

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-06-24 13:25 VS, revision 64716

Compilation fix for compilers that don't have native wchar_t.

2010-06-24 12:56 SJL, revision 64715

Add a TextCtrlTestCase::ReadOnly test to ensure that SetEditable overrides wxTE_READONLY as it is supposed to.

2010-06-24 12:35 SJL, revision 64714

Add TextEntryTestCase::Editable test to check that text events are not sent from a non-editable text entry control.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64713

Add tests for printf arguments validation code.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64712

Check if there aren't too many variadic arguments.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64711

Format strings fixes in test suite.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64710

Check wxPrintf etc. arguments types. Implements checks similar to gcc's compile-time checks: verify that the arguments are of correct types. This works partially at compile time (e.g. passing an object as argument fails to compile) and partially at runtime (assert if the specifier doesn't match the type).

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64709

Add correct wxArgNormalizer code for signed char. Signed char is distict type (see 3.9.1 [basic.fundamental] part of the standard), covering just char and unsigned char is not enough.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64708

Always NUL-terminate wxPrintfConvSpec::m_szFlags. The array was initialized and terminating NUL was only added in some cases. In combination with strchr() calls, this would result it incorrect calculations or even crashes. Fixed by initializing the array to zeros. This is less error-prone than fixing the few places where explicitly adding the terminating NUL was missing.

2010-06-24 12:34 VS, revision 64707

Check that wxSIZE_T_IS_* macros are always defined.

2010-06-24 12:33 VS, revision 64706

Fix thread ID formatting in log messages.

2010-06-24 12:33 VS, revision 64705

Corrected formatting of archiver command in the tests. wxString::Format() was used even when the first argument didn't contain any %s, yet a string argument was always passed to it.

2010-06-24 12:08 SJL, revision 64704

Update the unit testing tech note with extra information on wxUIActionSimulator based testing.

2010-06-24 11:48 SJL, revision 64703

Add an intentionally simple ButtonTestCase, mainly for demonstration purposes.

2010-06-24 11:20 JWE, revision 64702

Add the test with mask like this: #{12}, allow correctly the space

2010-06-23 22:30 SJL, revision 64701

Tidy the SocketTestCase so that it doesn't unset the current event loop without putting it back at the end as this causes later tests using wxUIActionSimulator to fail.

2010-06-23 22:01 SJL, revision 64700

Add an event loop to TestApp to allow the use wxUIActionSimulator in unit tests. Also show the frame so it can be used.

2010-06-23 13:44 MYA, revision 64698

Add a new 'Insert Image...' MenuItem to the sample

2010-06-23 09:24 MYA, revision 64697

'Image Property' works well when scroll occurs.

2010-06-22 23:59 JWE, revision 64696

continue to modify sample and beginning to add more possibilities with mask like #{4} -> ####

2010-06-22 22:57 JTN, revision 64695

wxDC: Fix DrawLines

2010-06-22 22:57 JTN, revision 64694

wxBitmap: Set/Get masks

2010-06-22 19:56 JTN, revision 64693

wxMask implementation

2010-06-22 15:55 MYA, revision 64692

Add the 'Image Property' for context menu.

2010-06-22 15:48 SC, revision 64691

paint events cannot be constructed outside a native redraw in OSX

2010-06-22 14:46 SC, revision 64690

paint events cannot be constructed outside a native redraw in OSX

2010-06-22 13:49 SC, revision 64689

trying to get it building at least

2010-06-22 13:05 SJL, revision 64688

Revert to using Connect rather than Bind in TextEntryTestCase::TextChangeEvents for maximum compatibility.

2010-06-22 12:38 SJL, revision 64687

Add missing SVN properties to wxTestableFrame and wxUIActionSimulator files.

2010-06-22 12:20 SJL, revision 64686

Add a more flexible event count mechanism to wxTestableFrame using wxEventType. Specific event counts or the total number of events can be obtained. Also tidy the constructor to remove unused parameters.

2010-06-22 11:55 VZ, revision 64685

Add an explicit t_str() to fix wxMSW compilation with wxUSE_STL=1. wxString is not implicitly convertible to TCHAR* in this case and we need to use t_str() explicitly. Closes #12169.

2010-06-22 11:50 VZ, revision 64684

Undo/replace the workaround for Doxygen crash from r64630. According to simply adding an empty line after @since should be enough to fix the problem and this does seem to work in practice so restore @since removed by r64630.

2010-06-22 10:08 JJ, revision 64683

Update OpenVMS compile support

2010-06-22 05:20 RAW, revision 64682

Merge commit, from trunk r64198 to r64680.

2010-06-22 01:32 FM, revision 64681

blind buildbot fix

2010-06-21 23:46 FM, revision 64680

small warning+PCH fixes

2010-06-21 23:03 FM, revision 64679

move console sample's interactive tests to two different CppUnit testsuites: InteractiveInputTestCase which requires user input and InteractiveOutputTestCase which outputs stuff to be checked from the user. Leave in the console sample only a barebone console application (i.e. a real example). Closes #11960

2010-06-21 21:47 FM, revision 64678

better DirTestCase::DirExists test; fix test cases /usr//bin and /usr///bin: they succeed because wxDir::Exists does not care about redundant path separator (and this holds also for non-Unix platforms); add some more test case

2010-06-21 21:44 FM, revision 64677

minor change: use a "positive" logic: use shouldSucceed instead of shouldFail and use more descriptive names for non-existing folders; add a few test cases

2010-06-21 21:38 JTN, revision 64676

wxWindow::Update() native implementation

2010-06-21 21:38 JTN, revision 64675

wxDc::SetDeviceOrigin native implementation

2010-06-21 21:37 JTN, revision 64674

wxDc::SetDeviceOrigin native implementation

2010-06-21 21:37 JTN, revision 64673

Moving wxWindow and subclasses event handling to a template class

2010-06-21 18:45 JWE, revision 64672

add a new tab in sample and began to modify masked behavior to make it look like the one of wxPython

2010-06-21 18:36 SC, revision 64671

adding mimetype patch, closes #12072

2010-06-21 17:30 SC, revision 64670

adding HitTest to osx_cocoa implementation of listbox, refactoring code, fixes #11972

2010-06-21 16:01 SC, revision 64669

fixing year display, see #11444

2010-06-21 16:00 SC, revision 64668

adding bestsize for osx_cocoa combobox

2010-06-21 14:19 VZ, revision 64667

Correct the expected result of directory existence check. As /.. is the same as /, a directory with any number of ".." in it will always exist.

2010-06-21 14:19 VZ, revision 64666

Remove references to joytest.rc that was recently removed. Another fix to samples compilation after recent changes removing unneeded icons and resource files.

2010-06-21 14:19 VZ, revision 64665

Suppress bogus g++ warnings about uninitialized variables. The variables are always initialized but for some reason (at least the Apple version of) g++ gives warnings for them.

2010-06-21 13:50 SC, revision 64664

adding fix for non-precomp header build

2010-06-21 12:14 SC, revision 64663

storing current event for dnd support, adding default data-drag image, fixes #12065

2010-06-21 09:50 SC, revision 64662

text updated events were not always sent out correctly, fixes #11462

2010-06-20 20:36 JWE, revision 64660

Finished wxTextCtrl, add beginning to add a new sample. Tomorrow beginning to write wxCombox mask support

2010-06-20 20:18 VZ, revision 64659

Remove references to not existing any more griddemo.rc file. The file was removed in a recent commit but the bakefile was not updated. Do it now and rebake the makefiles.

2010-06-20 20:18 VZ, revision 64658

Correct the name of the XPM file containing the icon in xrc sample. This fixes a compilation error introduced during de-mondrianization of the samples.

2010-06-20 20:18 VZ, revision 64657

Gracefully disconnect clients in wxDDEServer dtor. Remove the SetConnected(false) call which prevented the connection from notifying the client about its destruction. Closes #12164.

2010-06-20 20:18 VZ, revision 64656

Use wxDELETE() and wxDELETEA() when possible. Use wxDELETE[A]() functions which automatically NULL out their arguments after deleting them instead of doing it manually. Closes #9685.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64655

Quote file names with spaces in wxFileType::ExpandCommand(). Add double quotes around the file name inserted into the command to open the file by wxFileType::ExpandCommand() if the file name contains any spaces and if it's not already quoted by the command line itself. While this doesn't completely fix the problem, it does help with opening the files with spaces in their names under Windows and shouldn't do any harm under Unix. Closes #4607.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64654

Fix activation handling in generic wxDataViewCtrl renderers. Handling of activation in the generic implementation of standard renderers was broken since r62589 which stopped calling their Activate() method. Restore it by introducing a special WXOnActivate() replacing it (but clearly marked as private and implementation-only) and calling it instead. Closes #11460.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64653

Extract tags from private headers under wxMSW too. Added include/wx/msw/private/*.h to the list of files passed to ctags.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64652

Add a system option to exit immediately on assert failure. This option will allow to test for absence of asserts in wxWidgets samples in the future. Closes #10697.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64651

Document and improve system options definition in the environment. Document that system options can be defined in the environment. Replace another character (dash) invalid in environment variable names but present in some standard system option names with underscore.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64650

Add a test for selecting the last item in the tree control sample. This allows to test whether an item is brought into view by selecting it, see #11154.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64649

Use wxFont::Bold() in wxGenericTreeCtrl instead of wrongly duplicating it. Creating a new wxFont from the components of the existing one doesn't always work because we may not have a valid value for the old font family so attempt to use it as a family of the new font results in an assert. Just use wxFont::Bold() instead to avoid the problem. It's much shorter and obviously correct and doesn't result in asserts.

2010-06-20 19:43 VZ, revision 64648

Use PBM_SETMARQUEE to implement indeterminate mode in wxMSW wxGauge. The old code which simply used PBM_SETPOS after setting PBS_MARQUEE style often worked but sometimes apparently didn't, so switch to the officially sanctioned PBM_SETMARQUEE to implement this. Also make wxGauge::SetDeterminateMode() and SetIndeterminateMode() methods private as they are not part of the public class API. Closes #11357.

2010-06-20 19:42 VZ, revision 64647

Don't enable scrollbar if it can't do anything in wxMSW. Only reenable scrollbar in wxWindow::SetScrollbar() in wxMSW if its range is large enough to allow scrolling it. Closes #11373.

2010-06-20 19:42 VZ, revision 64646

Use wxTE_RICH2 for in-place wxGrid text editor control. This works around a bug with the plain text edit control under MSW which seems to totally lose its caret when we hide it and show it again for another cell. This is not a proper fix for the problem, of course, but at least it does allow to edit wxGrid cells in the meanwhile. Closes #11681.

2010-06-20 19:42 VZ, revision 64645

Remove unnecessary mondrian.{ico,xpm} files from samples directory. Standardize on using sample.rc and sample icon in all the samples, it was confusing that some of them used it and other didn't, without any apparent logic. Remove the now unnecessary icon files, including the dialogs sample icon which seemed to be corrupted (this closes #11146). Also replace multiple OS/2 resource files with a single one in the sample directory. The OS/2 projects/makefiles would need to be updated to use them. Remove dialogs sample icon.

2010-06-20 19:41 VZ, revision 64644

No real changes, just convert a Mac-specific file to UTF-8. This is needed in order to be able to commit the next change, updating it.

2010-06-20 17:24 SC, revision 64643

using proper dylib for darwin

2010-06-20 16:53 SC, revision 64642

no trailing slash for OSX_CARBON

2010-06-20 16:49 SC, revision 64641

no trailing slash for OSX_CARBON

2010-06-20 16:46 SC, revision 64640

no trailing slash for OSX_CARBON

2010-06-20 16:15 SJL, revision 64639

Add an overload to wxUIActionSimulator::MouseMove that takes a wxPoint for convenience.

2010-06-20 13:46 VZ, revision 64638

Ensure that wxFileName::GetTempDir() doesn't return trailing slashes. Sanitize the value returned by GetTempDir() to ensure that it doesn't have any trailing path separators. This happened at least under OS X where standard TMPDIR has a trailing slash and was inconsistent with the behaviour under the other platforms.

2010-06-20 09:08 JMS, revision 64637

VC6 Fix: Use wxANY_AS() instead of wxAny::As<>()

2010-06-19 14:48 FM, revision 64636

group all interactive tests together to make it easier to understand what's going on when running the sample

2010-06-19 14:32 FM, revision 64635

Move dir tests from the console sample to DirTestCase

2010-06-19 14:28 FM, revision 64634

fix for non-PCH builds

2010-06-19 14:28 PMO, revision 64633

Improved internal Convert() functions and corrected some other minor source code format issues

2010-06-19 13:07 FM, revision 64632

Remove identic implementations of wxDir::Exists from platform-specific files and put it in dircmn.cpp (they all used wxDirExists). Add wxDir::Make() and wxDir::Remove() for coherency with wxDir::Exists() and document them as simple aliases to wxFileName functions, just a bit more readable.

2010-06-19 13:01 JMS, revision 64631

Added (sanity) checks for the inplace allocation

2010-06-19 11:22 VZ, revision 64630

Work around Doxygen crash due to using @since inside event table. All versions of doxygen seem to crash when encountering @since inside an event table description, so don't use it there. Also fixed a typo and improved wording of wxFileCtrl description slightly.

2010-06-18 21:39 JTN, revision 64629

Bare minimum for wxFrame child autosizing (when only one)

2010-06-18 20:47 JTN, revision 64628

Use GetContainer() in wxFrame

2010-06-18 20:02 JTN, revision 64626

Add GetContainer() to wxWindow

2010-06-18 15:32 JMS, revision 64625

Made wxAny::IsNull() doc string a bit clearer

2010-06-18 15:30 JMS, revision 64624

Added wxAny::HasSameType()

2010-06-18 15:18 JMS, revision 64623

Use placement new when storing value in wxAnyValueBuffer. This should allow using any data type, regardless whether it is Plain Old Data or copyable or not.

2010-06-18 11:05 VZ, revision 64622

Install headers in ribbon subdirectory. Add RICHTEXT_HDR to ALL_GUI_HDR variable in files.bkl to ensure that they're installed as part of "make install". Closes #12158.

2010-06-18 00:30 VZ, revision 64621

Allow specifying non default port for wxFTP connections. Add a wxFTP::Connect() overload taking a port number. Also specify the default port (21) explicitly if resolving "ftp" service name failed. Closes #12145.

2010-06-18 00:30 VZ, revision 64620

Backport fix from bakefile svn for autoconf 2.65. Use AC_REQUIRE() instead of directly using a macro, the latter doesn't work with autoconf 2.65. This is a backport of r1337 from bakefile svn to allow people to use autoconf 2.65 immediately and will become unnecessary when we update to the next bakefile version.

2010-06-18 00:30 VZ, revision 64619

Don't use excessive quoting with AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED in WX_CHECK_FUNCS. This provokes warnings from autoconf 2.65 and seems to be unnecessary even with the previous versions.

2010-06-17 22:36 JTN, revision 64618

Implementation of screen size getters

2010-06-17 22:20 JTN, revision 64617

wxFont implementation

2010-06-17 20:53 JTN, revision 64616

Better wxBitmap depth handling

2010-06-17 20:39 JTN, revision 64615

wxDC text adjustments (position and colors)

2010-06-17 20:29 JTN, revision 64614

Painting monochrome bitmaps uses text colors

2010-06-17 19:55 JTN, revision 64613

Restored image sample

2010-06-17 19:53 JTN, revision 64612

wxBitmap XBM loading

2010-06-17 19:09 JTN, revision 64611

Fixing last commit

2010-06-17 19:02 JTN, revision 64610

Renaming conversion functions and GetHandle()

2010-06-17 17:47 JWE, revision 64609

Correct input bugs. To complete, I have to test multi-fields and found a utf8 execution error

2010-06-17 16:39 VS, revision 64608

Document that wxTextEntry was added in 2.9.0.

2010-06-17 15:04 VS, revision 64607

Compilation fix for GetAvailableTranslations().

2010-06-17 15:04 VS, revision 64606

Make the wxArrayString(int) ctor explicit.

2010-06-17 11:33 SJL, revision 64605

Add very basic implementation of wxTestableFrame. Update TextEntryTestCase to use the new event counting system.

2010-06-16 21:57 JWE, revision 64604

correct some bugs like size of mask and Apply formatcode. Update unitary test

2010-06-16 16:09 VS, revision 64597

Add wxTranslations::GetAvailableTranslations().

2010-06-15 23:31 JWE, revision 64595

fix bugs with ApplyFormatCodes, finished to connect the text ctrl and the mask, beginning testing and correct bugs. Update methods and unitary tests

2010-06-15 15:34 JMS, revision 64594

Fix compilation when wxAny was disabled (fixes #12148)

2010-06-15 14:55 JWE, revision 64593

added the connection between the mask and the textCtrl. Compiled and linked

2010-06-15 10:56 MYA, revision 64592

Modify according to Julian advice. 1. Dialog controls change 2. Copy function added.

2010-06-14 17:12 JMS, revision 64589

Added wxIsPod<>. Use it in wxAny instead of wxIsMovable<>.

2010-06-14 14:08 JWE, revision 64588

add sample and connected the textCtrl with the mask

2010-06-14 10:58 MW, revision 64587

Corrections to the previous commmit.

2010-06-14 08:00 MW, revision 64586

Add --disable-gui and --disable-all-features builds to the ravnsgaard buildbot.

2010-06-13 16:30 FM, revision 64583

moved non-interactive tests for wxDynamicLibrary, wxGet/SetEnv, wxTempFile, wxCopyFile to appropriate CppUnit test suites; removed wxFile and wxTextFile tests (complete testsuites already exist for them)

2010-06-13 16:05 MYA, revision 64582

Some remain works for image rescale. 1. Use wxDynamicCast instead of C++ one; 2. Use a temp wxImage to rescale and show; 3. We can use two digits under dicemal dot.

2010-06-13 15:35 MYA, revision 64580

The image can scale with user input now.

2010-06-13 12:00 JMS, revision 64578

Use wxComboCtrl::SetTextCtrlStyle() in the combo sample

2010-06-13 11:59 JMS, revision 64577

Added wxComboCtrl::SetTextCtrlStyle()

2010-06-13 10:46 JMS, revision 64576

Documented pythonic iterators

2010-06-13 09:06 MYA, revision 64574

Change to a better name. :)

2010-06-13 08:40 MYA, revision 64573

Validate the input data from image dialog.

2010-06-13 07:38 MYA, revision 64572

Popup the image dialog in richtext sample.

2010-06-12 23:26 VZ, revision 64571

Fix scrolling to the bottom in wxTextCtrl::AppendText(). The old code used EM_LINESCROLL which could scroll too far if the caret wasn't in the first line of the control. Instead of trying to compute the correct number of the lines to scroll, just use WM_VSCROLL with SB_BOTTOM parameter instead. Closes #12123.

2010-06-12 23:10 SJL, revision 64570

Add support for wxKeyCode conversion in OSX wxUIActionSimulator code. Improve key sending order. Closes #12117

2010-06-12 20:21 VZ, revision 64569

Fix processing of events for MRU entries #10 and more in docview. We only handled events for wxID_FILE1..wxID_FILE9 range but there can be more than 9 entries in the MRU list. Handle events for as many of them as there are correctly. This required adding a fallback handler for all menu events and checking if the id of the menu item is in the MRU range inside it. Also move this to wxDocManager itself from wxDocParentFrameAnyBase as it's common for all kinds of frames anyhow. Closes #12141.

2010-06-12 13:28 VZ, revision 64566

Stop the timer in console IPC client sample once we don't need it any more. Under MSW the timer appeared to be flooding the message queue with timer events faster than we could process them (which seems incredible for the timer interval of 1 second but still seems to happen), so the idle events were never generated and the sample didn't work at all. Now stop the timer once we get a last notification from it to let the program become idle and run the test function scheduled from the timer handler. See #11528.

2010-06-12 13:28 VZ, revision 64565

Avoid sending spurious socket read notifications in wxMSW. If a read notification is generated for a socket, it should be possible to read something from it without blocking but this doesn't seem to be always the case under MSW for some reason. And this results in all sorts of problems in wxSocket and wxIPC code, so check for this at wxSocketImpl level and not send the notification at all if there is no data to read. See #11528.

2010-06-12 12:31 JMS, revision 64564

For wxTextCtrl editor, set the bold font before margins are set up or it will not work properly

2010-06-12 11:47 JMS, revision 64563

Keyboard handling was blocked by label editor. Also try to maintain label editor focus state when navigating between properties.

2010-06-12 11:30 JMS, revision 64562

Added wxPropertyGrid::DedicateKey(), which prevents specific key presses from being eaten by editor controls. This is useful for customizing keyboard navigation. Also added utility function wxPGFindInVector<>(), which is used in the new code, and also in some other places.

2010-06-11 22:42 VZ, revision 64559

Add wx/msgqueue.h to the list of wxBase headers and rebake. This header has somehow never been added to build/bakefiles/files.bkl, do add it now.

2010-06-10 17:17 JWE, revision 64557

unitary test finished for wxMaskedEdit

2010-06-10 16:56 VZ, revision 64555

Fix typo in an error message in XTI code. Closes #12139.

2010-06-10 16:36 MYA, revision 64554

Make the dialog and the sample ready, now deal with the simple aligment/resize layout.

2010-06-10 14:43 RR, revision 64552

Implemented wxDataViewColumn for wxOSX/Cocoa

2010-06-10 13:53 RR, revision 64550

Suppress warning about double->int conversion

2010-06-10 13:47 RR, revision 64549

Make wxDataViewCtrl::GetColumnPosition() return the index under MSW as per GTK and the docs (fixes #12129), give immediate visual feedback after calling e.g. wxDataViewColumn::SetHidden(true) under MSW, also per GTK+ and as I'd expect. Make GTK+ control emit header click events also for non-reorderable columns. Add a few tests for wxDataViewColumn::SetHidden() and wxDataViewCtrl::GetColumnPosition()

2010-06-10 12:40 VZ, revision 64548

Add missing Init() call to one of wxListBox ctors in wxMSW. Overloaded ctor taking wxArrayString didn't call Init() so the wxListBox fields were not initialized. Fix it by adding the Init() call. Closes #12138.

2010-06-09 22:35 JMS, revision 64544

wxAny CheckType() member functions are now const

2010-06-09 22:22 JMS, revision 64543

wxAny CheckType() member functions should be const

2010-06-09 20:10 JTN, revision 64542

WindowDC implementation

2010-06-09 20:05 JTN, revision 64541

Fixes QImage -> wxImage conversion

2010-06-09 20:04 JTN, revision 64540

Fix #64534 commit

2010-06-09 20:03 FM, revision 64539

Increase interoperability between wxPoint and wxRealPoint introducing constructors which convert between the two classes.

2010-06-09 19:58 FM, revision 64538

fix bug in wxGDIPlusMatrixData::Rotate: it must take radians for coherency with docs and other ports but GDI+ wants degrees.

2010-06-09 19:55 FM, revision 64537

fix couple of warnings; remove wxUsleep dummy test

2010-06-09 19:51 JTN, revision 64536

Always create a QPen/QBrush associated to wxPen/wxBrush (including default constructor)

2010-06-09 19:49 JTN, revision 64535

Basic wxWindow implementation and paintEvent

2010-06-09 19:47 JTN, revision 64534

Better default value handling for wxPoint and wxSize

2010-06-09 16:28 FM, revision 64533

Implement wx-prefixed macros versions of DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE, BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE* and END_EVENT_TABLE macros. Implement compatibility aliases for non-prefixed macro names. Require a final semicolon where possible.

2010-06-09 15:55 FM, revision 64532

Implement wx-prefixed macros versions of DECLARE/IMPLEMENT*CLASS macros. Implement compatibility aliases for non-prefixed macro names. Require a final semicolon where possible. Correct a recurring error in the docs: IMPLEMENT/DECLARE_CLASS are alias to the DYNAMIC macros, not to the ABSTRACT macros.

2010-06-09 15:23 FM, revision 64531

Implement wx-prefixed macros versions of DECLARE/IMPLEMENT_APP_* macros. Implement compatibility aliases for non-prefixed macro names. Require a final semicolon where possible.

2010-06-09 13:13 VZ, revision 64527

Don't use -kAddToPopUp() gettext hack with Scintilla. Instead, create a dummy file containing the user-visible strings defined in Scintilla sources. For now it's manually managed but it might make sense to automatically generate it in the future.

2010-06-08 15:34 MYA, revision 64525

Use dialog instead of wxPanel as the property interface. Only change to panels if we really need in the future.

2010-06-08 00:02 JWE, revision 64523

resolved some wxMaskedField problems and begin to debug wxMaskedEdit

2010-06-07 19:16 VZ, revision 64521

Include locale.h in cmdline.cpp to ensure LC_ALL is defined. This is needed for at least VC++ 6 and is more correct anyhow.

2010-06-07 09:39 JS, revision 64520

GetStyleMergedWithBase no longer hangs if there's a loop implied by based-on styles.

2010-06-07 09:39 JS, revision 64519

GetStyleMergedWithBase no longer hangs if there's a loop implied by based-on styles.

2010-06-06 20:52 FM, revision 64515

revert previous revision about localization of decimal points in GetHumanReadableSize() test strings: using CLocaleSetter is a better solution.

2010-06-06 17:45 FM, revision 64514

add to wxRealPoint the same operators already available for wxPoint and wxSize

2010-06-06 17:44 FM, revision 64513

fix building without PCH

2010-06-06 17:41 FM, revision 64512

Move a couple of wxFileName tests from the console sample to the existing FileNameTestCase. Fix FileNameTestCase::TestGetHumanReadable to check the result against expected strings using the correct decimal point for the locale used on the test machine.

2010-06-06 16:21 FM, revision 64511

remove some tests from the console sample: - wxLog already has a better cppunit test class - wxLocale test in the console sample didn't work on Windows and wasn't very useful move some tests from the console sample to CppUnit tests: - wxPathList => PathListTestCase - wxModule => ModuleTestCase remove some tests about removed functions of wxMimeTypesManager

2010-06-06 14:41 VZ, revision 64510

Don't post process events twice but return correct value from ProcessEvent(). This is a further complication to the event handling code which aims to handle correctly the case of wxScrollHelperEvtHandler which doesn't respect the request to process events only in it but always passes it to the next handler in the chain itself while still returning the correct value from ProcessEvent() itself to avoid breaking code that relies on it, like the background painting code in wxHtmlWindow. This replaces the change of r64495 and does return true from DoTryChain() in wxScrollHelperEvtHandler case but sets the "skipped" flag in the event itself to indicate that it wasn't really processed and ProcessEvent() now checks it after calling ProcessEventLocally() and returns the correct value appropriately.

2010-06-06 14:41 VZ, revision 64509

Fix compilation errors in wxGTK wxDataViewCtrl in ANSI mode. wxGTK_CONV() macro can only be used in classes which have m_font member, otherwise the font needs to be specified explicitly.

2010-06-06 14:35 JMS, revision 64508

To make it clear in the sample that a custom animation is used, use wxSHOW_EFFECT_BLEND instead of SLIDE_TO_BOTTOM, and add a text '(custom animaton)'

2010-06-06 13:37 FM, revision 64507

get rid of wxMimeTypesManager::ReadMailcap and wxMimeTypesManager::ReadMimeTypes from old include files and from the docs.

2010-06-06 13:35 FM, revision 64506

document wxTransparentColour global instance

2010-06-06 13:34 FM, revision 64505

more readable argument names for wxDC::DrawArc

2010-06-06 11:35 JMS, revision 64504

In wxComboCtrlBase::DoShowPopup(), if the popup window is a generic TLW or a 'perfect' wxPopupWindow, then try to set focus to the popup control at the end of show

2010-06-06 11:15 JMS, revision 64503

Use ShowWithEffect() in the sample wxComboCtrlWithCustomPopupAnim instead of manual window manipulation in timer event

2010-06-06 00:58 VZ, revision 64500

Don't send selection events for an already selected item in wxMSW wxListBox. Remember the last item for which a listbox notification event had been sent and don't send it again if the user clicks on an already selected item. This is consistent with wxGTK behaviour and generally makes more sense: why should we send an event if the selection didn't really change?

2010-06-06 00:58 VZ, revision 64499

Don't send listbox selection events when mouse wasn't clicked on an item. Windows sends events even if the mouse is clicked in the area below the items, filter them out by checking the item under the mouse ourselves. Also use synchronous GetMessagePos() function to get the mouse position instead of the asynchronous GetCursorPos() which was wrongly used by the old code.

2010-06-06 00:58 VZ, revision 64498

Use mouse position to find the item for selection events in wxMSW listbox. Using LB_GETCARETINDEX doesn't work when the mouse is used to make selection because it always returns the index of the last item, even if the mouse is clicked below it, on an area without any listbox items. So use the mouse position to find the item in this case but still use LB_GETCARETINDEX to find the item when the keyboard is used. This required adding a flag to wxListBox storing the kind of the last input message that it received as there doesn't seem to be any way to determine how the message was generated otherwise. This code will be refactored/improved further in the next two commits.

2010-06-06 00:57 VZ, revision 64497

No changes, just refactor wxListBox initialization in wxMSW. Extract member fields initialization in Init() method instead of duplicating it in default ctor and Create().

2010-06-06 00:57 VZ, revision 64496

Refactor listbox event sending code to avoid duplication. wxMSW wxListBox implementation contained the same code as the private LBSendEvent() function in lboxcmn.cpp, so make this function a (protected) member of wxListBoxBase and reuse it instead. Also change its and CalcAndSendEvent() return type to bool to be able to return whether the event was processed or not. As the result of this refactoring, the "is selected" flag is now set correctly for the selection events under MSW (it was always off before).

2010-06-06 00:57 VZ, revision 64495

Don't return true from DoTryChain() if the event wasn't really processed. Correct the return value when an event handler didn't honour "process only in this handler" flag: we shouldn't pass the event to the further handlers in this case but we shouldn't return true neither as the event wasn't really processed. This corrects background painting of wxHtmlWindow broken by previous changes.

2010-06-05 19:28 PMO, revision 64491

Some minor implementations for wxWindow

2010-06-05 18:40 PMO, revision 64490

More menu related implementations (checked, radio)

2010-06-05 03:23 RD, revision 64489

m_id was already set, don't set it to the passed in value again as then we lose the value which may have been calculated for wxID_ANY.

2010-06-05 00:04 VZ, revision 64483

Correct EVT_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT macro name in the documentation. The "LIST" part was missing. Closes #12124.

2010-06-04 11:07 JWE, revision 64482

unitary test

2010-06-03 23:14 FM, revision 64480

no real change: just rename "near" into "onNearPart" (MSVC doesn't like 'near' as variable name)

2010-06-03 17:25 JMS, revision 64477

Backported from wx2.9: Greatly reduce rare animation garbage in wxOwnerDrawnComboBox drop-down animation (see #12087)

2010-06-03 17:16 JMS, revision 64476

Greatly reduce rare animation garbage in wxOwnerDrawnComboBox drop-down animation (fixes #12087)

2010-06-03 12:35 VZ, revision 64475

Drop the column being dragged at the correct position in wxGrid. The column was being always dropped after the column at drop position but this was incorrect and didn't correspond to the visual feedback drawn by wxHeaderCtrl: if the drop position is over the "near" part of the column, the column should be dropped before it instead. Do the check for this in wxGrid code too now. Closes #12120.

2010-06-03 12:35 VZ, revision 64474

Test for wxPen validity before testing for its style in wxGTK wxDC. Calling wxPen::GetStyle() on an invalid pen resulted in an assert, breaking the grid column drawing while reordering them, for example, because the code in wxGrid uses wxDC::DrawRectangle() after calling SetPen(wxNullPen). Fix this by testing for the pen validity first.

2010-06-03 12:35 VZ, revision 64473

Assert if an invalid column index is specified when inserting wxListCtrl item. This also catches the case of inserting an item in a report mode wxListCtrl without adding any columns to it first. Previously this did result in an assert but with a less clear error message and, most importantly, still a crash afterwards. Assert only now, don't crash. The message could still be improved but hopefully people will be able to understand that inserting items when no columns are defined is not the right thing to do. Closes #12119.

2010-06-02 17:02 MYA, revision 64471

Recreate the image control dialog panel using DialogBlocks. Add a new richtextimagepage.h/cpp and update the bakefiles.

2010-06-02 16:56 FM, revision 64470

fix StringTestCase::FromDouble: newer MSVC versions use three digits for the exponent width

2010-06-02 16:51 FM, revision 64469

remove wxFileConfig tests: FileConfigTestCase already tests features tested by console sample and is much more complete.

2010-06-02 16:42 FM, revision 64468

Move some wxPrintf() tests (taken from glibc) to VsnprintfTestCase. Other tests are more difficult to convert in CppUnit style and not worth the effort (since now we don't use wx's own vsnprintf implementation anymore typically).

2010-06-02 16:17 JWE, revision 64467

add documentation and unitary test file for maskedEdit.

2010-06-02 16:12 FM, revision 64466

Move wxRegConfig tests from console sample to a new wxRegConfigTestCase class. Remove wxRegKey tests from console sample: on newer Windows they only work when run with admin privileges; also we can expect wx[Reg]ConfigTestCase to already check a good number of wxRegKey features.

2010-06-02 15:53 FM, revision 64465

Make wxConfig ctor docs more readable. Add a simple stub for wxRegConfig class so that Doxygen highlights it just like it does with wxFileConfig.

2010-06-02 13:58 VZ, revision 64464

Fix recently broken forwarding of events between event handlers. After the recent changes to the event processing logic, forwarding an event from one event handler to another one stopped working correctly because the per-event "process here only" flag prevented it from following the event handler chain after forwarding. This notably broke keyboard navigation in wxComboCtrl under MSW in wx itself and probably quite a few of other things in user code. Fix this by replacing the boolean flag with a pointer to the handler to which the processing of this event should be restricted. This allows the full processing to still take place if an event is forwarded to another handler. So wxEvent::ShouldProcessHereOnly() is now called ShouldProcessOnlyIn() and takes a wxEvtHandler parameter. This made appear a problem in wxScrollHelperEvtHandler code that was hidden by the bug above: the events were still processed multiple times in it. To fix this, also add wxEvent::DidntHonourProcessOnlyIn() and take it into account in the base class code. Did I mention that wxScrollHelperEvtHandler must die? Add another unit test checking that forwarding works correctly.

2010-06-02 13:58 VZ, revision 64463

Fix drawing of scaled bitmaps in wxCairoContext. We must offset the coordinate system before scaling it, otherwise incorrect offset is used. Add a test for drawing translated/scaled bitmaps to the drawing sample. See #11097.

2010-06-02 13:58 VZ, revision 64462

Don't hard code position of the drawing sample window and increase its size. Hardcoding position to 50,50 is inconvenient, let the window manager position the window as configured by user. Also, the vertical size of the sample was too small to see the contents of most pages, increase it.

2010-06-02 13:58 VZ, revision 64461

Remove unused GetTextExtent() call from wxProgressDialog. This seems to be a left-over from the old, manual positioning code. As we use sizers now, it's not needed any more.

2010-06-02 12:49 FM, revision 64460

disable FTPTestCase by default. Add a warning for the user when running --list without arguments: not all tests are listed, only those enabled by default (e.g. FTPTestCase doesn't appear there)!

2010-06-01 17:38 JMS, revision 64459

Interpret arrow keys correctly in wxMSW wxComboCtrl::IsKeyPopupToggle()

2010-06-01 17:31 JMS, revision 64458

Interpret arrow keys correctly in wxMSW wxComboCtrl::IsKeyPopupToggle() (fixes #12114)

2010-06-01 17:01 JMS, revision 64457

In wxComboPopupEvtHandler::OnMouseEvent(), when need to relay event to drop-down button, call HandleButtonMouseEvent() directly, if possible. This is less confusing for the platform-specific wxComboCtrl implementations, and fixes issue where the drop-down button could remain in pressed state after the mouse button was lifted.

2010-06-01 16:17 JMS, revision 64456

For clarity: wxComboPopupExtraEventHandler -> wxComboPopupEvtHandler (there is nothing particularly extra about it)

2010-06-01 15:46 JMS, revision 64455

Refactored wxComboPopupExtraEventHandler::OnMouseEvent(). Now block mouse events from the popup control until mouse button has been seen in 'up' state (ignoring first mouse up). This matches Windows native combo box behavior (fixes #12115).

2010-05-31 16:59 VZ, revision 64454

Update AUI floating windows position and not just size on resize. When a window is resized, its position can change as well as its size but it wasn't updated before. Do it now. Closes #11421.

2010-05-31 16:59 VZ, revision 64453

Regenerate wxstd.pot with the recently added translatable strings. Simply reran "make wxstd.pot" in locale subdirectory.

2010-05-31 16:59 VZ, revision 64452

Don't disable wxID_PRINT_SETUP even when there is no active document. Printer can be setup without active document, remove the EVT_UPDATE_UI handler for wxID_PRINT_SETUP. See #11394.

2010-05-31 16:59 VZ, revision 64451

Translate strings used in doc-view printing code. Simply use _() instead of wxT() for the user-visible strings. Closes #12110.

2010-05-31 13:55 VZ, revision 64450

Use C locale for numbers in wx(File)Config. Using the current locale decimal point in config files results in problems when moving the files to another machine or even using a different locale on the same one, so don't do it. Always write the numbers using C locale and try to read them in C locale too first, but also try the current locale if we failed for backwards compatibility and to be tolerant with users who edit their config files by hand.

2010-05-31 13:55 VZ, revision 64449

Add wxString::FromDouble() and FromCDouble(). wxString::FromCDouble() is needed inside wxWidgets itself to format numbers independently of the current locale. FromDouble() was added for symmetry with ToDouble/ToCDouble() functions. Use std::locale for the implementation if available and manual wxLocale-based fallback otherwise.

2010-05-31 13:55 VZ, revision 64448

Make wxString::ToCXXX() methods always available. We use these methods inside wxWidgets itself and so want to always have them, even when wxUSE_XLOCALE==0. Provide replacement manual implementations for this case.

2010-05-31 13:55 VZ, revision 64447

No real changes, just avoid an unnecessary heap allocation in a test. We don't need to allocate the locale object in StringTestCase::ToDouble() on the heap (and then delete it -- or not, if an assertion fails before the function end), it's enough and simpler to just create it as a local variable.

2010-05-31 01:28 VZ, revision 64446

Fix wxFont::IsFixedWidth() under MSW to always return correct result. This function worked erratically, returning the correct result or not depending on the way it was created. Reimplement it using GetTextMetrics() to get the correct result in any case. Closes #4714.

2010-05-31 01:28 FM, revision 64445

Add a simple example to make it easier to get started (by copy&paste).

2010-05-31 01:28 FM, revision 64444

implement * and / operators for wxPoint, not only wxSize. Add to their documentation a note about the fact that the real operators are not class members but rather global functions.

2010-05-31 01:12 VZ, revision 64443

Add <span> tag and limited support for CSS styles to wxHTML. Parse "style" attributes of the HTML tags and honour those of them that can be mapped to the HTML 3 attributes. Also add a handler for <span> tag. Closes #10631.

2010-05-30 22:49 SJL, revision 64442

Add a basic wxUIActionSimulator::Text function for alpha characters

2010-05-30 22:05 VZ, revision 64441

No changes, just rebaked and reran autoconf. It seems that autoconf_inc.m4 hadn't been regenerated by a previous change as rerunning bakefile_gen resulted in a lot of changes in it, do it now without any other changes to ensure that the next commit only contains the changes due to its modification of files.bkl.

2010-05-30 22:05 VZ, revision 64440

Activate the view of a newly created document. This appears to be necessary under Mac where views are top level windows and should do no harm elsewhere. Also factor out the activation code in a new wxDocManager::ActivateDocument() method to avoid duplicating it. Closes #11417.

2010-05-30 22:05 VZ, revision 64439

Store page setup data in wxDocManager. Printing of documents from wxDocManager always used default page setup data, allow the user to configure it now. Add wxDocManager::m_pageSetupDialogData and add a handler for wxID_PRINT_SETUP command to it. Closes #11394.

2010-05-30 22:05 VZ, revision 64438

Don't generate AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK when clicking inactive arrow. Clicking on a disabled arrow shouldn't do anything, in particular it shouldn't generate a wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK event. See #12084.

2010-05-30 22:01 RR, revision 64437

Patch update, probably fixes #12090: wxGTK cursor handling revamp

2010-05-30 19:45 RR, revision 64436

Use GTKXXX notation for some more wxGTK specific methods for consistency

2010-05-30 18:53 VS, revision 64435

wxrc -g should output filenames in Unix format. It is customary in C source code and xgettext has problems with backslahes in #line comments. Fixes #10727.

2010-05-30 16:00 JS, revision 64434

Caret position corrected to end of selection

2010-05-30 16:00 JS, revision 64433

Caret position corrected to end of selection

2010-05-30 14:21 VS, revision 64432

Fix Shift+TAB navigation from wxNotebook. When the focus was on a tab label, Shift+TAB didn't move it out of the notebook to the preceding control, as it should. Instead, focus moved to the last control in the current notebook page. This change fixes it, TAB and Shift-TAB cycling through controls now behaves identically modulo direction.

2010-05-30 08:38 PC, revision 64431

Remove pizza backing window. When it is present, no-window widgets sometimes don't get expose events for reasons I could not determine. And it is dubious that it improved scrolling performance on modern hardware anyway, and almost certainly doesn't help now that GTK+ is using "client side windows".

2010-05-29 22:48 JWE, revision 64430

2010-05-29 12:35 VZ, revision 64429

Add "filter changed" event to wxFileCtrl. Generate an event when the selection in the filter combobox of wxFileCtrl changes. Closes #12099.

2010-05-29 12:35 VZ, revision 64428

Add wxConfig::Read(float *) overload. This uses Read(double *) but casts the result to float after checking that it is in the correct range. Closes #12100.

2010-05-29 12:35 VZ, revision 64427

Show OLE errors using wxLogDebug() in wxAutomationObject. Enable the previously commented out ShowException() but use wxLogDebug() in it instead of wxLogWarning() to avoid confusing the users with errors they don't care about. Closes #11632.

2010-05-29 12:01 JMS, revision 64426

Fixed assert when editing wxFontProperty with unspecified value (fixes #12086)

2010-05-29 10:22 FM, revision 64425

remove test code for wxScopeGuard (there's already a better ScopeGuardTestCase)

2010-05-29 10:20 FM, revision 64424

remove wxCmdLineParser tests; there is already a much more complete test suite (CmdLineTestCase). Refactor single instance checker test.

2010-05-29 10:00 FM, revision 64423

get rid of socket tests; there are marked as broken and we already have SocketTestCase in CppUnit test classes.

2010-05-29 09:56 FM, revision 64422

move all non-interactive FTP tests from the console sample to a new CppUnit FTPTestCase test.

2010-05-28 22:31 FM, revision 64421

Add examples of usage for easy copy-and-paste. Minor corrections and markup changes.

2010-05-28 15:31 JJ, revision 64420

Update configuration for wxX11 on OpenVMS

2010-05-27 22:03 JMS, revision 64419

In wxComboPopupExtraEventHandler::OnMouseEvent(): Also include wxEVT_LEFT_UP among the mouse events to be blocked when the cursor is outside the popup area. This fixes wxMSW bug where the popup disappears immediately after mouse button is released (see #12087).

2010-05-27 21:50 JWE, revision 64418

add regenerated files

2010-05-27 21:19 JWE, revision 64417

Add some fetaure in maskfield. I have created the skel of maskedfield. Regenerated bakefile. Tomorrow I will finish maskedit and if I have the time, begin unitary test.

2010-05-27 19:07 VZ, revision 64416

Ignore "%*" in the shell command strings in MSW registry. Apparently "%*" can be used now in addition to the usual "%1" in the MSW shell command strings. As we don't support passing more than one file to a command at once anyhow, simply ignore them. At least this avoids errors when trying to open files with some extensions. Closes #12091.

2010-05-27 19:07 VZ, revision 64415

Fall back on using tree/list control item text in wxDragImage. Use the item text instead of its image if it doesn't have any when creating a wxDragImage from a wxTreeCtrl or wxListCtrl item instead of just failing. Closes #4390.

2010-05-27 19:07 VZ, revision 64414

Correct wxEVT_AUXn_XXX event types names. They had a wrong "MOUSE" part in them while "MOUSE" is only used for the event table macros but not the event types themselves for some reason. Closes #12095.

2010-05-27 19:07 VZ, revision 64413

Add missing samples to samples.dsw. Add all the samples to the workspace file to allow building all of them at once easily. Closes #12098.

2010-05-27 17:11 JMS, revision 64412

Make wxComboCtrl::SetButtonPosition() now again work on wxMSW

2010-05-27 17:02 JMS, revision 64411

Disable Vista/Win7-style wxComboCtrl rendering in wx2.8 by default (define wxUSE_COMBOCTRL_VISTA_RENDERING=1 to enable it), as it may cause subtle drawing bugs with custom wxComboCtrls

2010-05-27 16:51 JMS, revision 64410

Fixed wxComboCtrl::SetButtonPosition() on Vista/Win7 by marking the drop-down button as 'non-standard' when its size or position is changed

2010-05-27 16:04 JMS, revision 64409

Added change log entry about the wxComboCtrl focus draw change

2010-05-27 15:45 JJ, revision 64408

use wxToggleButtonXmlHandler::DoCreateBitmapToggleButton on supoorted platforms only

2010-05-27 11:30 JWE, revision 64407

Finished to write maskedField classe Beginning test and after beginning wxEditCtrl

2010-05-27 01:05 FM, revision 64406

add docs for the global wxStringTokenize() function which were lost during latex=>doxygen conversion

2010-05-27 00:44 FM, revision 64405

fix incoherency between the wxThread implementation based on MSW threads and pthread: Delete()ing a thread which hasn't started yet must return wxTHREAD_MISC_ERROR

2010-05-26 19:37 RR, revision 64404

Applied patch, fixes #12090: wxGTK cursor handling revamp

2010-05-26 17:15 JMS, revision 64399

ComboControl -> ComboCtrl

2010-05-26 17:12 JMS, revision 64398

wxComboControl -> wxComboCtrl

2010-05-26 17:08 JMS, revision 64397

Backported wxComboCtrl::ShouldDrawFocus() from wxWidgets 2.9. This makes wxMSW wxOwnerDrawnComboBox look more native when wxCB_READONLY is used.

2010-05-26 16:54 JMS, revision 64396

Backported from wx2.9 improved wxComboCtrl/wxOwnerDrawnComboBox appearance under Vista/Win7. Should have been done years ago, really.

2010-05-25 23:15 VZ, revision 64394

Fix setting the fonts for wxMSW wxTextCtrl with wxTE_RICH(2) style. Using WM_SETFONT seemed to work with rich edit controls but in fact it doesn't, it only changes the font used by the control initially apparently but it can be reset later. Use EM_SETCHARFORMAT which is more reliable.

2010-05-25 17:32 JMS, revision 64393

Draw wxPropertyGrid drop down items with consistent (non-bold) font (fixes #12088)

2010-05-24 22:37 SJL, revision 64392

Improve wxUIActionSimulator modifier support. Add support for modifiers to the X11 implementation and improve the order of keys sent in the MSW implementation.

2010-05-24 15:09 JMS, revision 64391

Always call OnSetValue() for a property when values are being set for its children (fixes #12085)

2010-05-23 21:07 FM, revision 64390

remove streams tests: they're very basic and already-existing CppUnit stream tests are much more complete and extended.

2010-05-23 20:44 RR, revision 64389

non-PCH compilation

2010-05-23 18:31 PC, revision 64388

compile fix for GTK2 systems which have X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h

2010-05-23 12:53 VZ, revision 64387

Remove non-working or semi-working tests added from console.cpp. Remove tests added in r64324, there is no need to have commented out code here and UTF-8 test was pretty strange as well (it's far from clear what should the result of converting "utf8Invalid" be). This also suppresses a warning that these changes introduced.

2010-05-22 18:14 VZ, revision 64386

Added wxMessageQueue::Clear(). This method can be called from the posting thread to remove any still pending requests if they became unnecessary. Closes #10905.

2010-05-22 18:14 VZ, revision 64385

Fix for user input processing in wxProgressDialog. Yield for input event processing before updating the dialog instead of doing it after this as the latter apparently doesn't always work. Closes #10645.

2010-05-22 17:48 VZ, revision 64384

Use GTK+ functions for wxDisplay implementation. There is no need to use Xinerama for what GDK can do itself (see #11053). Also don't check for Xinerama in configure when using wxGTK2.

2010-05-22 17:43 VZ, revision 64383

Restore selection on click in row/column selection mode in wxGrid. This might be less consistent with the other selection modes but seems to be more convenient in practice, so restore the old, 2.8 behaviour and select the entire row/column on a simply click in row/column selection mode. Closes #12062.

2010-05-22 16:57 VZ, revision 64382

Modify wxBoxSizer minimal size calculations to respect the proportions. Make wxBoxSizer minimal size big enough to not only give each item enough space to satisfy its minimal size but also to respect the proportions among the items by default.

2010-05-22 14:07 VZ, revision 64381

Set wild card in the base class too in wxGTK wxFileDialog. Calling wxFileDialogBase::SetWildcard() ensures that GetWildcard() returns the correct value after wxFileDialog::SetWildcard() was called. The new code will also work correctly if we change SetWildcard() to handle empty wildcard as the default one (see #12079). Closes #12080.

2010-05-22 13:58 VZ, revision 64380

Correct notebook sample layout. Use a sizer for the frame to make sure its initial and minimal size correspond to the best size of the panel inside it. Also add a Layout() call on the panel which was somehow not done initially. And finally don't centre the frame, this is unnecessary.

2010-05-22 12:51 VZ, revision 64379

Unset the debug report preview dialog as critical window when it's hidden. Otherwise no events can be dispatched to any other window after wxDebugReportPreviewStd::Show() is called, resulting in apparent hanging of the application as can be seen in debugrpt sample.

2010-05-21 22:13 RR, revision 64378

Second try to get wxDataViewChoiceByIndex and its name right, hopefully fixes #11970: wxDataViewChoiceRenderer set/get methods should use the current selection index not a string

2010-05-21 17:25 VZ, revision 64377

Document wxDocManager::CloseDocument(). CloseDocuments() was documented but not CloseDocument(), this probably wasn't intentional.

2010-05-21 15:17 VZ, revision 64376

Minor corrections to wxFont size-changing methods. Closes #11959.

2010-05-21 15:17 VZ, revision 64375

Erase the column label background in wxGrid to avoid display artefacts. Apparently the column label text is not always drawn correctly when double buffering is used, so erase the background completely before drawing the text. Unfortunately this might result in flicker but presumably correct display is more important. Closes #12055.

2010-05-21 15:17 VZ, revision 64374

Use ListView_CancelEditLabel() to implement wxListCtrl::EndEditLabel(). Windows XP and later finally added a special message to cancel label editing, use it if available. Also improve the documentation of this method. See #7663.

2010-05-21 14:52 VZ, revision 64373

Always define SIZEOF_WCHAR_T if it's not defined under Windows. The assumption that SIZEOF_EVERYTHING_ELSE is defined when SIZEOF_INT is is wrong. While wxWidgets configure does define all SIZEOF_XXX at once, SIZEOF_INT could also be defined in some third party headers (e.g. Python.h) and we still need to define the other ones. In particular, doing this fixes the problem with SIZEOF_WCHAR_T not being defined during wxPython build. Closes #12013.

2010-05-21 14:51 VZ, revision 64372

Simplify and correct MSW selection of background brush for children painting. Check for the transparency of the window background in MSWGetBgBrush() itself and let MSWGetBgBrushForChild() just return the brush to be used. This required adding a MSW-specific hack to wxPanel to allow inheriting background of wxNotebook by its children which is slightly ugly but is exactly what we need to do in this case and makes the rest of the code much simpler. Also add a possibility to set the background of the page containing the control being tested to the widgets sample to test for background inheritance. This shows problems with wxSlider and wxRadioBox backgrounds but they're not new with this patch. Closes #12057.

2010-05-21 14:51 VZ, revision 64371

Fix focus debugging in the controls sample. A wrong format string was used in Printf() resulting in useless output.

2010-05-21 14:07 VZ, revision 64370

Yet another fix to event propagation in scrolled windows. Calling ProcessEventLocally() didn't work because the command events were not propagated to the parent window any more, breaking a lot of things including wxDataViewCtrl event generation in the generic version. So do restore ProcessEvent() call but use it on the next handler (i.e. the window itself) and not this one now. This still results in some duplicate calls but at least the events should be passed everywhere where they are expected to arrive. wxScrollHelperEvtHandler must die. Closes #12078.

2010-05-21 13:46 VZ, revision 64369

Fix cast from pointer to int in wxDataViewCtrl. This fixes compilation in 64 bit. Closes #12073.

2010-05-21 00:04 VZ, revision 64368

Fix wxListCtrl::EndEditLabel() which simply didn't work. Also document it (even though it's wxMSW-only for now) and add a test for it in the sample. Closes #7663.

2010-05-20 21:54 JTN, revision 64367

Implementation of most wxDC drawing functions

2010-05-20 21:30 SC, revision 64366

fixing infinite recursion

2010-05-20 20:52 JTN, revision 64365

Very basic support for wxDC and wxMemoryDC (rectangles and brushes)

2010-05-20 20:50 SC, revision 64364

def include was missing

2010-05-20 20:43 SC, revision 64363

adding more infos, links

2010-05-20 20:39 RR, revision 64362

Make GetIndexOf() and get_path() work for virtual list models, fixes #12073: wxDataViewCtrl crashes when deleting an item

2010-05-20 20:06 SC, revision 64361

adding building iphone projects

2010-05-20 19:58 SC, revision 64360

support compiling for iphone

2010-05-20 19:56 SC, revision 64359

adding all iphone files

2010-05-20 19:33 VZ, revision 64358

Fix wxScrollHelperEvtHandler broken by recent changes to event processing. Use ProcessEventLocally() added in r64261 (which was probably the one to break this) to forward event to the window itself instead of ProcessEvent() in wxScrollHelperEvtHandler::ProcessEvent() implementation. Calling ProcessEvent() didn't work any more in a case when another event handler was pushed on a wxScrolledWindow: in this case the EVT_SIZE and EVT_PAINT handlers defined in the window itself were not called at all any more. Add a unit test checking for the even more tortuous than usual event processing path in this particular case.

2010-05-20 18:36 SC, revision 64357

adding support for iphone

2010-05-20 18:22 JTN, revision 64356

wxBitmap implementation (QPixmap). Missing masks, palettes and bitmaps depths.

2010-05-20 14:39 SC, revision 64355

fixing copy paste error

2010-05-20 14:06 SC, revision 64354

adapting to new API

2010-05-20 08:09 SC, revision 64353

utils_osx isn't part of base but of core, moving wxMacWakeUp to a file that really is in base

2010-05-19 23:03 VZ, revision 64352

Document that wxWindow::FindWindowByXXX() functions may return NULL. This seems obvious but apparently isn't completely so to everybody. Closes #12074.

2010-05-19 21:16 SJL, revision 64351

In wxUIActionSimulator::Char send a key down event first, then key up. Also set end of line style to native.

2010-05-19 20:42 SJL, revision 64350

Update documentation now the wxUIActionSimulator X11 implementation takes a wxKeyCode.

2010-05-19 15:39 SC, revision 64349

not needed anymore

2010-05-19 15:38 SC, revision 64348

moving wxMacWakeUp outside COCOA_CARBON clause, fixes #12068

2010-05-19 14:36 VZ, revision 64347

Document wxHTTP::SetPostBuffer(). Closes #12040.

2010-05-19 14:36 VZ, revision 64346

No changes, just add a comment. There is no need to reproduce wxBase64Encode() in wxHTTP code, should just use the existing function instead.

2010-05-19 14:36 VZ, revision 64345

Document wxHTTP::Connect(wxSockAddress) overload. See #12040.

2010-05-19 10:27 SC, revision 64344

splitting methods

2010-05-19 10:26 SC, revision 64343

common wxMacWakeUp code across all platforms

2010-05-19 10:25 SC, revision 64342
  • R /wxWidgets/trunk/src/osx/core/evtloop_cf.cpp

common wxMacWakeUp code across all platforms

2010-05-19 09:25 SC, revision 64341

adding methoddefs

2010-05-19 09:24 SC, revision 64340

set default resolutions in case of errors

2010-05-19 09:23 SC, revision 64339

using wx dynamic cast

2010-05-19 09:21 SC, revision 64338

removing unused var

2010-05-19 09:18 SC, revision 64337

missing commit, fixes #12067

2010-05-18 21:13 JTN, revision 64336

wxBrush implementation (QBrush)

2010-05-18 20:43 JTN, revision 64335

wxPen implementation (QPen)

2010-05-18 12:29 VZ, revision 64334

Add AM_PATH_WXRC to wxwin.m4 for backwards compatibility. Although the new WXRC_CHECK is preferred, still allow using AM_PATH_WXRC for the applications which need to build in both 2.8 and 2.9 environments. Closes #12069.

2010-05-18 12:29 VZ, revision 64333

Compilation fix for wxUSE_LOG_DEBUG==0 case. Don't do anything in wxDISABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING_IN_RELEASE_BUILD() if we don't use debug logging anyhow. Closes #12070.

2010-05-16 22:12 SJL, revision 64332

Rework wxUIActionSimulator X11 backend. Refactor key event sending into a separate function and move it into an anonymous namespace along with the existing SendButtonEvent. Replace much of the window and display code with a simpler alternative. Add conversion from a wxKeyCode to an X11 KeyCode as per wxMSW, to do this wxCharCodeXToWX and wxCharCodeWXToX declarations were moved to utilsx11.h and WXKeySym was defined.

2010-05-16 17:52 RR, revision 64327

Added quick implementation of wxDataViewChoiceByIndexRenderer, closes #11970 (wxDataViewChoiceRenderer set/get methods should use the current selection index

2010-05-16 17:44 FM, revision 64326

remove TestTimer() (adds nothing to existing tests) and move wxStopWatch tests to a new CppUnit test.

2010-05-16 17:36 RR, revision 64325

No-PCH compilation fix

2010-05-16 17:32 FM, revision 64324

move TestUtf8() and TestEncodingConverter() functions to UnicodeTestCase. Disable some code which does not run clean and mark it with FIXME comments (needs revision).

2010-05-16 17:29 RR, revision 64323

Part II of: Add GetChoice() and GetChoices() getters to all choice renderers and actually mention it in the docs

2010-05-16 17:26 RR, revision 64322

Add GetChoice() and GetChoices() getters to all choice renderers and actually mention it in the docs

2010-05-16 16:53 FM, revision 64321

remove ZIP tests: they seem to have been greatly expanded and enhanced by tests/archive/archive.cpp and tests/archive/ziptest.cpp

2010-05-16 16:44 RR, revision 64320

Don't call super class explicitly so overriding is possible, closes #12025 (wxDataViewVirtualListModel calls super-class' version of certain virtual methods).

2010-05-16 16:36 FM, revision 64319

remove wxDateTime tests which were already extracted as tests/datetime/datetime.cpp (keep only the interactive test)

2010-05-16 16:31 FM, revision 64318

move TestTextInputStream() function in CppUnit's TextStreamTestCase class

2010-05-16 16:30 RR, revision 64317

Applied #11755: wxBitmapToggleButton Xml Handler

2010-05-16 16:23 RR, revision 64316

Allow calling iter_children with parent being NULL, hopefully fixes #12035 (wxDataViewCtrl crashes when selecting item)

2010-05-16 16:02 PMO, revision 64315

Update to trunk r64311

2010-05-16 15:21 VS, revision 64314

Fix incorrect painting of backgrounds inside notebook. Children without transparent background (e.g. wxListBox) were still pained using notebook's background brush. They shouldn't, it should apply only to transparent-bg controls. This fix is not perfect, see #12057.

2010-05-16 14:31 VZ, revision 64313

Mention that stock bitmaps are a wxGTK-only feature for now. Apparently people expect to see stock bitmaps under MSW too, make it clear that they won't be used there. See #12051.

2010-05-16 14:31 VZ, revision 64312

Fix links to wxArtClient and wxArtID in the generated documentation. Add a "class" keyword to fix what looks like a bug in Doxygen. Closes #12052.

2010-05-15 17:24 PMO, revision 64311

Added wxCalendarCtrl implementation from Kolya Kosenko

2010-05-15 13:36 PMO, revision 64310

Remove obsolete qt files

2010-05-15 13:15 VZ, revision 64309

Clip drawing in wxRendererGeneric::DrawHeaderButtonContents(). Clip drawing of the icon and bitmap to the header rectangle. Don't clip the text because we already ellipsize it to avoid overflowing but do the ellipsization correctly, using wxControl::Ellipsize() instead of the simple (and wrong) duplicated version here. Also correct and simplify the alignment calculations. Closes #12047.

2010-05-15 13:15 VZ, revision 64308

Don't change the current pen and brush in DrawHeaderButtonContents(). Renderer methods shouldn't affect the functions drawing on the DC after it but the wxRendererGeneric implementation did. Use wxDC{Pen,Brush}Changer classes instead of calling wxDC::Set{Pen,Brush}() directly.

2010-05-15 12:47 VZ, revision 64307

Add more tests for wxRendererNative::DrawHeaderButton(). Test using icons and bitmaps in it. Also show the native/default implementation of this method and not only our overridden version. See #12047.

2010-05-15 12:47 VZ, revision 64306

Remove wxGTK-specific text shift in wxRenderer::DrawHeaderButtonContents(). This was probably related to the code removed by r63947 and doesn't seem to be needed here neither (and could presumably result in the same problems as in the ticket #11780).

2010-05-13 17:31 VZ, revision 64302

Never enable wxSpinCtrlGenericBase window itself at underlying toolkit level. We create wxSpinCtrlGenericBase window disabled at underlying toolkit level (but enabled at the level of wxWidgets API, of course), but calling Disable() and Enable() on it re-enabled it resulting in loss of mouse events under Windows. Don't re-enable it (again, at the low-level toolkit level only) in its Enable() any more but keep this window itself always disabled. Closes #12045.

2010-05-13 17:31 VZ, revision 64301

Use GetWidgets() in the widgets samples instead of GetWidget2(). Add a function which can be overridden to return an arbitrary number of widgets instead of having just GetWidget() and GetWidget2(): spin control page already uses 3 widgets (and defines GetWidget3() which is never called) and we could have even more in the future. Just use a generic solution which will always work. The practical consequence of this is that the "Enable/Disable" menu item now also enables and disables the wxSpinCtrlDouble in the spin page, see #12045.

2010-05-13 16:37 VZ, revision 64300

No changes, just cleanup the image part of the docview sample. Remove unnecessary, never used methods. Don't use pointers when objects or references can be used more safely. Don't name classes which are not part of wx with "wx" prefix to avoid confusing people. Don't define empty unnecessary event tables. Prefer wxScrolledWindow::SetVirtualSize() to SetScrollbars(). Stop using "protected" when "private" should be used.

2010-05-13 16:37 VZ, revision 64299

Document wxDocument::DeleteContents(). This method purpose was not quite clear as it was only mentioned in passing in documentation of OnCloseDocument() but not really documented itself. Also don't call it from wxDocument dtor as this is useless: the user-defined overridden version will never be called from here and the base class version does nothing.

2010-05-13 10:36 JMS, revision 64298

Make text drawn by wxGraphicsContext slightly less intrusive

2010-05-13 10:22 JMS, revision 64297

Added wxGraphicsContext::Create(const wxEnhMetaFileDC& dc) so that wxPrintPreview can work with wxMSW's wxGraphicsContext (closes #12028)

2010-05-13 08:25 VS, revision 64296

Add missing check for wxUSE_FILE_HISTORY existence.

2010-05-12 16:34 VZ, revision 64295

Refactor wxDocParentFrame and wxDocMDIParentFrame to share common base class. Use the same approach as for the child frames: add a base template class which allows wxDocParentFrame to inherit from wxFrame and wxDocMDIParentFrame from wxMDIParentFrame while still allowing to reuse the common code. This reduces code duplication and should make implementing parent AUI document frame easier as well, see #8945.

2010-05-12 10:18 VZ, revision 64294

Restore wxString::Printf() example showing position parameters in the docs. The example was lost during the translation of the manual to Doxygen. Closes #12038.

2010-05-11 23:25 FM, revision 64293

update the main page of the manual to be more consistent; update its date

2010-05-11 23:12 FM, revision 64292

fix errors/inconsistencies pointed out by ifacecheck

2010-05-11 23:10 FM, revision 64291

better error message when an inconsistency has been found

2010-05-11 21:44 FM, revision 64290

minor fixes to reduce number of Doxygen warnings

2010-05-11 21:39 FM, revision 64289

img tags need a final slash as they are empty tags; change <img> => <img/>

2010-05-11 21:37 FM, revision 64288

make H3 titles center-aligned (fixes the display of the manual version for HTML docs which currently appears left-aligned)

2010-05-11 12:40 JJ, revision 64287

Update OpenVMS comiles support

2010-05-11 12:39 VZ, revision 64286

Fix position for wxKeyEvents in wxMSW. Use ScreenToClient() instead of painstakingly (and incorrectly) transforming the position in this function itself. Closes #12024.

2010-05-11 09:16 FM, revision 64285

fix for non-PCH builds; also use wxMilliSleep instead of wxThread::Sleep since the former is more readable (it's clear that it takes milliseconds).

2010-05-10 23:48 FM, revision 64283

move code testing wxThread classes from the console sample to a new CppUnit test

2010-05-10 23:28 VZ, revision 64282

Build fix: forgotten part of the previous commit. This commit should have been part of r64281. Also notice that the previous commit message mentioned a wrong ticket number, see #10572.

2010-05-10 23:22 VZ, revision 64281

Add column parameter to wxListCtrl::GetItemText(). Allow retrieving the text from columns other than the first one directly. Add implementations for MSW and generic versions, documentation and a unit test. Closes #11597.

2010-05-10 23:10 VZ, revision 64280

Change wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT value to avoid clashing with wxCENTRE. Use a bit freed by removing wxTINY_CAPTION_HORIZ for wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT. This allows to move it out from the lower byte of the style word to avoid conflicts with the button selection flags which can be commonly combined with the dialog styles. More precisely, wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT used to clash with wxCENTRE, meaning that wxSingleChoiceDialog, for example, was always created without parent because its default style included wxCENTRE. This commit fixes this particular bug and probably more similar ones.

2010-05-10 23:09 VZ, revision 64279

Replace wxTINY_CAPTION_{HORIZ,VERT} with a single wxTINY_CAPTION. These two styles were always equivalent so we can just as well replace them with a single one and stop wasting an extra bit.

2010-05-10 23:09 VZ, revision 64278

No changes, just added comments summarizing the use of style bits. Add comments allowing to see more clearly the styles allocation. Please make sure to amend them if you change any style values in the future.

2010-05-10 23:02 VZ, revision 64277

Don't use wxWindow::ClearBackground() in the image sample and explain why. Painting on both wxPaintDC and wxClientDC simultaneously doesn't work well, e.g. under Windows the client DC can be actually erased after we finished painting the window contents, overwriting it. Simply use wxDC::Clear() instead of wxWindow::ClearBackground() to avoid this and document the danger of using ClearBackground() from EVT_PAINT handler. Closes #10700.

2010-05-10 21:40 SJL, revision 64276

Update remaining wxUIActionSimulator files to use native line endings.

2010-05-10 21:38 SJL, revision 64275

Treat a keycode passed to wxUIActionSimulator on MSW as a wxKeyCode, demonstrate in the sample and update the docs. Update line ending types to native.

2010-05-10 16:16 JMS, revision 64274

Make text printed by wxGraphicsContext shorter

2010-05-10 16:14 JMS, revision 64273

Use wxGraphicsContext to draw some text and a rectangle around it (so that GetTextExtent() can be verified to work correctly)

2010-05-10 15:54 JMS, revision 64272

In wxGDIPlusContext::GetTextExtent(), return more accurate text height if possible

2010-05-10 15:52 JMS, revision 64271

Set wxGraphicsContext page scale, which is required for printing to work properly

2010-05-10 14:40 SJL, revision 64270

Add basic keyboard example to wxUIActionSimulator sample

2010-05-10 09:51 SJL, revision 64269

Update wxUIActionSimulator sample to use screen position, now works correctly in MSW after the absolute positioning fix

2010-05-09 23:36 SJL, revision 64267

Update wxUIActionSimulator::MouseMove on MSW to use absolute positioning in line with the documentation

2010-05-09 20:59 SJL, revision 64266

Add basic MSW modifier key support to wxUIActionSimulator, as per OSX

2010-05-09 20:51 SJL, revision 64265

Tidy up spacing in wxUIActionSimulator

2010-05-09 16:55 VZ, revision 64264

Replace public wxEvtHandler::ProcessEventHere() with private TryHere(). ProcessEventHere() doesn't have to be public any more now that we have ProcessEventLocally() which is safe to call from the outside (i.e. doesn't forget about the chained event handlers and validators). Still keep this function because it makes the code more modular and also because we might want to make it virtual for consistency with TryBefore() and TryAfter() later. Also rename it to TryHere() to make the symmetry with these functions more manifest.

2010-05-09 16:55 VZ, revision 64263

Use ProcessEventLocally() instead of ProcessEventHere() in docview code. Use wxEvtHandler::ProcessEventLocally() instead of ProcessEventHere() when forwarding events in the docview code. This ensures that any event handlers chained with the objects involved (document manager, document, view) will be used. Incidentally the old code didn't work at all as ProcessEventHere() didn't even call TryBefore() where the (further) forwarding was implemented. Closes #10640.

2010-05-09 16:55 VZ, revision 64262

Add wxWindow::ProcessWindowEventLocally() and use it in wxMSW MDI code. Add ProcessWindowEventLocally() which wraps ProcessEventLocally() in the same way as ProcessWindowEvent() wraps ProcessEvent(). I.e. it allows to process the event in this window only, without propagating it upwards, but taking into account any event handlers associated with it. Use the new method in wxMDIParentFrame code in wxMSW to ensure that event handlers pushed on MDI children frames are taken into account. Add a test for this to the MDI sample. Closes #11225.

2010-05-09 16:55 VZ, revision 64261

Refactor the event processing code to add ProcessEventLocally(). This new method can be used to only process the event in this handler or any handlers connected to it (unlike ProcessEventHere() which doesn't follow the chain at all), without propagating the event upwards (unlike ProcessEvent()). Unfortunately implementing this required a field to wxEvent but there doesn't seem to be any other way to do what we need. There should be no user-visible changes after this commit, it just paves the way for the upcoming fixes.

2010-05-09 16:55 VZ, revision 64260

Call wxEvtHandler::TryBefore() only once from ProcessEvent(). The event pre-processing hooks associated with the window should be called only once during the event processing, we don't need to call TryBefore() for each and every event handler associated with the window too. This makes the code slightly simpler and faster and shouldn't change the behaviour of any existing code.

2010-05-09 12:48 JMS, revision 64259

Suppress SetFocus() warning in wxVListBoxComboPopup

2010-05-09 12:29 JMS, revision 64258

Supress SetFocus() warning in wxVListBoxComboPopup

2010-05-09 12:27 VS, revision 64257

Prevent idMenuTitle from being accidentally used as invalid wx ID.

2010-05-09 12:27 VS, revision 64256

Whitelist wxID_NONE as valid menu item ID.

2010-05-09 12:27 VS, revision 64255

Fixed popup menu's title to be bold regardless of method used. Popup menus with title set via SetTitle() had bold font, but menus created by passing title as ctor argument used normal font. Fixed this by using the same code (SetTitle) in both cases, instead of having two independent (and out of sync) implementations of the same functionality.

2010-05-09 11:36 SJL, revision 64254

Replace the bool modifier flags in wxUIActionSimulator with an int representing wxKeyModifier values

2010-05-08 17:31 VS, revision 64248

wxMsgCatalog destructor should be public. Fixes #12031.

2010-05-08 17:31 VS, revision 64247

Fixed a test in wxTranslations::GetString() to use UINT_MAX instead of -1. See #12031.

2010-05-08 12:28 VZ, revision 64246

Invalidate wxListBox best size immediately without waiting for idle time. Since r53743 the listbox best size was only invalidated during idle time but this meant that it could be laid out using incorrect old best size. So while we still defer (expensive) horizontal extent calculation until later, do invalidate the best size immediately to ensure the listbox is laid out correctly.

2010-05-08 01:38 VZ, revision 64245

Fix crash in wxCommandProcessor of capacity N when N-1 commands were undone. Performing N commands (where N is the maximal number of commands stored by wxCommandProcessor), undoing N-1 of them and performing another command resulted in a crash because a dangling pointer was left. Closes #12027.

2010-05-08 01:38 VZ, revision 64244

Fix assert during separator items creation introduced by r64226. Add separators with correct kind, setting m_kind doesn't work any more because it's overwritten below. Also add a comment explaining why is overriding the user-specified kind the right thing to do here.

2010-05-08 01:38 VZ, revision 64243

Fix bugs related to two phase creation of wxRibbon classes. Add missing wxRibbonControl::Create() method. Ensure that member variables are always initialized by the ctor. Check that we're fully initialized in EVT_SIZE handler. Closes #12018.

2010-05-07 15:38 JJ, revision 64241

Updating setup for OpenVMS

2010-05-07 08:45 VS, revision 64240

Integrate with GNOME's Recent Documents menu. GTK+ provides GtkRecentManager for this purpose since 2.10. Use it in wxFileHistory if available. Integration is simple, we just add a file to GtkRecentManager in addition to normal wxFileHistory handling. A well-behaved GNOME application would use GtkRecentManager as the primary store for recent files, so that it reflects when the user works with supported files in another editor(s) too. But for now, this is much better than no support at all.

2010-05-06 20:28 VS, revision 64239

Clarify that wxFileSystem::OpenFile() takes URL, not filename.

2010-05-06 19:42 JMS, revision 64232

Change wxPGProperty::SetChoices() to accept 'const wxPGChoices&'

2010-05-06 19:21 JMS, revision 64231

Modify float/double wxAny testing to use CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL() instead of CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(), so that we know the retrieved values are truly identical.

2010-05-06 14:58 VZ, revision 64230

Don't accept focus in the dummy main generic spin control window. This window is only used as a container for the sub-windows and shouldn't accept focus, trying to set it to it doesn't work anyhow (see #12004).

2010-05-06 14:58 VZ, revision 64229

Don't send wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRLDOUBLE_UPDATED when nothing changed. The generic double spin control sent UPDATED events whenever it lost focus, whether anything changed or not. Don't send events unless the controls value has really changed.

2010-05-06 14:58 VZ, revision 64228

Always update the value of generic spin control when leaving it. We could be left with an invalid value in the control when leaving it. E.g. in the widgets sample whose double spin control has range from 0 to 10, 123 could be entered in it and was not replaced by 10 when the control lost focus. This happened because the code didn't bother to update the text control if its contents already corresponded to the internally stored value -- but this was wrong as it could have a different representation. Just always update the text unconditionally when synchronizing it with the internal value. See #12004.

2010-05-06 14:58 VZ, revision 64227

Make keyboard navigation in generic wxTreeCtrl more Mac-like under OS X. In the native OS X tree control right cursor arrow expands the current item and the left one collapses it if it's expanded, make the generic control work like this too under Mac. Closes #12019.

2010-05-06 14:40 VZ, revision 64226

Check that menu ids are limited to MSW-supported range. We already check that positive (i.e. specified by user and not generated by wx) window ids are in 0..SHRT_MAX range. Now do the same for the menu ids as ids outside of this range suffer from the same problem under MSW: they get wrapped and become negative when we receive events for them.

2010-05-06 14:40 VZ, revision 64225

Added wxLANGUAGE_BOSNIAN. Closes #12016.

2010-05-06 14:22 VZ, revision 64224

Mention that hatched pens don't work under wxGTK and wxX11. See #11983.

2010-05-06 14:12 VS, revision 64223

Refactor wxTranslationsLoader API. Instead of calling back into wxTranslations to actually load the data, return wxMsgCatalog instance from wxTranslationsLoader::LoadCatalog(). This requires making wxMsgCatalog public.

2010-05-06 07:43 VS, revision 64222

Move wxScopedPtr::reset() implementation to wxDEFINE_SCOPED_PTR. Just as the destructor, reset() calls delete on T pointer and so can only be defined when T is fully defined.

2010-05-06 07:42 VS, revision 64221

Use wxCHECKED_DELETE in wxScopedPtr::reset(). It was only used in delete call in destructor, but the use in reset() needs safeguards as well.

2010-05-06 07:42 VS, revision 64220

Use wxCHECKED_DELETE in wxScopedPtr<T>. It was only used in macros-based implementation, use it in the template version too.

2010-05-05 15:53 VZ, revision 64219

Fix PCH-less compilation after recent changes. Include wx/sizer.h explicitly when not using PCH.

2010-05-05 15:50 VS, revision 64218

Fix incorrect assumptions about locales codes. wx incorrectly assumes that Unix locale codes have the form of xx_YY, where both xx and yy are two characters long. This is wrong, xx is ISO 639 code, which can often have 3 characters ("ast", "gez" etc.); future ISO 639-6 will have up to 4 chars. Similarly, ISO 3166 has alpha-3 variant of country codes too (even though they aren't used in this context today). For parsing needs, we can just look for '_' in the code. The only place where a check for xx_YY code was performed was GetSystemLanguage(). Instead of bothering with correct check (or a heuristic), let's simply assume locale is xx_YY code and only do alternative handling if that assumption fails. According to the comments, this alternative handling was for cases such as LANG=german environment on SuSE, but it's safe to say that no modern systems do that anymore, so it's OK that this patch is marginally less efficient on such legacy systems.

2010-05-05 14:45 VZ, revision 64217

No changes, just make wxDataViewEditorCtrlEvtHandler private. This class is used by wxDataViewCtrl implementation only, there is no need for it to be in a public header. Move the class declaration from wx/dataview.h to datavcmn.cpp. See #11732.

2010-05-05 14:45 VZ, revision 64216

Pop event handler from wxDVC edit control before destroying it. This fixes the assert in wxWindow dtor checking that all event handlers pushed on the window were removed. Also fix a memory leak by not creating an unnecessary object of wxKillRef class. In fact remove this class entirely. Closes #11732.

2010-05-05 14:27 VS, revision 64215

Don't use size_t for plural forms parameter. size_t should be used for size of objects, which wxGetTranslation() and wxTranslations::GetString() 'n' argument isn't -- it's just a regular integer.

2010-05-05 14:20 VZ, revision 64214

Notify user less intrusively about overflow when previewing HTML printouts. We used to show a modal dialog if the page didn't fit horizontally but this was too intrusive when the user was just previewing the output and not really printing it. Moreover, the question of the message box ("Print" or "Cancel") simply didn't make sense in this case. Fix both problems by not showing this dialog at all when previewing. Instead, notify the user with a much less intrusive info bar in the preview window.

2010-05-05 14:20 VZ, revision 64213

Move wxInfoBar to core library from adv. This is necessary in order to be able to use it in the print preview (an upcoming change).

2010-05-05 14:19 VZ, revision 64212

Replace wxPrintout::SetIsPreview() with SetPreview(). Unlike the old function just indicating whether a printout is being used for previewing, the new one associates the preview object with it. This can be useful if we need to access the window used for the preview, for example. Also remove a bunch of apparently unnecessary SetIsPreview(false) calls as printing (and not previewing) is already the default.

2010-05-05 14:19 VZ, revision 64211

No real changes, just clean up wxAbortProc mess. Remove m_lpAbortProc which is not needed at all and just requires ugly casts because its type was different from the real type of wxAbortProc. Get rid of the rest of the old Win16 code.

2010-05-05 14:19 VZ, revision 64210

Remove GtkPrintOperation preview signal handler. This handler wasn't doing anything useful as we were always using the default preview based on an external program, so just remove it completely.

2010-05-05 09:45 VS, revision 64209

Fix wxScopedCharTypeBuffer<T>::CreateOwned() to match docs. The documentation says that it takes ownership of the memory block passed to it, but the implementation made a copy.

2010-05-04 23:59 VZ, revision 64208

Ignore time component of SYSTEMTIME in wxCalendarCtrl. Native month calendar functions doesn't always return correct values in the time part of SYSTEMTIME so ignore it and use just the date component. To simplify doing it, add helper (MSW-specific) SetFromMSWSysDate() and GetAsMSWSysDate() functions which convert between wxDateTime and SYSTEMTIME but take only date component into account. This commit partially replaces changes of r63560 and closes #11276.

2010-05-04 18:38 VS, revision 64207

Fixed a typo in misc/languages/README.

2010-05-04 14:15 VS, revision 64205

Move wxFileHistory out of docview framework, add wxUSE_FILE_HISTORY.

2010-05-03 13:19 VZ, revision 64204

Use wxString::ToCDouble() instead of emulating it. No real changes, just replace the code which was working around the absence of a wxString::ToCDouble() with the call to the real thing now that we have it.

2010-05-03 10:02 JJ, revision 64203

Update OpenVMS compile support

2010-05-02 14:19 VZ, revision 64202

Fix PCH-less build after changes r64139. As wx/log.h is not included from wx/dynlib.h (via wx/msw/private.h) any longer, include it from here explicitly.

2010-05-02 14:19 VZ, revision 64201

Include <windows.h> before including <shellapi.h>. Although this is not needed with most compilers (including recent MinGW), including <shellapi.h> directly apparently doesn't work with some older MinGW versions. This fixes compilation after the changes of r64139.

2010-05-02 14:11 VZ, revision 64200

Create a branch for GSoC 2010 project for GUI classes unit testing by Steven Lamerton.

2010-05-02 14:10 VZ, revision 64199

Create a branch for GSoC 2010 project for wxMaskedEditCtrl implementation by Julien Weinzorn.

2010-05-02 14:09 VZ, revision 64198

Create a branch for GSoC 2010 project for Windows Vista/7 UI enhancements by Rickard Westerlund.

2010-05-02 14:06 VZ, revision 64197

Create a branch for GSoC 2010 project for wxRichTextCtrl image support enhancements by Mingquan Yang.

2010-05-02 14:01 VZ, revision 64196

Add wxTreeCtrl::{Clear,Set}FocusedItem(). Allow changing just the currently focused (not selected) item and also removing the focus completely. Closes #11599.

2010-05-02 13:48 VZ, revision 64195

Spell contributor name correctly. Use the spelling preferred by Nikolay himself, see #11599.

2010-05-01 23:42 PMO, revision 64194

Update to trunk r64193

2010-05-01 23:06 PMO, revision 64193

Added more stubs

2010-05-01 15:41 PMO, revision 64190

Detect qt paths via pkg-config

2010-05-01 15:38 PMO, revision 64189

Detect qt paths via pkg-config

2010-05-01 14:35 PMO, revision 64188

Improved MOC rules

2010-04-30 20:29 SC, revision 64187

updated headers

2010-04-30 20:29 SC, revision 64186

textctrl impl

2010-04-30 18:55 SC, revision 64185

adding wrapper for native UIWindow, using designated initializer for view controller

2010-04-30 18:53 SC, revision 64184

adjusting to API change of cocoa and carbon

2010-04-30 18:52 SC, revision 64183


2010-04-30 18:46 VS, revision 64182

Check in samples/dll for WXUSINGDLL. If it is set and DLL build of wx is used, emit an error, as the sample won't work correctly in that case.

2010-04-30 18:40 SC, revision 64181

moving value setting conformance to impl

2010-04-30 18:31 SC, revision 64180

iphone implementations

2010-04-30 15:32 JMS, revision 64179

Use scoped ptrs to managed wxAnyValueType instances. This fixes deallocation issues in some dynamic library use cases.

2010-04-30 11:29 SC, revision 64178

adding uifont support

2010-04-29 10:31 VS, revision 64165

Always use active wxTranslations instance via wxLocale. Don't use m_translations directly, if the user made changes to wxTranslations instance, it would be too confusing if calls through wxLocale compat API did nothing. Also don't change active wxTranslations object from wxLocale if already done by user, only call wxTranslations::Set() from wxLocale constructor if it wasn't already set by the user. Still do if wxTranslations instance currently in use was set by previous wxLocale on the locale stack.

2010-04-27 18:16 JS, revision 64163

wxRTC: fixed style selection reset after editing a style. wxRTC: can now edit line spacing in .1 increments from 1 to 2.

2010-04-27 18:10 JS, revision 64162

Font output fix

2010-04-27 18:09 JS, revision 64161

wxRTC: fixed style selection reset after editing a style. wxRTC: can now edit line spacing in .1 increments from 1 to 2.

2010-04-27 18:07 JS, revision 64160

Font output fix

2010-04-27 15:26 JMS, revision 64159

Safeguard against redundant registration of the same wxAnyValueType instance (by storing pointers in a set instead of a vector)

2010-04-27 11:38 VS, revision 64157

Use '+' in accelerators, not '-'. This was always GTK+ standard and even Windows uses it now, see the UX Guide.

2010-04-27 10:52 VZ, revision 64156

Fix typo in SIZEOF_WCHAR_T test. This fixes compilation under the platforms where SIZEOF_WCHAR_T != 4 (probably Windows only). Closes #11994.

2010-04-26 22:51 VS, revision 64155

Add support for storing translations in win32 resources.

2010-04-26 22:51 VS, revision 64154

Shorten lang names in wxTranslations, not wxFileTranslationsLoader. If a catalog with full language name ("fr_BE") doesn't exist, wxFileTranslationsLoader tries to look for just the base language ("fr") too. This isn't something specific to wxFileTranslationsLoader, it makes sense to do it regardless of the loader.

2010-04-26 22:51 VS, revision 64153

Add wxMemoryBuffer::release().

2010-04-26 22:51 VS, revision 64152

Add instance argument to wxLoadUserResource(). This makes it possible to load resources from other modules than the main executable.

2010-04-26 22:50 VS, revision 64151

Make wxLoadUserResource() declaration available to wxBase too.

2010-04-26 18:53 VZ, revision 64150

Add wxLoadUserResource() overload not copying the resource data. The existing wxLoadUserResource() copies the resource data which is often unnecessary. Add another overload which just returns the pointer directly to the resource data. Also move the function into base from core as it can be useful for the console applications as well. Finally, define wxUserResourceStr used by this function only in the same file where the function itself is defined instead of datacmn.cpp.

2010-04-26 18:46 CE, revision 64149

run script on windows

2010-04-26 18:33 RD, revision 64148

Move 2.8.11 tag to the proper place

2010-04-26 18:23 VZ, revision 64147

Remove a harmless unused parameter warning in wxOSX/Carbon.

2010-04-26 16:19 VZ, revision 64146

Fix wxGTK1 event loop definition mismatch between base/GUI. We must define wxEventLoopBase in the same way in base and GUI code, otherwise, even though we fool the compiler into accepting our code, it crashes or behaves otherwise weirdly during run-time because of vtbl mismatch. This fixes wxGTK1 which was crashing on startup since the FSWATCHER branch merge in r62474 and associated changes to support the event loop sources.

2010-04-26 16:19 VZ, revision 64145

Use wxMenuBar::Attach/Detach() instead of SetInvokingWindow() in wxGTK1. This is the same as r64127 for wxGTK.

2010-04-26 16:19 VZ, revision 64144

Fix wxGTK1 link after toolbar files renaming. Fix a typo in r62849: tooltip.cpp was used instead of toolbar.cpp resulting in linking errors for the duplicate symbols in the former and undefined symbols in the latter.

2010-04-26 16:19 VZ, revision 64143

Set popup menu invoking window in wxWindowBase and not in all ports. Don't duplicate the code for setting (and unsetting, which was forgotten by at least wxGTK) the popup menu invoking window in all ports but do it in the base class PopupMenu() itself. Also add a helper wxMenuInvokingWindowSetter class which ensures that the invoking window will be unset in any case.

2010-04-26 16:19 VZ, revision 64142

Don't set invoking window recursively in wxGTK wxWindow::PopupMenu(). Setting the invoking window for all submenus is unnecessary as wxMenu::GetWindow() recurses upwards anyhow and results in assert failures after recent menu code changes. Simply don't do this. OTOH do reset the invoking window to NULL after the menu is dismissed to avoid storing a dangling pointer in the menu.

2010-04-25 23:33 FM, revision 64140

no real change: just fix RCS-ID so that it reflects the current revision number

2010-04-25 14:07 VS, revision 64139

Don't include wx/msw/private.h from dynlib.h. Because it's private header and introduces dependency on window.h.

2010-04-25 14:07 VS, revision 64138

Declare various WXH* handles compatibly with SDK. It is no longer necessary to cast between e.g. HINSTANCE and WXHINSTANCE, they are now declared as the same type (without including Windows SDK header).

2010-04-24 22:39 VZ, revision 64136

Remove unnecessary duplicate code dealing with invoking window from wxOSX. This is roughly the same as r64127 for wxGTK but for wxOSX: don't duplicate the functionality already present in the base class in Mac-specific way. Just use wxMenu::GetWindow() instead of painstakingly propagating invoking window changes via the entire menu hierarchy. Also attach the root menu used in wxOSX to the menu bar to ensure that the correct window can be found for all its menus. Closes #11990.

2010-04-24 22:39 VZ, revision 64135

Recurse upwards the menu hierarchy in wxMenu::GetWindow(). Only the top level menus have non-NULL wxMenuBar pointer too, so recurse upwards the menu hierarchy in GetWindow() and not (just) GetInvokingWindow(). This fixes event processing for submenus broken by the recent changes.

2010-04-24 19:52 VZ, revision 64134

Disable ImageTestCase::LoadFromFile() on build slaves. This test case keeps failing erratically resulting in too many bogus build breakage notifications. Disable it until someone has time to fix it properly.

2010-04-24 19:20 PMO, revision 64133

Update to trunk r64122 to get fix for wxMenu::SendEvent()

2010-04-24 19:08 PMO, revision 64132

Handle Qt signals for menu items

2010-04-24 19:06 PMO, revision 64131

wxQtAction implementation

2010-04-24 18:59 VZ, revision 64130

A slightly better compilation fix after PCH-less build breakage in r64126. Include wx/frame.h header instead of casting wxFrame to wxWindow using C style cast. Although this does work now and probably will work later too it seems better to not use the cast nevertheless.

2010-04-24 18:10 VS, revision 64129

Added missing @since tags to wxTranslationsLoader classes.

2010-04-24 16:40 PC, revision 64128

non-pch build fix

2010-04-24 17:08 VZ, revision 64127

Don't use invoking window in wxGTK wxMenuBar implementation. wxGTK wxMenuBar used its own SetInvokingWindow/UnsetInvokingWindow() and related functions instead of reusing the base class Attach/Detach() which exist for exactly the same purpose. This resulted in unnecessary code duplication and confusion and, since the changes of r64104, resulted in asserts due to use of SetInvokingWindow() for non-popup menus. Fix this by removing the wxGTK-specific functions and doing the work they used to do in (now overridden) Attach() and Detach(). Also call Attach/Detach() instead of these functions from wxGTK wxFrame and wxMDIParentFrame code.

2010-04-24 17:07 VZ, revision 64126

Use wxMenu::GetWindow() instead of GetInvokingWindow() in SendEvent(). This simplifies the code as we don't need to walk the menu hierarchy upwards any more (GetInvokingWindow() does it now) and also makes it work for all menus, not just the popup ones.

2010-04-24 17:07 VZ, revision 64125

Avoid code duplication in wxGTK menu events generation code. Reuse the existing DoCommonMenuCallbackCode() function instead of duplicating its code in menuitem_select() and menuitem_deselect() GTK callbacks. No changes in behaviour.

2010-04-24 17:07 VZ, revision 64124

No real changes, just remove empty wxMenuBar dtor in wxGTK.

2010-04-24 17:07 VZ, revision 64123

Move wxMSW wxMenu::GetWindow() down to wxMenuBase. GetInvokingWindow() can only be used for the popup menus which have the invoking window, so add a new function which can be used to get the window associated with any kind of menu in all ports -- it already existed in wxMSW but is needed elsewhere too.

2010-04-24 13:09 PMO, revision 64122

Update to trunk r64121

2010-04-24 12:13 JMS, revision 64121

Allow wxPGProperty::Hide() to be called on unattached property (see #11987)