

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-05-19 18:49 VZ, revision 71502

Fix compilation in !wxUSE_LOG_DEBUG && !HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS case. Define the "unused" variable unless wxLogDebug() calls are variadic macros (not evaluating their arguments at all) and not functions. Fixes compilation broken since r71466.

2012-05-19 18:49 VZ, revision 71501

Fix compilation in wxUSE_STL=1 build after r71467. Restore explicit conversion of wxString to char*, there is no implicit conversion in wxUSE_STL build. Use utf8_str() instead of c_str() removed by r71467 however as this is what we need for wxGTK.

2012-05-19 16:24 SC, revision 71500

removing unnecessary - and incorrect - override, fixes #14319

2012-05-19 15:17 SC, revision 71499

adjusting min requirements

2012-05-19 08:33 SC, revision 71498

fixes #14318

2012-05-19 08:21 RD, revision 71493

Add interface and simple docs doe wxOverlay and wxDCOverlay.

2012-05-19 08:21 RD, revision 71492

Add some missing setters for wxRect.

2012-05-19 08:21 RD, revision 71491

Interface fixes for Phoenix

2012-05-18 21:54 RD, revision 71483

10.5 is the minimum SDK for both OSX ports now

2012-05-18 21:54 RD, revision 71482

Interface fixes for Phoenix

2012-05-18 13:09 SC, revision 71481

fixing c++11 build

2012-05-18 12:35 SC, revision 71480

fixing c++11 build

2012-05-18 12:34 SC, revision 71479

fixing c++11 build

2012-05-18 11:56 SC, revision 71478

fixing c++11 build

2012-05-18 11:56 SC, revision 71477

fixing c++11 build

2012-05-17 18:10 VZ, revision 71470

Improve wxDir::Traverse() documentation. It didn't describe wxDIR_FILES correctly and didn't mention OnOpenError().

2012-05-17 18:10 VZ, revision 71469

Fix wrong format specifiers in the samples. Use "%ld" instead of "%d" to format long values, using "%d" results in an assert failure under LP64 systems as int and long have different sizes there. Closes #14311.

2012-05-17 17:46 PC, revision 71468

mark virtual overrides as virtual

2012-05-17 17:46 PC, revision 71467

remove some unnecessary c_str() calls

2012-05-17 17:45 PC, revision 71466

eliminate unused variable warning with wxUSE_LOG_DEBUG==0

2012-05-17 17:29 PC, revision 71465

Remove use of "size-request" signal for wxWindow sizing. This signal has been removed from GTK3. Instead have wxPizza keep track of child size, and use gtk_widget_set_size_request() for wxWindows in native containers.

2012-05-17 04:47 RD, revision 71459

Interface fixes for Phoenix

2012-05-16 17:10 VZ, revision 71443

Make variable containing port number an ushort in the sockets sample. A port number is an unsigned short, not long, so don't make it long just because wxCmdLineParser doesn't provide a convenient way to get the value of an unsigned short option (it would be nice if it did...). This fixes the problem with using "%d" format specifier with a long variable as this resulted in an assert under LP64 systems. See #14311.

2012-05-16 17:10 VZ, revision 71442

Fix wxWakeUpIdle() in Unix console application broken by r71089. Initialize m_pipeIsEmpty to true as we don't have anything in the pipe initially and if this variable was false, nothing was ever written to the wake up pipe and it was never set to true as nothing was read from it neither. Closes #14166.

2012-05-16 15:24 VZ, revision 71441

Don't use printf() with non-literal string as format. Replace calls to printf() with puts() in the typetest sample. See #14311.