

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-06-13 19:13 SC, revision 71739

having ONE set of raster-ops starting from 10.5

2012-06-13 18:43 SC, revision 71738

fixing mem leak

2012-06-13 18:42 SC, revision 71737

proper braces avoiding potential dangling else resulting from expansion

2012-06-13 01:32 SC, revision 71735

avoiding dangerous redraw events for windows that are on their way out…

2012-06-13 00:15 VZ, revision 71733

Slightly improve best size calculation for wxListCtrl with wxLC_NO_HEADER. Use some arbitrary but relatively large width and height instead of falling back to wxControlBase best size computation which, at least in wxGTK, simply returns (1, 1) resulting in list control of unusably small size. This is, of course, still far from ideal and we should really use the items to calculate the best width but it at least allow the list control in the generic log dialog to be shown correctly in wxGTK.

2012-06-12 23:57 VZ, revision 71731

No real changes, just add a wxCHECK to GetDlgUnitBase(). Verify that we do have a valid TLW parent: even though this normally should be always the case, it might not be when the window is being created or destroyed, see #14355.

2012-06-12 23:56 VZ, revision 71730

Fix crash in wxStaticBox::HandleEraseBkgnd() in wxMSW on closing. Don't process WM_ERASEBKGND if we're being destroyed. This is at best useful and at worst harmful as we currently crash in wxStaticBox::GetClientSize() if there is no valid TLW parent. Closes #14355.

2012-06-12 23:42 VZ, revision 71728

Only use Unix/X11-specific files under Unix in wxGTK. No real changes for now, this is another commit in preparation for wxGTK under MSW support. Closes #14394.

2012-06-12 23:42 VZ, revision 71727

Remove another unneeded TOOLKIT test from the bakefiles. Don't check the toolkit unnecessarily, this doesn't really change anything right now but will not break wxGTK build under MSW when support for it is added. Closes #14379.

2012-06-12 23:41 VZ, revision 71726

Add wx/setup.h header for wxGTK build under MSW. This is identical to wx/msw/setup0.h but will be used by wxGTK builds using MSVC when this is supported. Closes #14395.

2012-06-12 23:41 VZ, revision 71725

Compilation fix in non-PCH build of wxMSW wxStaticBox. Include wx/sizer.h now that we use sizers in static box DoGetBestSize(). Closes #14397.

2012-06-12 23:41 VZ, revision 71724

Don't use generic wxListCtrl style for wxListMainWindow. This resulted in double border around wxListCtrl contents in wxOSX and almost certainly other ports except wxGTK for which we already had an explicit preprocessor check in the generic list control code. Remove it and simply don't use any wxListCtrl-specific styles, including borders, for its main window as it doesn't make any sense. Closes #3701.

2012-06-12 23:41 VZ, revision 71723

Make wxMSW tree item unlocking reentrant. Handle creating nested TreeItemUnlocker objects correctly. This fixes the problem when a wxTreeCtrl method unlocking some item is called with another item is already unlocked, e.g. from a selection changed event handler. Closes #14400.

2012-06-12 20:44 SC, revision 71719

support for native tlw parents, see #14252

2012-06-12 02:23 SC, revision 71717

using callback for menu enabling, allows to benefit from system menu disabling eg for modal dialogs, see #14177

2012-06-12 02:21 SC, revision 71716

setting source as this, according to thread '[wx-dev] Bug in wxMenuBarBase::UpdateMenus'

2012-06-10 19:09 RD, revision 71713

Fix compilation error

2012-06-10 13:57 VZ, revision 71712

Fix wxHTMLDataObject compilation and memory leaks. Use wxString::FromUTF8() and utf8_str() instead of directly using wxConvUTF8 as this is simpler and also works correctly in non-Unicode build (and more efficiently in UTF-8 build as no conversion is done there). Do not allocate -- and leak -- buffer in wxHTMLDataObject::GetDataHere(), we're supposed to be putting data into the caller-provided buffer instead of using our own. Closes #14391.

2012-06-08 21:26 RD, revision 71704

Keep track of the area intended to be buffered, and use that in UnMask instead of defaulting to the buffer size. Only clip to the DC size if wxBUFFER_VIRTUAL_AREA is not set. This fixes the issue where buffering the full virtual area in a wxScrolledWindow would only draw an area the physical size of the window. Fixes #11612.

2012-06-08 21:26 RD, revision 71703

Add doc for SendAutoScrollEvents

2012-06-08 20:44 VZ, revision 71702

Fix wxWindow::IsDescendant() to work with argument equal to this window. Passing the window itself as IsDescendant() argument for a top level window resulted in a NULL pointer dereference. Fix this and also simplify the function code by not using the parent window before checking it's !NULL. Closes #14387.

2012-06-08 20:44 VZ, revision 71701

Use wxString::Clone() instead of c_str() in wxThreadEvent copy ctor. Creating a new wxString from c_str() of the old one resulted in dropping all string data after the first embedded NUL. Fix this by using Clone() method that exists specifically for this purpose. It also makes the code more clear. Closes #14380.

2012-06-08 20:44 VZ, revision 71700

Use PLATFORM checks in bakefiles instead of TOOLKIT checks. No real changes as the output is currently the same for all supported PLATFORM/TOOLKIT combinations anyhow but prefer checking for PLATFORM to prepare for the support of GTK toolkit under MSW platform. Closes #14379.

2012-06-08 07:11 RD, revision 71693

Interface fixes for Phoenix

2012-06-07 07:18 PC, revision 71685

fix warnings about conversion to bool, closes #14381