

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-07-01 13:35 VZ, revision 71912

Implement wxDisplay::GetFromWindow() for wxGTK/Windows. As wxWindow doesn't have an associated HWND when using wxGTK, use MonitorFromPoint() instead of MonitorFromWindow() for this port. Closes #14408.

2012-07-01 13:35 VZ, revision 71911

Fix the use of AutoHBITMAP in recently added LoadImageFromResource(). Assignment operator of AutoHBITMAP doesn't work as expected (and probably should be removed/fixed), avoid its use by explicitly calling Init(). Closes #14425.

2012-07-01 01:41 VZ, revision 71910

No changes, just suppress an unused variable warning. Omit the name of the exception object that we never use.

2012-07-01 01:41 VZ, revision 71909

VC6 compilation fix for the grid sample. Use Connect() instead of Bind() which is not available for VC6.

2012-07-01 01:41 VZ, revision 71908

Make wxBookCtrlBase::GetPage() virtual to fix it for wxAuiNotebook. wxAuiNotebook doesn't store its page in the base class m_pages array, so calling GetPage() on it via a wxBookCtrl pointer resulted in a crash. Make GetPage() virtual to allow overriding it at wxAuiNotebook level. Closes #13768.

2012-07-01 01:41 VZ, revision 71907

Add skeleton documentation for wxAuiNotebook-related classes. Closes #14386.

2012-07-01 01:41 VZ, revision 71906

Implement hatched/stippled pens/brushes in wxGraphicsContext for Cairo. Refactor the pen/brushes classes to introduce a common base class for them containing their colour and hatch pattern and stipple bitmap, if any. And actually create the hatched pattern and use it. Closes #11981.

2012-07-01 01:41 VZ, revision 71905

Added internal wxHatchStyle enum. It's annoying that the same code for hatched pens and brushes can't be reused without relying on deprecated wxXXX_HATCH constants, so add new, non-deprecated, wxHatchStyle enum that can be used in such code.

2012-06-30 22:59 RD, revision 71897

Only disable generation of dependencies if more than one architecture is being built.

2012-06-30 22:59 RD, revision 71896

Move a couple standard virtuals to protected sections so they can be overridden in derived classes

2012-06-30 22:59 RD, revision 71895

Interface fix for Phoenix

2012-06-30 22:39 PC, revision 71894

support for GTK3

2012-06-30 18:33 VZ, revision 71893

Force wide char environment version initialization in wxGetEnvMap(). When using MSVC CRT, the wide character version of the environment is not always initialized when using main() (and not _wmain()) as entry point, so force initializing it before using _tenviron. Closes #14231.

2012-06-30 18:33 VZ, revision 71892

Add a unit test verifying that wxSpinCtrl ctor doesn't generate any events. This shouldn't happen but did (and apparently still does, sometimes) under MSW so add a test verifying that no events are generated by the ctor. See #14428.

2012-06-30 18:33 VZ, revision 71891

Use wxString::t_str(), not fn_str(), with Windows API functions. fn_str() is supposed to be used with the CRT functions taking file names only, not Windows API functions that always take LPCTSTR with all compilers/CRT versions. Closes #14433.

2012-06-30 18:33 VZ, revision 71890

Define wxEntry() with WinMain-compatible signature for all Windows ports. Make wxEntry(HINSTANCE, ...) available in wxGTK under Windows too. Refactor the headers to allow this and extract Windows-specific wxEntry() declarations in wx/msw/init.h from wx/msw/app.h for consistency with the normal wxEntry(int, char**) declared in wx/init.h. Closes #14423.

2012-06-30 18:33 VZ, revision 71889

Use bitmaps from resources by default in wxGTK under Windows. Use wxBITMAP_TYPE_{BMP,CUR,ICON}_RESOURCE by default under Windows, even for non-wxMSW ports. Also allow loading wxImage from resources in all ports under MSW as a side effect of this change. Closes #14425.

2012-06-30 18:33 VZ, revision 71888

Add wxRibbonBar::DeletePage() and ClearPages() methods. Also add a trivial GetPageCount() helper. Closes #14437.

2012-06-30 18:33 VZ, revision 71887

Update debugging macros overview in the docs. Describe how the debugging macros really work since 2.9.1, i.e. explain wxDEBUG_LEVEL and NDEBUG instead of __WXDEBUG__. Closes #14435.

2012-06-30 18:33 VZ, revision 71886

Create wxStaticBoxSizer elements as children of wxStaticBox in XRC. As we now recommend creating the controls shown inside wxStaticBox as its children, and not siblings, follow our own recommendation by doing just this in XRC handler of wxStaticBoxSizer. Also add a test of using a tooltip with a wxStaticBoxSizer element to the XRC demo showing that tooltips do work now for them, unlike before. Closes #14431.

2012-06-30 18:33 VZ, revision 71885

Don't hard code horizontal border for wxStaticBox in wxGTK. Compute the border width from the average character width instead of hard coding it to 5 pixels. Probably doesn't make much difference in practice, but seems to make more sense.

2012-06-30 18:33 VZ, revision 71884

Fix vertical offset for wxGTK wxStaticBox without label. Don't use different size for the vertical border in wxStaticBox just because it doesn't have any label, this just doesn't seem necessary and results in different appearance for the static box with and without label. Closes #14430.

2012-06-30 01:55 VZ, revision 71883

Fix generation of wxEVT_CHAR in wxMSW wxComboBox. wxEVT_CHAR shouldn't be generated at all if wxEVT_KEY_DOWN was handled but it still was for wxComboBox because the code in its MSW implementation directly called HandleKeyDown() and HandleChar() methods, bypassing the logic dealing with m_lastKeyDownProcessed at wxWindow level. Fix this by calling MSWHandleMessage() instead to ensure that WM_CHAR after a handled WM_KEYDOWN are ignored as they ought to.

2012-06-29 08:44 JJ, revision 71881

Add wxUSE_COMPILER_TLS to OpenVMS setup file

2012-06-28 14:11 SC, revision 71879

unconditionally include coretext-replacement function when having a deployment target of 10.5