

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2001-11-13 00:33 RD, revision 12390

SWIGged code updates

2001-11-13 00:32 RD, revision 12389

Fixed a little demo problem

2001-11-13 00:17 RD, revision 12388

Added missing \ before _

2001-11-12 20:32 GD, revision 12387

corrected Carbon to/from POSIX path conversions for Mac OS X

2001-11-12 20:19 GD, revision 12386

added parentheses (corrects smart preprocessor error under Mac OS X)

2001-11-12 01:22 RL, revision 12385

removed -static flag from wx-config --libs. It does more damage removing fine-grained choice from people than it does to help them.

2001-11-12 00:13 VS, revision 12384

wxPanel::OnSize must call event.Skip(), otherwise scrollbars won't work in wxUniv

2001-11-11 20:39 VZ, revision 12383

fixed key event code for ASCII keys in wxListCtrl

2001-11-11 19:55 VZ, revision 12382

some clean up, no real changes

2001-11-11 19:52 VZ, revision 12381

fixed bug with creating status bar with more than 1 pane (needed resize to refresh)

2001-11-11 19:27 VZ, revision 12380

bug fix for using multiline string (i.e. with embedded '\n's) in wxTextCtrl ctor

2001-11-11 19:19 VZ, revision 12379

fixed minor combobox bug: GetValue() reported wrong value when caleld from TEXT_UPDATED handler

2001-11-11 19:00 VS, revision 12378

fixed stupid big when assigning wxImage's palette to wxBitmap

2001-11-11 18:59 VS, revision 12377

wxTimer for wxMGL

2001-11-11 18:38 VZ, revision 12376

emphasize that wxFindReplaceDialog is always modeless

2001-11-10 18:24 VS, revision 12375

minor fixs

2001-11-10 18:23 VS, revision 12374

added app name to wxrcedit (forgot to commit this one long time ago...)

2001-11-10 18:23 VS, revision 12373

update to wxHtmlTag docs

2001-11-09 23:19 RD, revision 12372

Added build instructions for OS X. Added a very simple demo to help build functionality bit by bit. Regenerated the files that needed SWIGging.

2001-11-09 18:11 VZ, revision 12371

signed/unsigned comparison warnings fixed

2001-11-09 17:58 VZ, revision 12370

removed focus assert

2001-11-09 15:12 VZ, revision 12369

removed code (re)setting the camera from wxGLCanvas::OnSize()

2001-11-09 10:29 VZ, revision 12368


2001-11-09 10:19 VZ, revision 12367

reset SourceSafe project name in the VC++ projects

2001-11-09 10:18 VZ, revision 12366

don't document wxBitmap::SetOk(), it's an implementation detail