

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-03-06 22:30 KO, revision 63646

Add uncommitted uiaction `sample bakefiles.

2010-03-06 21:15 KO, revision 63645

Rebake after wxUIActionSimulator addition.

2010-03-06 21:09 KO, revision 63644

Adding wxUIActionSimulator, a class for programmatically controlling the mouse and keyboard.

2010-03-06 14:30 VZ, revision 63642

Reset wxAuiNotebook selection to wxNOT_FOUND if it becomes empty. The selection was 0 in a notebook without any pages which was wrong as it must always be less than the page count. Fix this in wxAuiNotebook itself and add an assert checking for this invariant to the sample.

2010-03-06 05:51 KO, revision 63641

A call to wxPopupWindow::Show shouldn't automatically cause the popup window to steal focus.

2010-03-06 05:15 KO, revision 63640

Add git source control dirs to the list of excludes.

2010-03-06 05:08 KO, revision 63639

Add to wx source tree.

2010-03-06 01:31 VZ, revision 63638

Don't store header height in generic wxListCtrl member variable. This is simply unnecessary and resulted in a crash in wxDFB because the window was used for this variable initialization before being created. Closes #11711.

2010-03-06 01:31 VZ, revision 63637

Fix toggling the header in the generic wxListCtrl. We need to update the lfags first before deciding whether we should create or destroy the header. Also add a test for toggling the header to the listctrl sample.

2010-03-06 00:56 VZ, revision 63636

Don't stop dragging in the grid when the mouse leaves the window. Unexpected/unaccounted for mouse leaving and entering events stopped the drag operation currently in progress in wxGrid. And while it was resumed later, this resulted in the mouse being captured only twice but released only once. Fix this by ignoring the leaving and entering events and checking that we don't capture the mouse again. Closes #11662.

2010-03-06 00:55 VZ, revision 63635

Fix memory leak in wxDataViewListStore::DeleteItem(). The item data needs to be deleted in addition to simply removing it from the internal storage. Closes #11757.

2010-03-06 00:55 VZ, revision 63634

Correct IsMaximized() in wxOSX for non-resizable windows. NSWindow isZoomed always returns true in this case, so check the window rectangle ourselves to determine whether it's maximized. Closes #11734.

2010-03-06 00:55 VZ, revision 63633

Make the code more clear in aui sample and avoid g++ 4 warning. The code used bitwise XOR which was rather difficult to read and also resulted in g++ 4 warnings about suggested parentheses. Fix both issues by using bitwise AND and OR in two separate statements instead.

2010-03-06 00:55 VZ, revision 63632

Implement wxBookCtrlBase::CalcSizeFromPage() in the base class. The definition of this method was needlessly duplicated in all of wx{Choice,List,Tool,Tree}book and in all of them except the first one it didn't account correctly for the case when the size of the controller was greater than the size of the page. Avoid the duplication and fix the best size determination in such case by providing a single, correct version of the function in the base class itself. Closes #11793.

2010-03-06 00:55 VZ, revision 63631

Avoid conflict between accelerators in the notebook sample. Ctrl-5 was used both for the treebook in the "Type" menu and default orientation choice in the "Orientation" menu. Use Alt-[0..4] for the "Orientation" menu entries.

2010-03-06 00:55 VZ, revision 63630

No changes, just remove redundant GetControllerSize() definitions. For some reasons wxBookCtrlBase::GetControllerSize() was redefined in several derived classes even though it did exactly the same thing in all of them. Leave only the base class version and remove the other ones.

2010-03-06 00:55 VZ, revision 63629

Correct controller size determination in wxToolbook. The old code used the current toolbar size instead of determining its best size for some strange reason and this resulted in toolbar remaining of tiny (1 pixel) height at least under wxGTK. Fix this by simply using the best size of the toolbar. Closes #11606.

2010-03-06 00:55 VZ, revision 63628

Use wxWindow::ReleaseMouse() instead of MSW ::ReleaseCapture() function. As we capture the mouse using wxWindow::CaptureMouse(), we must release it with ReleaseMouse() and not just ReleaseCapture(). Closes #11791.

2010-03-05 21:51 FM, revision 63627

define TARGET_CPU (as a variable) also for formats using MSVS_PLATFORM; this allows a simpler logic in the following tests (and in the user bakefiles)

2010-03-04 16:09 JMS, revision 63624

Moved property unattachment code from wxPropertyGridInterface::RemoveProperty() to wxPropertyGridPageState::DoDelete() - fixes deferred removal issue

2010-03-04 09:29 SC, revision 63623

no existing on iphone

2010-03-04 00:00 SC, revision 63622

fixing leak, fixes #11781

2010-03-03 22:52 SC, revision 63621

fixing leak, fixes #11782

2010-03-03 17:53 SC, revision 63620

using native fullscreen support and ShowEvent triggers

2010-03-03 17:51 SC, revision 63619

fixing warning

2010-03-03 17:33 SC, revision 63618

make sure ShowEvent doesn't get triggered to early during construction

2010-03-03 15:19 VZ, revision 63617

Allow using version-specific vc prefix in msvc/wx/setup.h. We still use just "vc" by default for compatibility but allow the user to predefine either wxMSVC_VERSION or wxMSVC_VERSION_AUTO to use the specified or version-dependent prefix instead. This is very convenient when using multiple MSVC versions. See #11022.

2010-03-03 15:19 VZ, revision 63616

Use correct directory names in msvc/wx/setup.h for 64 bit builds. Use _amd64 and _ia64 suffixes if _M_X64 or _M_IA64 is defined. Closes #11022.

2010-03-03 15:19 VZ, revision 63615

Added Arabic translation from Abdullah Abouzekry.

2010-03-03 15:19 VZ, revision 63614

Fix wxCommandProcessor compilation with wxUSE_ACCEL==0. Leave the accelerator strings empty in this case. Closes #11783.

2010-03-03 08:17 RD, revision 63613

Layout the immediate parent of the info bar as described in the docs, not the top-level parent.

2010-03-03 02:08 VZ, revision 63609

Document that images in buttons and menus might not be shown under GTK. Mention gtk-{button,menu}-images GTK+ settings. See #11369.

2010-03-03 01:35 FM, revision 63608

add 64bit support to those formats which I could test and which support 64bit build modes (msvc, msvs2005prj and msvs2008prj) by adding a TARGET_CPU option similar to what wxWidgets bakefiles do (note the absence of the WX_ prefix since it does not make sense to have a wx-specific architecture); this additional feature allows correct inclusion of the vc_[amd64|ia64]_[lib|dll] path when building a wx-based project on Windows.

2010-03-03 00:21 FM, revision 63606

(minor change) update list of supported Windows versions

2010-03-02 21:46 VZ, revision 63605

Use user locale with Latin-1 as fallback for command line arguments. Command line arguments can contain characters outside of 7 bit ASCII range. Assume that they use the default user encoding but fall back to Latin-1 if conversion failed. Closes #11754.

2010-03-02 19:16 VZ, revision 63604

Don't use m_macToolbar in wxOSX wxToolBar if it is NULL. This fixes a crash when a native toolbar is not used by wxToolBar as it happens when it's used by wxToolbook for example. Closes #11775.

2010-03-02 19:16 VZ, revision 63603

Enclose code using m_macToolbar in #if wxOSX_USE_NATIVE_TOOLBAR. Don't use m_macToolbar which is only used when the toolbar is a native one when we don't really use the native toolbar. This should fix compilation in case wxOSX_USE_NATIVE_TOOLBAR is 0.

2010-03-02 01:23 RD, revision 63602

Document GetBitmapMargins

2010-03-02 01:20 VZ, revision 63601

Fix another incorrect file name conversion in wxGTK. GTK file paths are in UTF-8 and not ASCII. Really closes #11743.

2010-03-02 01:15 VZ, revision 63600

Always use UTF-8 for GTK+ strings [backport of r63549 from trunk]. Strings returned and accepted by GTK+ functions always use UTF-8 independently of the current locale and of the file name encoding we use. So use UTF-8 instead of wxConvFileName everywhere where we deal with GTK+ directly. Closes #11743.

2010-03-02 00:45 VZ, revision 63599

Fix crash when accessing clipboard before entering the main loop. Check that we have an event loop running before yielding to it. Notice that we really do need an event loop in wxClipboardSync as events must be dispatched for the clipboard code to work so while not using the event loop if it doesn't exist would have fixed a crash as well, it wouldn't allow to use the clipboard in e.g. wxApp-derived class OnInit().

2010-03-02 00:20 RD, revision 63595

Invalidate best size when the bitmap or bitmap position changes. Add GetBitmapMargins

2010-03-01 23:54 RD, revision 63594

Use the correct event class for the window modal notification

2010-03-01 16:30 JMS, revision 63593

Have to implement wxPGProperty::DeleteChildren() differently so that it will work with deferred property deletion

2010-03-01 16:26 JMS, revision 63592

Have to check for wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER style before setting propgrid column proportion in the sample

2010-02-28 18:29 SC, revision 63590

translate 0.5 offset into user space before applying translation, see #11769, see #11771

2010-02-28 18:27 SC, revision 63589

moving header for precomp builds

2010-02-28 12:30 VZ, revision 63587

Simplify and correct bugs in wxMSW wxScrollBar message handling. For some reason we computed scroll increment from the native message and not the new position directly which is actually simpler and probably would have never resulted in a bug which exchanged the meanings of SB_TOP and SB_BOTTOM. Get rid of nScrollInc and just update the position variable directly. Closes #11741.

2010-02-28 12:30 VZ, revision 63586

No real changes, just cleanup wxMSW wxScrollBar a little. Get rid of old, Win16-compatible, commented out code.

2010-02-28 12:09 VZ, revision 63585

Make it possible to use wxCharBuffer during program initialization. wxCharBuffer might be used during static initialization, even if only implicitly. E.g. it is used by wxString::Format() which can be used to initialize a global string. But it uses the global s_untypedNullData variable might not be initialized yet resulting in mysterious failures. Fix this in the usual way by wrapping access to the variable via a function.