

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-04-06 15:00 VS, revision 14965

fixed typo

2002-04-06 14:55 VS, revision 14964

added resources browser to wxArtProvider sample (similar to the one from gtk-demo)

2002-04-05 23:25 DW, revision 14963

New moddef file

2002-04-05 22:18 VS, revision 14962

info about removal of wxhtml.rc

2002-04-05 22:09 DW, revision 14961

Catching up to new common class interfaces.

2002-04-05 21:47 RD, revision 14960

more tweaks for API changes

2002-04-05 20:55 RD, revision 14959

A few little cleanups, etc.

2002-04-05 20:52 JS, revision 14958

Made sure the 'best' size doesn't get set for wxChoice

2002-04-05 20:39 RR, revision 14957

Fixed the background colour bug.

2002-04-05 20:20 VZ, revision 14956

SetPath() is now implemented in dirdlg.cpp

2002-04-05 20:08 DW, revision 14955

need wxUSE_WCHAR_T around wxConvLocal

2002-04-05 19:55 DW, revision 14954

FALSE not false

2002-04-05 18:32 VZ, revision 14953

some updates I forgot to commit before: mention wxCondition and wxIconBundle changes

2002-04-05 18:23 VZ, revision 14952

compilation fix for !WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_2

2002-04-05 18:11 VZ, revision 14951

compilation fix for !WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_2

2002-04-05 17:27 VZ, revision 14950

added a few missing tree events to the docs

2002-04-05 17:24 RR, revision 14949

Add test for display clutter under MSW.

2002-04-05 11:14 VZ, revision 14948

minor fix to wxFileName::MakeRelativeTo(), removed broken and misleading IsWild() method, added IsDir() one

2002-04-05 10:43 VZ, revision 14947

warning fix for cygwin (patch 539654)

2002-04-05 10:11 VZ, revision 14946

more fixes to handling the paths with trailing slashes in wxDirDlg

2002-04-05 07:08 JJ, revision 14945

Committing in . Complile issues for OpenVMS + obvious typo in wxWindows/src/motif/dcclient.cpp Modified Files: wxWindows/src/common/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/motif/dcclient.cpp wxWindows/src/unix/utilsunx.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2002-04-05 00:28 RD, revision 14944

Added a few new flags, etc.

2002-04-05 00:28 RD, revision 14943

Added wxFileHistory demo

2002-04-04 21:14 JS, revision 14942

No change

2002-04-04 21:05 JS, revision 14941

Don't set a normal cursor for the frame, set the NULL cursor, else text controls (for example) can get the wrong cursor.