

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-06-06 19:18 VZ, revision 15765

marked the most important backwards incompatible changes with an exclamantion sign

2002-06-06 19:17 RD, revision 15764

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-06-06 18:50 RD, revision 15763

Fix for compilation error in Unicode mode

2002-06-06 18:36 RD, revision 15762

Switch back to not using wxPopupWindow since wxMSW's version can't handle it...

2002-06-06 18:31 VZ, revision 15761

wxMutex changes (explicitly specify the type), return values for all wxMutex/wxSemaphore/wxCondition methods and general cleanup

2002-06-06 17:37 RD, revision 15760

Added wxPyWindow and wxPyControl which are just like their wx counterparts except they allow some of the more common C++ virtual methods to be overridden in Python derived classes. Changed wxGenButton to derive from wxPyControl.

2002-06-06 16:06 JS, revision 15759

Corrected typo in wxStringHashTable::Delete

2002-06-05 23:30 VZ, revision 15758

reverted wxPopupWindow implementation to the original version using WS_CHILD and desktop as parent; this fixes the activation problem but reopens the other ones

2002-06-05 23:13 VZ, revision 15757

VC++ warning fix

2002-06-05 22:37 VZ, revision 15756

bring the parent of a wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT frame to the top when deleting it as Windows doesn't do it automatically

2002-06-05 21:11 JS, revision 15755

Added documentation for wxHelpProvider::RemoveHelp

2002-06-05 21:06 JS, revision 15754

Added Delete member to wxStringHashTable in order to implement wxHelpProvider::RemoveHelp, which is now called from ~wxWindowBase. Without cleaning up the hash tables, reused window addresses will cause the CS help to fail rather comically over time.

2002-06-05 20:50 RD, revision 15753

wxMac SWIGged updates

2002-06-05 20:00 GD, revision 15752

applied SourceForge patch # 544164 (hidden virtual method in wxMenuBar)

2002-06-05 16:45 RD, revision 15751

minor updates

2002-06-05 16:30 RD, revision 15750

Give wxMSW's wxDirDialog support for wxDD_NEW_DIR_BUTTON

2002-06-05 13:03 VZ, revision 15749

updated version from Henrik Ræder Clausen

2002-06-04 20:17 RD, revision 15748

Fixed a strange MSVC compile error (C2253) It thought a pure virtual function was being defined...

2002-06-04 20:05 VZ, revision 15747

added new Danish translator

2002-06-04 19:27 RD, revision 15746

Fix and update the note about handling EVT_KEY_DOWN preventing EVT_CHAR from being sent.

2002-06-04 19:25 RD, revision 15745

Changed FindTExt intercase to more easily handle additional flags. Fixed GetCharAt and GetStyleAt to only return values 0..255 instead of possibly negative values.

2002-06-04 18:14 VZ, revision 15744

added test for wxProgressDialog::Resume

2002-06-04 18:09 VZ, revision 15743

added default parameter values to the overloaded Show() and Enable() versions

2002-06-04 18:08 VZ, revision 15742

(re)enable Cancel button in Resume()

2002-06-04 15:00 VZ, revision 15741

added incremental keyboard search to wxTreeCtrl