

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-02-07 01:04 RD, revision 14040

added sample (currently commented out) of how to veto column size events

2002-02-07 01:04 RD, revision 14039

Moved utils.i back into the core since it imports it anyway.

2002-02-06 21:03 RD, revision 14038

Updated the build docs a bit, added wxMetafileDataObject, and some cleanup and fixes here and there.

2002-02-06 20:14 VZ, revision 14037

oops, have to commit this after accidentally committing intl.cpp to not break compilation (contains unfinished code)

2002-02-06 20:12 VZ, revision 14036

cleaned up the arrays declaration macros and added a new SORTED_ARRAY_CMP family; added tests for them to the console sample

2002-02-06 20:11 VZ, revision 14035

use wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT instead of the run-time checks

2002-02-06 20:07 VZ, revision 14034

added and documented wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT and wxASSERT_MIN_BITSIZE

2002-02-06 19:19 RD, revision 14033

Corrections for loss of XLOG2DEV and etc. macros in MSW. I assume that switching to LogicalToDevicwX and etc. is correct??

2002-02-06 14:40 VZ, revision 14032

fixes for METHODDEF definition

2002-02-06 14:25 VZ, revision 14031

fixed 2 minor warnings

2002-02-06 14:24 VZ, revision 14030

added the missing (newly added) colours to the switch

2002-02-06 14:10 VZ, revision 14029


2002-02-06 14:04 VZ, revision 14028

compilation fix for BC++ (hopefully)

2002-02-06 13:41 VZ, revision 14027

compilation fix after m_lDlgCode removal

2002-02-06 06:36 SC, revision 14026

m_style.cpp added

2002-02-06 01:42 VZ, revision 14025


2002-02-06 01:38 VZ, revision 14024

assert when a base class of a class in wxRTTI system is not found

2002-02-06 01:38 VZ, revision 14023

added wxRTTI macros to wxList and wxStringList

2002-02-06 00:58 VZ, revision 14022

got rid of wxWindow::m_lDlgCode - now wxWANTS_CHARS style should work for all windows, even the native controls

2002-02-05 21:35 MBN, revision 14021

* SPACE -> TAB in filelist.txt * Added wxBase support to makefile.g95 makeg95.env * Added FINAL=0|1 flag to makefile.g95 ( defaults to FINAL=0 )

2002-02-05 20:38 RD, revision 14020

Derive wxGridWindow from wxWindow instead of wxPanel so thw SetFocus in HideCellEditControl() will actually set the focus to the grid window instead of back to the cell editor which was just hidden.

2002-02-05 19:07 GT, revision 14019

Added WXDLLEXPORT_DATA() around several data elements

2002-02-05 19:05 VZ, revision 14018

make the log dialog slightly taller when it is expanded to account for a possible horz scrollbar

2002-02-05 18:13 JS, revision 14017

First stabs at stripping out Xt/Motif code

2002-02-05 16:44 JS, revision 14016

Fixed a couple of typos