

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-06-13 20:22 FT, revision 46456

Refactor to make deriving test classes from testWindow less annoying.

2007-06-13 20:10 FT, revision 46455

Refactored away helper classes within the test modules, resulting in a cleaner design. Implemented part of a Cut/Copy/Paste test for wx.TextCtrl, and stumbled onto some pretty weird behavior...

2007-06-13 19:00 FT, revision 46454

Initial tests for wx.TextCtrl. Added to

2007-06-13 16:36 SC, revision 46453

fixing 1736334

2007-06-13 16:29 VS, revision 46452

make wxFrame a wxControlContainer too, so that it behaves in the same way as wxDialog

2007-06-13 15:35 VS, revision 46451

don't propagate wxChildFocusEvent outside of wxTLWs

2007-06-13 15:31 VZ, revision 46450

overload wxStrpbrk() for more types and add tests for it

2007-06-13 15:21 FT, revision 46449

Use wx.VisualAttributes instance to add negative "IsOk" tests for wx.Color and wx.Font. Test "GetClassDefaultAttributes" in wx.Control.

2007-06-13 15:09 VS, revision 46448

removed redundant #include <dynarray.h>

2007-06-13 14:35 FT, revision 46447

Minor changes.

2007-06-13 14:29 VZ, revision 46446

use CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL instead of CPPUNIT_ASSERT as this gives more detailed information in case of a test failure

2007-06-13 14:21 VZ, revision 46445

strWC used in the tests was supposed to be a wide string, not a narrow one

2007-06-13 14:19 VZ, revision 46444

Unicode compilation fix: wxStrlocale() doesn't take wide strings

2007-06-13 13:03 SC, revision 46443

fixing 1736428

2007-06-13 12:56 SC, revision 46442

fixing 1736447

2007-06-13 12:43 SC, revision 46441

fixing 1736298

2007-06-13 12:35 SC, revision 46440

fixing 1736298

2007-06-13 11:32 VZ, revision 46439

added wxNullPtr and use it instead of just 0 with wxFileTypeInfo vararg ctor to fix crashes under 64 bit architectures

2007-06-13 10:52 VS, revision 46438

added missing #includes

2007-06-13 04:35 SC, revision 46437

universal support

2007-06-13 04:24 SC, revision 46436

changing weak linking pattern

2007-06-13 04:22 SC, revision 46435

unhighlighting the menu when a dialog is shown

2007-06-13 04:20 SC, revision 46434

universal os x fixes

2007-06-13 04:05 SC, revision 46433

universal os x fixes

2007-06-13 03:46 SC, revision 46432

universal os x fixes

2007-06-13 01:41 FT, revision 46431

Test that all derived instances of wx.Control must have parents.

2007-06-13 01:39 FT, revision 46430

Add wx.Button test for GetDefaultSize. Test ID/Label pairs found within docs for wx.Button. Note the bug within the docs and the temporary workaround implemented.

2007-06-13 01:35 FT, revision 46429

Add list of classes under test.

2007-06-12 21:56 FT, revision 46428

Minor refactoring to testColor. Added RGB tests.

2007-06-12 19:49 SC, revision 46427

fixing pict export under coregraphics with quicktime, using tiger functions for faster conversion where possible

2007-06-12 18:41 VS, revision 46426

use wxString in wxDateTime methods (only partially done)

2007-06-12 17:08 VS, revision 46425

wxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU compilation fix

2007-06-12 16:47 FT, revision 46424

Initial tests for wx.Size. Refactor Size data used in testWindow into Added invalid size test to testWindow. Include testSize in

2007-06-12 15:51 FT, revision 46423

Refactored testRect's data methods in the style of testPoint.

2007-06-12 15:17 FT, revision 46422

Impelement test for "Get" and associated helper method.

2007-06-12 15:12 FT, revision 46421

Add testRect and testPoint to Add PySimpleApp creation and destruction to testButton, testControl, testWindow. Tests fail without initializing App first.

2007-06-12 15:03 FT, revision 46420

Delegate point creation to Initial tests for wx.Point.

2007-06-12 13:32 JJ, revision 46419

Updates for VMS Modified Files: setup.h_vms

2007-06-12 12:08 VZ, revision 46418

update from Yuri Chornoivan

2007-06-12 11:21 VS, revision 46417

more STL fixes

2007-06-12 10:11 VS, revision 46416

ANSI/Unix build compilation fixes

2007-06-12 06:43 VS, revision 46415

PCH-less compilation fix

2007-06-11 22:37 FT, revision 46414

Delegate creation of wx.Font data into testFont.

2007-06-11 22:25 FT, revision 46413

Add skeleton In testWindow, delegate creation of wx.Rect data into testRect.

2007-06-11 21:59 RD, revision 46412

more updates on recent changes

2007-06-11 21:36 FT, revision 46411

Add testControl suite to

2007-06-11 21:32 FT, revision 46410

Implement testControl. testButton derives from testControl (testControl derives from testWindow). All tests contain __doc__ with a list of yet-to-be-tested.

2007-06-11 21:31 RD, revision 46409

Added save to stream methods

2007-06-11 20:40 RD, revision 46408

Added wxRoses sample from Ric Werme

2007-06-11 19:59 VS, revision 46407

fixed VC6 warnings about non-dllexported members in dllexported classes

2007-06-11 19:57 VS, revision 46406

compilation fix for gcc 3.3

2007-06-11 17:16 JS, revision 46405

Added a new overload of wxDecToHex and used it in wxRichTextImageBlock::WriteHex

2007-06-11 12:16 VS, revision 46404

added long int operators to wxUniChar (fixes wxMac compilation)

2007-06-11 12:11 VS, revision 46403

use wxString argument and not wxChar* in wxHtmlParser::AddText(), for compatibility with STL build without implicit wxString conversions

2007-06-11 12:00 VS, revision 46402

added wchar_t, wxUniChar overloads for wxStrchr

2007-06-11 10:06 VS, revision 46401

VC6 doesn't like 'return callToVoidFunc();' statements

2007-06-11 07:49 VS, revision 46400

gcc on OS X has problems with compiling empty files on SMB shares, added a comment to make macsock.h non-empty

2007-06-11 07:28 VS, revision 46399

OS X compilation fix

2007-06-11 07:12 VS, revision 46398

OS X compilation fix

2007-06-11 06:34 VS, revision 46397

ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF doesn't work with wchar_t* format strings in gcc

2007-06-11 06:10 VS, revision 46396

compilation fixes for PCH-less build

2007-06-11 06:08 VS, revision 46395

use wx/crt.h as the 'official' header for wxCRT wrappers instead of wxchar.h; add comments explaining that users should include wx/crt.h to implementation headers

2007-06-10 21:38 VS, revision 46394

fixed signed/unsigned comparison warning

2007-06-10 21:33 VS, revision 46393

PCH-less compilation fix

2007-06-10 20:44 VS, revision 46392

1. made CRT wrappers definitions indepenent of wxUSE_UNICODE: both ANSI and Unicode variants are now defined 2. split wxcrt.h into wxcrtbase.h with lowlevel compiler-specific definitions and wxcrt.h with ANSI- and Unicode-compatible wx wrappers

2007-06-10 17:42 VS, revision 46391

don't use implicit wxString->char*/wchar_t* conversion, it will not be available in wxUSE_STL build in the future

2007-06-10 17:14 VS, revision 46390

1. made CRT wrappers definitions indepenent of wxUSE_UNICODE: both ANSI and Unicode variants are now defined 2. split wxcrt.h into wxcrtbase.h with lowlevel compiler-specific definitions and wxcrt.h with ANSI- and Unicode-compatible wx wrappers

2007-06-10 16:32 VZ, revision 46389

make PositionTextCtrl() virtual (patch 1734405)

2007-06-10 09:24 VZ, revision 46388

generate disconnection event if recv() returns 0 in Detected_Read() (patch 1730589) [backport from HEAD]

2007-06-09 17:52 JS, revision 46387

Faster hex encoding

2007-06-09 17:04 VZ, revision 46386

initialize the variable as XtVaGetValues() may not do it apparently [backport from HEAD]

2007-06-09 17:02 VZ, revision 46385

initialize the variable as XtVaGetValues() may not do it apparently

2007-06-09 11:05 VZ, revision 46384

generate disconnection event if recv() returns 0 in Detected_Read() (patch 1730589)

2007-06-09 10:58 VZ, revision 46383

fix custom draw bug for controls with only one column (patch 1731024) [backport from HEAD]

2007-06-09 10:57 VZ, revision 46382

fix custom draw bug for controls with only one column (patch 1731024)

2007-06-09 10:55 VZ, revision 46381

fix SetProcessAffinityMask() prototype (was missing WINAPI, i.e. the all important stdcall) (patch 1731976) [backport from HEAD]

2007-06-09 10:54 VZ, revision 46380

cancel dragging if Esc is pressed (patch 1733657) [backport from HEAD]

2007-06-09 10:53 VZ, revision 46379

fix SetProcessAffinityMask() prototype (was missing WINAPI, i.e. the all important stdcall) (patch 1731976)

2007-06-09 10:50 VZ, revision 46378

cancel dragging if Esc is pressed (patch 1733657)

2007-06-08 22:12 FT, revision 46377

Additional accessor tests to testWindow. Add testColor to runAllTests.

2007-06-08 20:17 VS, revision 46376

added wxUniChar::AsUTF8() for easy conversion in UTF8 build

2007-06-08 18:25 KO, revision 46375

Bakefile only supports 'and' conditions, so refactor the debug conditions to reflect that.

2007-06-08 16:48 SN, revision 46374

Try using UTF-8 on OS/2.

2007-06-08 16:07 SC, revision 46373

now that the bitmap context is always in topleft coords, we need the adjusted call for drawing an image

2007-06-08 12:41 JS, revision 46372

Small typo fix

2007-06-08 05:03 RD, revision 46371

zap an extra print statement

2007-06-08 04:56 RD, revision 46370

* Some menus and buttons are kept in sync with EVT_UPDATE_UI. * Tool menu items use wx.ITEM_RADIO * New polygon and scribble tools * Text tool uses wx.FontDialog rather than home grown dialog * Switched to double-buffering (code borrowed from doodle sample.) * Spent a lot of time on improving handling of canvas scrolling redraws which look bad under __WXMSW__, IMHO. * All tools are subclasses of DrawingTool now. * All objects are subclasses of the base DrawingObject now (rather than typecode switch) * Majority of event handling delegated to tools * Manipulation of handles refactored to move most of the logic into DrawingObject subclasses * Use GenBitmapToggleButton for the Tool buttons instead of reimplementing same functionality. * Nicer looking fill/stroke preview (I think anyway) * Toggle for choosing between wx.DC and wx.GCDC

2007-06-08 01:58 FT, revision 46369

Added documentation. Minor refactoring.

2007-06-08 01:54 FT, revision 46368

Implement wx.Colour tests.

2007-06-08 00:53 ROL, revision 46367

saving stub works

2007-06-08 00:41 ROL, revision 46366

moved some code from to menubar, some menu command handlers, etc.

2007-06-07 20:28 JS, revision 46365

Init fix

2007-06-07 20:00 ROL, revision 46364

added modules for MVP architecture, some redesign of component classes

2007-06-07 18:49 RD, revision 46363


2007-06-07 18:47 RD, revision 46362

Patch from Paul McNett to check for the Acrobat version more robustly

2007-06-07 18:46 RD, revision 46361

Premultiplied Alpha is now exepcted on Mac too.

2007-06-07 18:45 RD, revision 46360

Use correct name in MustHavApp macro

2007-06-07 18:44 RD, revision 46359

Add ShutdownDemo to better clean up when switching to another sample

2007-06-07 18:43 RD, revision 46358

Mac lipo build patch from Kevin O.

2007-06-07 18:34 RD, revision 46357

Yielding from a non-gui thread needs to bail out, otherwise we end up possibly sending events in the thread too.