

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-02-03 06:22 KO, revision 63364

Add sanity check on the item number.

2010-02-02 23:19 JS, revision 63358

Fixes for incorrect selection, extra newline insertion when undoing deletion of selection, insufficient refresh for operations on last line, HasCharacter/ParagraphAttributes bug.

2010-02-02 23:19 JS, revision 63357

Fixes for incorrect selection, extra newline insertion when undoing deletion of selection, incorrect SetScrollbar optimization, insufficient refresh for operations on last line, HasCharacter/ParagraphAttributes bug.

2010-02-02 16:19 JMS, revision 63356

Do not clear property selection when adding new properties, but instead correct positions of any open editor controls.

2010-02-02 12:23 JS, revision 63355

Don't crash if there's no top window.

2010-02-01 13:07 JS, revision 63345

Simplify SetSelectionRange and make consistent with SetSelection. Fix a bug that returns true for character and paragraph style tests if no characters or paragraphs were found. Fix SetSelection to position caret at end.

2010-02-01 11:45 JS, revision 63344

Simplify SetSelectionRange and make consistent with SetSelection. Fix a bug that returns true for character and paragraph style tests if no characters or paragraphs were found. Fix SetSelection to position caret at end.

2010-02-01 09:23 SC, revision 63343

adapting to new API variant

2010-02-01 02:20 KO, revision 63340

nschars is never used for the wxEVT_CHAR case, so don't assign it a different value for this case.

2010-02-01 01:48 KO, revision 63339

Use the correct type to fix Tiger compilation.

2010-01-31 19:31 VZ, revision 63338

Update bakefile.m4 to bakefile 0.2.8 which was used for makefiles. When a new bakefile version is used, build/aclocal/bakefile.m4 must be updated and configure must be regenerated to take into account the changes in autoconf_inc.m4, otherwise incorrect makefiles will be produced (for example, symbolic links for shared libraries were not created in Unix build this time).

2010-01-31 19:15 JMS, revision 63337

Added nominal wxPG_PROP_READONLY support for editor controls other than wxTextCtrl-based ones

2010-01-31 19:14 JMS, revision 63336

Added command to set wxPG_PROP_READONLY in the propgrid sample

2010-01-31 19:13 JMS, revision 63335

Fixed value column rendering for properties which do not create editor control when selected

2010-01-31 16:19 SC, revision 63334

fix for sleep mode on displays, fixes #11557

2010-01-31 15:42 SC, revision 63333

avoiding catching incorrect shortcuts, see #11676

2010-01-31 12:01 SC, revision 63332

supporting clipboard command shortcuts on osx_cocoa as well, simplifying code

2010-01-29 14:07 VZ, revision 63306

Disable wxUSE_FSWATCHER under Unix if neither inotify nor kqueue is available. Don't define wxUSE_FSWATCHER as 1 in configure if we can't implement it. Also add a check to wx/unix/chkconf.h to verify that we didn't end up with an inconsistent configuration somehow. Closes #11670.

2010-01-28 22:46 MW, revision 63303

Fix for file length fixup.

2010-01-28 22:46 MW, revision 63302

Fix for file length fixup.

2010-01-28 22:38 MW, revision 63301

Allow large file tests to run by default on more platforms.

2010-01-28 22:36 MW, revision 63300

Backport stdio large file support for VC++ and mingw.

2010-01-28 14:49 SC, revision 63299

storing modal returncode correctly for carbon

2010-01-28 14:48 SC, revision 63298

make sure modality is reflected correctly when rerouted from window-modal to app-modal

2010-01-28 13:30 CE, revision 63297

fix version as per email

2010-01-28 13:07 VZ, revision 63296

Disable wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN for wxUniv to fix the build. wxMenuItem in wxUniv doesn't even use wxOwnerDrawn but linking in ownerdrwcmn.cpp is enough to break the DLL build of wxUniv at least under MSW as it references symbols normally defined in msw/ownerdrw.cpp which is not part of wxUniv. Fix this by simply disabling wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN under wxUniv for now as it's unused anyhow.

2010-01-28 11:14 CE, revision 63295

bakefile 0.2.8 and wxw2.8.11

2010-01-28 10:54 SC, revision 63294

adding window-modal message box sample

2010-01-28 10:27 CE, revision 63293

version to 2.8.11

2010-01-28 09:28 SC, revision 63292

setting correct alertType

2010-01-28 05:06 KO, revision 63291

Get ShowWindowModal behavior working under OS X Cocoa for file, dir and message dialogs.

2010-01-27 00:04 VZ, revision 63282

Never block in wxSocket::Peek(). Peek() is not expected to block so ensure that it doesn't, independently of the currently used socket flags, by using wxSOCKET_NOWAIT. See #11528.

2010-01-26 22:09 JMS, revision 63281

wxPGProperty::GetHintText() function body was missing 'inline' keyword

2010-01-26 18:44 JMS, revision 63280

Fixed wxPGGlobalVars export declaration

2010-01-26 15:36 SC, revision 63279

optimizing creation of glcontexts, less flicker

2010-01-26 15:24 JJ, revision 63278

Fixes for compilation on OpenVMS platforms

2010-01-26 13:43 VZ, revision 63277

Add wxTreeCtrl::SelectChildren() method. Add MSW and generic implementation, documentation and change to the sample showing it. Closes #11620.

2010-01-26 13:39 VZ, revision 63276

Try to prevent users from forgetting to include wx.rc from their resources. Document that some of the standard cursors are defined in this file. Also add a (hopefully) helpful assert if loading one of such cursors failed. Closes #11424.

2010-01-26 13:33 VZ, revision 63275

Don't pass logs at unknown levels to wxLog::DoLogRecord() from wxLogGui. This results in an assert in DoLogText() which is not implemented in the base class but ends up being called as DoLogTextAtLevel() doesn't know how to handle non-standard log levels otherwise. This assert happened if you simply called wxLogMessage(wxLOG_User, ...) in the program. Just ignore messages at unknown log levels instead in wxLogGui, by definition it can't handle them anyhow. See also r63167.

2010-01-26 13:33 VZ, revision 63274

Another compilation fix for wxMSW without PCH. Need to include <commctrl.h> as we use HIMAGELIST and related functions now. See #11595.

2010-01-26 13:16 VZ, revision 63273

Implement RequestUserAttention() for wxOSX/Cocoa. Simply use NSApplication:requestUserAttention to do it.

2010-01-26 10:01 VZ, revision 63272

Compilation fixes for PCH-less build after ownerdraw-refactor branch merge. Forward declare more classes, in particular use tagRECT which can be forward declared, instead of RECT typedef in public headers. Also include more header in #ifndef WX_PRECOMP case. See #11595.

2010-01-26 10:01 VZ, revision 63271

Avoid g++ warning about unhandled wxFONTFAMILY_XXX value in a switch. Add wxFONTFAMILY_UNKNOWN case to the switch as it will allow us to be warned if we add a new family in the future and forget to update this code to take it into account.

2010-01-26 10:01 VZ, revision 63270

No real changes, just don't initialize extern variable to avoid g++ warning. g++ warns about initialized extern variables so separate the declaration from the initialization to avoid this warning.

2010-01-26 10:00 VZ, revision 63269

Make wxWindow::MSWGetThemeColour() const. There doesn't seem to be any reason for this method to not be const.

2010-01-26 10:00 VZ, revision 63268

Compilation fix for wxUniv. We need explicit casts to wxWindow in wxWindowMSW code.

2010-01-25 23:27 SC, revision 63266

simplifying code, removing outdated API

2010-01-25 23:24 SC, revision 63265

adding note for correct wheel params

2010-01-25 20:19 JS, revision 63264

Added symbol for wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_SHOWN

2010-01-25 19:48 JS, revision 63263

Added EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_SHOWN event for wxWizard, to give apps a chance to initiate processing after a page is presented.