

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-07-06 18:39 PC, revision 71967

guard against empty name field in inotify_event, see #14466

2012-07-05 20:56 VZ, revision 71966

Rename WX_2_9_4 tag to WX_2_9_4-rc1 as it doesn't correspond to final 2.9.4.

2012-07-04 19:09 VZ, revision 71965

Use list mode in wxListbook list control instead of report. Use wxLC_LIST instead of wxLC_REPORT when we don't have any icons. This makes the code simpler as wxLC_LIST is more similar to wxLC_ICON which we used, and continue to use, when we do have icons, because we don't need to add and remove any columns on the fly. And it fixes the appearance of wxListbook without images with wxBK_TOP or wxBK_BOTTOM styles as it now lays out its items horizontally and not vertically as before. It also fixes the best size calculation of wxListbook control since the changes to wxListCtrl best size calculations in r71733 as a nice side effect. Closes #14451.

2012-07-04 18:42 SC, revision 71964

supporting alignment in single line controls, see #14452

2012-07-04 18:30 SC, revision 71962

using correct constant

2012-07-04 18:17 SC, revision 71961

fixing another reference to wrong center flag

2012-07-04 18:15 SC, revision 71960

correcting text alignment flag

2012-07-04 13:45 VZ, revision 71959

Fix problem with most of wxGTK headers not being installed. GTK2_HDR should also include all the version-independent wxGTK headers. Closes #14455.

2012-07-04 13:45 VZ, revision 71958

Rename all setup0.h files to setup.h in git-based release script. We also need to rename wx/univ/setup0.h and wx/gtk/setup0.h and it probably doesn't hurt to rename all the other ones even if though they're unused anyhow.

2012-07-04 13:45 VZ, revision 71957

Put the README file used for SourceForge files page under version control. And this is another thing to do for the release.

2012-07-04 13:45 VZ, revision 71956

Remove duplicate item about Trac changes from release tech note. Part of the additions of r71951 was already present in this file, just in another place.

2012-07-04 13:45 VZ, revision 71955

Run unix2dos in quiet mode in git-oriented release script. Don't flood the screen with the messages about converting the files, we know that we convert them, this is what we run the bloody thing for.

2012-07-03 22:02 VZ, revision 71954

Create tag WX_2_9_4

2012-07-03 22:01 VZ, revision 71953

Also update the minimal GTK+ version in the introduction manual page. And mention GTK+ 3 there too.

2012-07-03 21:59 VZ, revision 71952

Update the date in the manual before 2.9.4 release. And mention the need to do it in the tech note for the next time.

2012-07-03 21:58 VZ, revision 71951

Updated readme and changelog for 2.9.4 release. Also add more things to do before the release to the tech note.

2012-07-03 21:41 VZ, revision 71950

Remove unnecessary checks for OS X 10.4 and gcc 4.0 in configure. As 10.4 is not supported any more, don't check for it. Also don't impose the use of gcc 4.0 for compiling wxOSX/Carbon as this compiler doesn't exist any more under OS X 10.7 but wxOSX/Carbon can be compiled using gcc 4.2 if 10.6 SDK is selected, so this change allows to build wxOSX/Carbon under 10.7.

2012-07-03 07:37 PC, revision 71948

synchronize GTK2 minimum version in docs

2012-07-03 00:59 VZ, revision 71947

Fix wxGTK compilation with MSVC after GTK+ 3 changes. Don't use preprocessor conditions inside a macro invocation, MSVC doesn't support this. Closes #14448.

2012-07-02 17:56 PC, revision 71946

add some mention of GTK3 support

2012-07-02 17:08 VZ, revision 71945

Temporarily disable the failing wxRichTextCtrl case. Disable CaretPosition() unit test as it is broken now. This is only temporary to allow tests to pass in 2.9.4, will be reenabled (and hopefully fixed) later.

2012-07-02 17:05 VZ, revision 71944

Clear larger area in wxGCDC::Clear(). Clearing a rectangle of size 32000 was not always enough to clear the entire DC, so use INT_MAX instead -- this is the best we can do with the current approach. Closes #13445.

2012-07-02 17:03 VZ, revision 71943

Keep client data in sync when deleting items from wxOSX wxComboBox. Correspondence between item indices and their client data was broken if any items were deleted or the combobox was cleared entirely. Fix this by updating the client data array whenever this happens. Closes #14147.

2012-07-02 17:03 VZ, revision 71942

Preserve client data in wxComboBox::SetString() in wxOSX/Cocoa. Don't reset the client data to NULL when we're just changing the item text. Closes #14146.

2012-07-02 17:03 VZ, revision 71941

Set string in wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED event in wxOSX/Cocoa. Pass the selected string and not only its index in the event generated when combobox selection changes in wxOSX/Cocoa. Closes #14383.