars [dis]appeared in result of calling it

2001-03-30 00:52 VZ, revision 9612

this should hopefully fix BC++ crashes

2001-03-29 23:04 DW, revision 9611

Blit code for masks

2001-03-29 22:56 DW, revision 9610

Blit code for masks

2001-03-29 14:09 OK, revision 9609

Unicode compilation fixes.

2001-03-29 14:06 OK, revision 9608

Some Unicode compilation fixes. This Unicode stuff in file functions is always so hard to get right, it seems... I don't like that wxStat isn't a Unicode wrapper for the real Linux libc stat(), so the caller needs to convert it for wxStat, but not for e.g. wxRename... this is inconsistent, so it's not surprising people don't get it right, I guess.

2001-03-29 13:19 OK, revision 9607

wchar_t byte-swapping is not necessary if __STDC_ISO_10646__ is defined.

2001-03-29 13:08 OK, revision 9606

Unicode compilation fix.

2001-03-29 11:58 JS, revision 9605

Added Inno Setup distrib files

2001-03-28 22:08 VS, revision 9604

backported ScintillaWX::FullPaint speedup fix from main branch

2001-03-28 20:37 GD, revision 9603

added __POWERPC__ define to compilation flags for Mac OS X do not add _REENTRANT define to compilation flags for Mac OS X disable drag and drop for Mac OS X (not yet supported)

2001-03-28 20:31 DW, revision 9602

Some new interfaces in common code requires an updated module definition file.

2001-03-28 18:16 RD, revision 9601

Finished the changes necessary to use the new event system.

2001-03-28 18:13 RD, revision 9600

Added DECLARE_LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE which doesn't use WXDLLEXPORT. This is to prevent inconsistent linkage warnings for event types that are not in the wx DLL, but when you are using the wx DLL.

2001-03-28 17:03 RD, revision 9599

fixed typo in a couple method names for wxPython, also some changes in the wxPython chapter that have been sitting on my disk for some time...

2001-03-27 23:51 VZ, revision 9598

added widgets sample files

2001-03-27 23:25 VS, revision 9597

compilation fix

2001-03-27 18:56 RD, revision 9596

Added code to optionally put the wxSTC on a panel instead of directly in the notebook. This eliminates most (all?) of the flicker and slowdown for wxSTC when in notebooks on wxGTK. My guess is that wxNotebook is broken, but this is an acceptable workaround.

2001-03-27 17:29 RD, revision 9595

Remapped zoom/unzoom to Ctrl keys

2001-03-27 17:29 RD, revision 9594

Put back some code that was commented out for testing

2001-03-27 17:10 VZ, revision 9593

fixed an assert provoking bug in sample

2001-03-26 22:38 RD, revision 9592

fixed bug in IMP_PYCALLBACK__BOOL2DBL2INT, for #223404 in the tracker

2001-03-26 22:18 RD, revision 9591

fixed compile warning

2001-03-26 22:17 RD, revision 9590

Added wxWakeUpMainThread, wxMutexGuiEnter, wxMutexGuiLeave, wxMutexGuiLocker and wxThread_IsMain to assist with dealing with GUI access from non-GUI threads. wxPyOnDemandOutputWindow is now thread safe if non-GUI threads use print, sys.stdout.write, etc.

2001-03-26 22:15 RD, revision 9589

a fix for the last fix