

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-04-04 16:36 VZ, revision 71089

Avoid overflowing the wake up when handling events in Unix console apps. Generating many wake ups from the worker threads could result in overflowing the buffer of the pipe used to communicate with the main thread which, in turn, resulted in other serious problems (deadlocks...). Avoid this by only writing to the pipe if it is empty. Closes #14166.

2012-04-04 16:36 VZ, revision 71088

No changes, just categorize change log entry correctly. wxThread::SetConcurrency() should be in the non-GUI part, not wxUniv one.

2012-04-03 13:50 VZ, revision 71086

Don't link with QuickTime framework in 64 bit wxOSX builds. This framework doesn't exist in 64 bits and so using it results in a warning when building 64 bit libraries. Avoid this by omitting it if we are sure that we target 64 bits only. Closes #14144.

2012-04-03 13:50 VZ, revision 71085

Added wxGraphicsContext::CreateMatrix(wxAffineMatrix2D) overload. Make it easy to convert generic wxAffineMatrix2D to native wxGraphicsMatrix. Closes #13188.

2012-04-03 08:25 JJ, revision 71084

Update Makefile for OpenVMS

2012-04-02 20:26 VZ, revision 71081

Override DoThaw() in wxAuiNotebook correctly. Don't "override" Thaw() in wxAuiNotebook as it's not virtual any more. Override DoThaw() instead. Also use wxBookCtrlBase instead of wxControl as the base class. Closes #14179.

2012-04-02 18:07 VZ, revision 71080

Document wxStreamBuffer::BufMode enum and fix dtor. Document the enum as it's used as parameter type by other methods and so needs to be declared to make the header parsable. Also fix wxStreamBuffer dtor documentation which was missing a tilde. Closes #14174.

2012-04-02 18:07 VZ, revision 71079

Fix wxArrayString::Item() and Last() documentation. Document both const and non-const versions of the methods. Closes #14173.

2012-04-02 18:07 VZ, revision 71078

Fix wxURI::HasUserInfo() name in the documentation. Use the correct name of an existing method instead of HasUser(). Closes #14172.

2012-04-02 18:07 VZ, revision 71077

Fix wxTextFile::GetLine() documentation. Document both const and non-const overloads of this method instead of having some strange (and non-existent) chimera of the two. Closes #14171.

2012-04-02 18:07 VZ, revision 71076

Remove wrong consts from wxTextFile::Open() documentation. Open() is a non-const method. See #14171.

2012-04-02 18:07 VZ, revision 71075

Correct the return type of wxPersistenceManager methods in the documentation. DisableSaving() and DisableRestoring() don't return anything. Closes #14170.

2012-04-02 18:07 VZ, revision 71074

Document pure virtual wxDropTarget methods correctly. GetData(), OnData() and OnDrop() were not documented as being pure virtual. Closes #14165.

2012-04-01 19:27 VZ, revision 71070

Vietnamese translations update from Trần Ngọc Quân.

2012-04-01 15:37 SC, revision 71069

correct text drawing with background brush, fixes #14161

2012-04-01 12:26 VZ, revision 71068

Document wx{Single,Multi}ChoiceDialog styles in class documentation. The styles should be documented in the class documentation, not the documentation of individual constructors. Closes #14162.

2012-03-31 06:39 RD, revision 71061

Interface fixes for Phoenix

2012-03-31 06:39 RD, revision 71060


2012-03-31 06:39 RD, revision 71059

Add wxGenericProgressDialog

2012-03-30 20:29 RD, revision 71057

Add missing dirctrl interface items for Phoenix

2012-03-30 14:16 VZ, revision 71056

Return run-time zlib version from wxGetZlibVersionInfo(). Return the version really used instead of the version the code was compiled against. Incidentally, this avoids the use of ZLIB_VERNUM not available in old (1.1) versions of zlib, thus fixing compilation under Solaris 10. Closes #14158.

2012-03-30 01:43 VZ, revision 71055

Remove nonsensical custom comparison code from wxDataViewIndexListModel. This model was comparing its items by their positions in the list instead of their values for some reason. This broke sorting in wxDataViewListCtrl using this model and simply didn't make any sense. Just remove the comparison code from wxDataViewIndexListModel entirely, the base class version works just fine for it. Closes #14116.

2012-03-30 01:43 VZ, revision 71054

Restore the correct brush in wxGCDC::GradientFill() methods. Both GradientFillLinear() and GradientFillConcentric() changed the brush on the underlying wxGraphicsContext but didn't restore the default brush back. Closes #14131.

2012-03-30 01:17 VZ, revision 71053

Remove setup0.h files from the list of headers in bakefile. These headers don't exist in official distributions as they're renamed to setup.h in them. Moreover, they don't need to be installed anyhow when using configure as the real setup.h is installed specially, so there is no real need to have them in the list of headers.

2012-03-29 22:05 SC, revision 71052

adding tabart.cpp file