

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2001-05-01 20:09 RR, revision 9963

Some minor clean-ups to the wxScrolledWindow code.

2001-05-01 19:40 GD, revision 9962

Added Mac OS X resource file handling: - rez wxMac library resources into a rsrc file in the lib directory - derez the previous rsrc file into an ascii file in the lib directory - rez the ascii file into the executables as needed - mark executables with application creator code APPL Compiling the resources into a file in the lib directory avoids dependencies on the wxMac resource sources when creating executables. However, decompiling and recompiling could be avoided if resource merging worked (ResMerger?).

2001-05-01 17:05 JS, revision 9961

Remvoed a yield in HitTest because of undesirable consequences

2001-05-01 16:49 RD, revision 9960

Check if the timer is already running before starting it again

2001-05-01 16:40 RR, revision 9959

wxScrolledWindow next take, the Gizmo controls work again and several other problem have been solved, among them at least on reported about the old implementation (wrong max size due to a rounding error).

2001-05-01 16:27 GD, revision 9958

applied SourceForge patch #419884 from Marc Newsam this patch allows the notebook to add and delete pages

2001-05-01 16:03 JS, revision 9957

Removed generic scrolwin.cpp from wxGTK list because of filename duplication

2001-05-01 15:44 JS, revision 9956

Updated src/gtk/files.lst

2001-05-01 14:46 JJ, revision 9955

Committing in . Modified Files: wxWindows/setup.h_vms wxWindows/src/common/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/common/mimecmn.cpp wxWindows/src/generic/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/gtk/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/unix/mimetype.cpp Updated compile support for OpenVMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2001-05-01 14:32 RR, revision 9954

wxScrolledWindow now emits wxScrollWinEvents. Something does not work yet as desried, though.

2001-05-01 13:01 JS, revision 9953

Added #define for apps to detect new situation

2001-05-01 12:51 JS, revision 9952

Added required #include

2001-05-01 06:46 SC, revision 9951

corrected event handling according to current msw/gtk implementation

2001-04-30 23:59 RD, revision 9950

regenerated some more sources for gtk.

2001-04-30 23:52 RD, revision 9949

Some tweaks and cleanup.

2001-04-30 23:47 RD, revision 9948

version number. regenerated some sources for gtk.

2001-04-30 20:55 RD, revision 9947

Implemented wxGetClientDisplayRect which returns the dimensions of the desktop minus taskbar, etc. on Windows and defaults to the full desktop dimensions on other platforms. (If there is a way to do it for other platforms please do.)

2001-04-30 18:37 RD, revision 9946

Some tweaks and cleanup.

2001-04-30 18:37 RD, revision 9945

Bug fix from Mike Fletcher

2001-04-30 18:34 RD, revision 9944

Updates for the sample apps. Some readme's, show how to use py2exe, InnoSetup, etc.

2001-04-30 18:33 RD, revision 9943

Show how to get an icon from a bitmap

2001-04-30 18:32 RD, revision 9942

Switched to InnoSetup for MSW distributions Other distrib stuff

2001-04-30 15:35 DW, revision 9941

New makefile and modified .def file supporting the xpmdecod module.

2001-04-30 14:25 DW, revision 9940

Too quick a trigger finger first time. Compile error fixed.

2001-04-30 14:13 DW, revision 9939

Suppress "Assignement in logical expression" type warnings for compilers that compain about this sort of thing.